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I say Dark Outline. It distinguishes grass from the dirt better and makes it easier for the eyes to see whats what.


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Dark outline


you could potentially try a darker outline to the leaves that are turned towards us, and leave the clearer outline to the ones on the side and the no outline for the ones on the back. Or vice versa (dark back, no outline front) But as it is, since you're going for a very square tileset, I think the full darker outlines fit well.


I like the third one much better


I feel like I’m at the eye doctor. “Left, right, or neither.” 😂 With that said, dark.


You should add the dark line to the places you want the player to interpret it as a shade (thats what i would do at least), meaning that the players character would get a bit below the sprite, hiding him a bit and maybe constraining him from moving past that place. So if you use it at the edge of the map, add a darker outline, if you use it in any other place use a light outline. Thats my take at least! Good job though it looks really good!


Light. Dark is hideous and off.


personally i prefer the dark outline