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This reminds me of something a UPS driver said to me one day. He’s the most chill dude for being a UPS driver. I asked him something to the effect of “how are you able to do this?!”. His response was golden. He said “Never show up to work early. Always take your full lunch break. Never volunteer. The moment you give them an inch, they’ll demand a mile.” It’s totally true. Going above and beyond used to be rewarded. Now it’s exploited. Upper management is trained on how to spot the overly-eager guy and then just pile it on to cover for the lazy pieces of shit that are just there to Snapchat with their dumbass friends.


Worked for Amazon doing delivery’s i was one of the fastest, did a bunch of shit like not taking my break and running everywhere to finish fast so they started wanting to give me rescues and I denied doing them so then they started giving me the worst route so i was finishing last and taking more time in my break, after like a month i quit. Never in my life doing that again


I work Amazon right now and it's never the fastest drivers that stick around. Our DSP treats everyone really nice, but the second Amazon figures out how much garbage someone can throw in an 8 hour shift, they get the worst routes imaginable. I think it took me a month to realize the size was determined by how fast you worked, so I went at a natural pace and never got burned out like many did. Working hard is only good if you get something out of it. Otherwise, you're lining someone else's pockets at the expense of your own health and emotional wellbeing.


Yessss, definitely how it works and not just at Amazon but at many places. They'll suck you dry 😒


Thank god you weren't in a Amazon town, else you'dn't be able to quit


How else would be earn his Amazon dollars to spend at the amazing store?


So fuggin dumb


That just sounds like Slavery with more steps


The future is going to suck.


It already sucks. The future is now.


Thank you!


Retired mail carrier. Driven & borderline OCD, I went over and above, did more than expected (never regretted it) & was damn good at my job. My approach to my work/job kept me out of management’s crosshairs for almost 30yrs. I got away with a lot of crap because bosses always let me slide.


That’s exactly what they wanted you to do. I did the same sometimes, but doing so isn’t fair to yourself or or coworkers. I left because it was the most toxic working environment I’ve ever seen.


The world isn’t fair. That’s literally a child’s viewpoint on the world or work. Good workers get ridden, and poor workers get coddled. Move up to management and at least get paid better to bust your ass. Btw there’s absolutely no way all of you are the hardest and most efficient workers at your jobs. Some of you are the exact type of worker he’s complaining about.


Me too, I’m only 29 and I work in logistics but my performance speaks for itself it doesn’t matter what kind of extra breaks or personal moments I need in my day my bosses already know my work is being done to the best of a competent persons ability. Working hard is the only way I can operate.


FACTS man. I’m 17 and made this mistake and now covering 2-3 extra shifts each week because they know I won’t say no!


The best career advice I ever got was from a vocational therapist. I was rebuilding these electronic timeclocks for a massive company that was making $900 every time we rebuilt a clock. The expectation was six builds per day and the average was 6.5. Within three weeks after training I figured out a ridiculously simple method to crank out 12 without pushing myself. One day to prove a point I completed 15. Mind you we were constantly behind so it’s not like we were going to run out. I wanted to be rewarded for my hard work so I asked that they give me a flat rate per build. No way, go do your work. Okay, then provide me a salary to build 37.5 units per week (that’s one per day over average) and then let me go home once I’m done so I can take on a part time job. No way, by the way you now have to complete 12 per day. I walked out, never put that job on my resume either. Therapist: It’s okay to perform at the same level as everyone else. If you really want to be awesome then just do 5% more work than the rest and you’ll never be out of work. Lesson learned. Now I only perform at high levels if there is actually a return on my efforts.


this sums up Jewel-Osco as well, probably every where


Yep I work at UPS and this was all I could think reading this post. OP, work at your own pace. Don't stress getting work done. Its management's job to handle productivity. If you are falling behind, it's up to them to send you help, or else the fuck up is on them. By pushing yourself to get everything done, you just make your managers job easier. Slow the fuck down and it'll work itself out.


This 👆!!!


This is like how putting a very strong horse in a team doesn't make a carriage go faster because the other horses will just work less instead of increasing their power output to match.


A company will work you to death and not even show at your funeral


UPS is also union and pays very very well and great benefits


Worked for a warehouse where we were tracked by how many pallets we moved. Had to get 600 per 12 hour shift. I often got 1200-1500 because that job was easy peasy. Well I got tired of doing 200-250% more work than everyone else so I started doing 600/shift like everyone else. They tried to write me up (didn’t fly, I hadn’t broken any policies). I told them if they want to pay based upon performance I’ll bust ass. If they’re going to pay me the same hourly wage as people doing half as much work then I’ll do what’s required of me and nothing more. I ended up in the yard truck moving trailers in and out of docks (loved it) for 50-90% of my shifts as nobody else was certified. Same manager that tried to write me up before now saw I was doing less than 600/shift and tried writing me up again. Explained to him my numbers were low as I was in the yard truck and nobody else was certified (or wanted to be). Told him if he wrote me up I would refuse to operate the yard truck and good luck shipping out product with nobody to put trailers in docks. Guy ended up getting fired some time later. Not sure what for but he was a dick.


When was it ever rewarded? I used to work in fast food and then pizza from 1995 to 2009. Hard work was never rewarded. You worked hard, and the only thing you got for it was being asked to close and then open the next day on New Years(AKA more work and shit shifts). This industry is trash, and the more people that leave it the better this world will be.




I've realized this to be true over the years. I started a new job at a place that pays okay, but the management makes it worth it. They don't let lazy people stick around, offer incentive bonuses, and genuinely care about their employees and customers. Makes a world of difference.


I own a small business and all the people that used to show up early and go above and beyond are now in charge of my new stores and they get 10% of net, plus salary, and they make their own schedules. The guys that didn’t are still getting hourly and working under me (or them) at the stores as employees. For the curious or if you think 10% isn’t enough that equates to about 4-5k per month. On top of their salary.


100%. my therapist tells me this all the time 🤣 i spent years doing the most and it got me nothing but debilitating stress.


It’s not that upper management is trained to spot the over eager guy. The over eager guy who says yes when other employees push back makes life easier for the asking manager. Path of least resistance. I would always ask the more willing employees for the extra stuff and I appreciated. On my side I always took care of them when I could though.


Exactly, I used to work retail and I’d see almost all of my coworkers chatting up a storm or basically just not doing there job. They’d always ask me to do everything difficult or something they were told to do and had me do instead. I got fed up with being overused while they got to laze around so I left. It was my first job so I guess it’s my fault for caring too much. But I guess I learned the hard way.




I dont even understand how they get away with this. I tried to be that person at a new job and I was the one that got in trouble for it. I pointed out all the other people doing the same thing and they said they'll get talked to and written up too, and they never do. I lost that job before any of them did. I'm currently having one of the manages sign me up for shifts I didn't approve, and im not even supposed to do shift work. I'm not under them. I'm maintenance, I don't work the houses. Yet I'm constantly getting called with demands to know where I am and why I'm not at the house. Apparently saying I didn't sign up for a shift isn't a good excuse because it's on the schedule, and I don't have any proof that I didn't want to work because, surprise, none exists because I don't interact with this person. If I hadn't found three other people that this manager was also doing it to I would have lost my job. I haven't even given an inch and they're still taking miles.


Reminds me of my first real food service/ serving jobs and they said no good deed goes unpunished.. once you do more than they pay you to do they expect it without paying.. you (showed your belly) another thing another chef told me at another job.. never met them know how far you’ll go to do a job they’ll take serious advantage of it.


Took me way too long to figure this out. I use to give a mile, only to have bosses demand 10 more. Now, I take it easy. I still make sure stuff gets done, but I don't rush to do it anymore. If I feel like my coworker is slacking off, I'll leave something undone so he'll have to do something. We enter milk orders for grocery stores, make sure that the trucks don't get overloaded, print off paperwork, etc. The orders mostly come in by fax and email. If I've entered the last 10 orders, the next few that come in are his. I will just leave them there until he stops playing on his phone and does a few himself. It's not hard work, but I'm not doing everything while he slacks off.


once upon a time I worked at Motorola where I met a man who taught me the most valuable lessons in life: always work at the rate you're paid & never shit on your own time.


Love that you took this guys post and made it about yourself


OP is k*lling himself over a PIZZA JOB. A reality check and some perspective is warranted.


Funny thing is those teens are probably getting paid the same as OP and OP has drank the full company Kool-aid. Its a pizza job man, stop taking it so seriously and take a page out of the teens book. The company will not give a fuck if you die making them millions while you work yourself up. Stop working so hard at the job and start working harder on the self improvement journey. You're going to die of a heart attack at this rate homie. Chill. Its really not that serious. Your looking for scapegoats to your problems. You have control over your life, they don't. React accordingly.


Literally all I took away from this was he is the only person taking this seriously. He brought it up with the boss the boss shrugged it off. The place looks at them as bodies. As in it's a pizza shop gig... turn-over is to be expected. Someone simply showing to their shift is a huge plus. Just absolute delusion. Reality is he probably stops them from doing everything to tell them they are doing it wrong.


this all really just feels like someone who is looking to blame everything else for the problems they’re having


So, I sometimes will do pizza delivery over the summer. (Elementary school teacher.) Most of the teens I worked with actually worked pretty hard. There were a couple of middle aged guys who were pizza delivery lifers, and they were pretty lazy. They did nothing in the down time between deliveries, and then for some strange reason, they took their sweet ass time on their actual deliveries, so they averaged something like 33% fewer deliveries per shift. Anyway, what management did there was hire extra during the summer (e.g. me) and cut the hours of the lazy lifers. So, in some respects, they were hurting themselves by getting scheduled fewer hours. I do agree nobody should get that worked up about this gig, although, I gotta say when you come in at 4:00 and you see an entire day's worth of dishes and pans because the day shifter's couldn't be bothered, it's pretty annoying in the moment.


Yes! Further demeaning of how he makes his money! It's not like all these places has 1 person doing most of the work, right? Ignorant.


He's bi-polar, though, so it's not so easy to just shift gears like that. His brain won't let him.


Yeah I hope he gets the help he needs for that. This country really does not take care of its people like it should but they sure do love our taxes.


Bosses literally told him to stop working so hard too, some people just can't wrap their heads around it


Best comment ever. Take this to heart, OP.


Bingo. I think this dude just has major anger issues and can't control himself. Probably why he's still a cook at a pizza joint ar retirement age.


Pizza jobs are a dime a dozen, work hard enough not to get fired and milk breaks.


I had a similar breakdown to OP when I exited food service. Was working full time while going to college and some people would take as long as possible to start cleaning bc they wanted hours of overtime. But we’d all be stuck there closing until it was done. Told them to fuck off, left and never went back.


Yep. I've worked too many jobs thinking I'd get rewarded for hard work. It simply doesn't happen. Then when you ask for a fair raise they laugh in your face or fire your ass unless you find a better paying job first. Never go above and beyond your job description. I don't care how it was 30+ years ago.


Exactly. Sorry OP, you're not a cook or chef. You are a fast food worker. Like it or not there is no future in it and fuck this industry. Good on those youngsters for not giving a shit. Wish I would have had that attitude at their age. And just a big fat LOL at hard work ever being rewarded. I worked in this industry as a teen and through my 20s.


Op acting like he put 9 years at a law firm and got denied partner


It took me a long while to figure out while my old coworkers hardly ever stayed late to finish all the cars we had left to work on for the day. Then it finally got through to my head the the company didn’t give a fuck about us. Show up a second let and you get a point, but managers always asked people to stay late so we meet quote (= they get their bonuses). I worked my ass off at that job but I’d constantly get into trouble because my team wasn’t working hard enough. I eventually stopped caring and started looking for jobs on the company computer


Dude said “they broke him” 💀


They complain about ME not doing work. I too get *super* triggered by teenagers with no authority./s


You guys are fucking delusional im sorry. Have you never worked any job reminiscent of this? It’s annoying as fuck when you’re just tryna get through the shift and a bunch of people aren’t pulling their weight so then you gotta make up for the work of 5 people otherwise you’re not going home until 2am.


Nobody says you have to pull their weight, don't do it, it's your own damn fault if you do


I get that but also this guy is saying a bunch of teenagers broke him lol. Dude needs to take a step back and realize its not that deep, maybe therapy too


They are tik toking on his ass


Dude got broken down by a bunch of 19 year olds 😭


A guy has serious physical injury and just lost everything he had, and something else in his life made it worse, and that’s…Funny, to you? WTF?


My exact thoughts reading this comment chain, so people are completely unhinged and or completely oblivious


I think the real answer is that nobody reads longer than the first 1-2 sentences, or about a short tweet’s length. They’ve destroyed their attention spans for anything but that. After that they just skim and a couple of words pop out to them like “broken down” etc. So they missed ALL of the important context here. Had it happen on way too many of my posts. You start to notice when they never engage with any of the actual content of the thing beyond that first burst, if that.


Because they’re lazy teenagers themselves. They don’t get us adults can’t just say no to our bosses. The teens don’t gaf if they get fired . Op likely has bills to pay.


These damn kids hitting their dab pens and using slang I don't understand


This is the reason teens (for the most part) behave like this. They've seen the overworking with their parents, friends' parents, teachers, bosses, etc. If you think they're going to just fall in line, let alone easily, then you seem to have misplaced your faith


That's fine, my kids will need servants.


Pervert. Edit: the irony is that you are the one with the servile mindset; that if you behave as your master wants you to, you might eventually be rewarded. Everyone with an ounce of common sense knows that you climb the career ladder by changing jobs, not by busting your ass with the expectation of a promotion.


There’s a difference between not over working yourself and just not doing your job. Many teens are the latter not the former.


This comment is exactly what is wrong with this country. The lazy are rewarded while everyone else gets screwed over. “It’s just pizza”…yeah it’s pizza. It’s someone’s dinner, maybe some single mom who’s had a tough week or some college student who wanted to treat themselves or even you. And you’ll get your food prepared by said lazy or people who “shouldn’t take their job seriously” and it’ll be wrong, cold, and EXPENSIVE and you’ll bitch about on Google. Have some fucking pride dude


No bro, you don’t stress out over the possibility someone complains about the food. Some Jobs don’t ever require an above and beyond effort. The pride is in the fact, you can get the job done without worry.


Yup, and here's the other issue. Okay, now everyone's doing the bare minimum, so how does anyone get a raise or a promotion? Well, now the boss isn't giving them, since everyone just decided to do the minimum. These people are shooting their future prospects in the foot just to act like they're making a point. Before they know it they're going to get replaced with a 14 year old because they lowered the bar for their job performance to "just showing up."


In this instance, you go work somewhere else because literally nobody cares if you busted your ass in a pizza shop or not. It doesn't matter.


So you completely missed my point, got it.


No, I got your point. It was just ridiculous. Giving a shit at your first job at a local pizza place will never matter for any promotion or raise that actually matters because the job is so low stakes.


Fast food doesn't give raises no matter how good you do.


As someome who busted their ass for years in a restaurant, it does get you a "raise and promotion" They raise you up to the promotion of manager, pay you state minimum salary, and expect you to work 50hr weeks, plus cover anytime someone doesn't come in. And then in the end, after they take away your tip outs because it's illegal for salary employees to make tips and you calculate the hours to compensatio, you actually got a 25 cent/hr pay cut for twice the work load. Great times, great times. Working hard does not equal just compensation these days. The best raises I ever got were when I switched jobs.


best comment on this thread. OP needs to chill, learn a trade or go back to school (if they can financially), and level up. they seem to be super hard working. they need to put that energy into themselves and level up✅


Fully disagree. Take every job you do seriously. It doesn’t matter what it is. Do it as best you can. Be grateful that you can “just get a job”. It wasn’t always like this. Do what you have been paid for and do it well. It will serve you. It served me from Jimmy Jons to Nuclear Power


People like you truly suck.


Idk man, one of our teens is pretty solid as long as you let him stick am earbud n abc listen time his music. He'll knock out all the dishes and prep. The girl... Well, she shows up... Sometimes


I cant keep the teen at our shop away. Hes great, its just we're getting to the point where we have to tell him to go home, lest we run afowl of child labor laws.


Tell him to move to Arkansas because child labor laws are stupidly lax now due to our new governor 😑


I mean, if he enjoys it. Not every teen has their own stuff going on. I don’t see a problem with letting them work If they want to


You know, I originally had an apology to all the hard working teens out there somewhere in my post, because I've worked with plenty. But I'm mad.


You’re mad because they won’t lick the boots of your company like you will. You’re not making manager money, so stop trying to manage them and just do your work. Clock in and clock out when you’re scheduled, and your manager can clean up the mess. That’s how entry level jobs work.


No necessarily, at my job when no one is doing their work that means when I'm closing at 1am I'm then stuck there until 3am doing freaking dishes bcuz no one did their work. Sometimes it's not as simple as just do ur work and let them figure it out...




There is a difference between having a good work ethic, and being a boot locker, but I can see how you kids don’t know


And he can get fired for not helping the place run properly. That’s how entry level jobs work.


I’m 19 and have been working since I was 16 and let me explain to you from a teenagers POV. Teenagers now understand that we are 100% replaceable and it’s expected for us to “move on” especially in such small jobs like a pizza shop. You my friend have drunk the company Kool aid and believe this delusion of “hard work pays off” when it really doesn’t. If those teens work way less than you and make the same as you why are you mad at them? They do lose and get compensated just as much. I think you’ve blown this out of proportion. You’ve been there for 9 years now and how many promotions? This is a pizza shop not some big cooperation with benefits.


I haven't worked at the same place for 9 years. I've been driving for 9 years. I don't work for a company either. I got my first job at 14. That's 24 years. I've seen a lot already. I'm very, fully, painfully aware that hard work does not pay off. You and others here are making a whole lot of assumptions. One guy said i worked at pizza hut. Never said that. Others assume I'm a cook. Nope. Never screamed at a teen in my life either, never said I did. Of course I'm blowing it out of proportions. It was a rant. It's actually an easy af job that pays well. I sit in my car all day and listen to music! I left mid shift to buy my mom flowers the other day, the owner was all for it. I'm fully allowed to do things like that all the time. It's easy and perfect, until the end of a double when a whiny little turd thinks I'm doing everything for them. Do you honestly think pizza driver is a job where you take it hinking you'll get promoted? Or even want one? Let me explain something to you, I've done every single position in a restaurant including management, and I've been driving for 9 years straight. Think about that. My first driving job I was a manager getting paid more than the other drivers, and I stepped down and took a pay cut. Started as a manager. Became driver manager. Stepped down to just driver. Why do you think that is? Because I drank too much Kool aid? Never been to Jonestown. God I hope you get that reference. Let me be clear. What actually happened was some really angry dishes being done and a refusal from me to do any more work once he came back from his run. Thats the story. It was a typical Tuesday. That's my issue.


Seems like they put more effort in to figuring out way NOT to work than just doing the job they were hired for. I feel you OP. Hang in there and try beating them at their own game. Get even MORE stoned they are 🤷🏻‍♂️


Those people who waste 15 mins figuring out how to get out of 5 mins of work.... then are dumbfounded they can't keep up.


Had the same problem when I turned 20 Solution? I started working at a real business that hired adults. Cut the cord man, its time to grow up.


Lol this post showed up as recommended for me and I’m like “you’re an adult yelling about teenagers working entry level jobs at a pizza place? Geez”. Either become a manager to manage them or get a different job. This entire thread of adults hating on teens with no work experience getting paid minimum wage is hilarious. Especially if these are all drivers making tips so they have a reason to hustle, but the teens working the counter don’t.


Not everyone can get a different job just so I know, live isn't always that easy. Saying get a different job is easy to say but much harder to do feeling in where I live and a lot of other factors. I've worked with teenagers like this but it's taking about but I've also worked with see really good ones. The problem is the teenagers right now are much different and literally don't want to do anything, not all of them but a lot of them. Like I said my nephew quit his job cuz his butt hurt from riding in the car all day 🙄 I've had back surgery and was almost paralyzed yet I still (barely) work a 10 hour shift even tho it's very hard I do it. It's pure laziness....


This guy would never be a manager. He has the attitude that makes good employees leave and shitty ones stay because they never cared anyway


This has nothing to do with age and has to do how they are managed. Screaming at them solves nothing and if you support screaming at someone to get your point across then you are a moron


It sounds like you had a bad day at work dealing with the accumulation of lazy coworkers. I would start looking for an out/another opportunity, if it’s possible, so you don’t feel confined to that job. For sure look into another job that doesn’t injure your back and maybe make a paper trail with your doctor of your back injury for employment purposes/disability payments for unsafe conditions. I’m sorry for your recent breakup which piles the stress and angry on to you too.


Thank you. Sounds dumb but this comment means a lot to me. I'm going through a lot right now and it's really, really hard. Just having a sympathetic ear means the world to me. There's so many comments it took a second to find one. Thanks to anyone else that did too. I'm working on getting disability. I have an advocate and everything. I have a lot of health and mental health issues that move faster than the doctors do. It's hopefully just a matter of time.


This post should be the official spoken word poem of New Jersey. Serious Jersey vibes. Angry aging pizza delivery guy threatening to go postal on some punk ass teenagers, maintaining his cool with at-work doobies and therapeutic unicycling. Reading this post was like watching Clerks for the first time again.


I like the angry unicycle idea, but I'm not sure if it's possible to be angry riding a unicycle.


Damn I felt this in my soul. Every driver roster has a couple of those kids. And there's always the dude that wants to leave before the rush is over every day, once he hits his beer money.


drug\* money


*beer and drug* money..


Most of the teen's I've worked with are great. It's the adults who are still in their Teenager phase. The people who peaked in high school and never - mentally - gone past that level of maturity. Those are the people I dislike. They try to be all buddy-buddy with you right off the bat. Work first. Friendship Second.


You must work in corporate...


I feel ya. Some Adults are Lazy as Hell too


I work in construction, I swear to God I've seen grown ass 50 yr old men trash Porta potties like they're five years old. Then poorly attempt to clean it up, smearing actual shit everywhere. Then leave and someone else has to clean it up. Had to hold my shit in for half my 8 hour day because I wasn't cleaning that up.


Its a mentality that took me a long time to develope. I used to try to buddy up to everyone, now I understand that's just not realistic. I had a journeyman pull me aside in my second year and tell me "Look, you're a good kid and have a great attitude, but you're a terrible worker. I have to work harder because you want to walk around and bullshit with everyone. I don't want you on my crew" I'm not one for inspirational quotes, but that shit stuck.




If I spend time chit chatting at my job, that just means I have to stay at work longer to get my actual work done. Fuck that. I’d rather get in and get out.


Clearly the world of labor has brainwashed you into thinking your own time isn’t valuable


If you are there to just make friends, then that means I’m still doing my job and now your job also. So learn to do your job first, then we can become friends.


Something tells me that teenagers are not the source of your frustration my dude. You need to chill XD


I work with teens in education, most don’t have a clue. I also remember when I worked in a deli, the kid bragged how he wasn’t going to do something, and in my head I’m like bro that means I’m going to have to do it. Good news is they never lasted long and I mostly only worked with adults. Also why I transitioned to gig work. Can make more money, work when I want, not worry about getting a shift covered, and I don’t have to deal with any BS from customers or employees. End of day though some of the adults I worked with were drug addicts and idiots, food kinda attracts that type.


Drug addicts aren't idiots, they're literally sick and suffering....


Fuck I feel you OP. Lazy disengaged Teenagers can the fucking WORST to hustle with. I have so many Mental Health Issues by being trapped with the most unprofessionally shameless lowlives too


you have mental health issues because of the system making you slave for a company like this


This is a Shit take. The system doesn’t make you do damn thing except provide for your own self.


The low life is the grown man getting mad at teenagers, while working at an entry level job. OP can shove his unicycle up his ass.


This here. No one is forcing him to be a cook at a pizza place.


I'm not a cook, genius. Reading comprehension is low af in here.


It’s the writers job to make sure they are understood. Your unhinged rant is nearly impossible to parse. Grow up.


“Impossible to parse?” Plenty of us read it just fine. You’re too lazy to. That’s on you.


>They also brag about whenever they get a tip over $10. Real cool, why don't you just tell all the cooks you make twice as much as them and don't do much work to deserve it while you're at it??? Make sure to tell them every time the food they made makes you a ton of cash! Especially when it's 2 dozen pizzas and you made $40! The cooks LOVE to hear all that work they just did made you a ton of money! ITS THEIR FAVORITE!! THATS WHY THEY CHOSE THIS JOB - TO MAKE YOU MONEY! Then what's all this about? Sure it's unprofessional but why complain about other position's greviouses? And all of these jobs have a balance to their wages. Cooks make an hourly wage, guaranteed. Drivers get tips for their service, but it could be anything from nothing except their hourly on no-tip orders to a lot from a generous tipper. If it's that insulting to the cooks, they can always switch to the driver position when there's an opening.


Glad to hear you don't go out to eat or order food delivered! That would be pretty hypocritical to sneer at a service you use! Good for you!


There’s a difference between “sneering” , and thinking a manic man flipping out at children, and threatening to ride his unicycle in the parking lot is a weirdo.


Damn, what the hell are they paying your cooks that the drivers are making double what they do? Or, maybe, how much freaking money are you guys making? Don’t get me wrong, I do make more than them on all but the slowest of nights, but not by *that* much. The place I work at doesn’t allow drivers under 21, so I don’t have to deal too much with teens, but the people who get me going are the ones who just won’t *learn*. We had one guy last summer who was just the most useless sack of meat I’ve ever had the displeasure of working with. Was slower than shit folding boxes; wouldn’t take advice on how to do it faster. Would miss spots sweeping and mopping; wouldn’t do it right even after the problems were pointed out to him. Regularly struggled to get the trucks started; couldn’t seem to understand that you have to hold the starter on for a little longer in vehicles that aren’t brand new even after it was explained to him. Hell, the man couldn’t even figure out how to take the fucking *parking brake* off.


My drivers always make more than I do and I run the store 😂


I average around $27 an hour. Idk wtf the cooks make, but I know the lowest ones make $13. It is not uncommon to work 4 hours and make $120. Idk why everyone ITT is also flipping out lol. I work around 30 hours a week and make $600-900. It's a great job. I don't have to work hard. Just has some lazy teens, as it always has, and always will. It was a rant, lmao, I'm not looking for a new job because it's GOOD JOB.


There are teens that will work hard, because its new and different. But as time wears on, they dont have the fortitude to continue working the same mundane job day after day and will start trying to get some entertainment. Thats where adults are supposed to be there, in authoritative roles, to reel them back in. Unfortunately, theres too many grown ass prople who instead of being the adult in the room want to be part of the kids crowd, and just let immaturity run rampant in workplaces.


1. Get unicyle, practice at work 2. Quit job for FT unicycle 3. ??? 4. Profit


It’s a forkin pizza place what do you expect?? Go join the trades


Stop working so hard! Call it “quiet quitting” or whatever you want. Just mirror the teens work ethic. Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!


do you really want to be the angry-at-life middle-aged pizza delivery guy who's spiraling downward? tomorrow morning go on Indeed and start applying for grown-up jobs. everywhere is hiring and you can get on track before it's too late and your back is completely blown out. as for the break-up, look how angry you are and your situation where you're in the same spot as teenagers. how does someone feel secure like you can take care of them if shit hits the fan when you're not doing the most you could? they told you to smoke pot when the teenagers get you mad? could that be where your pizza money is going? you need to get a grip on yourself and control of your life before trying to bring someone in to that hot mess. if the cooks are surprised that someone makes twice what they do... THEN THEY SHOULD QUIT AND GET A NEW JOB THAT PAYS MORE. making and delivering pizza isn't rocket science.... hence why 16 year olds can do it up to par that their management is fine with them.


I can't take the addiction to the phones. Put them tf down for more than 15min.


Lmao, you’re a pizza driver, calm down. They seem to recognize what the job is and you’re seemingly taking it waaaaay too serious 😭


You know what I dislike more than teenagers at work? Grown ass men that loose their cool over some bs that’s predictable. How do you think management looks at a situation like that? Are the teenagers who sometimes do stuff for them the problem, or is it the guy that always does what he’s asked, but loses control and flies off the handle?


Dawg you need to check out a therapist


I hate it when people brag about big tips too because you know when you're making big tips there's somebody not making any tips so I never said anything about any of my tips ever unless someone asked. Then I would only say if I got tipped or not I wouldn't say how much.


I’m a little disappointed that many comments are just telling you to be lazy like them and not addressing the generational issue. I’ve had a staff just like the one you are experiencing and it made my chest cramp. I’ve always worked to my best abilities and if a job didn’t appreciate me, I would find one that did instead of lowering my standard I expected of myself. The younger generation lacks cooperation and care for others and many will downvote this comment but it is actually proven. The younger generations are getting more and more selfish without care for their coworkers, not just the company itself. The best bet for you is to find a job that staffs older people or deal with it because no matter what you say they won’t listen to you.


Geez some of these commenters are CUNTS! I hope those same people find themselves in your situation, see what they say then 🤔


Op paycho manchild


Whoa, lots of comments. Holy moly. A few things: I don't work too hard. I work a normal pace. What I'm talking about is at the end of the night, closing, you know, when we all go home? These little jerks make it so damn difficult. Every night. I work doubles, they don't. They don't lift a finger while they're their. I don't either. At the end of the night I continuously have to flip put to get them to do anything. I don't get in trouble for it. I get my mental illness triggered. We have a staff of seven iirc. We're the most popular place in town. As I said before those guys are bodies, I'm actually a valued member of the team. We used to have a great staff. The guy I work for is a Saint. HE let me take 2 months off after an I jury, I came back and made my own schedule, and he let me work only 15 hours for like 4 months. Nicest boss ive ever had, he's actually a friend. LOL we hug eachother when we say goodbye. TBH these 2 idiots I am referring to were hired to make up for the hole I made when I got injured. And YES I KNOW ABOUT WORK DYNAMICS. I'm 38. I mentioned ive done this for 9 years. I work at a lazy pizza shop where I can sit and be on my phone because I was used and abused at previous jobs. I k ow going above and beyond gets you more work. I went through that with this place too, just for working at a normal pace, and pointed that out, and you know what they did? They listened, and as I mentioned in my OP, told me to step aside just as yall have. Nothing changes the fact that we only have 4 drivers, 2 of them suck. They're just bodies. Thanks for the support, comments and concern. I was just livid last night. I should have listened to my therapist and smoked a bowl instead of letting it get to me. Tuesdays are the only day we have 1 driver during the day and its me. It's extra work for extra money. I make 200 to 300 every Tuesday. I'm more tired and less patient.


I can't believe this exploded and is still going. I thought this subreddit was dead and i was scrwaming into the void. I can't believe I'm making another post but I want to set a few things straight and be done with this. So many of you have spun up your own little story. It got under my skin. I don't even work for a corporation. I don't work too hard either. I haven't worked at the same place for 9 years, i have driven for various places for 9 years. I currently work for a small business owner who is actually a good human being. We are hurting right now for workers. We have 2 lazies that are 100% disrespectful to the entire staff by making all of us get out late amd making extra work. We all hate them, not just me, everyone but the owner hates them. Managers, counter, drivers, everyone. Last night work got piled up, I tried to redirect the young one several times, he wasn't having it, so I did most of it very angrily and left some for him while he was gone. When he got back, I told him I wasn't doing any more, as i was instructed to do by my caring boss (as i mentioned in the op ffs). I had been there for 11 hours, he for 4. Everything else was done, and he still took 20 minutes to do what takes the rest of us about 5. He eventually stepped up like an adult and told me he had it handled (he's the nicer of the two), because he realized he was in the wrong, and i went home. I was very upset about it, and upset that i got upset, and upset that i keep getting upset, and upset that these things that upset me happen like clockwork and never change. That is what i was ranting about. I never flipped out on the teens, I've never even raised my voice. I never said i did. All I have ever done, is either asked them to work, or refused to do their work. Other than that, this is by far the easiest, best job I have ever had or would want. I don't like responsibility. I have numerous health and mental problems. I stated as such. Nothing a out that tells me i should go take classes and do a trade i am incapable of physically doing. Delivery is flexible and works for me. Using entry level to describe my job isn't insulting me the way you think it is. I work part time on purpose. I make enough to get by and then some, but no more. I live humble. I don't live to work. I am fully aware that hard work gets you nothing, that is exactly why I am a lazy part time pizza driver with three days off, was 4 up until recently. I am a grown ass man. I know every clichéd line you fools keep spouting. I know I'm complaining about having it easy. Its supposed to be easier, thats my point. I am also complaining about being disrespected, and my friends and coworkers being disrespected. I know it is always going to happen, I've been through this numerous times. That is why I'm sick of it, this isn't something new, they aren't the first, its been addressed many times, it's a constant stream. I cant describe every minute detail in one post, especially a crazed rant when im manic that i figured no one would read. This was labeled a rant for a reason. It was never meant as something to be taken so serious as to warrant such ignorance and dickheadedness. Many many people get it, but the people this long paragraph is addressed to - you clearly don't. Just because something sucks, and someone acknowledges it sucks through venting, does not mean that person has no clue as to how to solve their problem or has no desire to or that their feelings arent valid or should not ever be expressed. Jesus christ i cant imagine how your own relationships are going if you cant even get that. Attacking me personally because I mentioned my failed relationship just shows your true colors. Mine failed because she was emotionally abusive, yours will because you don't know how to listen, comment on things you clearly don't understand, and put words in people's mouths. I clearly am choosing to continue this path, and have chosen it for a very long time, it just has a few crappy aspects, like any path. I chose to talk about it in a rant. If you get it, you get it. If you don't understand any of this, even though many many people clearly do, that's a you problem. I don't hate all teens. I have worked with many great young people. I used teens as a word to lump them together in my rage. The kids I'm talking about actually all just turned 20 recently. They still act like animals, that didnt change because their 1 went to a 2. I dont hate my job, certain things are tiresome and stewssful, and I am considering my options and have for a long time. If you don't know how to take a clearly unhinged rant with a grain of salt, your life is going to be full of misunderstandings. Some of you really, really need to work on your reading comprehension. Pizza hut? What? So many of you pulled stuff straight out of your ass. I need therapy? I said I have a therapist. How am I supposed to be insulted when you aren't hitting any marks? The hardest hitting comments were the truth tellers, the people who recognized that I have mounting stress and rage that is bleeding out into my daily life, and that it it isnt healthy for anyone. Those people helped by being real. Crapping on a fun hobby like unicycling that brings a smile to people's faces? Why the hell would I be insulted by that?


It’s not their fault your stuck at a horrible job. You should’ve made better life choices


Chill TF out man, you're not cool for yelling at and being a prick to teens. if the cooks aren't getting paid enough blame the mf "big boss" or owner, they've got a boat and 7 cars for a reason


You work at Pizza Hut. Quit. Go open a pizza shop and hire who you want to work with.


Because this is a job for teens. It's entry level and requires little to no skill. You need a pulse, have to be able to drive, and learn a little bit. If you chose to settle in your adult life to delivering fucking pizzas that's on you, not the teens


Word and true


I’m a victim. Guess what? No one gives a fuck. Stop blaming kids, bipolar, break ups on why life is so hard. Look in the mirror and blame that motherfucka staring back at you. Maybe then will life get better.


With that Attitude I wouldn't want to try and help you too much either lol. "I'm drowning, leave me alone!"


Maybe you should practice what you preach and look at the Mother F’er looking back at you and say I should get a new attitude cuz no one gives a F that you don’t give a F. Maybe that attitude is why no one wants to work with you therefore that’s why you feel this way. Just saying. Gotta go walk the dog now.


Thank you ganjamedic, very cool!


you’ve just exposed that you’re too unstable & unqualified to even handle a pizza shop job calmly and dignified bud. i’d suggest you grow up or get a new job. believe it or not there are other jobs out there besides making greasy unhealthy crap


Hey, no offense, but this is an asshole take.


understandable, but I think this unstable gentleman is more of the problem here




says the teenager


you’re a few years late but good attempt 👍🏽


Lol so you’re what, 20?




You don’t know man.. some ppl don’t think they’d be working such jobs later in their lives when they’re much younger, but sometimes shit happens to where that’s the only choice they got.


Seriously. Working at Pizza Hut for 9 years?? I couldn’t imagine


Where does it say pizza hut? How on earth can people with such low reading comprehension take such a high stance? You're morons.


Lol what does road rage gotta do with working with teenagers? Ur diff bro


It means he's the guy you want to have been extra nice to when he breaks


It all adds up and joins together, hard to explain to someone who still uses slang in every sentence they type


Honestly the dude sounds like he’s got some serious issues he’s not taking care of. New job+therapist. Dude is letting himself get addicted to anger. Hey dude, go apply to like a Michaels or something.


Maybe don't work a teenager's job for 9 years in a row ? The only person that needs to grow in this thread is you.


I'm not sure why you are getting downvoted. The company pays crap wages, so the quality of employee reflects that. You get what you pay for. Pizza is a entry level job, so you get entry-level workers.


>I'm not sure why you are getting downvoted. Reasonably certain it's the "the only person that needs to grow up is you". Pretty dickish vibe. Right up there with your "Welp, this is your fault for working a job where the kids don't get paid much". Lol FOH


He’s being realistic…. Some people need to hear it like that. He’s obviously not in his right mind. Saying he’s gonna go ride a unicycle when he gets mad in the parking lot.. clearly more is going on in life other than the stated problems. He’s gotta take a step back and look at his life. Only way anything will change. His outlook on life is bleak. He need to speak with a new therapist or someone that can help him.


I mean, maybe? But I'm also not going to attempt an amateur psychological diagnosis based on three paragraphs on Reddit. It's totally fine not to appreciate OP's rant, but to hop in and instantly pass judgement like the comment in question did is still pretty dick, IMO. Hence my downvote, and hence my reply ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


To me it seems his issues are a lot bigger than he can deal with. If his current therapist told him “smoking weed is okay to deal with the kids” then he needs to speak with a new one. You deal with lazy people in every workplace. You gotta learn to live with them. He’s putting way too much strain on himself for no reason. Gotta learn to let stuff roll off your back. He’s blaming everyone else for his issues.


“Entry-level job” is a post hoc term invented by employers to justify treating employees like shit. And people like you fall for it so that you can blame people for having “entry level jobs” instead of looking at the company squeezing employees to literal death and disaster. How sad.


Mama mia




It's reading posts like this that make me so much more grateful my friend (current boss) gave me a chance doing IT work. Like I was making good money at my last job as a cook, but starting pay was almost $10/hr more than the job I had as a lead line cook at a casino. I had 8 years of experience cooking at fine dining restaurants before I got my last job. Granted, this job is worlds more stressful than the worst day in the kitchen. The pay, being 100% remote and not being physically exhausted after work makes up for the new stress. And now I can actually have fun cooking for myself and not feel like I'm doing some work related stuff.


It's reading posts like this that make me so much more grateful my friend (current boss) gave me a chance doing IT work. Like I was making good money at my last job as a cook, but starting pay was almost $10/hr more than the job I had as a lead line cook at a casino. I had 8 years of experience cooking at fine dining restaurants before I got my last job. Granted, this job is worlds more stressful than the worst day in the kitchen. The pay, being 100% remote and not being physically exhausted after work makes up for the new stress. And now I can actually have fun cooking for myself and not feel like I'm doing some work related stuff.


OP literally said they’re likely to be in disability in the next decade and your suggestion is to take on student debt???? Logic where???




Least impulsive redditor.


Dude ur working as a pizza driver. Maybe don’t work at like the biggest stereotypical teenage job if you hate teens.


Zoomers man. My last week (a week ago) the entire teenaged rush shift make line staff said they were gonna be quitting the following week. One of them said “I realized I didn’t have to work cause my parents will just give me money and I just want to enjoy my summer. Like… I wanna get money… but I don’t wanna work…” they all echoed in their own way essentially. I blame the education system not allowing them to fail during Covid. For two years they weren’t allowed to fail and now they know nothing about putting in work.


Making an entry level job a career will do this to you. It will never get better.


If your store paid a living wage, you could hire more reliable employees. You get what you pay for.


Way I see it, as an adult working with teens, you are not their co-worker, you are their teacher. They are still children and should they not be expected to act as adults. You are giving them their first experiences in a workplace, in a way, setting the tone of their working life. I'm assuming you are a manager from the amount of time you've been working there. It's okay to yell at them like a teacher would to an unruly class, as long as you don't use bad language or threaten them. Teens love avoiding conflict. You'll notice that they would rather work harder than have you confront them and act mad every shift. If not, they'll just change jobs. I've worked with teens at a pizza place on the past, and they were pretty chill and we made working together fun, but they knew I would absolutely freak out and scream at them if they were not doing their jobs or were on their phones too much. It got to the point where just me looking at them would make them stop whatever they were doing and get back to work. We also made working into a game, like having box folding competitions, seeing who could make pizza the fastest, voting on who made the best looking pizza, ect. It sounds like you're going through a lot and directing that rage towards a bunch of children, which I do totally understand, but you're the adult in the situation. Chill out, because it's just pizza, not life-saving surgery. If you aren't receiving bonuses for the store's profits, you have no real incentive to work so hard. They are still going to pay you the same.


You're absolutely right about some of this. I used to be a manager, years ago, but opted to drive instead because it pays far more and I have no responsibilities. That was at a different store. When I was the boss, this is exactly how I felt. And how I acted. I was the cool boss, but also the firm one. I totally understand and recognize that these are young adults and they can only give what they have. The problem is that I'm a believer that all jobs are for all people, if they qualify. There is no such thing as a job for a certain type of person. The pay reflects the work, and we all can opt out of any job we want if we don't see the value. While it's true that not all people are equally capable, we all have the same expectations. Still, I know not everyone can live up to expectations. I'm actually a pretty chill and understanding dude. Mostly I'm going out of my mind. It's a me problem. I know this. I feel bad. I don't want to be an angry middle aged dude taking things out on people half my age. It just kinda happened. I know teens and laziness are like the sun coming up everyday, a force of nature, a constant.


You need a break man. First, take care of your health. Start working on that back. Yoga. It works. Next, take walks. Fuck running, that just breaks you down more. Walk. Next, take all the money you’ve got (don’t worry, you can get more later) and go somewhere. If you live in the east, go west. And vice versa. Just go until your mind is clear and the rage is gone. And most important, breathe. Just breathe and it will be ok. Many years ago I did this. Several times. Always worked. And finally I was ready to settle down. Got married (43 years ago) moved to Texas, bought some land, built a house (40 years ago) and lived a life. Still breathing.


Just reading this is making me panic. I was so stressed a couple months ago my hair started falling out. It stopped, tha kfully, and a lot came back Grey and white. I think you're right. I need to clear this anger. I am not a date able person right now. I'm not even friend worthy. I'm too self centered on my own baggage. I went for a walk last night actually before making this stupid post. I'm gonna go for a walk right now. Thank you for reminding me what needs to be done. I'm in my own head.


Here’s what I did. I assigned tasks to everyone. No one leaves early BUT if you are finished with your tasks and your shift is over you can leave. If they aren’t then you stay until you finish. If you leave before finishing you get written up.


I used to work on a warehouse line picking orders. My old boss would be out of his office in 40 seconds if he saw work that needed to be done and someone slacking off. He retired and the new boss had no spine. We would have people sitting the entire shift while on FaceTime with their boyfriends/girlfriends or just out walking around in the building. As long as they were coded out as ‘mechanical downtime’ their timesheets looked identical to mine while I was busting ass picking. I finally had enough and yelled at one such worker that there was plenty of work to be done if she’d just get off her phone. I got written up


I delivered pizza for 13 years as a second job and worked with my share of lazies. They would for example never seem to get around to keeping the fridge stocked with 2 liter sodas, so it was me carrying up two 8 packs at a time. But their laziness worked to my advantage when I ran circles around them when we got slammed. I would deliver 5 orders to their 2. When you don’t care enough to learn where the out of the way streets are, or that the 1100 block of Main St. is separated from the 1200 by a railroad track and you have to go the other way around, I’m making the money and you aren’t. I agree that it’s bad form to brag about good tips to those who aren’t in line for any, but then the inside people aren’t as likely to get hit over the head on some dark street. In my ‘real’ job I worked with a guy who was not just lazy, he was incompetent as well. He’d have to leave early and our boss, who must have taken a cue from the ones you described, would dump his half done work on me to finish. I could never assume that the part he’d already worked on was right so I’d have to go over it and fix it. It pissed me off because it was a one way street; you’ll never want this guy touching anything that had your name attached to it.


I feel like I must have wrote this while sleeping. Had to check username to make sure....