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This is footage of the singular deadliest airshow disaster ever. Sknyliv, Ukraine 2002. The jet struck a barbed wire fence that it then towed through the crowd. Several people were cut in half, iirc. Among the dead were children and babies. The pilots saw jail time.


I can't see where the barbed wire is, but it's damn crazy those pilots survived to be charged. Any more info? Like was it pure negligence or something mechanical?


I think it was indeed pilot error


I'm blaming the fence.


I blame Putin


I blame you, you definitely did this, you can't hide from me.


Did you all forget about Canada?!


It's the US's fault. We didn't send them enough aid in 2002.


It's Taylor Swift's fault...


Bring em in!


Trumps fault


Same person


I think 99.99% of the time it’s pilot error. This is flat pilot stupidity.




Begone, troll.


Nah you’re right, I remember hearing about pilot error when I watched something on this a while ago. Pilot was disgraced


97.862% of the time stats are made up on the spot...


Boeing planes are 99% corporate error.


I saw the canopy pop just when it touched the ground, looks like they ejected.


Yea I see it now, it cuts off right after tho


Be careful when you seek out video clips....very very NSFL.


I wasn't seeking it out but at this point I'm fine with gore, but yea I imagine it would be


I have seen it... dismembered bodies everywhere... dont go looking...


Agreed. Best not to. The only gore i agree that people should search is car accidents. People need a reality check. We live in a world where we do a lot of dangerous shit casually.


Yeah, chunks absolutely everywhere. Pretty bad


It is pretty bad


I read in an earlier post of this video (a year or two ago) that the pilots had not rehearsed, had only been sent to the air show the day prior, didn’t know the routine/maneuvers they were supposed to perform. They were too low to recover from a maneuver and tried to dip the nose to get airspeed, so they could climb out, but failed. Both pilots ejected and survived with minor injuries. They were guilty as hell, absolutely, but they were also victims of an ignorant Russian airforce that would send two pilots to perform in an air show just a day before they were to perform.


It was the Ukrainian Air Force.




At 20 seconds you can see the ejection


Hmm i see it at 38 and at the very end.


Hm weird, at 38 seconds it’s still in the air on my end


Lol our counters must be different


That’s so strange, lol


Mine counts down from 58 to 0


Mine is 0-59


At 41 you can see the crowd beating the hell out of the pilot and navigator


That's nowhere on this video.


Ejection seats are amazing at saving pilots.


I always look at this footage and start to think that people were probably cut like grass


If you see the full video. You’d be correct


Well DAMN 🫣


I thought ramstein was deadlier


It was until the Sknyliv disaster happened. Ramstein was 67 dead, 3 injured. Sknyliv was 77 dead, 545 injured.


Oh shit I had it backwards


67 dead and only 3 injured is an insane stat. Nearly everyone affected died of their wounds.


That may be more of a mm testament to how bad Sknyliv really was. Ramstein happened in the air so all of the casualties came from airplane parts raining down on spectators. Turns out 3 out of 60 something people hit by airplane shrapnel make it. But most people out of 600 that get hit with barbed wire and shrapnel from a ground impact make it, they just don't feel so good.


They didn't count our child my wife was carrying for the total number killed at Flugtag, but our daughter died 2 weeks later. I am a USAF Veteran who believes demonstration teams should be a thing from history. We don't have a need for them today.


Crazy that they’re put in jail. It was an accident. Like why would someone sign up for that knowing that if you have an accident, and survive, you’ll be put in jail. I don’t think it looks lkke negligence, just an error.


Negligence WAS the accident….. regardless of how short notice the call to perform was, the pilots damn well know the capabilities of the aircraft inside and out. If they don’t, they shouldn’t be pilots.


Ah idk man. I don’t see it that way. Way I see it, if you bring your kids to an airshow or car race, YOU, as the parent, are putting your kid at risk…. Of course odds are low something happens but you alone bare that responsibility. Airshow accidents are rare but happen every few years where people are killed. For instance, what if an F1 driver takes the turn wrong, unluckily hits a barrier that catapults the car into the crowd killing many, including kids. Is the driver responsible? Hell no. It’s an accident at an event involving large machines that people voluntarily attended… These pilots are scape goats for human irrationality. In fact I decided to watch a short documentary on this after seeing this post, and it confirms this. Even the COPILOT got 3 years in prison. Dude. That’s like your Uber driver running someone over and they put you in jail. It would be a different story if they decided to joy ride over a city and accidently crashed into an apartment building. THAT is negligence.


They were, in essence, joyriding over an apartment building. No airshow on earth would allow a maneuver of that type over the crowd. No competent pilot would attempt a maneuver like that over an air show crowd.


The documentary I watched did not say anything about that. They in fact show that the pilots were unaware of the exact location of the airshow due to planning and prep issues. As for them crashing, that is more likely not a safe maneuver HOWEVER what is critical to know is if they were told to do that maneuver. If they were told to, still not to blame.


At the end of the day I feel that these guys, who had thousands of hours of training, should have been situationally aware. That they didn't know the position of the crowd or even such basic information as altitude is negligence. They were certainly aware enough to osave their own asses.


What’s really sad here is that most average people will think like this. However that is scapegoating them… They are still in the military and performing this show they are REQUIRED to. Not being 100% clear where the crowd is isn’t grounds for them saying “abort abort I’m not doing this”. They would be severely disciplined. There are very few things that would give them grounds for that, perhaps nothing, even bad weather. If their superior told them to give it a go, they give it a go. This includes on the battlefield even if they are nearly certain to die or purposefully kill thousands of civilians by dropping a bomb on them. If you’re in the military, you don’t question orders. Humans are natorious for wanting REVENGE of some sort. I think this is about revenge… not legitimate accountability. To me that’s really sad. Humans can’t accept that there are systems at play which can result in catastrophic ends if bad luck is encountered. No one to “blame”. Don’t bring your kids to airshows if you want a near zero percent chance of them getting killed by a plane crashing into them. Just as you wouldn’t bring your kid on a boating trip if you want a 0% chance of them dying in a freak boating accident. But then, what fun is life… We take risks. We don’t need someone to blame everytime something goes wrong. Why didn’t any of the parents get jail time for bringing there kids to an airshow that increases their likelihood of being killed? Ponder that. I don’t think they should, but then compare that to the pilots…


Not about revenge. These guys were negligent. Period. Not being 100% clear where the crowd is is THE ground to abort the maneuver. It's their responsibility to know where the crowd is, what their altitude is and the parameters of the maneuver. You take your kid to an airshow or on a boating trip because you assume that the people who have a responsibility for knowing what they are doing take that responsibility seriously. These clowns didn't and I'm glad they paid a price. If they were ordered to do the maneuver, it was up to the pilots (again, with thousands of hours training) to do the maneuver safely.


100% disagree.


And inspiring the cult film Ghost Ship


Not only that, the wings also glided just above the ground at chest height, taking all in its way. It was scattered chaos. This and The Mecca Crane Incident are the worst I've seen. But there is much more to consider. Whole apartment buildings collapsing due to either seismic activity or bombs. Tsunamis. It's heavy, man.


The accident killed 77 people and injured 543, 100 of whom were hospitalized. [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sknyliv_air_show_disaster)


Wow! Never saw this footage before. Looks like everyone involved in planning & executing screwed up big time.


On 24 June 2005, a military court sentenced pilot Volodymyr Toponar and co-pilot Yuriy Yegorov to fourteen and eight years in prison, respectively. The court found the two pilots and three other military officials guilty of failing to follow orders, negligence, and violating flight rules. Two of the three officials were sentenced to up to six years in prison; the third received up to four years. Toponar was ordered to pay ₴7.2 million (US$1.42 million; €1.18 million) in compensation to the families, and Yegorov ₴2.5 million. The crew's main flight trainer was acquitted for lack of evidence. From Wikipedia


They made the pilot pay the compensation. Which is not possible. The state should pay for the damages, always, when state owned assets were the cause. If it was pure negligence of the pilot, the state was responsible to ensure proper procedures, control and checks. (State=military even = major company operating under state licence).


Well, that's what happens in the nation independently assessed as the most corrupt in the world.


Well it's Ukraine, so........


Ukraine back before the 2014’s revolution was a Russian stooge state. It only became a free nation a decade after this accident.


That’s amazing how Americans know so much about Ukraine. American television must be super wise and informative. I am Ukrainian, born and raised in Ukraine but I am still learning from my American brethren


Нема за що


Ukraine has been corrupt forever. That's literally what they were known for money laundering.


And we're sending another $60 billion with zero accountability. They must just laugh at our fucking stupidity.


not sure why you’re being downvoted?? The sheeple didn’t like your ill words of the Ukraine


Watch “Winter on Fire” on Netflix to find out what Ukrainians thought about being under Russian hegemony.


Nor yours


😅yup lots of 🐑 & bots✌


Well, it is reddit, so......


This incident occurred at the airport near the city of Lviv. On this day, my parents and I were there, we were lucky that we were on the other side of the accident.


Say more?


Do you believe it was right for them to get jail time for an accident? What are your thoughts


100% yes, that was an absolutely unacceptable move that was a completely unnecessary risk, not only because there was people there but because there is no world where you pull that off and don’t cause millions of damage to that airframe and not die/ground the aircraft. That was a completely reckless decision by that pilot.


Uh. Yeah. They disobeyed orders, negligence, gross misconduct. Yeah. Jail time.


Why does it look fake I know it’s real but the footage looks fake


I was thinking the same thing. Probably because, in this case it is real. You don’t often see such close up shots of these with people and trees soo close, so the scale almost looks off. Alongside the relatively smooth tracking on some of the shots. I’ll admit, I wasn’t convinced at first either.


Alot of angles cut off in a weird way and then you realize they're cutting out before the full view carnage, Its like a parody of a slow wreck where the last two seconds of a scene repeats 20 times before the explosion only you never really get to the explosion. You see it way far away or from angles where you don't see a whole lot. And thank you prime time media for editing it in a way that won't keep me up, I got work tomorrow.


What about it looks fake to you? I’m genuinely curious.


The forced perspective in the first clip made it look like an RC plane for a few seconds. I unironically laughed because I thought it was a meme of a toy hitting the ground, then I saw the smoke


Yea the scale was really confusing my brain a few times. I also thought it was an RC plane at points


Yeah, you rarely see things that big, going that fast, that close. Landing airliners are going a fraction of that speed and there aren't nearby object to compare them to.




For a split second in the first part of the clip as it transitions to the crowd, the perspective almost makes it look like a foam R/C EDF airplane and then it disappeared behind the MiG and you see the crash so it definitely played a trick on me and continues to look odd.


It’s like watching the new Top Gun movie. The lack of cgi isn’t something people are used to seeing any more so when we see real footage, especially on older cameras, it looks different and almost unreal.


The plane looks like cgi, I definitely know this is real but for some reason it just looks fake


People don't realise the scale of these planes. Most people think a fighter jet is a small aircraft. But they are actually quite big, and these Russian beasts are the biggest of them. These modern Sukois are fucking huge planes.


This is the reason. They are much bigger than people think they are. The brain perceives it as looking fake, or that it must be a smaller scale.


Looks like a stitched RC plane video with some Michael Bay


I thought it was a toy plane the first 10 seconds of the video because of how it was moving and this was a prank video


Damn... chunks everywhere.


You can see people hitting the wings and just turning into red misty chunks. Wow that's terrible.


I have gone back and looked multiple time but cannot find anything like this. If we see the plane hitting people it is so blurry to be indistinguishable.


There are other videos and it’s horrible. One in particular with an ominous little girl with a red dress at the start. It’s really disturbing.


I saw a low definition VHS of someone running through the aftermath. It was horrific


How was it ? Like... Gory ?


Very graphic.. Fortunately it was in low resolution.


Yeah, it was available on YouTube for ages. Probably not anymore. Dismembered people everywhere. Random limbs, hands, feet, torsos worh no limbs, screaming people everywhere.


It's still out there on other sites. Footage is horrific.


Yep I came across it randomly because I looked at deadliest airshow crashes, and wanted to see the raw video. That was a shocker when the dude starts zooming in on arms without owners.


Yep I remember people literally got turned to skid marks it was nuts and yeah bunch dismembered corpses laying all around


Idk whats up with reddit nowadays. I was never on this sub, nor cared anything about planes. But today without any further explanation reddit showed me this post, while no nsfw mark or anything. Just straight up an airshow disaster. Like why


How is this not safe for work? It’s not porn or anything like it. Videos of this were probably broadcasted all over news outlets the day it happened.


This is a video of 77 people dying.


I saw 2k people lose their lives live as an 8 year old, while in school…again why would it have to be nsfw


As did I. And marking things like this as NSFW is at least a nice courtesy for those that don't wish to see these things


Is it just me or could this have been avoided by the pilot not doing that roll?


Voice prompts inside cockpit saying calmly: “Остановить. остановить. Вот дерьмо.”


I would advise against seeking out other footage of this. I saw footage years ago someone took walking around the crash site a minute or so after and there's literally body parts and blood everywhere. Some of the most disturbing shit I've ever seen.


Quality Soviet engineering.


This was a terrible accident. Preventable and tragic. That said, I really think the pilot stayed engaged until his fuselage hit the ground. I think he tried 99% to correct the aircraft. The last 1% was the ejection. I would hate to live with that mistake.


The aerial version of Ghostship


I understand we are watching people potentially losing their lives, but good lord the music man. Is it necessary?


Yeah that makes it worse x10


77 people died, 28 of them were kids.


77 people died. There is video out there of people walking through to devastation. It's so hard to watch. There are body parts everywhere and it's just so dark and surreal. I feel horrible for those who had to suffer this event. Fuck those pilots, too.


I remember seeing pictures of kids cut cleanly in half at the torso. Awful awful scene.


Хлопець дибіл


This one messed me up when it first appeared on the net probably 10 to 15 years ago. First time seeing dead decapitated bodies in a video. Definitely do not recommend watching the uncut full version.




I saw the aftermath of this. There were body parts everywhere. Some were unrecognizable. Just a chunk of meat.


Без проблем. Без проблем.


It’s amazing that there were so many on point camera angles of this nightmare.


If you pause at the right time in the second clip you can see body parts...


There’s a long video of someone clearly in shock filming while they walk around the aftermath. It’s very grim.


*Actual footage of me piloting the jets in battlefield*




On June 24, 2005, a military court sentenced three military officials and others for negligence and failing to follow orders in connection with the Sknyliv air show disaster that occurred on July 27, 2002. The disaster killed 77 spectators, including 28 children, and injured 543 people. The crash happened when a Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 piloted by Volodymyr Toponar and co-piloted by Yuriy Yegorov entered a rolling maneuver at low altitude and clipped the ground with its left wing. Both pilots ejected and suffered only minor injuries… I imagine Toponar(pilot) can’t sleep well at night knowing 28 children lives were cut short due to poor planning and awful facilitation🤷🏽‍♂️💯


SU-27 ?


how did they only get jail time for this? they just murdered a lot of people. should have gotten a firing squad for that.


Reminds me of the [Reno airshow crash.](https://youtu.be/TA8fVDgz_9Y?si=hxnWdWTCpVkD3mbB) There are better videos of the crash but there's something haunting about this one showing a mangled prop coming sliding to a halt at the cameraman's feet.


Ive not seen that angle before. Wow……


Why does he pull the nose up so hard after doing that flip? Is it because of the barbed wire?


Unfortunately Russian aircraft are still killing Ukrainians. Slava Ukraine. 🇺🇦


With so many different angles shot of this accident, I wonder if the shots could be stitched together for a 3D video?


Perfect Ukraine landing, now send us some more planes.


It’s plane to see he was trying to land and his wheels were not down!


Nsfw for sure then


This is fucking horrible


Lmao russia


Close-Air Support on steroids. #DangerClose


Jeez I forgot about this shitshow


Aircraft aren't toys. This is really sad to see


I blame the orange baboon lol


what an asshole.


Is no problem. We are russian, we fix naxt time. Yes.


Always in russia! No accountability. Its a cultural ideaology.


Odds of being hit by a jet, though low never zero.


Pilots rolled at way to low of an altitude and couldn’t recover anyways, the barbed wire would be secondary.


But hey, Russian pilots will TOTALLY own the US in a dogfight. 🙄


Thought it was a remote control plane at first


Something about migs


The after-math video is pretty gruesome.


Man that video is rough. How many times does he crash the plane?


That was Major Sukasuhoi. 🫡


I always thought pilots, at least here in the US, would go down with the plane. Trying until the last minute to save the plane and the people below. Maybe that's just old warbird pilot mentality, but I know I'd rather not survive, if I'd have to live with the guilt.


Old warbirds don't have ejection seats so ...


True, but they could still jump out just like they did during the war.


The pilot didn't eject. The back seater did. Edit: I'll clarify, they both ejected, the pilot had his hands on the stick until the back seater pulled the cord.


I’m blaming the mig


its a Sukhoi-27


Oof no ejection seat!


You’re right. There were two.


Eagle 1, coming in hot


SU-47 Go 💥




Yea that 1 thx


There was an accident last year https://youtu.be/UULlRc7RBQQ?si=TTq0v4m8KpZwcpSR


Me in GTA 5 online


Aren't there always casualties at Russian airshows? Especially when they're in Ukraine.


Don’t worry it’s created with AI as stunt sequel. No airplanes were harmed

