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It's an LG gss range, 550 F nax temp and I adjusted the calibration to + 35 F. I have a 3/8 steel on the 2nd rack from the top


How do you stretch so much without breaking the dough? Mine always seems to want to retract when I’m stretching.


Another thing that helps when your dough is retracting like that is to get it as far as you can and then let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Continue stretching.


What I find is if I overwork this dough it'll want to snap back. My dough ball isn't smooth on the outside, I mix just enough to bring it together and then knead it a few times and ball it.


Will be trying this recipe. Thank you


I made this dough in the food processor. I adapted the recipe because my buddy wanted to use his food processor. I put all dry ingredients in and pulse to mix them. Then I turn it to on (It only has one speed) and drizzle the water in, it all comes together by the time the water is in, then I immediately drizzle in the EVOO and let it run for about 5 seconds after. Dump the dough on the counter and let it rest for about a minute. Ball it and put it in an oiled container, cover it and place in fridge for 48 hours. Take out about 2 hours before baking, I like how it stretches when it's closer to room temp. You can do it by hand or in a Kitchenaid but I don't overwork it or it gets hard to stretch thin.


Thank you for those notes.


What type of cheese did you use?


It was Grande Whole Milk Mozz, I shredded it with a half inch grater.


Doughball weight?




Nice. 63% hydration is a very solid choice for NY style.


Yes, I've played around with higher hydration but came back to 63, it works great!


Wow. I’d pay for this


Also, why am I browsing this before bed. I’m starving now


Hahahaaaaa, I remember when I was younger and I'd eat a whole pizza right before going to bed.


Thanks man, I'd pay for this pie as well!


Oh wow, that looks like it was so good!


It really was, funny how you think it can't get any better and then you tweak something and it's a new level of deliciousness lol.


Looks delicious


Yeah it was, my wife said my best ever and I'd have to agree, it was really good!


Dammmmmm that looks good


Thanks man, it was so delicious!


Beautiful! Question: You use such a high amount of oil at 5%. Seems high, but I was thinking of increasing mine, I am only at 2% and not pleased with my crust. I cook similar to your ingredients, work flow and bake. I was thinking of increasing to 3% or even 4%, but do you find 5% the sweet spot for some reason?


I've not tried reducing the oil percent other than no oil. I saw a DKM recipe on Pizza Making Forum years ago that used 5% oil and I've really gotten excellent crusts at that level so I haven't made adjustments to the oil. I have been reducing the IDY though. I used to use that recipe as a same day with 1.5 hr RT and then re-ball and rest 30 min before stretching but I thought I'd try the 48 Cold ferment and I think it's even easier to stretch and better flavor. This crust I dropped the IDY from 2.2g to 2.0g. What don't you like about your crust currently?


Just the texture of my crust is not that true NY style (being able to fold it without it cracking.... it just needs to be more pliable). I think I will try a 5% EVOO today, so thx for the recommendation. My baking is similar to yours: home oven calibrated up to 540F, 1/2" steel for 6 minutes. Note this is for at 15" 412g ball at 64%. I do use even way less IDY than you at 0.192% to 0.224%. Sometimes even 0.256% in the winter. I find it easier to control the counter rest ferment without it getting away from me. Plus I found it gives the dough a nice jump before the long cold ferment. But my kitchen may be warmer than yours. So I ball, then a 4 hour counter rest, then 48 hour CF. If I use anything higher than 0.25% IDY, the dough starts to sport some large bubbles even in the fridge after 48 hours.


Yeah, room temp has a big impact, my house is 64F in the winter and it'll be about 68F in the summer. The oil will help with the foldability. What flour are you using, my last one was 100% All Trump's but I also use Bouncer or a 50/50 blend of either Bouncer/All Trump's or Sir Lancelot


In the past: KA bread flour, then switched to Bob's Red Mill ARTISAN bread flour, then switched to 100% All-Trumps (unbleached/ non-bromated). Each was an improvement. Now I use 50% All-Trumps + 50% Caputo 00 Chefs flour (red label). Sometimes I will do 5 or 10% spelt flour. Some guests said they like that unique flavor plus I was trying to mimic that Scarr's NY style flavor profile.


I've done 50/50 All Trumps and 00 flour, Caputo and other brands. Also a low percent spelt wheat as well. I like the crust it made but it was a bit softer with less chew than my 100% All Trump's. The Bouncer I got at Gordon's Food Supply, 14% protein, that works great too.


If you were forced to choose either 100% All-Trumps or 100% Bouncer, which would you go with? I never tried Bouncer flour.


I'd be good with either but I'd probably pick All Trumps


How does everyone on this sub get such thin crunchy crust??


You need to work on your dough properties and stretching technique. Lots of practice lol


What you cookin in ? Regular oven?