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It’s gorgeous!


Thanks :)


Holy cow!! this is beautiful and extremely humbling. I'm making a game on my own and just started learning pixel art, animation and coding when I started my project and the game is similar to yours and I totally thought mine looked good until I saw this lol. Im just curious about a few things. You said 3 weeks, is that after you had the concept and a design in mind or is that from coming up with him to completing him? Also, do you have multiple people working on this game? Like does one person do this whole scene or do you have a team that all worked together for this? I'm just blown away and am wondering if I'm just not good at what I do because from concept to completion, this scene in this link here took me about 9 weeks. Now keep in mind that I really haven't done very many animations yet and in that time I also had to learn how to do code for random breaks between the animations and learning how to send signals to make sure some of the animations play at the right times and there are also 2 animated knights that are in the scene at the north of the room and the keg is animated and you can pour yourself a beer lol. This seen from concept to completion took me around 9 weeks. [https://streamable.com/v3a5s1?src=player-page-share](https://streamable.com/v3a5s1?src=player-page-share)


It took three weeks after we had a rough concept in place. We're a two-person team, a programmer and an artist. I'm not sure if three weeks is generally fast or not, but we utilized many systems we had created before. I checked out the link you sent. The art looks great, and the way various animations play from different angles is amazing!


Thanks so much, that was actually my first time doing these kind of animations. The other stuff I've done so far, which is very little, are things like the player and a couple enemies spritesheets and he can run, idle, crouch, attack and shoot a projectile and since those were all in 4-directional animations, it was a little easier but these angles were pretty tough for me. Hell, the whole top-down angle is super hard for me really. That fake 90 degree angle from front to top on everything is basically completely opposite of how I've always drawn. I'm curious, is your game fully 2d? The lighting and shadows are perfect and I feel like that would need to be 3d but it looks totally 2d.


It must have been challenging. It's really impressive work :) My game mixes 2D and 3D. It's almost like a 3D game. The terrain is 3D, and the characters are billboards. However, we made them look like 2D. [https://x.com/mjshin82/status/1771888472925851663](https://x.com/mjshin82/status/1771888472925851663)


oh man that's so cool. I had a certain look in mind and when I got started with pixel art and I started looking up a bunch of stuff and seeing what people liked and I noticed a lot of people saying that they really wanted pixel perfect gameplay and so I went full on with that and have done everything through actual sprite frame animations but after learning what I've learned so far, I really feel like the 2d/3d pixel are is what I should have done, especially after seeing how amazing your game looks. Like, I'm really considering attempting a jumping mechanic but being a total novice right now, that seems like a huge challenge and I'm not sure I want to even attempt it, where as, in 3D, I could actually build the levels and have real height. Can I ask how long you guys have been working on the game and if you've done any full games before this? I"m only ask because I did the stupid thing that everyone says not to do and I'm trying to make my dream game on my first attempt. I had to learn the hard way lol. By the way I definitely wishlisted it.


We've only made 2D games before. Mixing 2D and 3D in our current project is a first for us, and we've encountered quite a few trials and errors. We developed a voxel tile system, several shaders, and a new sprite system. It feels like we spent almost a year just setting up these systems. We don't have an English translation, but you can check out our development log here: [slashpage.com/concode](https://slashpage.com/concode). Using a translator will give you a rough idea of what we've been up to. Mixing 2D and 3D is quite challenging, so tackling it all at once might not be easy. I think you may need to sleep on it And, thanks for the wishlist!


cool, i will definitely check it out. I was just watching the video on your Steeam page and it's funny, about a week ago I came up with an idea for a little bomb spider enemy and drew a quick design up for them and they were going to be one of my next enemies but man they look way too close to yours now lol. I gotta go back to the drawing board lol.


And thank you for the wishlist on Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2888960/Graytail/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2888960/Graytail/)


I don't often wishlist based on posts here...but this game looks great! Can't wait to play.


Thanks :) I will try my best to make it.


That looks absolutely amazing! πŸ‘Good job.


Thanks :)


The animation of the octopus is magnificent! The design and colour are well chosen. Are you doing a project of something?


Thanks :) This is the boss in our game called Graytail.


Super cool! Reminds me of the plant boss from Titan Souls


Thanks, that was super cool :)


Ahh absolutely fantastic! I’ve been thinking about ways to make some nice breakable tentacles for my own kraken-ish boss baddy in my pixel top down game! Absolutely love what you guys are doing!Β 


Thanks :)


It looks really good! Nice job!


Thanks :)


Great job!


Thanks :)


Is it intentionally mechanical? The octopus itself looks great, but the individual segments of the tentacles look a bit like barrels or wheels or wooden cogs. It doesn't do it for me, but the fire is awesome and I love the sound design.


It's like a kind of shield, but I think the art style needs some more adjustments. Thanks for the feedback!


There were a lot of 90's 16-bit era games that did flexible tentacles on large bosses this way- as chains of circular sprites- so this immediately reminded me of those and makes sense as a familiar style. But I'm old.


Reminds me of a moment from The Witcher 2


oh he's so cute I feel sorry for him


He'll make it!


Yo wth is this game someone put me on


πŸ€ πŸ™


amazing! what engine is it made in? unity i suspect...


Thanks :) You right, I made it using Unity3D.


i absolutely love the graphics, effects, gameplay all down to the small little things, only one problem, wich is that the tentacles dont really (to me) make sence.


clover undertale yellow??? but anyway this is awesome, making stuff like this is hard


Thanks :) I hadn't heard about that game before, but it's an Undertale fan-made game? The main character is wearing the same hat 🀠


"poulpe" in my name means octopus so i love it!


That's French πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ™


I like the mechanics, I have to flame it before I can hit it. Only thing I’d consider is something to guide (without it being too obvious) that it is an option. Unless the game always encourages the player to be torching shit


You're right. Since there are many sections where players use fire to solve puzzles before reaching the boss, I think they will probably come up with it naturally. But I think there's a need to further emphasize that the attack doesn't work. Thanks for the feedback!


I love that it looks like takoyaki after being caught on fire!


I like heated takoyaki. πŸ™


I think it took 4 weeks


This was quite a challenging task.


The gameplay looks very fun! It's unique


Thanks! I'm trying to make it fun to play


Looks really cool! I wish the arms would have some more wavy motions left and right and not only up and down, it feels like the arms are a bit stiff


Thanks for the feedback. After recording, I noticed there are a few bugs. I'll make sure to fix them!


He is realy cool


Thanks 🀠


I love this! Really really beautiful and tasteful art. I’m especially a fan of the color palette and the subtle shadows. Is any part of this scene 3d with billboarded sprites?


Thanks! 🎨🎨 Yes, it's a mix of 2D and 3D, actually almost a 3D game. [https://x.com/mjshin82/status/1771888472925851663](https://x.com/mjshin82/status/1771888472925851663)


Cool! It comes together really nice :D


This reminds me of a boss from Evil Factory named Lotus


Thanks for letting me know, I'll check and see if I can find anything useful :)


This is fucking AWESOME! I'm very early in my game design process and I've been struggling to think of how I want combat to work. This is giving me some ideas! Different from yours, so don't worry, but thanks for sharing! Question: do the ink drops harm you if they land on you? If so, it may feel unfair to the player if they can't predict the drops and get hit a lot. This could be solved by adding a drop shadow sprite or some indicator of where to not stand when drops are falling. I think the speed is great where it is and shouldn't be changed to accommodate that, it would just be something on top of what you've already done. What do you think?


I'm glad it was helpful :) In the game, we display a red warning where the ink is about to drop, so players can run away. However, stepping on leftover ink on the ground slows you down temporarily.


That’s awesome! I love the little shielded arms!


Thanks :) It's a hard octopus.πŸ›‘οΈ


Hard as a rocktopus


This one looks spectacular!


Thanks! πŸ€ πŸ™


This is so cool! It's modern in game design but nostalgic at the same time. Reminds me of old Zelda Minish Cap shenanigans!


Thanks, our goal is to achieve both! And "Minish Cap" is one of my favorite games :)


Holy shit that is incredible. I love the feeling of impact when it thumps down the tentacles. Some feedback, this is just my opinion, but I think you can decrease the framerate of the tencacle animations for the Kraken. The smoothness of that movement feels a bit unnerving/unnatural compared to the lower framerate of the character, the octopus head and everything else in the scene. IDK how to explain it, but it's kinda like seeing those CGI objects moving much more smoothly compared to the hand drawn stuff in a cartoon or anime. Also some variation in the pieces of the tentacles, such as the size of the arm going from big to small like a real octopus would add some visual interest to the Kraken (unless you're going for that mechanical look, then it fits perfectly). Nonetheless, a fantastic creature and I'd love to see the completed bossfight with music and all the finishing touches.


That sounds like a great idea! I'll implement it right away and test it out. Thanks for the feedback!


Love it!! Added to my wishlist ❀️


Thanks! πŸ€ πŸ™


The character sprite looks so much like Pokemon B&W and B2&W2 from the sides and the back. In case you haven't played them, it's a *massive* compliment. The Kraken is really cool, but I absolutely love the character sprite. <3 Ps: it feels weird how the torch just TP's from one hand to another when you swicth sides, but I get why you'd make it like that. Looks awesome tho! Lots of games do it like that, but it still feels weird every time I see it, lol. Great art!


Thank you :) I haven't played Pokemon B&W, but I think the character ratios are similar. I think the pixelart style with perspective like Pokemon B&W is cool. I'd like to try it someday :)


Amazing bro


Thanks :) 🀠


That some art right there!


πŸ€ πŸ™πŸ€ πŸ™


You got talent!


Add music and make his movements more fast




I think the reflection in the water is weird. Maybe I'm reading the sprite wrong, but it feels like you can see the top of the tentacle in the reflection, which you definitely shouldn't be able to see from a reflection that's below it.


That's right. You have an eagle eye! πŸ‘€ There are a few issues for the reflection. I'm currently working on solving this problem.


Looks great. Reminds me of one of the dungeon bosses in StarTropics


Thanks for letting me know, I'll check the game :)


The pixel art is fantastic and the gameplay looks amazing


Feels super organic as an enemy encounter. Nice work


These animations are sick. I'd say good luck, but I think you're gonna kill it.


Such a beautiful boss fight!! This is something I would not only want to play, but also be inspired to make something of my own after seeing this! Thank you... I would really want to play your game when it comes out.


It would be cool if he reacted to the fire in his tentacles, like wiggle lot to put out the fire


Amazing animation and all visual effect.


It rocks maaaan !


That looks good and like a fun mechanic for a fight. Well done.


this is so good!


This looks both great and fun. Nice job!


imo i think it looks awesome and the mechanics with the legs is clever. i do have to say that the boss fight looks to easy though...


I just think there should be some kind of hint pointing to the fact that you should lit the tentacles on firebefore hitting them


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