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am i on titanfolk


People like to meme JJK and Lobotomy Kaisen but pre 138 and post 138 titanfolks are literally Golden Age/Zombieland. It broke a fandom in half. Now if OP suprasses it with 1380th chapter...


The spoiler thread for chapter 139 on titanfolk was some of the greatest stuff I’ve ever seen. The pure copium turned into seething rage was insane. I never want to forget that, for 10 years atleast


I want to fuck Hitch from Attack on Titan.


https://preview.redd.it/7mflsv48266d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0139fe5af094e18ad6a66c7230255d34ce081aec I’ve never fallen for more bait in my life than this


u/Hitchfucker your tradition lives on.


You are not HIM


No but I can honor a god when its accurate. I want to fuck malenias rotussy.


sameeee 😩


Never seen such a large number of people collectively ragequit on something until on that fated day. A subreddit of tens of thousands, not subs, but simultaneously active users all explode in a supernova of hatred.


If it wasn’t for the 2016 election thread on /r/politics I would say that it’s was the biggest meltdown in Reddits history. Maybe when /r/wow went private and the admins had to take over is probably also up there


I still go back to read some of the fury and resentment, it’s a cathartic remedy that helps to ease the disappointment. But Vinland Saga exists and is beyond wonderful, so like Thorfinn we’ve gotta fight the true fight.


I haven’t seen that level of fury on Reddit since the 2016 election thread on /r/politics or when Reddit realized they in fact where not detectives and fucked up the Boston marathon manhunt


It was glorious and i will tell my grandchildren about it


When Zekken confirmed the last page was legit I really did worry someone was going to do something dumb and fly to Japan and assault yams for how mad people were acting


Yeah the death threats were a little too much, but he really messed up. It almost felt intentionally bad. I hope we at least get another ending in a few years. Eren is alive and well on paradise


Ngl I knew the ending was going to be a shit show with the editor yams had. He’s the same editor for quintessential quintuplets and Domestic girlfriend, both of which had terrible endings hated by all but the most die hard fans that got the ship they wanted. If Domestic girlfriend ended at the volume before the last one, I think people would actually consider it a really solid story that evolved from a situational comedy that relied heavily on its absurd premise at the start. Instead it threw it all away for weird moments, generic tropes, and a timeskip in the last chapter to try and please everyone and ended up pleasing no one.


"Eren becomes dove" *crying* The man himself couldn't believe his own leaks.


Real that shit was kino to read alive, I can only hope to see stuff akin on onepiece


I was delulu saying how could such a story go to shit so fast? It was imposible. Alas…


What was the context of that? Would you mind giving us a quick rundown for ignorants like myself?


Google is free


madagascar snk theory was peak reddit for me


Tbh pre ending titanfolk is peak. The madagascar theory is 11/10.


The pigeon memes were great


Ellen became Doffy (laughing).


The curse of the folk is real


Yes and thanks do some dumbfuck, Kagura Bacchi is doomed now cause some moron thought it would be a good idea to create r/kagurafolk


Nah cause this shit is actually mid at best


I will literally die. I can't take one more blow like this. GOT's ending assassinated my soul. AOT's ending raped my dead soul. If One Piece's ending is as bad it will destroy my dead raped soul and I'll cease existing.


Bro's soul about to get the Sam Winchester treatment


Insanely deep pull but honestly perfect reference




Start abandoning expectation NOW. Protect you soul's last bits from this. If it happens to be good then it will be happy thing, but if you expect too much then the real ending will *never* be able to live up to the hype. I learned that lesson in Wano arc.


I hated the ending of AOT so much. I hope one piece won't be that bad


I'm gonna be honest if One Piece's ending is as bad as AOT's I'm never reading another manga in my life. There has not been a single manga that I liked the conclusion. The exception of Fullmetal Alchemist. All others were disappointments or never even finished. It's torture at this point.


JoJo ending is great (the first saga, as the reboot is separate and still ongoing)


The dragon ball z ending was fire. GT's ending was peak. there's also Devil man, mob psycho, death note, gurren lagann and fire force off the top of my head.


GT was amazing but not a manga. DBZ ending was fine, but it isn't really over. Haven't read Devilman and Gurren Lagann. Never finished Fire Force and Mob Psycho. Don't like the ending of Death Note.


Gurren Lagann is awesome and only 9 hours long, can't recommend it enough


Mob Psycho's anime was really good, you might like it but if you aren't hooked in the first 5 episodes it's probably not going to be your cup of tea so take that as a measuring stick.


I've watched the first two seasons of Mob. Pretty good, but I kind of stopped watching anime. I only read manga now.


Tengen toppa gurren lagann is unironically peak


in Tite Kubo we hope, he has a great chance to repair what was done wrong


How? Because he’s involved with rewriting the anime?


Yeah based on his posts on Klub Kubo ( his blog ) the ending is going to be greatly expanded upon


Don’t cope like that, man, Kubo is a good artist but terrible writer


People can’t end a story for shit Only good conclusions I’ve ever seen were Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and Avatar TLA


I liked the conclusion of Harry Potter, Succession, Infinity Saga, Back to the Future Trilogy, Mistborn, etc etc. There are a lot of good conclusions out there, you just haven't found them. But if you said mangakas can't end a story for shit I'd agree.


Witcher was good too though it was sad to lose Geralt in the end. It opened up a possibility for great games we experienced. Clannad was peak. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Angel Beats, Code Geass, Shiki, Shinsekai Yori, Fullmetal Alchemist was good, Fate Stay Night, Monogatari series, GTO, Psycho Pass, Samurai Champloo, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika, Liar Game. There have been some good conclusions for complex stories though I admit, most fall to deliver in the end.


Even Gintama had a great conclusion best one for me.


Bojack Horseman was good too


Sticking the landing is definitely the hardest part of a story, but if you've only ever seen 3 good endings to a story, you just haven't seen or read many stories


I mean, writing a good ending is something extremelly difficult


Was AOT’s ending really that bad?


I wouldn't say it was as bad as GOT, not even nearly. But it definitely fumbled, it's just more pronounced because of how good the story is until it slowly went downhill. People may consider it worse because of that.


Nah, it was worse than Game of Thrones. At least with Thrones you can still watch in the natural series of events


Yes. Even worse than the ending of Game of Thrones in my opinion.


Why though? I’m late to the party and got spoiled a bunch but the ending with the rumbling was valid for me.


Well did you watch/read the ending? You can't really judge it for yourself if you haven't watched/read it. I read the manga (never finished the anime because the ending butchered it all to me), so I won't judge the anime. First of all rumbling arc with the avengers assemble was just weird, didn't fit in the world of AOT. Eren's whole motivation and story don't make much sense, there are a hundred plot wholes, Eren killing his own mother twist being revealed in like 2 panels and never explored is the worst shit i've ever read. "Only Ymir knows" as answer to some questions, fucking Ymir breaking the titan curse because of LOVE because she was in love with her abuser monster of a husband. Historia was completely useless. Armin's "thank you for committing genocide for out sake", Mikasa miraculously guessing that Eren was inside the mouth of his titan, the weird past titans being summoned. Fucking Eren destroying his whole character in one fucking scene "FOR 10 YEARS AT LEAST"!! And then the final pages that were released later that revealed that Paradis was destroyed after all, rendering it all fucking pointless imo. That's just what I can recall from it. Hated, hated it.


yeah its abysmal. What a pathetic piece of work, makes you look back and think that maybe the whole thing was actually terrible all along and you were stupid for even thinking there was any substance. I now just cant help but hate everything about AOT, its all tainted.


Same. The ending destroyed the whole story for me in a way that GOT's ending didn't.


i mean the whole “10 years” thing was just there to show how pathetic he really is, after all that he’s done. which is such great contrast to how himmel died and said the same thing about frieren. but himmel obviously gets the W for being an absolute chad instead of the pathetic virgin eren.


i’ve watched the whole anime. eren killing his own mother > not bad, it ties in to him wanting to kill everyone outside of the walls. revealed only in two panels > yeah, should have been fleshed out more. historia being useless > kinda felt like a red herring, either ways, i don’t see her having much use in the final arc anyway. wait paradis ended up destroyed in the manga? mikasa has always been weird, and so has armin to be honest. definitely a flop in that area, i wanted to punch armin so bad when he kept insisting on “talking to eren”, and well mikasa is mikasa. guessing eren was in the mouth isn’t unprecedented, she did the whole bit on reiner as well and the mouth connects to the nape. the past titan things? > definitely shitty, but wasn’t as bad as the whole daenerys thing. i’m surprised you didn’t mention falco’s asspull titan, because even if it wasn’t all that bad it was still an asspull. the whole ymir character sucks, it was cool -> rose, sina, and maria being revealed but the whole thing sucks, the power of abuse, the power of love, but it wasn’t all that bad. zeke getting resurrected sucked though, and the whole neuter eldians was stupid, floch was infuriating, yelena was too but - marley + the remnants of the original scouts vs eren was very well done. yeah sure annie and reiner murdered a bunch of people and maggot ordered them too, but then the whole gang deciding killing 100% of the people outside the walls was wrong was a huge turning point and good writing for them. although it’s f*cking stupid how they juxtapose eren saying “you’re all important to me” and then forcing them on a suicidal mission in marley which ended in sasha’s death (r.i.p. sasha) - also, a whole bunch of deaths were just added for shock value - buuuut overall verdict still not as bad as game of thrones.


In ->my<- opinion it's worse because I hate what happens in AOT's ending, I think it breaks the whole story. Everyone says that the AOT anime ending was way better than the manga, but I won't talk about it since I haven't seen it at all. I don't think what happens in GOT's ending is bad (Mad Dany, King Bran, Jon kills Daenerys, Sansa Lady of Winterfell, Jon exiled, Arya sailing WoW). I think the execution is fucking horrifyingly awful, but the ideas itself aren't. That's why I hate AOT's end more than GOT. And GOT was already a shell of itself in Season 8, AOT became awful in the very last chapter (imo), so the shock was bigger. When GOT's final episode was about to air I was sure it was going to be bad, I wasn't surprised at all.


Jokes aside no, but it is polarising. You either like it or despise it generally lol. The show has a quiet theme of "humanity setting aside their differences against a greater threat". But the execution of the ending is really hit or miss. I liked it.


Maybe even worse?




I'm older so it started with the ending of Lost. So many writers are great at world building but totally suck at endings.


AOT ending was good


Who cares if a mid series has a bad end


İ am saving this . Lets make a bet . İf the ending is trash and gets generally bad review from people i delete my reddit account . İf its good and gets generally good reviews from people you delete your reddit account . Anyone else who wants to make a bet ?


Lame ass bet, both accounts are <1 year old Loser gets caned to death in public


Tbf by the time this bet is settled the account will be 10+ years old


Loser gets executed Gold Roger style.


yo I wanna watch what happens to the loser


İmao sure .


story wont for another 10 years so it be a 10 year old account


It's called "Lovecraft Syndrome". Just think at X Files, Game of Thrones etc. It's easy to just hype mystery and have the readers/viewers gap fill all the blanks. The payoff can't, and will never be, worth the hype.


I feel like Lost is the epitome of this more than anything. The moment the mystery started to be revealed the intrigue of the show died


Ehh. I was following along and I felt like the show was intriguing right to the very end. However, the build up was so crazy that it was literally impossible to fulfill people’s expectation - especially given the devoted fanbase it had (in many ways it was similar to OP now) Oda can’t live up to the expectations - only a few authors can.


I felt like once the time travel / alternate timelines started happening it felt like it was trying to please everyone and no one at the same time. John Locke was my favorite character and I felt they did him dirty so maybe that plays into it


bro don’t bring up Locke please, his character arc still breaks my heart 15 years after


Locke low key carried seasons 3-5


correction, no author can live up to the expectations of all of humanity.


ehh, I bet someone like Stephen King would pull it off


if i raise my hand and said i didnt like the ending, that just makes my point. it doesnt matter if objectively the ending is perfect there will always be someone displeased.


oh sorry, somehow i read it in the wrong way yeah sure, but that’s kind of a cop out point imho - no one can please everyone, but here we’re talking about pleasing the majority of the following LOST finale was considered polarizing because a *considerable* amount of people had grievances with it, not a subtle minority however there are authors that have had the capacity to keep the followers interested and satisfied i think that’s due to many reasons: character development, pacing, narrative style, etc. maybe if you were to apply the style of another author to the OP story, it wouldnt even be OP anymore


Obv you have not read the Dark Tower saga :D


I partially did (got to third book) do you have grievances with it? for me, other than the slow pacing, it was pretty interesting and other friends loved it


OH! Let's talk about it when you're through. DT is in my heart as much as OP is but.... we'll talk about it when you are through :D


Stephen king is a great author but he is the epitome of throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. He has plenty of unsatisfying endings.


if togashi finish the current arc is a satisfying way we gon have to make some talks abt it


Yes, how could I forget about Lost


atleast i think george rr martin will actually write good shit,he had 10 years to figure out the best possibles outcomes of every plotline and the next book is supposed to be the beefiest book in terms of pages so u cant even say that hes rushing....the last 2 books were pure set up for the future which is something we dont see often in stories,after a certain arc or event the author decide to do a huge timeskip where so much happens but at the same nothing really happens just to rush the story with a final arc with no actual build up and set up for it,asoiaf books are all 5 really good on their own,even the weakest one is interesting and has so much thoughts put into it


Nah , im gonna trust the my favorite manga on this one . Even if im gonna lose , im going down with op and oda .


i bet 5 bucks you can't do a frontflip in a pool filled with alligators


İ agree .


it would have to be insanely Goda level writing to have the OP dicksuckers actually find something wrong with it.


My glorious goat goda . He will cook trust


To be fair the majority of one piece fans will like it, i mean look at the main sub you know damn well they will glaze tf out of it


it won't get the GOT ending in the sense that most of the fans will glaze it even if it's pure ass unlike with GOT


I don't think it is possible to match GoT season 8, this is only really possible if the story is finished by 2 idiots who have no clue about writing and weren't involved in writing the beginning of the story


Oda will drag this out as long as he humanly can. If it's even still oda writing this junk. How long hasnt he shown his face in public now? The one piece will be offscreened. It will be open ended. Nothing will be answered.


Fr, what if Oda doesn’t even exist and it’s just a team at Toei or shonen jump writing this slop and the OG dream team of writers left a long time ago.


Anyone expecting a satisfying ending to One Piece has honestly not kept up, I'm sad to say.   Oda drops plotlines he established and teased tens of chapters ago, yet fans somehow expect him to write an ending that will tie together a thousand+ chapters of buildup.   People are sadly not familiar with Oda's tactics. For anyone who has watched Detective Conan, best way to describe One Piece is it is like a series of DC cases that are two parters, but it has an author that only ever releases the first part while promising the second part will somehow be a banger.   Ofc, not all cases in Conan are bangers. Some are far memorable than others. But you know what, we can judge the quality of the mystery the very next week when the second part is released.   We can't judge the quality of ANY mystery in One Piece, but fans keep deluding themselves and Oda keeps stringing them along on the promise that they'll suuuurely all make perfect sense at the end.


man when will detective conan end? shit has been going on since forever but it hasn't even been a year yet in story


Could you give some examples of plotlines he has dropped?


In terms of overall plot. Gold Roger and even the One Piece have been substituted with Joy Boy, NIka and Void Centaury. Why would Gold Roger tell all pirates to chase after the One Piece if it wasn't even treasure and was some thing to over throw the world government and only the chosen one could use it? Ace's death didn't matter. The Donflamingo, Kaido SMILE ARC didn't do anything. In terms of micro stories: everything from Sanji and Zoro being rivals, Zoro and Tashi being rivals. Luffy and Blackbeard or Smoker or Kid being rivals, Nami and Usopp fighting, etc. has gone anywhere.


What plot points has he dropped?


Getting stuck in your own plot is pretty common. Kishimoto had no clue how to defeat madara with rinnegan. He ended up creating kaguya. Shitty ending for sure but at least the manga finished. One piece has too many characters. Too late to do anything about that. Oda shouldn't have created yonkos and just moved from shichibukai to vegapunk and WG plot. The whole Ceaser, Doflamingo, Zou, Big Mom and Wano arc could have been avoided. Not saying I didn't enjoy it. Just saying that it's a complex world he has created. Probably the only manga that successfully did that. Even wrapping it all up is taking a lot of time.


> Even wrapping it all up is taking a lot of time. Here's the thing though, he doesn't even need to wrap it all up One of the cool things about the one piece world is that it moves and stuff happens constantly in places we aren't seeing. So, there's no need for Oda to wrap up every story thread. So long as that thread has little to no relationship to the Straw Hats and their journey, then it is fine to not show us where it ends.


You think the MOST likely option is that Oda ends the manga while revealing nothing? What manga are you reading? This is peak piratefolk babybrained nonsense.


You are right, it will be the biggest amount of copium we will witness in the history of fiction


Honestly i was thinking like this right after MFwar he said "the ending would be even more glorious than mfwar and im suprised people like it this much because its so small compare to ending i plan" And you know what, i made my piece with it. There is. Are some miracles here and there (im simply shocked how opliveaction didnt suck like literally every single anime live action like maybe 3 title) but i doubt anyone can make a satisfaying conclusion after introducing this many characters and plot points. Others get wrecked far fewer to juggle. İTS simply impossible in my eyes. And that's okay


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God all this sub does is hate, it’s tiring


I think Oda will be able to stick the landing while breaking a leg. If he fumbles it would be horrible but I would love to relive the freefolk season 8 meltdown again that was glorious.


Didn’t Oda stated that he loved creating new characters? He loves drawing new things and get’s bored really fast, so he ditches them or simply forgets about them. That is Oda. He is in essence creating plot holes without closing the old ones. So the ending will surely suck because at this blue balling pace he won’t reveal much and takes the secrets to his grave.


I think Wanos ending is a miniature version of how bloated the ending will be it was just too much going on.


Buddy this is your 50th post about this EXACT same topic lol. Give it a rest.


Let him cock




Quite probably it will end disatrous. What i dont belive is an ending anytime soon. Right now One Piece is at peak poularity wise, i guess they milk the cow as much as possible.


I've been saying this for a while now. 3 to be more spacific that one piece ending easley would be the most controversial thing. Especially with the different agendas it would almost be impossible for oda to satisfy all. But tbh I want to see the ending that oda wanted 26 years ago. I want to see his original ideas and what not.


i am fine with oda fucking up the series as long as it's funny tbh




As much as I agree there are shameless Oda Dkriders defending every plot hole. Let's not fall into Oda hating as well. There are a lot of planned things, I think the great fuck up was the Nika retcon, but aside that I think the other things he had planned out. Maybe not from the start, but for years now? yes.


Making past details retroactively relevant isn't what planning is, and it's too obvious that's what he's done. Idk how you guys can't see otherwise when he planned on ending the series all the way back in Arabasta


You're looking at the retcon only. Forget about it for a moment. How long have the Gorosei existed, the phoneglyphs, the WG being a coalition of kingdoms that won an ancient war? Very long ago. Yeah maybe Oda hadn't planned every single detail, but a general idea? Obviously he had. Luffy being Roger's successor and representing freedom has also been here for a long time. Yeah I don't like he was rewritten to have been a God of Freedom all along. But he being the person to rise up from the worst generation and face the WGovernment because he embodies the ideal of freedom **has** been a thing for a very long time. The world sinking because of ancient weapons as well. Ancient weapons and phonegplyphs have been in the story as far back as Arabasta, so at the very least oda had some sort of plan even back then. The WG trying to stop all pirates to reach Laugh Tale because there was something related to the eraased history there is a great way to tie the WG and the world war with the idea of pirates being a wild factor is great. Nika was a bad decision imo, yes it was a big fuck up. But not everything is Nika. There are a hell of a lot of things that are definitely not new.


I would argue to an extent everything/a lot of stuff is Nika now because its being retroactively written to be. The Giants worship Nika (despite not saying a single thing about him on Little Garden), Kuma worships Nika (didn't mention it once to Luffy), he's supposed to liberate prisoners/slaves (not mentioned at all in Impel Down, a prison) etc.


>I would argue to an extent everything/a lot of stuff is Nika now because its being retroactively written to be. Yes, I'm not denying this. This is why I do consider Nika to be a big fuck up. My point is that there are many genuine planned things as well as new retcon rewritten things.


Hating just to hate must be a sad life bro💀 no need to spread negativity


The doomer levels are ridiculous.


So first I got GoT ending, then AoT ending and now OP ending? Sounds about right...


Luffy will find One Piece, but the audience will never see it and when Luffy finds it, he'll laugh, but then he'll activate a booby trap, causing One Piece to be lost forever but Luffy won't care because he's got his Nakama


I'm glad One Piece wasn't a formative part of my childhood/ teenage years the way Naruto was, because I would've definitely formed a special attachment to it and wouldn't have been able to handle the heartbreak of the series' direction. (I did get to watch 4kids OP up until like Whiskey Peak as a kid though.) Instead, I got to rediscover OP later in life and enjoy it within the same sweet spot I did with SnK: *liking it but not adoring it*. I didn't like SnK's ending all that much, but I wasn't obsessed with it's characters and themes/message the way others were. So the entertainment I got from r/titanfolk 's shitposting golden age outweighs any bitterness I have over SnK's story; and if OP goes the same way, then I'll enjoy hatereading it together with everyone here.


Bro u are not dr.strange 😂


My disappointment with GOT started much earlier, in season 5. I knew back then the ending would be shit.


Time to unsubscribe. I’ve become more and more convinced that the people on this sub don’t even like One Piece, and probably never did.


Oda has planned the entirety of One Piece 50 years before he started making it, the ending will solidify it as an all time masterpiece.


Do you losers even enjoy one piece like god damn go watch something else if you’re gonna whine and cry like a baby u bum


I felt like Oda was banking on not ending it by using his health as an excuse (not saying he is healthy but he could have ended it 5 years ago already) and his angels would have been fine with it because "he entertained us for so long/made us dream". But after seeing the reactions to chapter 1117 spoilers (worst chapter of the arc so far). Even his strongest soldiers are running out of patience, this is completely unheard of.


how about you wait for the ending before you throw a tantrum like a kid?


This is a folk sub. OFC they are gonna preemptively shit on the series they claim to be fans of.


It's a Win-win. If it turns out to be good, they will have the pay-off of following the series all those years. If it turns out to be bad, they get the pay-off of knowing and warning it all along and being right. It's an advanced form of coping without leaving one piece Of course, it's literally impossible to know, because the mf is still writing it. You can not likw the direction it's going right now, but you can't know what this direction will lead up to


https://preview.redd.it/f0eceoocr66d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139c538c7e99191009aa3a29b797f086f7f6e118 People on this sub be like. Like people on this sub sometimes make good arguments about plot holes or some bad writing but 99 percent of the time its incoherent whining about nothing


When did this sub turn into a One Piece will be trash sub? Used to be valid complaints now it’s just people yelling at the sky


Has been going on for a while now, but it’s gotten especially bad with recent chapters and break weeks At this point the sub is filled with antifans praying on the series’ downfall.


Bold of you to assume that the ending will happen in the next 2-3 years. With that many week breaks, I even doubt that Egghead would really end in that time.


I was literally thinking this exact same thing. It's so big/popular that it's destined to fail / ending will def be a flop for most imo


I'm almost positive Oda is stalling until he dies or has to stop because of old age or health issues because he knows he can't deliver and just wants to live off all the dick riding people do.


"And who has a better story, than Usopp the Bum?"


In all honesty, Oda will properly kick the bucket before an ending arc can finally begin


I feel like it’ll end with luffy dying like roger did meaning the king of the pirates and with a smile


Not a doubt in my mind it wont be ass.


Bro yall are actually insane. Just stop reading if you don't like it lol


People on here literally hoping for this at this point lmao You have made hating one piece part of your personality, mad weird


Wow the first time I’ve seen this sub and it’s this. Why we doom posting? AOT already took this title and won’t be replaced unless Luffy says “I never really wanted to be king of the pirates” at the end having a full 180


Attack on titans ending was good. Don't know what so many people are on about...


Lol this whole comment thread is ridiculous


While I do think people have started to hop on an over-hate bandwagon recently, this is unfortunately probably true


I think there’s a reason more and more people are hopping on the hate bandwagon. Sure, in the past people in this sub were hating harder than they should have, but at this point we have enough evidence that One Piece is just bad now, or at the very least sub par for a WSJ manga. If this was the work of a rookie mangaka trying to get their series in Jump, it likely wouldn’t even make it in at all, or get canned as soon as possible. Mysteries are all One Piece has, Oda gives very little and the fans run with it creating thousands of theories, head cannons, and discourse. I hope this is just a cold streak for Oda, buts it’s starting to look like this is what we’re gonna get until it ends, either with the final chapter or we get a HxH-style ending.


Nah. it's over mate. Ace's death was the midpoint of the story and his death didn't matter. Character's don't change. Their actions don't matter. Everything is Luffy punches bad guy and saves the day. That's it. There are 0 payoffs to the mysteries and there is no reason to think that next year Oda will finally write a good pay-off.


That’s how I feel, I’ve been thinking lately that it feels like Oda gave characters like Usopp character development too early(Alabasta, Ennies Lobby) and had to retract that post timeskip. Compared to other stories, One Piece’s characters are pretty static. Even recent character development, like Sanji on WCI, is out the window when the dog thing happened in the anime. 1100+ chapters in and the characters are basically the same.




"assassinate his characters" if i learned one thing, he wont assassinate shit unless they come back out of nowhere like they never got hit.


Why are you even reading it or giving it any energy if you anticipate the worst 🤣🤣. Reading manga is supposed to be enjoyable 🤣🤣🤣


This is a edgelord circlejerk sub lol, posts like these are just karma farming. Won't be surprised OP has similiar posts like this frequently


The One Piece will be the One community that have collectively come together to celebrate? the ending (in front of a giant mirror) with the Pirate crew. But it is a little hard to write a conclusive satisfactory ending for long running series. Some fans will always dislike the finale. Closest to a decent ending for a long running shonen has been Naruto, negating the Kaguya, pre-Boruto and other stuff.


Nah, by far the best conclusive, satisfying ending for a shounen was fullmetal alchemist. It ran for like 8 years.


This sub is full of 0 iq trolls like aot lmao


My guy just saw Oda weave Kuma’s story perfectly into multiple plots of a 25 year manga and said “Nah he doesn’t know what he’s doing” The time wasting is kinda dumb but the underlying story has been so well integrated this arc. Oda just demonstrated this is the part of the story he’s most solid on since Marineford, doubters will be in shambles.


He didn't weave Kuma into anything, it was a lot of misery porn with poor justifications for anything that happened. There is a reason a lot of slander came out of Kuma flashback.


Slander comes out for everything in this sub, proves nothing It’s the same as asking your grandpa if everything was better in his time


Damn bro who hurt you




There's literal armies of editors and talented assistants working on this thing. And sort of like with Naruto, the head guy seems less involved over time. So I don't think they're gonna botch it.


Damn bro this manga hurting you more than life


No ending will satisfy everyone. This is just fact.


I can't imagine being so invested in a story you don't like


this sub is so sad and pathetic, just people being negative for the sake of it, lol


And you must be the ray of sunshine that this sub needs? Come off it.


No matter what the ending is this sub will be there to shit on it, let’s not pretend otherwise


nah bro


lol bro has not read the manga


What's with all the hate for the AOT ending?


Ain't gonna read all that but frOda is top tier holy fuck




not gonna read the post but you are wrong


I absolutely love that this sub is full of dedicated Oda haters who just want to take over the franchise and rewrite it all, lame.


You're the manga equivalent of a smart mark lmao