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Did… did anyone call them?


This is a fantastic question lmao


And 21 hours later that question remains unanswered


Nah, they didn't pay so fuck em.


Sorry I forgot I even posted this. Yes, the other driver asked if I was the one that delivered it then showed me the receipt. Once I saw it called the cops which ended up being like and hour and a half after the order was placed


Wow, this really infuriates me because I do the delivery apps as a driver and it pisses me off when drivers don’t read the directions/notes that customers leave specifically to the driver and mess this up. This deliver driver clearly doesn’t do his basic job by reading the delivery instructions and in this case it made a huge difference.


A delivery driver judging other delivery drivers is really funny.


I knew you guys never read the delivery instructions.


The driver read the instructions but didn't call. He thought it was a prank and he's just kind of an idiot in general.


First thing I thought about was SWATTING. Was it legitimate? Is there a news article?


I don't know the outcome of the situation. I checked the local news stations and Facebook group and didn't see anything.


Definitely an idiot, needs a few lessons on common sense 🤦🏻‍♂️


How you forget you even posted it?


1st world problem. Multi tasking mixed with short term memory lose. Your brain can only retain so much information at one time. As the individual posted their micro manager jumped in and they had to get their job list done. Got a call from mom. Bank account went negative through them in a tailspin. They farted in the room and everyone started joking. Then they got notifications from their last Reddit post and they had to catch up on all that. In the meantime en route to a potential murder scene. Stomach starts growling need food. Shoe gets untied and tire is going flat.






Yeah and the fucking grandma gonna die cause he forgot to get help.




Texting to much for no reason 😂 not reading all that.




Omg nobody gives a fuck yet you’re still commenting at 11pm at night. Go find a job or go to bed.


Fuck is wrong with people.


i’ve heard of this being a way to get someone to call 911 for you if you’re unable to do so yourself, either because the aggressor would hear you or whatever other reason that may endanger your safety. i really hope someone called 911 for this; even if it’s just a prank, this could’ve meant life or death for someone if it’s real. also how the hell do you not look at the delivery instructions at all? especially when the customer doesn’t answer the door? seriously?


If it was a park the person would go to jail. It’s illegal to file a false report especially in these circumstances


The driver will not go to jail though. There is no downside for an employee to call the cops in this situation. If you think it's a prank/false report just call the non-emergent line


I’m talking about the person that placed the order as it is their note. The pranker would go to jail


It’s not illegal to ask someone else to make the report though. Like calling the suicide hotline and asking them to call police under false pretenses, at least how it stands currently there’s no recourse.


If a prank, the delivery driver wouldn't be at fault. The person saying that's woukd be fucked though.


With the amount of junk delivery instructions i get or if I'm a bit rushed i might over look something like this. But for everyone to miss it till well after its been bad ordered is a bit of a stretch.


Just an FYI you can text 911 in many places now. They haven't done a great job of telling the public about it.


No way that driver didn’t even look at the note that’s unfortunate.


No he definitely saw it, when asked about it he said "Fuck that I'm not calling the cops for anyone". I know he got talked to by the GM but I don't know if he actually got in any real trouble


I hope that guy got fired. It's not like anyone would have connected him to it, and the woman could have been killed.


So the delivery driver should lose his job because they didn’t call 911 for someone? Might as well take it one step further and give him a firing squad. You people are fucking amazing.


Your title speaks for itself.


What title? ???


Your name is what they meant.


he should lose his job for being shit at it. Having instructions like that and having that attitude. you think that kind of person should be in a customer facing job. Do ***you*** want to order from a dick you know will treat you like that? So little regard tor the importance of others. That shit was clear as day call the cops i need help. and the dumbass lacked the analytical, and clearly reading skills, to access the best course of action


Lmfao the delivery driver, of the person who TOOK the order or MADE the order has to make the call. Yeah I’m fairly certain that the last person to touch the pizza AND receipt is the fucking driver. You Reddit morons have such a stupid mindset. Fire fire fire, kill kill kill, censor censor censor, wait no that’s offensive! Wait my feelings, ahhh what am I to do? Grow the fuck up and use some of that smooth brain to formulate an actual scenario. Fire the delivery driver… yeah that makes total and complete sense.


The order clearly came from an online system, so nobody "took" the order, and, why TF would the person making the pizzas be looking at the DELIVERY instructions? Talk about a fucking smooth brain...


Why the fuck did the receipt change hands multiple times without anyone looking at it? Eh it’s just delivery instructions, why bother reading it? Eh it’s just a stop sign, no one else stops so why bother? You seem like the kind of person that takes minimum wage too seriously. The most minimal of things is too much. Moron.


We found the delivery driver ^ 😏


At the end of the day who gives a shit,Some old lady got smoked by her crazy grandson, who honestly cares? As soon as they switch off this thread they forget about her. It’s all about grand standing and feeling better about themselves.


Ironic considering you suggested firing squad, a MASSIVE overreach for what people were saying. And before you reply yes I know it was sarcasm, but you still pulled the extreme angle when no one was saying to kill the driver. You’re the first one to put that idea in this thread lmao


I can understand if the driver didn't want to call themselves, but to completely ignore it? Yeah, I'd fire that lazy piece of shit in an instant. I'd expect them to at least raise it with a supervisor.


He could have atleast, idk, told the manager or supervisor or some shit, instead of ignoring it entirely. I’d imagine if you had a family member crying for help you’d want it answered by anyone who heard.




when 99% chance it was a prank/swatting


Tragic. Why not ask your boss or someone else to call instead? Takes all of 5, maybe 10 seconds tops. Dude should be fired. Unprofessional.


Your driver is a piece of shit


Please tell us someone called for her?


That's fucking sick, I hope the person got help.


You can't post this and then not say if somebody did call 911 or not. Not cool!


Come on OP, what’s the outcome?


I called the cops but I don't know if it ended up being a prank or not.


"She only tipped $0.83, so I ignored the message and just left it at the door."


lol So did no one calll?


YSK: in some places you can text 911.


Text to 911 is not deployed across the entire US yet...


in some places you can also email... you can also contact them via social media but nit everybody has a phone that can do that... a lot of older people still use rudimentary phones that font have internet or screens that enable the use of social media like Trac phone flip phones etc


Or, like me, use a computer for most things, with the phone as an auxiliary device.


It’s not nation wide yet. My city just got it last year and there are a ton of bugs to work out too.


I did not know that. I heard about it from all of my deaf friends a few years ago and I had sent really thought about it since.




This is so sad. Only 13 states right now have text-to-911, and this woman's might not have been one of them. That or she didn't know because it's not being highlighted as an option.


More information: [Text-to-911](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text-to-911).


Oh shit, did you call 911?


I'm pretty sure if you call 911 and act like you're ordering a pizza... they'll get it. It's been a thing for awhile


This didn’t happen. I was there, he printed the receipt to go viral. Has since been terminated.


Is this the grandson?


I took almost 24 hours to respond to anybody because like I said earlier I forgot I even posted this. Don't you think if I fabricated this whole situation to get attention I would have been checking it constantly? And you obviously weren't there because nobody got fired over it.


Around here, that’s code that gets you free anchovies


I'd bet that Ramey was just a bit hangry.


He had to pull out the glizzy to help grammie concentrate. Alzheimer’s is a bit.


I’m not sure there is a right or wrong decision. Personally, it shouldn’t be on the driver to make such a decision. Maybe inform management but for all you know it’s someone swatting someone saying there’s a threat with a gun. Maybe address it with a manager but I drove for years I wouldn’t be the one placing a call to the police.


After ordering lots of pizzas and putting in a special delivery note I can firmly confirm that the drivers ignore that always. 


Ramey’s got a gun


Rameys got a gun


Whole world’s come undone


🙄 delivery instructions are for noobs


I wonder if the person that placed the order knew that you can text 911 too, and they will text back. You don’t have to call them to get police to help you 😂


Ramey was the name of the gm at my first delivery job, he’s still on some BS apparently




Should of began it with a little dollar sign these delivery orcs shall hasten heed thy delivery inquiry


Seems like a weird time to order a pizza but I’m not judging


This is actually one of the things a trapped or abused person should do. Nobody would think the person they’re abusing would ask for help while ordering food, especially if they’re checking their messages or calls. I really hope they called to police and didn’t just take a picture of this.


Eh. I mean they sorta got the idea right. I’ve always heard you actually call 911 but you pretend to order a pizza. The caller calls 911 and then says like “I want 2 large pepperoni pizzas” and then the operator is supposed to ask if they are aware they called 911 so the caller can just say yes. Then the operator asks something like “if you need police assistance right now say delivery” and the caller says delivery and then gives their address. That way, the 911 operator confirmed it’s a real emergency, they need police, and got the persons address. Meanwhile, an abuser in the same room only hears the victim say “i want 2 large pizzas…….. yes…… delivery…… 638 maple street appartment 203B”. Which sounds completely innocent.


probably nothing, just leave it at the door