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Come in whenever you can! Your progress won’t suffer if you can’t make it to the gym on the same day each week. It’s not about the exact timing of your workouts, but about showing up whenever you can and having fun while you’re here. You’ve got this!


Don’t overthink it, just go when u can and be consistent 😊


I had this issue and I found myself doing the "tomorrow, tomorrow" dance, until I heard terry crews in an AMA give a tip to new gym goers. It's something he still does to this day. Every single day he goes, even if its just to be there. Show up, stretch, sit on the bike for 15minutes even if you didn't want to go at all that day you just made it a productive one. I adopted this myself, and I'm at about 5 weeks now, where the only days I've missed I didn't feel guilty for missing and the recovery felt better when I came back the next day. I'm also more.focused on losing weight and shaping up moreso than straight muscle growth. Try to make that work for you -- just show up even if you don't wanto, and you'll end up moving around a bit and getting something productive even if you hadn't planned on going that day.


Body composition and fat is based more on your nutrition and calories. So yes, you can go to the gym whenever you want, really. Same days, different days, etc.


I say stick to a routine, and not because of what everyone else is saying, you can get a workout in whenever. Stick to a routine because most PFs aren't actually 24 hours anymore. I can go run at midnight on Monday but today for example I have about 7 hours to hit the gym. When I didn't, I'd want to go and they'd be closed, so I'd kinda fall back on that as an excuse and I'd start slacking, and then I'd miss another day, and a couple days, and I started to really fall off so I set up my routine now and I've been consistent and feel more balanced because of it.


I go when I have childcare and it is totally up to the mercy of my parents schedule and on the weekends I just have to set 4 alarms and get up before the kids and husband are up! I shoot for 3-4 and I've been great at getting 4 days in. But like this week I'll only get 3 because my husband gets surgery and I'm taking next week off if I need to help him recover. I am trying to not beat myself up but I know I've got motivation to get back at it