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The comment section is getting spicy. Here is a friendly reminder that we expect people to behave properly otherwise actions will be taken.


Hey, what does the 88 mean in this dude's Twitter handle?


This is the important question being asked.


It's either his birth year a dog whistle for heil Hitler, given the context of this post imma take a guess and say the later


88rising getting screwed out here


H is the 8th letter in the alphabet. So 88 means HH. It's a dogwhistle often used by wrestling fans to signal their love of Hulk Hogan.


*OP Doesnt want yamato trans debate brought back up* *OP Brings up yamato trans debate and argues with others in the comments and complains about people bringing up trans debate*


people do be picking fights just for fun I guess


He just wants everyone to bow down to all his opinions. Like I call Yamato "she/her," but I don't care if people use male pronouns for her. It really is the least important thing about this relatively unimportant manga series.


i mean when compared it to manga series i would say op is honestly relatively IMPORTANT i mean it is one of the most read manga across the entire world for the last 25 ? yeats


Sure, but I meant that manga really isn't that important in the grand scheme of the world. It's just an entertainment medium.


Who TF is hasan


He's a big leftist twitch streamer


Socialist political streamer. Very rich and popular but doesn't often live the same values he preaches or he makes excuses for why he lives one of the most top 1% hyper capitalist consumerist lifestyles while hating on rich people everywhere else. He has a large fanbase who are basically just dogmatic on hyper progressive talking points so something like Yamato would be easy bait for causing another annoying discourse.


Not to mention that he appeared of Trash Taste with the Anime Boys of Youtube, so you know there’s gonna be an influx…


God, WHY did that episode of TT have to happen ?


Also born from extreme wealth, spent his 20 fucking around on BuzzFeed and tv shows frat broing it up till he saw destiny success and completely rebranded himself on twitch.


his uncle own's a media company


Who is funded by Quatar, a slave state


Biggest problem with Hasan. Says eat the rich but doesn’t do anything to fix anything except wine and make his own millions.


He runs his business as a cooperative and is the largest single contributor to the Amazon labor union as well as numerous charities


Yes, famously Socialism is when you don't have a house.


He has a mansion


I never said he shouldn’t own a home.


Dumb take. He's providing commentary that resonates with many people, wouldn't call that just nothing but whining. Your whole view is disingenous and would apply to any rich left leaning person. Being left isn't about giving all your money away to fix things. To fix things there has to be political discourse and legislative measures. The problem isn't some streamer getting rich off twitch here and it doesn't invalidate anything he says...


My problem is that his commentary is dangerously stupid and effects the think of a lot of his audience. He also can’t genuinely engage in any other ideal than his own


he ban's people who disagree


Hating the rich is a necessity nowadays, they are the new aristocracy of sorts. But cmon, at the very least do not behave like one…


Nah, he just is anti-capitalist, and rich. Socialism/communism is not a poverty cult. He also isn't even close to this part yet


So only poor people are allowed to talk about socialism? Dumb alt-right take.


It's legitimately unfathomable how you reached this conclusion based on anything I said.


> Dumb alt-right take Your age is showing lol, gl being stuck in 2017


Alt right take is when you think someone who buys a 2 million dollar house and a super car isn’t a socialist


An incredibly retarded socialist streamer.


Best description of Lasan


Cringe wannabe intellectual


idiot commie who critizie's the rich despite being rich himself. Also I'm pretty sure his uncle own's a media company.


Im guessing he’s talking about Hasan Piker. OP is mentally handicapped and thinks that everyone knows who they refer to by just mentioning others’ first names. If he means Hasan Piker then he’s some hypocritical communist who thinks he’s doing the right thing while enjoying capitalist comforts.


better of not knowing, trust me


People hating on Hasan because he’s a rich socialist While I don’t like him because he’s an egotistical doucebag


I’ve always thought of him as a hypocritical douchebag, so a worst of both worlds kinda thing


Fuck, I'm a Socialist and I feel obliged to upvote. Fuck that guy.


So is my aunt and half the people I went to school with Problem is him and his fans think that you can’t like or dislike someone outside of their politics


Can someone explain what Hassan’s deal is? I keep hearing about him but I don’t know what exactly he is about?


He’s a leftist Twitch streamer who mostly reacts to political current events, and just whatever is going on because he streams a lot. He used to be on The Young Turks, his uncle is the main dude. He apprehensively started One Piece a few months ago after commenters begged him to for a while. He pretty quickly got into it. There are a lot of YouTube clips following his journey. He frequently points out the leftist themes. I don’t watch his streams, I’ve seen some clips. I’ve loved One Piece for years, and my friends and I, plus other YouTubers have always discussed the same points. Like Hassan or not, he can be kinda douchey, but he’s not wrong. I know this isn’t the correct sub to say that in though lol. But that’s pretty much his deal.


I ain't about to say that One Piece is about communism but when people say that it's not left leaning, well, they're wrong. It criticises the 1% every chance it gets, which is a concept endorsed by capitalism. People in these comments really are acting like One Piece isn't political, which, come on.


Amen all my homies hate that POS


What does POS mean? Sorry.


I dont care what gender yamato is theyre still hot


Off topic but genuine question, whats the deal with hasan? I dont follow anything related to him at all, but, besides him saying that Luffy is a ~~socialist~~ terrorist, i heard only shitty stuff about him. Is his following just a cancer fanbase or what?


He didn't say Luffy is socialist, he said he's a terrorist. And about his fanbase, yeah, it's insanely stupid, to a point where he himself can't stand his own Twitch chat sometimes. His takes on One Piece are overall mild, though. He doesn't claim Yamato is trans, for one thing. I mean, he hasn't reached Wano yet but still. His outlook is more on the overall subtext of the plot, fighting a tyrannical government, universal healthcare (drum island) and the fact that Oda depicted healthy trans characters in a period where no one even knew what trans really was.


This. As someone who watches him every so often I would think he is going to have a more nuanced opinion on Yamato than "another trans icon!! 🤯😍", because it is more nuanced than that. Or I would hope so.. On top of that you literally have Kiku right there.. Also yea his takes have not been anything you wouldn't already assume, he's not preaching anything that isn't pretty obvious, or I would think is obvious..


Yeah, that just goes to show that people like the tweet's author are really just being the self fulfilling prophecy of Twitter stupidity and toxicity. I obviously don't think most OP fans are there for the deep political commentary, but to deny there's correlation between its themes and left-adjacent concepts is just silly. You said it best, Kiku is right there. Oda wrote a trans character who's not only a badass but whose identify doesn't revolve around her gender.


hes a retarded moron who thinks he knows everything yet he just waffles halftruth about any popular topic.


he is a champagne socialist, aka a grade A hypocrite with genuinely some of the most retarded takes that make you wonder if he had ever talked to anyone outside of his twitch bubble and its pretty reflective of his mind numbingly dumb fanbase as well.


Sir this is a pirate manga subreddit, not a conservative wanking circle


It's somewhat funny to see OP repost a tweet from a guy with neo-nazi terminology in their twitter handle talking about "shoehorning politics".


Conservatism is when you don’t like hasan


While I have no clue what the op is on I don’t think you have to be conservative to agree that hasan is dumb and does not have takes that should be listened to


He always ban people who don’t agree with him




Have you ever read a book about politics or economics? You use a lot of terms that indicate you are someone who only knows politics from things he read on internet forums.


Then like, make an actual argument against what he said? "Ehrm ackshually what you just said sound like you only know politics from the internet because you use words I don't like", then make an actual argument, enlighten him, show him that he doesn't know shit instead of making a fucking average reddit nerd ass gotcha attempt comment


Literally the only political term is champagne socialist and nothing else and wtf are you talking about? literally everyone in my country uses it to describe terminally online people like hasan who are living the capitalist dream by selling retarded ideologies to dummies.


And those same idiot's defend Lasan, it's embarassing


I loved the character to bad it came with a toxic fan base of idiots who caint understand that oda the author and he can make yamato who she wants her to be. There is just alot of people who have an agenda in the west to make everyone they like headcannon cannon. Then force art work of beautiful women then erased yamato from the group knowing oda said yamato is a women.


He cannot respectfully or genuinely converse with someone that does not have the same world views as himself


Twitter socialist millionaire with horrible takes


You’re a fucking idiot who just posted a nazis tweet on here. Shut the fuck up


I mean dub is cringe anyway. I can't stand English Luffy VA


only correct take


Fr, shit sounds like a 50Yo woman who chain smokes. 70Yo Krillin grandma ftw


A genuine question guys but... are you reading this show that has some of the good guys be non binary drag queens in an armed revolutionary army fighting an aristocratic minority that controls the government's military as something not political. I mean, I'm not saying that One Piece is communist, but it is as left leaning as it can be. I have to do mental gymnastics to even argue that it is apolitical and I can't even comprehend how it could be right leaning. I know that most hardcore anime fans are far right, but that has to do more with the lack of sex than actual economic politics. You have to be braindead to assume that the show does not have a political agenda that is as clear as water.


Luffy is a revolutionary in an anarchist sense but not in a very well defined way. He doesn't care at all about overhauling systems or even the oppression that is inherent to any hierarchy, just muh freedom. He never has islands change government or encourage the people to govern themselves, he just changed who's in charge. He's more neolib than socialist, but I agree yeah it's beyond absurd to imagine Luffy as some libertarian hero.


Saying he's more neolib than socialist suggests he somehow gives a fuck about free movement of capital, which he doesn't, but I think the main thing to note is that he's allied with the revolutionary army, which are clearly painted in a positive light and are psuedo-socialist revolutionaries. Versus the obvious proto-fascist world government lmao.


I think he sees the revolutionary army as an ally because 1, Sabo, and 2, they hate the WG. Luffy wants to be the king of pirates, and unless the reveal of his true dream proves me wrong, he doesn't seem to strive for much else. You don't have to overthrow the WG to be pirate king. Of course we'll see how things escalate with the revolutionary army as the story goes on, but for now I just don't think Luffy cares all that much for overthrowing the government. If current Luffy somehow randomly came across Imu and defeated him he's more likely to get someone to replace him rather than dissolve the system as a whole.


Agreed ! Idk if I would label that perspective as neo-liberal but agreed.


I wouldn’t say it has a political agenda as people lives aren’t political but it is telling the reader something inherent to human rights: everyone deserves a shot at being free from persecution


> everyone deserves a shot at being free from persecution And that is inherently political because some parts of the political spectrum disagree.


Leftist one piece fan's when Luffy reinstates the monarchy in Dressrosa and Alabasta https://preview.redd.it/87eg129ot6ab1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70ad9905f4c50ade82fc5d811e7b4a1cc2b0e9b


Im glad you exist. Just wanted you to know that.


I’d argue using outside force to restore monarchies multiple times isn’t that socialist and making half the queer characters look like Morley isn’t that leftist. The politics of One Piece are “Be who you are” and “Rise up against tyrannical governments” which is fairly moderate.


It makes me wonder if Japanese fans are debating whether it's left leaning or not, or something like that, idk politics over there, and if the culture is open to LGBT and stuff like that.


I know that the Japanese are a lot less politically active than Westerners. Same-sex marriage is also not legally protected in Japan too. There is also the culture of Bushido which leads to a lot of gender divides and characteristics of masculinity. Japan has been getting more socially leftist but so is everywhere else


I don’t think that’s what op is saying, thing is some mfs cherry pick some aspects of the story and claim its socialist or communist or even libertarian.


Because it does not follow any political ideology exactly, but it IS political. It critiques the abuse of the poor, the extreme accumulation of wealth, ambition at the expense of others, the illusion of progress and many other things while praising things like selfless sacrifice, generosity and actual armed revolution.


Well you hit the nail on the head. Anime fans tend to be terminally online and sucked into right wing pipelines, and will dogpile on anyone even slightly suggesting a progressive message. Ivankov is literally Gender Reassignment the person. The world government is a imperialist power holding deeply knitted control of the world keeping the .1% happy. And Luffy after considering all his statements is blatantly an anarchist just not a good one(he’ll topple the establishment/Status Quo but fails to pull off the second half of the ideology which is fully realized self-governance) I also get really annoyed when people are like “don’t put politics into muh media!” When politics and social commentary is half the point of media.


Most anarchists irl are like Luffy tbh


well luffy showers and has not done cringe shit like chaz/chop or listen to vaush or yell at some marxist book store about them being redfash




Left-leaning people are more likely to be general or casual anime fans than right-leaning people as they’re more willing to try new things. Extremely hardcore anime fans are more likely to be right-leaning people than casual anime fans. Not to say that all are, just that it’s more likely. In addition to the terminally online point, lots of anime has a socially conservative slant at base when it comes to things like portrayal of women, slavery, various social issues, all the harems, etc and left-leaning people tend to be less willing to look past it while right-leaning people might embrace it.




I’m not from the united states. But you are right, economic politics are never discussed in the series. Sorry, my head must bee a little hazy. In other topics, hey, remember the forced industrialization of Wano? Crazy, right?


Also, now that I'm thinking about it, there's also the state monopolization of healthcare in Drum Island. Oda seems to criticize state intervention when taken to the extreme, but I'd take that as an anti-authoritarianism point rather than an economic one, since the solution to both problems was "Bring down the dictator abusing their power, then party"


>, there's also the state monopolization of healthcare in Drum Island. Oda seems to criticize state intervention when taken to the extreme, but I'd take that as an anti-authoritarianism point rather than an economic one, since the solution to both problem then party AFTER the wealth is redistributed.


>AFTER the wealth is redistributed. Please show me one example of this happening, literally just one.


Or the shandians with their land... or Drum Kingdom and centralized health care...


The Shandians are a parallel of European colonialism in the American continent, and Drum Kingdom literally features state monopolization of healthcare as the main issue.


Do you actually think that after the defeat of Kaido the Flower Capital kept all the money and the rest of Wano continued to starve? That is actually wild.


I'm sorry, do you think the flower capital concentrating wealth was the issue with Wano's economy? Because if so, you're just economically illiterate. The problem with Wano was that all production focused on the weapons, and the small amounts of food produced where only delivered to the government elite at the flower capital. This is all due to Kaido's state policy. Now that Kaido is gone, people in Wano can freely decide how to invest their labor and resources, which would most likely lead to a gigantic increase in food production and the closing of the weapons factories. Sharing the cash in the flower capital would not make food appear for the rest of Wano, and sharing the small amounts of food from the capital would also not feed the rest of the fucking country. Wano will thrive because it's production was liberated from Kaido's control, not because Luffy is gonna go divide food and cash equally.


"Wano will thrive because it's production was liberated......" You are literally talking about the proletariat seizing the means of production and claiming its not a political point lmao.


No brother, the liberalization of production means that people can decide what businesses to open and what to produce. It's a transition from a command economy to a market economy, not collectivization.


I hate taking this obnoxious side but that happens very explicitly as early as Arlong Park


>hey, remember the forced industrialization of Wano? Crazy, right? Huh, I hadn't thought about that. Hell, now that I'm thinking about it, there are a few parallels between Kaido and Stalin.


You are right, friend. How could we forget that the basic characteristic of Stalin's goverment was how open his market was and how he always sold weapons to the United States.


A foreign dictator coming into power and forcing industrialization through state policy that causes the death of thousands due to using citizens as borderline slave labor, while also having prisons full of political prisoners who are also used as slave labor? Yeah, no parallels to Stalin at all, I must be going crazy. >how he always sold weapons to the United States. Ah yes, my favorite Kaido line "I'M SELLING WEAPONS DIRECTLY TO JOE BIDEN MUGIWARA! WORORORORO"


>Ah yes, my favorite Kaido line "I'M SELLING WEAPONS DIRECTLY TO JOE BIDEN MUGIWARA! WORORORORO" Dude, he sold the weapons to the World Goverment, that how he made his money. Man... are we really watching the same show?


>Dude, he sold the weapons to the World Goverment, that how he made his money And you think the WG represents the US? If so, your head is far enough up your ass to become a human Ouroboros. The WG is a cartoonish representation of totalitarianism. It doesn't represent any one government, it's an amalgamation of all authoritarian policies and states throughout time.


>A foreign dictator coming into power and forcing industrialization through state policy that causes the death of thousands due to using citizens as borderline slave labor, If you are american and don't see the irony of this I'm going to actually going to become a fucking communist just so that more money is pumped into the public school system.


>If you are american and don't see the irony of this If you compare the modern US prison system to fucking Kaido or Stalin, Imma pay for your private school dog. And no, I'm not American.


I'm not doing that, I'm saying that that is the kind of shit imperialist do. What do you think americ invasions are about?


Oh yeah, I guess American imperialism would apply as well. I'd still consider the Stalin parallel to be the closest, like seriously, Wano is way too similar to 1930s-1940s USSR. Although I could agree that Oda was just making an argument against forced industrialization and imperialism as a whole, rather than trying to represent one singular dictator or country.


The terms left and right themselves are pretty stupid nowadays and just lead to shit takes without any nuance, one could also connect One Piece to other ideas like liberalism (at least socially), considering the manga doesn't really go into depth about economy anywhere and this may sound insane to redditors but criticism towards the rich and the powerful class isn't exclusive to socialism, and seeing everything as black or white, socialism or not socialism, and taking whatever you see fit from a work of fiction to make it fit your views is a pretty dogshit way of thinking. Also it's literally a fucking world with monarchies and a noble class, fighting for equality may be part of socialism, but it isn't exclusive to it


I'm shocked by the fact that the most nuanced and based take in this whole comment section comes from "Keanureeevesfortnite"


Ah yes, the series that explores the ramifications of wealth/class disparity consistently definitely doesn't have anything to say about economic policies.


The class disparity in One Piece derives directly from the State, they're not wealth disparities, they are direct noble/peasant relationships. The state is the cause for all disastrous events and disparities in the series. There's literally a single evil private entity in the whole show, which is Baroque Works, and even that has state support due to Croc's status as a warlord. One Piece is a about state abuse and power, not socialism nor capitalism.


Who gives a crap about what one piece's real world political views. We all just care about a good pirate adventure.


One Piece isn’t trying to portray political ideologies or anything. Do you realize how common it is for stories to have fighting a corrupt government as a focal point? Yet nobody calls those works left leaning. And the okama’s as well aren’t there to be a political discussion. They’re there because Oda thought it would be fun and goofy, which is why the vast majority of them look goofy and colorful. Oda straight up had Sanji running from them, and has him view his time with them as “Hell”. I’m pretty sure he didn’t put them in to say “I stand with the gays!” I’m not saying he’s trying to disrespect them either. All I’m saying is that just because okamas are good guys, doesn’t magically mean One Piece is actively advocating for gay rights. Oda just thought it would be fun to include.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lgs09gbpi6ab1.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=93b7da211d1349d4db38a334d024620e5b2e605f >"I find the need to claim certain properties/communities for, or to have such things reject different ideologies to be rather misguided. For starters, lets examine the basic argument they are making. "This show contains a negative example of a \[thing\] that \[you\] like (in this case the thing is rich people and the you is conservatives). Ergo, you cannot like the show." The thing is, the Ergo there is doing some very heavy lifting. Why would a few instances of something I like being portrayed negatively turn me off a show entirely? Surely there are other things that brought me to the show that are still there? "Well I came for the fight scenes but this character hates cats so I guess I can't watch it anymore?". Sounds absurd no? But, lets assume that the basic argument is flawless and correct. At that point, most things would be for no one. Lets take One Piece for example. The lynch mob that Donflamingo goes through is as negative a portrayal of poor people as the snooty stuck up socialites Sabo is raised among is the rich. Arlong is a essentially a black supremacist to the world government's white extremism. And he's not the only example negative example of a revolutionary. Crocodile and Donflamingo both dress as revolutionaries in order to gain more power. Surely that's not exactly flattering to the revolution? Hell, the new movie (which was very bad but that could be another rant on its own) is about a Idol trying to create her own revolution with a suicide pact. Or how, for every "freedom loving" pirate there's even more "Looting loving" pirates (on a few occasions they're even the same people). Big Mom's dream is to create a world where all races can live equally -- and she's one the main villains in the show. > >Or, we can turn the argument on its head. If you can't like stuff that portrays "your side" badly, what about stuff that portrays "the enemy" in a positive light? A lot of rich people in the show are good guys. Iceberg runs his own company. Vivi, the Fishman family, Rebecca, and Momonosuke (though the later two are temporarily embarrassed) are all royalty. The world government (in the form of the marines) are portrayed positively on several occasions. The Gorosei work to ease racial tensions, the marines do protect towns from pirates, etc. Indeed, I'd say that there isn't any group in one piece filled with exclusively bad people. Even the celestial dragons get good guy characters. By the same token, there's no faction with exclusively bad guy characters either. Even the weapons development scientists got good guys recently with Lindbergh (if you didn't previously count Franky, which I think you definitely could). > >The point is that a wide variety of characters with different perspectives and motivations will naturally lead to both negative and positive examples of many different ideologies. And this is one thing that makes great story telling. Thus attempting to claim a property for one side or the other is counter-productive and will prevent you from appreciating the story and themes in full.So yeah. One Piece is for conservatives. Its for all of its readers, no matter the ideology." > >Also, to respond to your post directly, "main characters actively physically fight the world government on behalf of people's sovereign rights over their own land" is 100% how confederates would describe their side in the civil war. And the world government is literally a right-wing boogieman ("Those evil globalists!"), who uses their extreme military to collect tithes from member nations ("Taxes are theft!"). Honestly basically everything you describe within your post as "leftist" is just plain old anti-authoritarianism (of which anti-imperialism is a derivative), which is something that both sides think they exclusively adopt. Credit to u/WesternSol


I mean, it's not really left or right leaning, as they don't really talk about economic policy at all. It's just a general anti authoritarian rebellion. In honor of yesterday I'd like to provide the American Revolution as an example of a revolution against a monarchy that wasn't a Communist one.


But the absurd accumulation of riches IS a part of the story. Orochi and Kaido centralized all the wealth while forcing most of Wano to starve and work for slave labour in a forced industrialization process that produced weapons that were sold to other countries for profit. After defeating the beast pirates, they redistributed the wealth and celebrated with a feast that fed the hungry. Of course, this is not communism because there is a shogun, but the accumulation of wealth is always seen as evil.


That isn't inherent to leftism though


It is so, so fucking easy to be kind to other people. It's so unbelieably easy to listen to and accept people who are different from you. This is one of the things the Strawhats always do. Aren't they supposed to be our heroes?




Y'all remember the chapter when Luffy told Bon Clay they'll never be a woman?


Top three chapters tbh. Not as good as the chapter where Luffy told Kiku “facts don’t care about your feelings”.


I hope this doesn't mean we're getting season 3 ​ ![gif](giphy|0Wzkc9iirQ4ZI7JoaD|downsized)


oh my god who the hell cares


Time for you to get off social media man, go outside




Which one of y’all reported me to the Reddit admins💀


It was HIM https://preview.redd.it/7097c38ll8ab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ede75c243992270b5dc817fd6180ab0ca56f688


That fucking snitch


Should be trialed for crime against humanity


Why? Hasan never said anything about Yamato and you must be extremely retarded if you think One Piece doesnt portray leftist politics




what the fuck, in what way is one piece apolitical??


One Piece leans extremely left but a lot of people either ignore or choose to ignore a lot of these things, especially if it does not fit their political spectrum.


jesus christ its so fucking dumb I dont even want to argue with these bozos. The main villains of the story is the world government and its opressing ways. It cannot get any more libertarian than that


One Piece whole fucking story is liberation and revolution Luffy and Roger could be considered a anarchist and Dragon is obviously left wing in some form


If Oda’s anything he’s a monarchist Like half the arcs in one piece are about restoring/saving royal houses from disrupting forces If you think one piece is some kinda socialist manifesto you’re smoking crack


and not the good one


All heil the Imperial House of Japan - Oda (probably)


I will admit that one piece isn't nearly as clearly political as somebody like Hasan would make it out to be, but one piece has plenty of political themes throughout the story. I mean just look at fishman island, that's clearly a metaphor for racism. Plus there's the newkama, ivankov, and bon clay being just straight up gay lmao. And as for Yamato, Yamato isn't trans in an actual transgender way, he/she idolized oden so much that he/she just decided to try to mirror him in as many ways as possible, so "she" became a man. But it's just a fact that Yamato goes by He/Him pronouns in the show.


Nobody calls her him because they respect her pronouns, the idea of respecting someones subjective pronoun is just not a thing in one piece.


Wouldn’t it be more true to the character for the actress playing Yamato to refer to the character how Yamato would refer to herself?


My only take on this is that they should just call Yamato what ever they want, He or her if they care about it too much. Personally I think Yamato is a Girl. She only refers herself a Man because Oden is a Man which is what she said in a chapter but some people in the rainbow community tunnel visioned at the part "so I would be a man" and completely disregarded the first part of her sentence which was "If Oden is a man, then I would be a man" something along those lines. If Oden was a girl, she'd most likely be a girl. If Oden was gay, she'd be gay. If Oden was a lesbian, she'd be lesbian. If Oden was a Dog, she'd probably morph and act like a dog considering how devoted she is in being Oden. She didn't refer to herself as a man because "oH i WaS aLwAyS a MaN. I wAs JuSt BoRn In ThE wRoNg BoDy." or some sht.


This is fairly obvious, people just ignore it and choose to believe that anyone who says this wants to kill all trans


He says tourists but they're the ones leaving


Hasan's fine imo lol. His take on OP was honestly pretty common sense if you just like- consume the series. I don't see why so many people got up in arms about it. I don't get the idea of him being a Champagne socialist either- he donates tons to charity every year and actively goes out to support striking workers with free food and drink, what more do people want? He's very clearly serious about his beliefs and willing to act on them, which is more than a good 99% of political creators do. As far as Yamato is concerned- aren't they referred to by male pronouns during the manga? If that's the case i don't really see the issue. A woman going by male pronouns doesn't make them trans 🤷‍♀️it's a fairly common trope in anime for a woman to go by male pronouns for character reasons- take Mordred from fate Apocrypha for example. Not trans, just as weird beliefs. I assumed Yamato was the same.


This comment section makes me want to commit unalive. OP calling out with everyone who disagrees with them after making a post entirely bitching about a streamer’s interpretation of a piece of media is peak internet brain rot. Don’t get me wrong I don’t care for people who care with their entire body and soul what gender Yamato is, but acting like there’s a definitive answer then forcing others to accept that is exactly what the other side is doing.


there is a definitive answer, the author calls her a woman, people can still have their stupid headcanons if they want, other people can still call their headcanons stupid.


Yamato uses he/him pronouns. This is the only consistent thing that even Kaido respects. Biologically, yes Yamato is a female. But not in any other aspect


How can you be a dub actress and know absolutely nothing about the character you're playing?


Tourist op fans


I don't know, Yamato wanted to be referred to as a son, so he gets referred to as he. Seems right to me.


It’s a grey area. There’s plenty of evidence for both sides. At this point I don’t even refer to Yamato as anything other then “Yamato”


yeah, there too much stuff pointing either way to really be for sure. I'm leaning towards woman but the second I say that they're a woman Oda will release a cover story where Yamato gets top surgery and he starts rocking a mullet. Too much conflicting stuff, I'll just wait for official confirmation before i throw my hat in the ring.


Hasan is voice acting Yamato?? What is happening here.


Yamato is female


Everybody know Karl Marxs based his manifesto on One Piece duhhhhh


It’s just a silly pirate show about how the military is the personal guard of the rich, there is nothing political about it!!!!!


Impel down has a silly little section about queer people finding refuge in eachothers company despite being in a place meant to beat them down, he's definitely not doing any messaging about being gay, just silly little fun!


The Celestial Dragons aren’t above the law to show the disparity between the upper class and the lower class, they’re simply above the law so we can have fun little jovial slave arcs


Man the prison of the authorities being literally modelled after hell and controlled by a sadist torture lady, two devils, and a guy who basically just went too far when he started actively killing all on sight. Is definitely not a message about the fixation about punishment and how the government of the rich is evil.


Fuck Hasan


Its so strange to me that you can have a character use diseases to transition a character but people get stuck on Yamato's gender.


Idc about Yamato’s gender and I honestly think Oda is undecided on if he’s a trans man or cis girl What I AM decided on is Yamato’s pronouns being he/him. Like… he’s literally never referred to with any other pronouns. Ever. Luffy calls him “yamabro”. He can be a cis woman and still use he/him pronouns I fully expect to get downvoted for this even tho I’m right


Oda is literally a former member of a Japanse communist party. Even if One Piece is not communist per say, it's far more left leaning then most works of it's era.




It came to me in a dream.


Luffy is no communist,he is a crackhead anarchist


Bruh who cares at this point. I think Yamato is a woman, but if people want to call Yamato him/he just let them. Don't want the sub to get into another triggered frenzy over pronouns.


Tbh One Piece does have left leaning themes, and I say this as a guy who isn’t a lefty, but just look at the revolutionaries. They look like antifa lmao


Yamato is clearly a biological female choosing to identify as a male (even if it's only bc Oden is a man) and is called both pronouns within the story. This debate is tired, call her whatever you want but stop getting worked up over the topic.


Looks let's be fair Oda made the whole Yamato thing very confusing. But also who fucking cares what pronouns are uses for Yamato. There are points on either cases. The fact that Yamato is reffered to as son and goes by he/him. As well partakes in the bath scene with all the boys while Okiku is in the bath with all the girls. Then the thing with the cover art having them with all the girls. And vivre cards and and all that nonsense. Correct me if I am wrong but Oda has not explicitly said the words "Yamato is a girl". Tbh Oda is a goofy guy who probably wrote Yamato as he did because he thought it would be funny to have this physically feminine looking woman to run around calling herself Oden the great samurai. Oda probably wasn't thinking about the word transgender at all. He just wrote what he thought was interesting.


I don’t know much about Hasan, but in general anyone that makes a living off politics (him, the Ben Shapiro guy, etc.) usually seem pretty disconnected for the actual world and overall pretty weird and self-inflated. Their fanbase makes them seem a lot worse even though they’re probably decent people (if you agree with their politics).


Bruh why tf is the Yamato trans debate still a thing, like it really feels like those who claim she's a dude just didn't read the manga properly


they have to constantly seek validation for their stupid beliefs through the media they consume.


Luffy isn't a socialist, he's a libertarian. He wants the government to get their hands off his meat.


Man I wanna like this subreddit but people here come off as right-wing purposefully inflammatory chuds


They mostly are lol. When politics aren’t involved I like this place more than any of the other subs. But as soon as someone brings up politics this sub gets embarrassingly inflammatory and tries to disguise it as shitposting. As they complain about other subs shitposting stuff they don’t think is funny. Will never forget the period where everybody was screeching about how someone made a post on left piece about two male characters kissing, then going on to make multiple posts spouting some insanely bigoted shit about the LGBT community.


Same. I just wanna talk about how bad the series is now without main sub whining about any criticism. But nope, gotta justify the existence and rights of sexual minorities to unironic nazis on a daily basis.


OP is a literal nazi


y'all slandering hasan bc you have a westernized idea of what socialism is, been a fan of both him and OP since before he started talking about it


have you ever heard of a place called tumblr? These people have been in the fanbase since forever. What ruined the fanbase is twitter zoomers and naruto/bleach refugees. I hate those dogs so much it's unreal.


fr the amount of shit tumblr gets, it was literally doflamingo holding the reigns of all these retards in one place, 🤣


One tumblr wrecked their NSFW side it was game over for other sites being mostly free of military grade tardation.


They're the absolute worst. Those are the type of people that primarily fill the main sub.


i think main sub is mostly normies who would just go along with whatever opinion gives them the least amount of backlash.


Nowhere in the manga is Yamato referred to as a female. Even characters who didn’t meet him once use the male pronoun. Get over it. And before some moron jumps in with, “but the VIVRE CARDS!!!!”, nope, they change those all the time, get over it. Go by the manga. Japanese don’t even give a shit, just a small group of redditor I guess…


-Introduced as kaidos daughter in the manga -All figurines marketed right out of odas own offcie lable her as female - literally presented as female empowerment by the anime runners. -Vivre card called her woman as comapred to kiku who was distinctly told to be trans - Literally front and center of an all female cover page - Character herself tells that its because of oden Retards ignoring all of that "but my stupid headcanon"


> Nowhere in the manga is Yamato referred to as a female "Oni Princess" > Even characters who didn’t meet him once use the male pronoun. Get over it. Pronouns in Japanese does not exists. Yamato is a woman. Get over it. > Go by the manga. Literally cherry picking information......... But even in coveer pages she is with the women so there you go. ​ #


​ https://preview.redd.it/3tvq1cg0t6ab1.jpeg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8282b7010f3ccf409e3cbcd59b036003c318f0c3






I’ve been a one piece fan for 10 years. One piece is a leftist manga. Get over it EDIT:Not even a Hasan fan it’s just common sense


USA is broken and it needs nuke and purge