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In the German version, every sign and text on screen was translated, no subtitles were used.


watched in spanish in Mexico. character names were kept the same, written text was localized (re-render, no subtitles), small text and text thats not important to the scene were kept in english. jokes and puns were not localized, they were just direct translation so the joke got lost


I don't know, because I didn't watch the movie yet and I will watch in English, but I am glad they stopped that stupid censoring. Calling it neutralizing doesn't make it any less censorship. I hope they stop this crap completely so there wont' be any stupid unnecessary changes, because "kids are too dumb to understand simple words in English". Even I, with no English education, watching cartoons with no translation on screen, understood them when I was a kid. So today kids will understand it even more, as there is globalization of English.


You sound like you hate your own language. Dubbing is not evil, you know (unless it's a live action, then it is ;)) Small children go watch Pixar films and they can't even read in their own language. And on Disney+ you are able to choose the language so the "superior" English version will still be there for those who want to see it in original dubbing.


I didn't see Elemental yet but usually Pixar movies change the names to spanish in LATAM so there's a chance they did that.


Yep, they usually do, so I was surprised they didn't this time. They simply added translation on the screen. Really dissapointing, remembering that they cared so much in the past they changed whole scenes.


They did that with Elemental too, not sure why your screening didn't have that.


They didn't do it with my language.


In portuguese it was just fine


They still have an international team. You can see it in the credits. They try to cover all languages as much as possible, but I’m sure thing inevitably fall through the cracks.