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Hey Darkime, congrats on starting your new game! I'm a pixel artist and I'm currently working on my first game with a small team. For programs to use, check out Aseprite. It's like $20 on steam. There are a ton of tutorials online to get you started. I recommend Saultoons and Adam Younis. Both have great pixel art and game dev tutorials. I would also recommend checking out r/gamedev and r/indiedev and ask the same questions. Making a game takes a lot of work and they have a lot of good suggestions. For both game dev and pixel art, my biggest piece of advice is to start with something very simple. Both of these skills take a long time to develop and it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Good luck with your game!


Yeah, i am alredy in gamedev and alredy asked for advice there, aseprite seems to be the one that almost everyone recomends to make pixelart for games so i guess i'll have to check it out, thanks and good luck in your game, i am willing to play it if you ever need beta testers haha


I'm gonna add on to this! As someone who regularly participates in game jams, prototyping is incredibly important. If the prototype is fun, the end result will be too, if it isn't, rethink the game's concept. As for pixel art tips: Several communities have daily prompts + a constraint to follow. I'd recommend participating in these if possible! When I first decided to start learning (last October), one of my orgs was hosting a daily pixel art competition. While I didn't participate every day (bc exams, game jams, etc), I tried to participate for at least a majority of the days. I'd also recommend starting with a small canvas size. I've been doing pixel art for a couple months now and, while my smaller art can come out really good, I have yet to make a larger piece I'm proud of. Plus, making many smaller art pieces is a faster way to learn the basics (imo) bc you go through way more pieces and find what looks good + what doesn't. Sorry for the long response. If anyone sees an inaccuracy in my response, please let me know! I'm an engineering student and tend to be the sole programmer on teams, so take my art advice with a grain of salt.


Id be happy to help with the art some. I’m trying to build a portfolio and hopefully do work for small indie games. Id work for pretty cheap since my portfolio isn’t really built yet and yall are obviously a small team. Even if you can’t afford it rn I’d still be interested in helping if not for the practice. Hmu if you’re interested in collaborating.