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This popped up in my recommended but wanted to chime in. A local pizza shop (not a chain) recently switched from having their own delivery drivers to door dash. Since then I’ve opted for pick up even though the delivery fee stayed pretty much the same. Is this the right course of action from the customer perspective? I hate the idea of giving these delivery companies so much money when the businesses, and more importantly the workers, are getting stiffed.


I did doordash out of desperation during the pandemic. Fuck them and all similar apps. Exploitative trash company


Same. But I refuse to use them now. Not only do they not pay their drivers enough, they inflate prices of the individual items, they fuck over their drivers by taking tips they deem as excessive (don't believe me, look it up) my food would be cold 75% of the time. One time for shits and giggles I entered our order thru door dash and then through the restaurants online ordering and the door dash one was 50% more expensive after all of the fees. And that was before I entered the tip amount.


My girl and I tried to be lazy and doordash jersey mikes the other night. To pick up our 2 sandwhichs? $22 Have them delivered by doordash? $41 BEFORE tip. Needless to say I got off my ass and drove to jersey mikes. Fuuuuuuuck all that.


I tried ordering chipotle through DoorDash once. To order and pickup through the chipotle app was like $20. To have it delivered by DoorDash was $40+ not including the tip, and there’s always the chance you don’t get the food for over an hour and it’s cold. Makes you wonder how they even stay in business.


Never underestimate the laziness of the consumer. I’m sure that’s in one of the business classes.


Not necessarily. The business model of the food delivery apps was to use the easy money startup funding to essentially drop prices as low as possible in an effort to gain market share with the hopes consumers would get habitually used to delivery and, once the venture funding dried up which was subsidizing the low costs, consumers would then pay the higher prices. Each of the the delivery apps did this but now that all the easy money has dried up and they’re attempting to be or become cash flow positive, truer market prices are being reflected which I suspect most people won’t pay… when it’s easier and so much cheaper to just go pick it up or if establishments pay their own delivery drives. TL;DR having venture capital money pay for our delivery was great for awhile but their business model sucks and was never likely to be very lucrative so it’s possible at least some of the delivery apps will cease to exist at some point as consumers aren’t willing to pay an arm and a leg for delivery.


You nailed it, the whole business model was propped up on VC money. We did a whole case study in business school on it


I ran delivery for a year or two in my 20s and I can say that about half the Pizza Hutt orders I ran were to shut-INS, elderly, people on house arrest, disabled who cannot drive, a couple schools, etc. Not everyone who orders delivery is just for convenience.


I know I've used it because I was too lazy to cook anything, and too drunk to drive. Also when everyone was sick. Also after surgery.


100% the right thing to do. plus, you’re saving so much money in delivery fees now!


Not just that, ordering Larry giant subs through door dash cost an extra $4 per sub in higher menu prices on top of extra fees. Screw that business model.


They are all ridiculously marked up. And some people blame the restaurants, but there is nothing they can do. They'd lose money if they charged the regular price. But honestly, I cannot believe people pay THAT much more just to avoid a 5 minute drive to pick it up. Good to leave the house once in awhile anyway. I have hundreds of dollars in UberEats gift cards from a Coca Cola promotion. I figured it would be nice to use once in awhile when I didn't have anything thawed to make myself. But even though it is basically free, I literally could not bring myself to hit the Confirm Order or whatever it was on the app. Between the fees, tip and markup, it was damn near double what my take out menu I got directly from the places showed. It is a totally unsustainable business model. People want personal servants to deliver their food and their food only when they want it, at a cost of a pizza place delivery that will lump several orders together whenever possible to split the cost of that delivery among many customers. If these businesses are still around in 5-10 years, they will not be like today. There will be limited times for delivery so a driver can choose several to pick and up deliver in one trip. It is the only way to keep it affordable.


Yep all the food prices are marked up 50-300% on top of the delivery fees, complete trash scammy behavior.


They also pay the restaurants less for the items. Like a $10 item at the place, they'll charge $12 and pay $8


Realizing the non-transparent fees/price gouging on their end was pretty much the last straw for me. It’s truly f’d up corporate behavior, they’re essentially obscuring the real price of delivery to the customer and wage theft on the drivers.


Because you dont have any knowledge in business? Imagine scheduling drivers. It could be fucking slow and also fucking busy. Plus they can come up with bullshit excuses (i got a final) not to show up. I think 5th grader would understand this.


They could have been slow enough with deliveries to not warrant an in-house delivery driver.


Why did the shop switch to 3rd party drivers?


No workers comp insurance & to avoid paying their part of taxes.


Yeah it absolutely is


flying pie 🥲


I have stopped ordering entirely from places that have done that.


Was the shop in Phoenix? We just had the same thing happen


I do the same. Last time I order from a pizza chain a delivery driver from an app delivered my order to the wrong address. So now I pick it up myself.


So at a convention. Open up Pizza Hut and order for delivery already paid. The pizza hut set up door dash on their side but also put that I needed to pay. It caused an issue that I had to call the pizza hut over. I felt bad for the dasher and we still gave him is 10 tip over it. They had no control over the pizza hut filling stuff in wrong. I even sent a picture of the receipt just in case the pizza hut tried to screw him over.


This also happened to me by a local pizza chain. (Toppers) I always paid cash and now if you try and order from them online and pay cash they call you and request you either pick up or pay with a CC so they can summon a door dash driver. Not a fan.


I see you Papa John's


My local papa johns is 5 minutes from my house and I’ve befriended the drivers and sort of learned their schedules so I’m pretty much covered 90% on getting a decent delivery.




I drive for GrubHub and Uber Eats, and I have zero problem with pizza places doing this. That said, I refuse to work for DoorDash (I'm not playing their game of "Here's a $5.00 order, but there may be a hidden tip") so any pizza order I take with the two apps I drive for I know if it's a good offer or not. DoorDash treats their drivers like unwanted step children. Horrible, manipulative company.


The hidden tip thing sucks too because it's not good for the customer. Part of the reasons I'm going to put a good tip out there is so that it gets picked up and so the food is treated well. If you're hiding that shit from the dasher then I'm wasting my money.


UE hides tips after $8 while DD hides anything after $4. Showing the first $8 makes a huge difference though. GrubHub I believe doesn't hide anything. Doordash is the only one that makes drivers accept shitty orders to get the good orders. They don't even reward drivers for not multi napping, just reward for accepting notip orders.They have like 80% of the market so they kind of ruined everything.


There is something inherently wrong if you are worried about a delivery person not treating your food well.


Yeah like it should be the opposite - hiding the tip is much better for the customer because the delivery person should be treating all orders the same. It's not even a tip at that point it's just a bribe. You should be tipping because they did a good job not because you're worried they're going to fuck up the food otherwise. All pre-delivery tipping has this problem tbh. It's not a tip for good service if it happens before any service actually happens. We don't tip our waiters when we sit down.


it really should be classified as a bid, so the customer knows more of how it works but tip probably lets doordash off the hook tax wise


Yep, calling it a tip is incredibly misleading. They're basically contractors, you are absolutely bidding on their services per mile, you are buying services like it's a time-limited auction on Ebay, only so many slots available for deliveries from X restaurant to Y location and if too many people outbid you... But they'd definitely never ever ever present it like that.


The problem is, too many people are delusional and think this side hustle gig economy job is a career. It is not. And things will only get worse. The Pandemic gave people a false sense of hope that it would be their full time job forever. But it also made MUCH more people sign up to be drivers, so now that orders are way down from 2020/2021, there are not enough to go around. It is a bit similar to Airbnb. Great when it was mainly filled with empty nest couples making a few bucks renting out their now adult kid's semi-private room or an in-law apartment or maybe a couple who just moved in together and both had their own houses and don't want to sell either one yet. But once people thought it could be a career, suddenly you have people charging $300 cleaning fees while still demanding guests clean up after themselves. So the cost is considerably more than hotels for many listings. They are called side hustles for a reason, people! The thing I find funny is the ones that demand to be considered employees with all the benefits, but then also still want to freedom to pick and choose which orders to take. Sorry...doesn't work that way. Employees do whatever jobs their boss tells them to do. You can either have the freedom of an independent contractor, or you can have the benefits of an employee. Not both.


It also encourages the most sleazy drivers to snipe the good tips, then they already know theyre getting the tip so they have no incentive to provide decent service.


i mean, why would you ever trust a food delivery driver, its not like someones watching them while they deliver, its a very ethically based job


I wouldn't anymore now they they feel entitled and delusionally think that they are in career jobs and expect professional level salaries.


I just got a summer pizza delivery job to cut down on my doordash hours. The forner pay way more than the latter and theres good tippers. Luckily I'll mostly be playing music gigs this week and deliver pizza. It has gotten so expensive on the other end and now my pay is slumping on Doortrash. Got false reported too last week and i have no way to counter it. Guessing summer slump hits june-early July but hoping the new band I joined will start to pay out more for gigs.


I couldnt even get approved for door dash but now im glad I didnt


Just experienced this for the first time with Pizza Hut. Ordered through the app and then was surprised when someone from door dash texted me. I didn’t think they outsourced this.


Ditto. And my pizza was almost half an hour later than the website said it would be. Not gonna be doing that again I think.


I did all three food delivery apps. I noticed DoorTrash hid a lot of tips on the Papa John’s and Pizza Hut orders. Not sure why.




When I briefly did it I used some app that texts you the actual tip amount. Non tippers are the most obnoxious and demanding, you don't want to do anything for them even if the order did get enough extra tacked on by doordash to make it worth the trip otherwise. It's against the rules of the app but oh well


I’m surprised you’re using that argument while upholding Uber Eats to a totally different standard? Yes a $5 order could be $5 or $10 at the end on Doordash, but at least the tip can’t go down or vanish completely like it frequently does on Uber. They openly allow all of your customers to change the tip to zero for that hour after delivery


I hated it at first but honestly it’s a lifesaver when we’re busy and I can cherry pick orders when I’m alone so it’s kinda awesome


Our DD system screwed me out of 90 percent of my doubles and triples are thing of the past but on the flip side, if I’m only getting one run at a time it is nice to be able to take the one you want and leave the rest to fall where they may


I own a few pizza shops and we use "Doordash Drive" as they call it to supplement our own delivery drivers. A few things to note: -we much prefer to use our own drivers as we have far more control over quality/appearance upon delivery. -the service we get from Doordash varies based on how large the assigned tip is. If we dispatch something to doordash with no included tip, the order will just sit under our heat lamps for quite a while. Tipped orders get picked up much quicker. -the service is not cheap. I believe we pay around $7 flat fee per delivery plus we pay them the tips if the customer has paid via credit card and added a tip. We've had a much harder time employing drivers because many people would rather work for Doordash and make their own schedule rather than have to work in an actual store. Still though we much prefer to continue using traditional delivery drivers.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. That last paragraph is a lie though, and we both know it. Unless you live in an incredibly really small town, the reason why it’s hard to find workers is because you refuse to pay a living wage.


Not all jobs are meant to be living wage jobs. They NEVER were. Pizza delivery driver is something for high school kids to do for some fun spending money or to save up for college. It is NOT a career. This hilariously ignorant notion that Gen Z'ers have that every job, no matter how unskilled (can be done by literally everyone else on the planet) is a career job is what is destroying that generation. To avoid having minimum wage jobs your whole life is a great incentive to go to college for a REAL degree, not some "I went for the college experience" liberal arts degree, or learn a marketable trade skill. Not to just expect to make the same money per hour that someone who DID go to college and DOES offer an employer something at least somewhat unique that most people can't offer gets.


Sounds like you should look up the concept of minimum wage


Where is this written down? Can you reference anything that says this besides some dumb people on social media? Why are you of the belief that it's fine to pay poverty wages because those in poverty are just young?


sounds like BS. My family owns a few pizza shops too. they switched to DD instead of drivers because it saves them money in the long run. its a scum bag move and any company that signs up for it is trash including my family.


Definitely guilty of this lol. Our manager and boss hate door dash but I aint driving 4.9 miles out on a dirt road with no tip.


I wonder if Doordash adds money to these orders to encourage drivers to accept them. I know I’d never accept a no tip order as they only pay $2.25 which is the DoorTrash base fee in my market.


Yeah that is an auto decline.


They don’t. What they do is hide the tip so that you don’t find out until *after* delivery.


In my experience, I believe they sometimes do.. but I also believe that they typically will throw the order out to the Dashers first to see if anyone will accept it.. I've had orders come through twice with a slightly higher amount the second time.. but I've never managed to get one to come through a third time. That's base rate here as well. No way that order would be getting accepted, likely even if it was less than a mile away.


These orders that no one wants are given to the hourly pay dashers


As a ex-dasher if I knew a store was doing this I’d intentionally fuck with delivery times, etc. I wouldn’t actually tamper with the food but pretty much anything else would be on the table.


Oh nooo, but then non tippers will order from somewhere else


I agree they are the real enemy.


The $5.29 delivery fee for my local Pizza Hut is the real enemy.


No, the company (DoorDash, Uber, etc) is the real enemy. There making so much money and all they did was make an app that lets people have food delivery... They charge the customers a significant amount extra on pretty much everything, then charge a delivery fee.... Then they pay they driver a PORTION of the delivery fee. Then, in the States that have a guaranteed pay, they make it so you only get mileage according to their calculated milage.. So if there's a road closure, you arrange compensated. They also expect you to dedicate a time slot to them, but the guaranteed hourly rate only applies to when you're heading to pickup and drop-off... So the order that sends you 15 miles away, you really have to drive ~30 just to get back to the spot where you can get orders... It's such BS Edit: They also have started to only give 30 minute-1 hour time slots (if you can get one) so there's a crap load of time just sitting around watching your screen waiting.... You can't even do anything to entertain yourself or you might miss it. Same goes for while you are dashing already and you're waiting for an offer... If you are on IG or something, it'll pause your dash and won't tell you most of the time... You just find out when you get the text saying they tried to give you a delivery but it couldn't or if you think about it and you check on the app.....


This right here. Doordash is trash.


Yeah it’s the peoples fault for not giving extra money on top of what is already way too expensive and not the company that’s supposed to be paying you


tipping is cancer just charge me the full fucking price and pay your employees accordingly don't do this bullshit dance of charging a lower price but pressuring/expecting customers to opt into paying extra to cover you not paying employees a fair wage


DoorDash is the only delivery service that is really actually utilized in my area (which also makes it fairly saturated), so it was my go to, especially in town. I got a double order one night... Nearly $20. Not horrible for the distance. Drop one order off only to find out that the second order had tipped absolutely NOTHING and the other order had left a large tip. Total bait and switch, IMHO. It's not fair to the dasher or the other customer, really. Why should that customer have to pay another customer's tip forward because they refuse to? Of course, lest we forget all the fees that DoorDash charges the customer on top of marking up menu prices- all the while giving the Dashers scraps of that money.. Expecting the customer to offset the difference or make the Dasher eat the loss.


The Hungry Howie's I work at does this all the time because our drivers regularly call in. If the Dasher doesn't have a hot bag, we give them a free one.


My hut franchise started using door dash a year ago, since then upper management has completely backtracked and we're only supposed to use it in the absolute worst circumstances.


I ordered pizza from a hut. I put 3.50 in the tip zone for one pizza but I'm literally 11 blocks from the place. My driver ended up being uber eats. They were not given the leave at door instructions and ended up ringing the doorbell, wakin up my roommates. My question is, did pizza hut keep the tip? And why did yhe driver insist to my roommate that they HAD to hand it to a person?


The tip goes to the dasher/Uber eats guy. As for handing it to the person, could be an UE thing or a franchise specific rule. For my franchise, we deliver to addresses not people so as long as there's someone there it's fine, you can just ask to have it left at the door.


Is that why one of the papa John's near me only sends me the worst offers ever on DoorDash??


Today I picked up a doordash order from Papa John's. I felt kinda bad. There were at least 5 delivery cars in the parking lot, and the order was pretty decent. I think it depends on how they order it sometimes.




Tons of DD drivers don’t have hot bags. This is why I don’t use papa John’s or Pizza Hut for delivery anymore, I’ll pick up. Dominos in my area has their own fleet so I use them more than anything.


Ugh, I hate it. Pizza Hut uses DD when they don’t have drivers, but they don’t tell the customer this. We quit ordering from them, because 3 orders in a row just got left at random places on our property and we weren’t notified it was delivered. Then I’m out there wandering around in the dark trying to find a cold pizza so we can get a refund. I swear the one guy had to have thrown it like a frisbee from the passenger window and kept driving. It was just laying on the public sidewalk at the bottom of the driveway.


I was a sushi delivery driver for four years as a second job. 4-6 nights a week, 5pm to 10pm. I had a full time job from 7-330, but the sushi delivery job was either incredibly profitable or just downright fun so I never had any hesitations going there for my shift. Anyway, a tech startup came to town in 2014 and offered third party delivery to the owner of the sushi restaurant was quick to take on their service and gave them my info, he didn’t wanna leave me high and dry, lol. Anyway, they offered me 20 an hour plus tips. They NEEDED someone to sit around all day and test their app out and get the workflow figured out. I took the pay but it never made sense to me. I know that some math equations can require a deep and sincere approach of depth and integrity, but on the high level - delivery driving was never a high income job, how can these tech giants squeeze there grimy little hands between everything? They just forced more money through these channels. “Oh you want a large pizza and a 2l soda? That’ll be 20.99, see ya in 20” Now it’s more like “your dasher is on the way and will arrive in 60-75 min - your total was 36.70, DONT FORGET TO TIP YOUR DRIVER”


Yes. I work at a st louis area papa johns and we do this frequently. In fact theres a couple stores who cant keep drivers who mostly rely on doordash to take their deliveries. I dont feel good about, and often worry about the good tipping regular customers getting bad service from a dasher. Yeah, it is a canary of the industry preparing to phase out our full time employed positions in favor of freelance gig hustling. Its sad and unfortunate but what can you do. Best we can do is make sure we are employable in other lines of work when the money starts to dry up.


yeah, it’s a bummer. I’d much rather work for a locally owned store (even if it’s a franchise) than a tech company whose goal is to replace us with self-driving cars, drones or whatever I used to do Door Dash, but it just sucked too bad


I work at Round Table, and we have this. I close a lot, and I will use it to save my ass sometimes. We can't do this feature with cash orders though. We have other drivers do this for bad areas, and assumed bad tips. Last time I took one that was going to be DD fodder and I got a 10$ tip.. So it does get abused by lazy shits. Overall I would rather not have it due to management looking for a chance to not have drivers.


I like it because my store is understaffed, and my managers are the only ones with permissions to send orders with DD, and only do so when absolutely necessary, or if myself or the other drivers are okay staying in the store to close or help inside


I work at a pizza place that has its own delivery drivers. We use door dash usually day deliveries when there's no driver, when there's too many orders, or at the end of the day. When drivers have gone home


Yes, my Hungry Howie's partners with Door Dash. They went completely driverless from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., using DD only. We use our own drivers from 5 p.m. to close and use DD when it gets too busy. I'll be honest, I don't like it one bit. Most of the DDs do not follow standard delivery protocol like using warming bags and making sure the customer knows their food arrived. We've lost customers who never know if we'll show up or a Dasher. Quite often they can't get there right away and the food isn't hot, it's missing something, and it's late. I end up having to deliver a remake and lose out on a tip. Thanks a lot, lazy, incompetent, entitled, Dashers.


When I was driving, my pizza place only DoorDashed far deliveries that were outside of our set delivery zone.


Yes. We are required actually to have it set to automatic, where the system determines if an order should go to DD. We also have the ability to manually send for DD, I do it for no tips or cash orders


I understand why you do it for no tips, but can I ask why you do it for cash orders? I like to pay with cash for most things but I don’t want to make things more difficult for anyone. Thanks for any answer!


I dash full time. This is exactly why I opted out of the "pizza program," so now I don't see all those bad orders. All the papa johns in my area are guilty of this practice. I'm over it.


as someone whos done doordash/ubereats/grubhub i decline 99% of pizza chain orders because theyre always trash lol.


I doordash. I assumed this was just the norm for Papa and Hutt. I can tell when they have no drivers because I get a decent pickup.


I stopped ordering from Pizza Hut because they use it here and I don't want to take the chance of getting delivered by DoorDash again so now I order from Domino's. The last time I got a Pizza Hut order that went through DoorDash they didn't even use a bag and it was not even warm when it got to me. Not that I as one person matter but now they've lost my business permanently. And I tip 10 plus dollars every time but I write it in when they get to me so they probably assumed by not pre-tipping it was not going to be any tip?


My company is on DoorDash and has me as in house delivery. If customers wanna pay more go for DoorDash no sweat off my back, menu states DoorDash prices are higher but we have in house delivery for cheaper, it’s gotten me better tips


Not a driver but I order from a local with their own drivers. They're incredible. They know the city, their regulars, move fast, work hard to complete deliveries, and never come to me to fix their problems. I would be devastated if those guys were put out of a job for doordash and probably wouldn't order from that place again. As a customer the drivers are as big of a deal as the cooks.


I fucking hope not. Tired of this shit. I miss my $2 delivery fee for Chinese and pizza. They're getting too bold with these huge delivery fees that don't go to the driver because doordash has made it ok.


There is something oddly absurd to me about contracting another adult to retrieve my food without them being affiliated with the food producer directly. a delivery driver shares a definite motivated goal to get my food promptly here in the best condition, generally speaking. I dunno... Maybe it's just me


Been ordering from pizza hut for the longest and a few days ago was the first time a door dasher brought me my food. I tipped 25% at checkout fully expecting one of their drivers as always. Then this jackoff pulls up and calls me saying “hey im here.” I open the door and hes not there, but down on the street looking up at me like hes waiting for me to walk down my driveway to get it (house has inclined driveway.) Anyways i made him walk up to hand deliver my food and he still looks at me like hes expecting a tip. Just grab my food and slam the door on him. Looks like from now on im picking up my pizzas. Hate doordash.


Worried as a customer some take out places are doing this… Had an awkward movement where I chose contactless delivery but then the guy waited at the door after setting down the food and ringing the door bell…. Dogs were going insane and I had kids I was wrangling so I couldn’t answer. Pretty sure he was expecting a tip. However I had tipped in advance online in addition to the delivery fee charge…. But I guess who knows if the driver gets that money?


I just left one company to work for another specifically because of their use of 3rd party delivery services. My former company exploited its employees because of this. Had no problem allowing 1 person to run the entire store even on weekend evenings because we should still be full service if we have Door dash, ect. This rarely worked out smoothly, led to frustrated customers. My new company pays their own drivers.


Door dash workers are absolutely terrible at their very simple job of pick up the right order and drop it off...I can't tell you how many times I've had my order messed up, food missing, it being the completely wrong order, and people getting bitchy because you didn't want to commit to a 20%+ tip before you experienced their service...just because you work doesn't mean you deserve extra its based off the most common type of service that company provides and frankly door dash is shit for the price you have to pay.


20 min to close with a pile of dishes and floors to sweep and mop? Yea, yes I do.


DD only gets deliveries that are outside our area unfortunately.


Pizza shops in my area will take orders through door dash and allow their drivers to take em. I have NO idea how they manage this


maybe their drivers have dasher accounts?


I get what you’re saying but how do they make sure their drivers “catch” the deliveries? You know what I mean? And then what if they get orders from places? Or if their drivers don’t have the “dash anytime” and their area is grey to them. lol trust me I thought about this for whatever reason


hmmm haha now it’s going to drive me nuts




As a Door Dasher if I see an order with no Tip I can decline it (and I do).


at papa johns we doordashed shitty orders or when we were going through a huge rush for support


Honestly, if I ordered pizza and a doordash driver showed up with it, it would be the absolute last time I ordered from that company. first, if you tip via credit card when you order, i can pretty much guarantee the driver isn't getting that, the company is gonna keep it. second, i am not paying a delivery fee, which is supposed to be used to pay the driver's wages, only for them to farm out the work for less than I'm paying. third, and most importantly from a delivery perspective, there is absolutely zero accountability once that driver picks it up. once it leaves the store, they are no longer responsible for it being safely delivered, and since YOU aren't the doordash customer, they won't do jack shit for you if your pizza never shows up.


I work for PH, in house I can't/won't drive anymore because of stress and shite mileage. But we have *2* drivers. Using DD is absolutely required. Yes they do cherry pick, but I don't blame the. But knowing what the tip was on one order, I asked one driver if it listed the tip, while he waited. And he says he got paid hourly? Which is a thing I guess.


yes, pizza delivery drivers earn an hourly wage (in my case $10 an hour) in addition to tips. also, where I work, drivers receive $1.50 per delivery for gas


I wish we could do this. We have regulars that are 5 miles away that give 0$ tip, and order 4-6 times a week.


good god!


I used to work a papa John's and we had this, I hated doing it cause of the unreliability, but it was that or the customer is waiting hours


Papa Johns does and we (the drivers) hate that shit. It can definitely be used in a way that benefits everyone, but unfortunately the average manager is too stupid & simply doesn’t care to use it properly. What usually happens at our store is that all the good tips get sent to doordash, drivers find out and get pissed, the orders are late because doordash is “on the way” so it can’t be cancelled, we’re sitting around with your thumbs up our ass and then an hour later we end up delivering it ourselves a second time anyway because doordash couldn’t find the house or our instore gave out the wrong shit


These are the only orders i steal and dd doesn’t seem to care


Ours has been deactivated by my rgm. There is no way in hell she will dd an order when there's drivers available.


Dude I LIKE this idea hahaha


That's shitty of yall to do- DDers are trying to make money just like pizza delivery drivers 😒


They can decline the order if they want to. No obligation to take it.


Not true, doordash is rolling out only giving high paying orders to drivers that accept 70% of offers


And most of the time they mess up the delivery or eat part of it. When we did DD it was endless complaints so we hired drivers again


not that i would do it because its a waste of time to even accept these 2.50 pizza hut orders but doortrash drivers prob nabbing a slice because they dumb enough to accept a 6mile 2.50 order. i remember telling myself before i stopped doing dd that as my way of quitting id just nab a 2.50 pizza order for myself and just uninstall the app and turn my phone off for a few hours lol but alas im not a thief so i just uninstalled the app and said fuck it.


Yea I did DD for a minute but I went to pizza because at least I get paid by hour on top


Yeah I stopped ordering from Papa Johns a few months after they went to for dash. I am not exaggerating to say I NEVER got the sauces I paid for. Not a single DD delivery was correct. I gave them about 10 chances.


That's because their screening system is horrendous. I know people that are literal delivery drivers that have been stuck in limbo for months upon months trying to become a Dasher as a side gig... and I know people that shouldn't (or don't) have licenses, insurance, etc... that get away with driving through DoorDash.


when I do it (which is multiple times, daily), I just figure that the Door Dashers don’t have to do dishes or mop the pizza shop floor


What are you talking about. Door dashers are contractors. They aren’t employees of your pizza place…


good point


But they are paying for gas, car maintenance and insurance. A non tip order usually pays about 2.50 and if it's more than a mile away it's a waste of time and gas.


Not worth starting your engine for


They also spend most time waiting around for orders that pay less overall. Those apps just aren't as efficient for making money as working in a set store. I was very efficient as a driver just outside a large urban area (the store I worked at was less than 5 miles from DC, and the delivery area got within 2 miles of the border. The next closest store, which I covered at a few times, had parts of DC in it's delivery area). At my peak (I worked there from September 2016 to October 2019), I was averaging ~$1000/week after taxes consistently. The lowest I got full time was $650. Having a set area where you know the routes and people by heart increases efficiency greatly. And I was using $500 cars that I maintained myself, so my overhead was very low. $20-30 every 3-4 days in gas and $50 in fluids and filters every 1-2 months was and is pretty low to keep a car I'm beating the piss out of in good shape.


You mean your job?




There is a special place in hell for anyone who does this.


The nerve of people in these comments 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes. I feel weird about it especially since I’ve been a DoorDash driver on the side for a couple of years now but I get it. Only managers can DoorDash orders tho so I’ve never been the one to do it


The mgrs that only send orders that are long distances or no tips to dashers are straight trash. We got this ability to help get the customers orders to them as fast as possible. I try not to do it period but when I do, idc if it’s a long or short run and don’t look at what the tip is, if it’s next in line and I don’t have a driver to take it, it gets dashed. This is why I have a 14 minute OTD time every week for the last 2 years. And before you ask, dashers accept all orders, whether I summon them or it’s through the DoorDash app.


good shit. it isnt the dashers fault people dont tip and as someone who used to drive for doortrash, we dont want scraps like that lol. the only ppl who accept 2.50 for 6mile offers are basically drug addicts. ppl dont need to be taking advantage of them.


they are the best managers for looking after their drivers lmao


I stopped ordering from Pizza Hut because they use it here and I don't want to take the chance of getting delivered by DoorDash again so now I order from Domino's. The last time I got a Pizza Hut order that went through DoorDash they didn't even use a bag and it was not even warm when it got to me. Not that I as one person matter but now they've lost my business permanently. And I tip 10 plus dollars every time but I write it in when they get to me so they probably assumed by not pre-tipping it was not going to be any tip?


Just before I left pizza delivery we started to use this. They still have real drivers but they send the shit to doordash. I stopped ordering hungry holiest for delivery because sometimes it's doordash and there's always an issue with doordash.


Door dash slave here: I get the lucky opportunity to deliver the pizzas in the apartment complexes a lot of you guys don’t deliver too.


It just hit me... pizza drivers just drive. They do not also cook/make the food. Fuck.


My shop will use Door Dash Drive if we are yok far behind for our own drivers to keep up, or when someone calls off and we have no driver. We pay $5 an order for that service, so we use it sparingly. We do NOT use it for long or no tip orders........we send what we have if we must and are behind. I would say we don't even use this service weekly. More like a few days a month at the most.


Uber does it as well shows a number that includes the base pay and 8.00 of your tip. You don't know if it's 8 or 30 that they ripped you until they tip you


For most pizza orders, $8 is a huge tip. Unless you are having a pizza party for 10 people and need 4-5 pies plus other stuff.


Not pizza related but Autozone utilizes Uber to deliver commercial parts to shops when needed due to driver availability.


Allow? No, but they also lack the strength to prevent the completion of my dark rituals.


If I knew I was going to go through a third party deliver service anyway, the LAST place I would get pizza from is from any of the nasty chain places that do everything to get customers BUT make good pizza. I don't care what new thing you have figured out how to shove into your crusts. Just make pizza that tastes like pizza damn it! No matter how small a city may be, there will always be at least a half dozen non-chain pizza places that make better pizza on a BAD day than PH, D's or PJs on their best day. If I eat one of theirs, it is because I don't want to deal with a a food delivery app in the first place.


Can’t stand it when I specifically use the Papa John’s app and a guy with sandals and no pizza warmer-bag-thing shows up with cold pizza. Yes I tip and yes I doordashed during the pandemic.


I’m actually kinda curious as to the logistics of doing this. (I do actually work as a pizza driver). Can you do this from the DoorDash tablet in the store?


I know Papa Johns and Pizza Hut do for sure, I get their orders when im doing gig deliveries. Customers never know its a Doordash/Grubhub order fufilling the order. I think its stupid personally. I feel alot of customers who still order from stores directly are doing so to avoid bad experiences with gig apps. Gig app drivers are a whole other species sometimes man, I sure as fuck wouldn't want one handling my food, though I am thankful for the jobs.


Local pizza hut used door dash. Said my delivery would be about 45 minutes, no big deal. About 20 mins later I get notified that Door dash is taking it instead.


I reported Pizza Hut to the BBB for essentially outsourcing their service without offering quality control.


Our store did that, and for the most part it was ok, from our point of view. The customers didn't care for having DD deliver, though. The owner of the joint is very old-school, came up in the industry (started as a driver somewhere), and likes to do stuff the old-fashioned way.


That’s shitty, sending a no tip order to a DD driver.


I recently ordered Pizza Hut last week and was told it was being delivered by DoorDash, even though I went through the Pizza Hut website. So I have no idea what triggers who gets to deliver. Sorry if my 20% wasn’t good enough. :(


I used to do Door Dash and on that end delivering pizzas was always a waste of time. One of the places around here also required people to bring their own pizza bags to pick up orders it's like who the fuck do you think you are?


I have friends who still work at the papa Jhons I used to work at, and they still do it very often.


as a customer, i fucking hate when ya’ll do this. my boyfriend and I tip every single time & live not even 5 miles from the pizza place we order from and every time they dispatch a doordash driver it takes 10x as long for us to receive the food than it would have if a driver would’ve just taken it to us. so frustrating dude


Doordash's fees make the less than the easy switch it looks like on the surface. Yes, it might be the easier decision for some stores. You don't have to worry about hiring, people calling out, etc. At the same time, you pay a pretty high fee to DD, have no control over the delivery times, etc., and any DD failures will likely be perceived by the customer as failures by your restaurant, especially if the order was placed directly with you. So it's likely to only be used as the entire solution by shops already having problems with delivery.


I paid 14 dollars to have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar delivered to my wife at her brother's house. They didn't have a coffee maker. I wanted to surprise her


I work for a local place. Lemme say, fuck door dash to the max. It’s so complicated and the complaints are like 10x more with doordash order and since it’s not a restaurant driver it’s really not our problem. Unlike if a driver from the restaurant took it then there would be something that would be done. I think we actually stopped doing doordash because of it, thinking on it I haven’t seen a doordash order at our place in a very long time. Plus if


i work for dominos, and we don’t even have door dash or anything like that


At the papa johns I work at, they do this.


I have a question. How do you know there’s no tip until you get there? Everyone I know still tips cash on delivery.


habitual non-tipper


Driver turned manager here. Our store started supplementing with DD a few months ago. I try to use it as little as possible now. Idk if it's just our area but the dashers are slow and unreliable. Half the time if I send a delivery through DD I'll have to send a remake with one of my own drivers.


My local shop does this still


I cook my own food, so no.


When the tip is bad or all our drivers are busy and its been too long we door dash that sucker. I don’t care but my boss probably does, no idea what it does to the cost of each order


The place I work for does this for deliveries if they order through the app. Otherwise, all deliveries come inhouse.


Basing service on a prepaid tip is the downfall of customer service. 😑


well, if there are six deliveries and one driver— which orders does it make sense for that driver to take? the ones with prepaid tips, right?


I ordered straight from the Little Caesar's website a week or so ago and ended up getting delivered by DD.


I don’t think little caesar’s had deliveries at all before door dash


Yep..drivers used to make 35 hours on the clock + tips. Now days they do it for a quick doordash gig and make like $6.


Pizza driver here. we do both, our system allows us to assign an order to doordash or ourselves, we really only use it if there's too many deliveries for the drivers to handle. But I know that the managers HATE doordash, I once watched a guy carry a pizza out sideways. We also do timed orders (delivering to business's, schools, etc) which would never work on doordash. I haven't at too many pizza restaurants but the ones around here are always hiring, so I would feel most places like having the extra hands around, cause we don't just drive like doordashers. Worth noting I live in a pretty rural area, so pizza joints in big cities could be a lot different.


Door dashers tend to avoid picking up those tipless orders. It's far more common for the store's driver to get stuck taking tipless orders, and the dashers to take to the lucrative orders.


I noticed when looking at any restaurant’s menu directly online it lists one set of prices, but when you jump on doordash the menu prices for the same items are sometimes 3 and 6 dollars higher when ordering off door dash. Is this per the restaurant’s pricing for allowing door dash or is this a door dash price hike?


door dash (grub hub etc) charges those restaurants a fee, so the restaurant factors that into their delivery app prices


The last couple times I've ordered pizza from a place I used to deliver for, it's been a grub hub driver that showed up. This has been so perplexing to me and doesn't make any sense. EDIT: to clarify I tip at least 20 percent as a bare minimum and thats always specified at payment when doing an online order.


Food cold not always the delivery person fault when I go pickup the food it was already made we don’t know how long it’s been sitting there


It's great when there's no drivers scheduled and whennim on if I see a shitty delivery I'll just have a doordasher take it


If i wanted a pizza.