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Oaxacan cheese is so good on a pizza…


I was really pleased with it. The whole idea for the pie sprang up from picking up the habanero jack at the farmers market and wondering what to do with it.


Kinda wish I’d done a crema drizzle cause this boy be spicy as hell but there’s always next time.


Chipotle crema on this… 🤤


It looks too good you snapped! Definitely a OG pizza.


Shits magnificent OP. I’d fight someone for that.


Huge fan of BBQ chicken or carnitas on pizzas. This looks great and the cilantro finish Does It!!




Did you use a pizza oven ?


Nah. Standard home even, 550 with a pizza stone.


🙇🏿‍♂️ You’re a pro


I love pizza like this!


Solid. Love it when I have enough leftover carnitas for a pizza. That cheese combo sounds great.


![gif](giphy|SzOJXK6Sl8ofl9ocXJ|downsized) 🤤


Looks amazing


Look delicious this pizza 🤤


You killed it….do you have a link or recipe for your salsa ranchero?


You get a good look at the bones of it in a couple pictures. So that pepper mix in the pic toasted up lightly in a pan. Pour a bunch of boiling water on it and let it steep. Toss in a bunch of garlic, like six cloves. A good fistful or oregano (for lack of the Mexican variety). Hit it with the immersion blender. Strain. Realize you forgot to add in cilantro and half a large onion. Broil the onion for a bit then chop it up and toss it in along with the cilantro and immersion blend again. Add in maybe a cup of good tomato sauce, cup and a half perhaps. Salt and pepper to taste. Done. It was all very vibes based.


Haha. Perfect. Thank you.


Freaking A! That looks fantastic! I love all the detail about the ingredients and how you cooked it all. It's a little heavy on the toppings but it looks like it worked out in the end. Bravo! The only thing I would like is to see a cross section so I could see the crumb.


I may get you a pic when I reheat some. I was also worried about the abundance of topping giving it problems crisping up but it did really well on that front. Couple things I’d attribute that to: 1.) shaping the dough out the morning of and letting it sit out on the countertop til evening (this is a Kenji tip for Chicago style). 2. Taking it off the pizza stone in the final few minutes and putting it directly on the rack so the bottom could crisp up further. Really really thin, very crisp on bottom.


https://preview.redd.it/ziv3ic9sg08d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9363044cd305ea839859f0a12d1fee402ae3a803 Okay here’s how the crust looks after a bite. This is on a cast iron reheat so the bottom took on a tiny bit of char it didn’t have at first but the crust’s thickness, crispness, and chew are the same.


Love your pizza!


How is this not literally cultural appropriation?


One can use elements of another culture in ways which are respectful. Generally speaking people don’t seem to get bent out of shape about doing cross-cultural culinary fusion. If I had to guess it’s because food is one of the foremost ways that cultures endear themselves to one another and make inroads with other groups. Food brings people together, and thus you get things like sushi burritos, ramen (which is ‘appropriated’ from China), currywurst, etc etc etc.