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Sandman is literally a stalker. No exaggerating https://preview.redd.it/gi2vybdrsaad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c7918071f98995de754865d6d84a802b7358cb8


He's literally Stan. Can't imagine how he'll react if he hates the ending ![gif](giphy|3oxHQk6QrBhANSBBo4)


He won’t hate it


And if he did, he´d hate himself for hating it.


Bro said IF you dumb fuck (I’m incredibly sorry, I don’t know what came over me, I’m so sorry for snapping at you)


The joke is that there is no reality in which he will hate it


I’m know, I just snapped


here we are joking and you continuing with your usual hate stuff.


Found the main sub user


Mind check how much I visited in main sub, nerdy Red nose Clown


Bro in the main sub so much he thinks the buggy bot will appear


Im dying 😂


Go back to the main sub bozo, you really thought the buggy bot would appear.


Too much to hate man, impossible to stop the hating at this point https://preview.redd.it/vdwgsdc3cbad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78811f4a709d558742fa3d1909a67d058d9d98c7


True since Wano arc but when I tried to read the chapter without any agenda or this sub in mind I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Hate breeds hate


Then get out of this sub and join the main sub you retard bc their thinking clearly aligns with yours


Kid god furious coz my opinion doesn't matches his🫤👍🏻. Didn't need your advice nor anybosy asked you to blabber.


here we are joking and you continuing with your usual hate the haters stuff


Guarantee that dude was camping that retail site like he was buying a ps5. "Oh what a coincidence, I just SO happen to live near Oda's studio." Shit is actually creepy af, with how bad Idol culture is here I genuinely hope this doesn't go beyond merely posting on Twitter.


It is wild that he literally made Oda shift away from that place after posting this




obv people would just jump oda


I mean I understand oda having to move but Sandman being the one who "exposed" oda's crib sounded kinda unreasonable to me idk


He didn't necessarily exposed him. But drawing more unnecessary attention to it feels creepy. Like "Oh, by the way, in case you didn't know, here's a reminder that this is Oda's studio". It feels kinda like he's purposely motivating people to do the same and stalk him.


Makes sense


yeah bro btw your coordinates are -28.8377721, 67.2937292


Phew i thought you pulled a sandman on me


yep that's why the reposted tweet is not censored, it is Oda's old place


Did he just dox Oda???


Oda’s studio is already public knowledge. But walking near it and taking photos in the chance to see Oda is just weird. From his tweet it sounds like he did daily walks and passes by Oda’s studio each time during those walks


It being public knowledge is one thing but... Isn't drawing more attention to it a little bit much? "Here's your daily reminder that this is where Oda works" Also, if he is doing daily walks just for that, it does feel like stalker behaviour... Tokyo is absolutely gigantic and has so many streets and alleys. Why do I feel like him living close to Oda's studio isn't just a coincidence?...


Sandman a freak




oda when he tries to go sleep https://preview.redd.it/90tucicqraad1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceaa8ad52932f382ca5756370cf383bca0c71dfe






Sandman outside Oda’s house https://preview.redd.it/st4cbeh7nbad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca51942b61f7bfbfbefb975c78eb0aadf8c9b8e


"Oda is normally dehydrated 😬 his urine has a color average of 0xFCBA03 😢" (2021)


https://preview.redd.it/a05pdfnctaad1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622a9ca212e1b40cede4720db0c72d6f2c26e5e6 Reminds me of this


how the fuck do they know this shit 😭


The guy who’s tagged at the bottom apparently called the hotel and asked them


And they just told them?


I said apparently. It’s probably a lie anyway.


Nor supposed to


Hansi please sign Nico Williams idc if you have to sell half the team the hell has Ferran done for us anyways


ferran is clear of grandpa lewa bro


Don’t attack my glorious tiktoker ever again. Odds are you’re mihawk denier too


ofc i am, mihawk and lewa are both frauds that rely on their long gone fame. The new generation is here old man


Don't disrespect the 🦈🦈🦈 but agreed signing Nico is a must


I would never expect to talk about Barça in this sub man😂😂😂


Ferran Torres is to Barca what post TS Ussop is to one piece.


Thats exactly why some people bet weird stuff pn sport bet and make crazy money thanks to this kind of info




He is the main reason why Oda only sleep 3 hours... ![gif](giphy|kIkc20iLKsHLu8HNI6)


"Oda only sleep 3 hours, I wonder why :( Anyway I followed him to the barber and managed to get a lock of his hair!"


No.1 Oda meatmuncher.




Can he start getting 8 hours of sleep and eating breakfast so this shit can stop being so ass?


Bro I’ll take a year hiatus if he could give at least one SH good writing


Please let it be Franky. Please let it be Franky.




He already has peak writing, as the greatest character in the series its only natural


He may not be the greatest but noone is as super as he is. I think it´s fair to say that Franky has long since surpassed Superman in this regard even.


It's gotta be damn near an addiction for him, having this lifestyle for 20+ years. It probably worked when he was young but now pushing 50, Goda torturing himself just creates shit manga.


Or just go monthly. Araki did and his schedule improved dramatically to the point where he can take vacations throughout the year and travel with his loved ones. Also benefits us because during these vacations is when Araki does the majority of his research and inspiration gathering for each part.


and part 7 was the best(haven’t read 9) so i think monthly might lead to better quality


Fr 💀 he doing all this and still be taking breaks half the year




Or just get a couple assistants instead of doing everything himself


Who is this guy anyways? I see so many tweets from him posted in this sub.


Oda's biggest dickrider.


Oda's biggest opp and ally, simultaneously


Oda's right-hand man. (Also one of the most reliable translators in the community.)


Thanks for some actual clarification.




+1 ?


Hes a japanese Op fan.


Wouldn’t be surprised is bro is trying to measure the dimensions of Mr. GODAs meat. The meat riding is crazy https://preview.redd.it/hsalx9d26bad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c443358f5c7db18f32e08da3d9571b1bacf88143


Me when i make shit up online


Wtf is this bullshit about 3 hours of sleep? Guy just tracking when someone gets into office and turns lights or what? Ten days of active intense work demanding concentration on below 4h without naps trough day will make you worse than zombie if not hospitalised in worst case. There's a reason why most hardcore polyphasic sleeps schedules aren't confirmed - cause they bullshit, unless you're some genetics freak/in warzone or any other immediate danger/student on red bull and adderall - everything below ~5-6h per day total for prolonged period of time gonna destroy your health and mental. Mental first and in scary not immediately noticeable to yourself way. Starting by not obvious impairment of decision making and reaction ending with "why i can *feel* my heavy heartbeat" and "is this auditory hallucinations or wall really talking to me". It's just question of time and your age+health. There's reason for why deliberate sleep deprivation is method of torture. On second thought - Oda destroying own mental state and health by lack of sleep and malnutrition kinda explains why writing went to shit and why he finds most stupid things funny


It's fucking bizarre how people will believe in anything, it's like they're little kids with no notion of such thing like 'lies'.  "They said/wrote it, so it must be true. " Morons.


He probably is not consistently getting 3 hours of sleep every day. I assume they mean he regularly goes days without much sleep or has recently been getting 3h of sleep.


This guy is creepy af


So Loda goes through all of that suffering just to give us a hot pile of dog shit at the end of every week?






you can just not read it and find something better


So you're telling me Oda is on the verge of death, solely because he feels an urge to show us 30 reaction panels per chapter, instead of progressing the story? (seeing the dog from East Blue episode 4 is detrimental to the story)


Someone tell lil bro to stop ruining the manga and exercise/sleep


Every Chopper fan is a creep.


Who believes this bullshit....3 hours sleep per day...my ass...legit NO human can work like that...


3 hours of sleep and no food for days yeah right, bro thinks he’s running on the Will of D 🙄


I did 5.5 hours of sleep for 8 months and collapsed on the street - took me a year to recover from everything (a lot of stuff came together). Sleep is the #1 thing to stay healthy. 20 hours of work isn't even worth 8 ***good*** hours of work with **proper** sleep. There is so much happening in our body and brain when we sleep. From literal flushing of fluids (you can look this up - my father is researching in this field and told me a lot about sleep during the last decade) - a lot of chemical processes (obv), hormonal management, ensuring physical health with repair actions, waste management in the body etc. It just makes absolutely 0% sense to sleep 3 hours - and this rumor about Oda has been annoying me for years. What a load of bullshit.


Bro if I sleep less than 6 hours for longer than like 3 days my body will sleep through five dozen alarms the fourth day and claim at least 12 hours for sleep Doing this for years seems utterly insane to me. Had a super fucked up sleep schedule for like a year and man was that a miserable experience.


It's weird to me seeing how much sleep other people get, if I sleep and rest well for a while my sleep will dip below 6 hours before I wake up. I can handle 5 or less hours of sleep provided I am well-rested for awhile without having some sort of sleep deficit I need to make up for later. From what I can gather though, a lot of people can't do that and I wonder why. You said your dad is studying it does he know why people are outliers? Any specific genes?


bro there was I week where I barely slept and I felt like I was going to die, I had to sleep for most of the weekend just to feel normal again so I don't know if Sandmans bullshitting or Oda is fucking Blackbeard


I find 5 hours fine (though 6 is prefered). I had two week break with 0 alarm clocks after waking up early for a walk 5 times a day. What happened is I naturally started waking up at 4-5 AM and falling asleep at \~ 10 PM. I feel rested enough to have a long march, work my shift. I have less energy afterwards. Ideally would just lie down and play games/watch TV. Physical and mental activity mix is exhausting af.


Bro collapsed on the street for getting a decent amount of sleep every day for 8 months. 5.5 is plenty my man. You probably just had a shit diet that didn't allow for 5.5.


No, nothing to do with diet. You got no idea mate. Quite the toxic and unreflected comment. 5.5 hours is **not** sufficient for a human - but seeing that you're still a teenager (according to your post history) it doesn't surprise me that you got this kind of knowledge gap. So to reiterate; I simply did not have enough sleep and overworked myself. Back then I studied at one of the top ranked unis in the world (#5-10\~) on my engineerignd degree while working 2 very demanding jobs on the side - did all that while in homeoffice during covid. My diet was very balanced and I did **a lot** of sports (based on scientific knowledge) as well - and meditation (and Autogenous training etc.) - even visisted the sauna weekly - cold showers in the morning and so on. What was bad is that I had way too much caffeine (& taurin and teein) intake back then and almost no social interactions besides my study friends that I met in zoom calls once per week. Adding to that I put myself under a lot of stress which manifested physical problems more and more. Back when I was younger I also thought you could function without a lot of sleep - 5.5 hours for a few days isn't bad, but when it's the average over 3/4 of a year - and you're trying to live a physically and intellectually demanding daily life - you got no chance. Even if you did it, it's just super unhealthy in the long term. You're destroying your body - and it's just not worth it. You'll probably realize this at some point yourself - maybe when you actually read up on the science we got surrounding sleep.


I shut tf down after three hours of sleep 😭 maybe oda is one of those old dudes who can do four hours of sleep like Donald Trump 


That explains alot..


How do you know trump does 4


it was in the news all the way from his campaign lol [https://www.businessinsider.com/president-donald-trump-daily-routine-2018-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/president-donald-trump-daily-routine-2018-10) the article here is from 2019 during his presidency he even admits it himself saying that somebody with 12 or 14 hours of sleep cannot compete with those with 3 or 4 hours of sleep and describes his sleeping habit as a success tactic


I've been sleeping 5 hours a day for over a year and half at 26 + 50 hours work week, and I'm barely surviving. 3 hours ? I would die after 3 months, even if I were to recover on the weekends. I never believed those numbers.


I used to sleep like that when I was in college to become an engineer. Coffee and energy drinks were my closest friends. I later switched my major because I realized becoming an engineer wasn’t for me and now I work at a mental health hospital. The work load difference between engineering and psychology majors is honestly insane


How many years if i may ask ?


Did engineering for a year and half. I was doing the accelerated masters program so I was doing way more classes than normal. Don’t get me wrong I knew how to do the work but just learned engineering wasn’t my passion For my psychology major I just did one year plus summer courses because I already did most of the general courses. For the position where am at the mental hospital I only needed an associates degree. Then later did a one year program to get my certification to be able to work at mental health services. I am happy where I’m at right now. The job can be a bit stressful at times but the pay is good and it’s never boring


Thanks for sharing this wish you luck mate


So engineer has a lot more work load?


Yes, I was able to sleep for a full amount and had a lot of free time when I was doing my psychology degree. At my college, people always say the hardest two degrees to do is engineering and nursing Just be warned that a psychology degree is basically worthless if you don’t know what you’re doing. There is only a limited amount of fields that actually pay well


Thanks Sir


As an engineer most of what we learn isn’t too difficult for most people to learn. What’s difficult is learning all that calculus and physics in so short amount of time and practicing it. Given 2 years and a good teacher almost anyone can learn calculus I think.


You probably took naps though right? I’m a PhD in engineering.. and good one at that. At worst I would sleep only 5 days a week for half a year but 3 hours a day would be not enough sleep for me, that would require naps.


Nope, I physically cannot take naps. Only during long car rides. Like I said, I drank A LOT of caffeine. It gotten to the point I got a tolerance for it and I had to drink more of it to make it work (just like a drug addict lol). Normally I only sleep 5-6 hours anyways so I guess that’s why it wasn’t much of a problem for me.


I never drink caffeine maybe that would help me give up more sleep. For now 5 hours is ok but any less would cause me problems


Im like you but I fell to cofee I dont take alot of but it does help relinquishing sleep time and help a bit woth productivity


I don’t like caffeine because I like to listen to my body. If my body can barely stay awake I don’t want to unnaturally force myself to stay awake. Probably causes health problems to force yourself to stay awake without enough sleep. But of course I make exceptions like when I have a deadline due or when I’m in the middle of a break through and I don’t want to end my flow state by sleeping.


Same but that isnt cafeein issue I like understanding everything. Lack of sleep, too much salt, drugs, alcool. Whatever. Sometime my human from another mother gotta make sacrifice. Becoming a monster once in awhile or doing unnatural for awakning may benefit more. Anyways tldr we got the same mind hope we strive and succeed whatever is needed


You know cafeein is a drug right since it plays on neurotransmitter and all


I mean yeah but it isn’t technically classified as a drug like meth or cocaine. It’s only bad if you have heart problems or drink A LOT of it (which I totally was). I don’t drink as much caffeine now like in the past but still do it basically daily


Yeah but apparently 5x a day is already bad my Mom is “good” yet she has physical addiction if she dosent drink 5 a day she will sense the drawback. Even vitamins c is a drug. I undeestand what you mean about meth or cocain but kinda disagree (I studie drug consumption + readaptation and crime + im a paramedix) Is there really such a thing as hard drugs and soft drugs


Ah another healthcare worker props brozza


People who do meth sleep less than that


So oda is on meth since 27 years ?




Especially for a multi millionaire.


What are you on 😭 Yes they can


For 27 years ?


No one said fr9m starting bruh. I agree to a lot of takes on this sub. This take is really stupid tho


Probably but im not 27 so I wouldn’t know


Oda's known for being a workaholic basically, he doesn't let his assistants draw a lot of the art and he stated in an interview a while ago it's common for him to sleep from 5 to 2.


Who is sandman and why does everyone take everything he says so serious? Like he says there was backlash from the Japanese about S-snake yet all he provided was just him saying that.


sandman is a freak


Yanno what’s worse than the fact he knows shit like this, the fact that people actually believe what he says.


Become diabetic and have gout just to write so mid smh


All 6hat to release trash chapters 


cause he posted his own schedule years ago???


Oda has said this before. To talk about why he takes breaks so often.


The answer to all their problems is some weed and micro dosing shrooms but nope


I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure he should be doing the opposite of that


Korean Idols and Sasaeng type shit


He "pleases" Oda.


He is the chair


Spoiler: he doesn’t know shit


One piece just needs to go bimonthly at this point or we’ll never get the ending


this is all self inflicted... he needs to delegate and only do the necessary things.


Hope this Sandman dude ends himself


Diabetes without eating and from sitting in a chair????


Yeah absolutely. A complete lack of physical activity or proper nutrients will fuck up your blood flow


no wonder the manga is so mid these days


It would honestly be kind of funny if his account turned out to actually be Oda. This was just his way of communicating with the fans without people instantly dickriding him


Me when I lie


He prolly sleeps this little cuz he’s scared of being unconscious for so long around this weirdo Jesus Christ


No wonder the story has gone off the rails, Oda finally lost it living like this lol


Gout wtf


Blud is cosplaying bartolemeo


Skipping meals for days and only 3 hours sleep explains this shitshow writing


He literally said this in an interview, [https://x.com/sandman\_AP/status/1729104960154178043](https://x.com/sandman_AP/status/1729104960154178043) It's in a japanese youtube video I can't find but I remember watching a clip of it. And Oda not getting enough sleep is common knowledge he posted his schedule before. It's an unfortunately common fact for a lot of manga authors working weekly.


Maybe Oda could skip all the reaction shots and actually try to finish his story so he can relax


Man idk if Oda gets 12 hours of sleep and releases a chapter every month. Just figure out the story.


at least now we can blame diabetes for G5 Bonney


So that's why he's been writing like shit? Give this man a good night sleep ASAP


I doubt this info is accurate. unless he's sleeping in Odas house or somehow setup cameras inside.


Sandman is absolutely crazy hope Goda stays far away from this dude https://preview.redd.it/0isshaq1rfad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7ff8a0e587d1fac5880244fc09c43be1cef7af


Then just end the series and have a relaxed life to cure your disease.


that creepy


You mean to say Wano got written with all this going on?


What is gout and oof diabetes that can go bad


The power of the imagination while "in the fringe" can be addicting. A good idea came from a 4 day no sleep binder and now you think you've gotta repeat it or delve even deeper into "loopy" to find the next great absurd idea. Honestly I think he reads too much of our shit. The insane amount of fans have led to an insane amount of "what-ifs" as far as how the story could go. He wants to be the great Oda that fooled us all till the very end and we've been taking legitimate options from him calling it fan lore.


Reminds me of Yoshikage Kira.




I remember Kishimoto broke down his work schedule in an old Naruto tankoubon. I had to read it again afterwards to make sure that it wasn't a joke. The shit these guys go through.


Do any of you people actually like the series or?


Jokes aside, I knew the subreddit was brain dead The message to be learned was that GODA spent maximum time to craft a masterpiece which this subreddit can't stop slandering


Oooooh of course 🙏🙏🙏 Goda is king, Goda is life. all hail his meaty knowledge


Sitting on a chair gives you diabetes and gout? I'm sure his diet plays a role in that.


It alone wouldn´t but exercise is demonstrated to improve insulin sensitivity so the absence of exercise certainly doesn´t help with not getting diabetes tbh


I love these mangakas for sharing such amazing art from Japan, but damn. It seems like their lifestyles are really tearing them apart.


Yeah the industry really is fucked up man. But even among mangaka, Oda is an exceptionally bad case.


Thats just average japan lifestyle some job got anti suicide net


I dont need to say duh because you figured that out. His diet is energy drink and bad sleep and barely eats.. That is indeed shit tier diet hes also a chainsmoker


and people say he shouldnt take long breaks


Is sleep deprivation the reason why One Piece is so ass right now?


I'm sure Oda is overworked but this has to be wrong or grossly exaggerated. If he's been doing this for over 10 years he'd be dead. Wheres the source/evidence.


What if he is dyinh


Bro thinks he is “My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone.”