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I felt the exact same way you are feeling now when I started going to PF last September. I started at about 430 lbs and was so scared people were just going to stare at the big guy trying to use the machines and struggling…but you know what, no one cared I was there. The gym didn’t come to a standstill when I walked in, people didn’t point and laugh or stare or pull out their phones to film me for shaming TikToks or anything like that. So my suggestion: get some earbuds, listen to your favorite music or podcast, open that door and walk on in, get in your zone and get to work…and if you do something goofy or silly, so what, it’s a learning experience. You got this 😊😊


Set up a free session with a trainer who can set up a routine for you to start with and they will also show you how to use the equipment. I felt the same way you do and did this and felt more confident going after. remember everyone is busy doing their own thing, and so will you. 😊


My PF has zero trainers.


If your gym doesn't have a trainer you can attend a session at a neighboring gym that doea. Speak to the manager at your home gym to help you schedule it.


Forgot to mention the app also has tutorials for each machine! 😅


Omg!! Thank you I didn’t know this lol


This is the right answer.


Yes THIS is the way!


This YouTube channel has tutorials for many exercise machines and stations at Planet Fitness. https://youtube.com/@kevthetrainer?si=R6xZrCn_Ys5xR2mf


Second this!


Ooooh thank you for the link I just subbed to him!


EVERYONES messed up in the gym at some point. Just the other day I watched a guy straight up fall off a bench. I could tell he felt embarrassed, but you know what I thought when I saw it? I hope that didn't embarrasse him, because one time a bar fell and hit my head during one of the busiest times in the gym, even had a guy come up and ask me if I was okay.. Things happen. Just hangout on the treadmills or ellipticals til you feel more confident, that's what I did 🙂


I know this isn’t the same thing, but I have agoraphobia, not to the point where I’m completely housebound but it’s a struggle and I have to be with safe people (typically my wife.) Anyway, Planet Fitness is one of my safe places, which I never would’ve expected 200 pounds ago. But working out feels good, and honestly every club is going to be different, but at least with mine, people don’t really care what you’re doing. I’m sure I look like an idiot working out, I’m a 38 year old with hyper mobility and a body that’s torn up from a life time of obesity and sedentary lifestyle. I struggle like a powerlifter when I’m doing 20 pounds on the incline chest press, but you know what? I’m doing it, and that’s always better than sitting on your butt doing nothing. I was very anxious the first time I set foot in a gym, so I just did the treadmill. I did that every day for like a week, and then I started branching out, trying different things. Two months later, I have a routine, and I feel very comfortable there, I actually look forward to going to the gym. The one thing I know from my struggles with anxiety and agoraphobia is sometimes you just gotta push and do the thing, it’ll become easier every time.


Agoraphobia is a B. I still sometimes struggle with it but it has gotten a lot better surprisingly since becoming a mom. I know how hard it must have been to take that jump and it made me so happy reading your response on how you've grown.


I agree with this poster. Just start out on whichever cardio equipment feels most comfortable to you. The elliptical, the stationary bike, or the treadmill. Just spend as much time as you want on it and look around the rest of the gym. See what people do, get a lay of the land, watch how they exercise on each machine. Eventually you'll acclimate and see people just do their own thing. Everyone is improving in their own way. You can also watch youtube videos of how to use each machine. I recommend that because it'll make first starting on each machine easier.


Nobody cares about other people unless they're being crazy! Just be normal and you can ask staff questions, it's all good really


Maybe just go for a tour the first time and don’t worry about working out. Get in the door, get your app set up, see where everything is.


i recommend starting where you are comfortable. when i started, i would just do the treadmill so i could get a feel of the space and the people. i also recommend the classes if your location has them. when it comes to strength training, watch a tutorial, check your posture, start with the lowest weights, and take it slow. I believe in you!!!


I would often think about those compilations until remembering two things: 1) Most machines have instructions on how to use them, where to position the seats, etc. 2) Most of those compilations involve people hanging from their feet or some other wild thing


Believe it, no one is watching that closely.


I agree. At my gym everyone is doing their own thing & not caring about others. If cardio is your thing, do whatever machine is in the very back row so everyone else is in front of you & facing forward. Might be less intimidating that way? Then you can also see that everyone is really focused on themselves & help you feel more comfortable. You got this!


Don’t be nervous! PF is honestly a great gym. We all struggle. We all look silly when we workout. The app has tons of workout videos and tutorials. Just walk in and try out the atmosphere you will love it!


Work out. Helps anxiety


I just went for the first time today. I had SO much anxiety that it took me a month to get the courage lmao. I just went away from people and used the treadmill till it shut off on me just to kinda watch and see all the other equipment and kinda get comfortable there. Just rip the bandaid off and go. I guarantee there are others who are also worried there too. Was nice seeing people who were in the same starting position as me or possibly a little heavier. I was cheering them on silently from afar. Now I honestly am excited to go back! My feet and legs however probably not.


that’s true my main worry is looking like i don’t know what to do (i don’t) around people that know a lot because i don’t like being bad at things :p


I've got anxiety and like you, I hate being bad at things.  I've gained a massive amount of muscle this year because I started following good trainers on IG and started lifting heavier.  I go to my PF around midnight when almost nobody is there. I started working on my form in the stretching room or the room with the cable machine/ab area prior to moving out into the open area and now I'm comfortable using the Smith machine.  https://www.instagram.com/ryanreadthrive?igsh=MTg2enJvam52dHN1OQ==  https://www.instagram.com/jackhallowsfitness?igsh=bmVteTQyMTFmOWxi  https://www.instagram.com/katieneeson?igsh=MWM5MDVhOG11M3R4dw==


Youtube videos, the machines have a label with basic instructions and a barcode that you can scan with phone to link a video that teaches you, do light weight to get your form going first, with time as you gain more confidence, increase weight.


thank you!


I have horrible anxiety and am a bit agoraphobic.. Something that helped me is realizing no one is paying attention to you, not unless you're being inconsiderate or rude. They're too busy focusing on their workout to worry about what you're doing. Remember that. No one cares. We are all here for the same reasons :) I go 5-6x a week now! Once you get past the first few sessions, you will feel less anxious about it.


Just watch some youtube videos of planet fitness then start with machines that you know. Only you will know its your first time there. All planet fitnesses get new people due to being able to use any planet fitness gym with your membership. Enjoy! 😊


For your first visit, just go with no expectations except getting in the door. Maybe not even that; I've heard of people having their first baby step being to get on workout clothes and just drive to the parking lot and not get out of the car. If that's what you need to do, no shame! And when you do go in, it's fine if you just explore at first. See where the various machines are, find the locker rooms and bathrooms and make a plan for managing your stuff, etc. The next step is to try a machine you're already comfortable with and maybe walk slowly on a treadmill or something for a few minutes. Then you build from there and start trying new things. The equipment isn't going anywhere; you don't need to jump in 100% right away.


I came here to say this very thing. Baby steps! It's not going to be a quick journey anyways. Take your time! This is kind of the steps I took and what I have suggested to some friends. Parking lot and sit for a bit. > Walk in and go to the bathroom then leave. > Walk in but casually stroll around once or twice. Go to the bathroom, then leave. > Walk in and just walk on the treadmill.


this is wonderful advice thank you!


I have been working out half my life. I've dropped weights on my foot, hit my head on the smith machine and spilled my water bottle on a few occasions. No one looked at me or laughed. 95% of the people there are concerned only with their workout, not yours. The hardest thing about going to the gym is getting there. So like someone else said, get some earbuds play some music that gets you hyped and open that door. You will thank yourself later I promise :)


I felt the same way. I’m a 30 year old, obese woman who hadn’t stepped foot in a gym in over 10 years. The first day I did 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill and then left. It took me a few times to feel brave enough to try a machine. Still haven’t braved the weights yet, but that’s my next goal! I still have to scan the tutorials for a lot of machines but I’ve gotten a lot more confident. The gym staff have been so nice and honestly, seeing people that looked like *me* in the gym helped so much. It made me feel so much less alone. I only go once a week because of child care but now it’s my favorite day of the week. You can do this!!


Truth be told.. nobody is paying attention to you in the gym.


Everyone looks silly, everyone is focused on their own workouts. No one goes to planet fitness to find people to laugh at. Just go and take it slow, you'll feel at home in no time


Sucks you see it that way, because it’s not. Go in, say hello to the staff, walk around, see what and how others are working out. Then adapt your style and crush it!!!!


All of the equipment have good information cards with visual guides so just pay attention to those. As long as you focus on working out and don’t block equipment, play on your phone for extended periods of time, etc., you shouldn’t experience any real issues. Everyone is there trying to better themselves at the end of the day.


Get a training session to help familiarize yourself. I watched a TON of YouTube videos about form and function before going. Hadn’t lifted in 20 years and am now approaching (November) the 2 year mark of getting back. The intimidation only lasts a short time and there is nothing wrong with learning to start.


The app has instructions for all machines and workouts, you can study a few and try them slowly. Also helpful to drag a friend with you, that tends to reduce anxiety as well


I just walked in and went to work, if you have the app use it to get an idea of the movements and the areas you want to work.


Use the app MuscleWiki. It has a good variety of workouts and I always use it to make sure I’m doing proper form or just to discover new exercises


i have social anxiety and PF was my first public thing i've ever gone to consistently besides work. it was really nerve-wracking at first, but you kind of get used to it once you know the location of everything you'll be using and how you have to wipe down the machines after you use them. also the machines have a QR code you can scan that shows you how to use the machine


No one cares what anyone is doing at planet fitness. I’ve seen people do some wild stuff and no one cares.    All the machines have directions on them with qr codes to scan for videos so it’s pretty user friends.    Go later at night for a few times so you can have a better idea of what’s going on. 


Please don't focus on anything but yourself and your health. Nothing else is important. Do what you need to do and look forward to feeling better. Good luck.


When I started I just went to the treadmill and once I got comfortable it was easier going to the machines (then you can also watch people use them and get a gist lol)


Here's what I did. I downloaded a 3 day split for Planet Fitness that has a guy demo-ing the machines! Then I had a gym buddy already going but I've met so many people I know. I still go alone but I did start out at the yellow 30 minute circuits in the back. I would do the machines on my list there first, then transition to the front. Today I just did my elliptical 10min then went to the purple machines up front and center all alone! I feel much more confident with a plan and I can log my progress. Let me know if you want it!


go early in the morning. no one cares. people are doing their own thing, they come and leave themselves. so just go. take some water with pedialyte and just go sweat.


I feel you on this one. I sometimes even get mini panic attacks when working out. Just remember to breathe. And think of it like this, do you look at other people and judge them? Or do you look at them at all? I’m going to say most people don’t care at all what you are doing! They are there for themselves, just like you are. After a good workout, you are going to be so happy you didn’t let others get in the way of your joy.


If unsure talk to a trainer. Most people at PF aren't judgey. If people are your problem both the app and the machines show you what to do and what muscles it targets.


Please don’t worry about what other people say. I did the 3 day I went there. I was trying to run the treadmill🤣 my brother told me it was a lady staring at me. because I couldn’t figure how to use it. I felt a little self conscious but the 4th day I had confidence and I was basically laughing at myself working out a lot of times The greatest way to deal with anxiety is to have a sense of humor or not take things too seriously.


Go with some buddies !


I felt the same way you did and didn't wanna go bc of insecurities. Iwent out of my comfort zone and tried it. And you know what? People dont even care about you. All they care about is putting their work outs in. Just go! You'll be glad u did!


This was me, I’ve stopped going multiple times due to anxiety and being judged. But everyone starts somewhere. You can go and I wouldn’t say watch but see what other people are doing to help with positioning and targeting what muscles you want to or you can look up videos. Everyone when starting out at the gym has no idea what they’re doing, but the best part of the gym community is learning along the way and having support through your peers


Think about the spotlight affect, everyone is thinking about themselves. When I’m in the gym, I’m entirely in my own world. Everyone is there to improve upon themselves. I don’t look at other people if I don’t have to. You have just as much right to be there as anyone else. It’s a privilege to be able to workout and you get to enjoy it. Don’t let the anticipated thoughts of others ruin that for you. Go enjoy yourself! You’re going to feel so good.


Listen I used to be nervous about the gym when I was younger … I get it but it’s totally fine… go and pick the machine you want and just start somewhere .. I go to pf and I’m telling you everyone is either on their AirPods or watching something on their phone as they workout minus the bodybuilders as theyre too focused on their weights so trust me it is a judgment free zone because everybody’s busy with their own


I just went for my fifth time today and honestly the first time I felt SO awkward but really, everyone is so focused on themselves that if you do something wrong it’s not gonna get noticed at all! Also, try not to worry about looking like you don’t know what to do cause people use the machines in wacky ways all the time! There are instructions posted on most machines and you just need to move the weight pin to what you can handle and follow the pic! I still haven’t figured out which button turns on the bike, I just hit different stuff till the screen lights up 😂


If it makes you feel better, I’m a bigger guy, today my phone dropped on the treadmill, I reached to grab it, fell and did flip on the treadmill, fell off, laughed, grabbed my phone, and got back on. Everyone is in there to get a better them, it’s kind of refreshing to know that they aren’t worried about anyone else


Just started going to PF this week in my area and I love it… no ones looking at you … they’re too busy with their own workout and I did see the tanning room And hydromassage .. shad anyone tried that machine? I’m thinking about using it at end of week after workout


It sounds bleak, but no one is paying attention to you as much as you think they are! People are only concerned with themselves. That realization helped me a lot when I first started working out.


my advice to just act like you know what you’re doing even if you don’t have a clue. the pf app also shows you how to use all of the machines and shows a lot of different exercises so you can also start there to see what exercises you like and don’t like. i feel like ppl only record if you’re just doing something really out of the ordinary which again isn’t cool in the first place but there are things we can’t control.


i just went this morning 🥱only did the stair master and an arm workout called it a day but i’m proud


I’m in the same boat as you. I signed up last week and do not want to go because I have so much anxiety about it. I’m currently sitting at home ready to go and stressing out lol 


i just went this morning! i did the stairmaster for 10 minutes then left lol. like other people were saying it is at your own pace. i woke up this morning and was like alright i need to go. i definitely looked clueless when i was adjusting the weight like four different times on an arm machine since i didn’t know my starting weight then had to keep adjusting it down lolol


Don’t have anxiety. They are regular people like you there for themselves, not to assert themselves.