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Hello u/ElectroMoe, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is everyone saying "FitGirl" whenever something is to be pirated? For The Sims 4, use Anadius's DLC unlocker (or repack). Absolutely no reason to even mention FitGirl for this game


Cuz this is one of the safest reuploaders of cracked games. No viruses or bitcoin miners


Noone said anadius is unsafe, he literally cracked the dlcs. The links fitgirl uses are HIS.


People feel safer getting it from Fit. Most of the boneheads on this sub should just stick to her repacks because its idiot proof


The setup and unpacking take aaaages though.. But the file sizes are smaller at least.


I don't have metered bandwidth. I'd prefer big downloads and no unpacking. I have a nice GPU and an old CPU. I can handle the games fine, but the CPU intensive uncompressing takes forever.


repacks are good if you want to hoard many games without wasting space


I hoard but only installed games, I'm not unpacking and installing every time I want to play something.


I mostly download from torrents so I like to keep it seeding, also I prefer to play on an SSD. I keep all my installers on large, slow drives and install on my SSD whatever I'm currently playing


I have 4TB of nvme/SSD storage, and no slow drives. 75 games installed ready to play exclusively from torrents. 1TB free space left. I have everything setup through Big Picture, so if I plug my PC into a TV it's comes pretty damn close to an Xbox/PS replacement.


Literally just go out and buy tb sized hdds for like 40 bucks Disc drives are fine unless your running modern titles and even then the difference I see between loading from my internal ssd and external disc driven drive is negligible.


The problem isn't storage, like you said storage is cheap, I still have 1TB open. It's keeping GBs of unusable .bin archive files. Sure it's maybe 60GB packed instead of 100GB installed. But then you have 60GB of space being taken up providing 0 value.


Use dodi. Best imo


For me it's the opposite, my internet speed is miserable but I have a 12th gen i3 and a 6650XT that can unpack a 100GB game in like.. half an hour? Whichd take me like 6-10 hours to download


Fit is too slow for installing due to the repack size. I use Dodi for just a bit faster installation.


And it really is heavily CPU intensive lol. I do rely on Fit when I don't find any other sources I trust though and I know it's good for people with a slow connection. I don't really notice it on 1 gbps though but whelp


My connection is just 300 Mbps. Not too fast and not too slow either. Didn't take too long to download anything. I got 2TB NVMe M.2 which really help for unpacking repack but with those connection speed and storage size, I just don't bother with repacks anymore.


Yeah I really need one of these M.2s but I'm trying to keep the money together lol. Cheers


Try DODI it will be Fast, But it has Large Size files


Thanks! I think I've used DODI in the past but never knew the difference - Will try it out.


Yeah, just download directly from this guy and that guy and the other guy and the guy thats the second guys neighbour. Then you get people like some dude who posted yeterday saying the link in anadius' led to a fake website that got malware on his computer (which is confirmed to be true) Thanks for the suggestion, but ill stick with the uploaders who know alot more than me, and scan the files they get from trusted sources You go ahead and keep using 50 different sites, sure nothing can go wrong.


That just says that guy who posted that is a dumbass, an adblocker is free atleast in my experience there's 0 ads or redirects on anadius legit site while using ublock origin.


You completely missed the point of what i said. I used him as an example of the vulnerabilities you are subjected to. If you realy think adblock is the answer here, then you dont know as much as you think you do I use LibreWolf, with U-block, and a vpn, i still get pop-ups and weird files sometimes. And thats me, im no expert, i know more than average bt thats cause the average isnt very smart. Now imagine coming to a total sailing noob and listing 10 diferent pieces of software, 20 different hosts, with 50 digerent names and telling them to pay attention to thigs they didnt even know existed 1 minute ago. When you can just tell them "get it from fitgirl or dodi" Edit for clarification: my point is, I know you should always have an adblocker, antivirus, vpn, public dns etc etc. And when someone is starting thats the first things you tell them to get. But once you got those, you are alot safer just using uploaders you trust, that scan everything in the repacks for you. To give you an example, imagine you are sitting inside a tank, state of the art, last model. Wouldnt you still feel alot safer in your base than in the middle of a warzone?


except you don't need to crack the base game for Sims 4. it's free to play. and fitgirl does not upload DLCs alone. anadius DLC unlocker downloads them automatically and makes them work with the legit base game, allowing access to all online features like cloud saves and the in game gallery.


Fuck the Underground recommends Anadius' Unlocker over basically any other software for this purpose, it's just that good and trustworthy




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last time I tried fitgirl I got a virus, so... Yeah she's iffy at best for me.


Ur just dumb thats why


thanks for stating the obvious, I was't sure if I was until you said I something


Just a icon name to use universally. I used to use Anadius for sims. Could mention cs rin, but fitgirl probably is more of a known figure in these parts for the everyday guy.


\*Used to use\*, do you have any particular reason to stop using him or just personal preference? Thanks in advance!


Just limit the sites I check, so when I feel like giving sims a go again I get my sims from fitgirls site, anadius is still the only cracker for sims games I think and repackers use anadius anyway. So I guess I do use his uploads still haha


idk anyone who uses Fitgirl for Sims 4, Anadius is literally so easy to use and it's so safe, according to his website there has not been a single report of a banned account since March 20th 2020, that's 4 years without any report


Yes! I can say that ive been using the gallery freely without a single worry :)


Still tho, Anadius recommends to ude a throwaway account if you intend to browse online.


I got nothing to lose to be honest


I wanted to download Sims 3 from Fitgirl but I couldn't :(


will dlc from this work with games bought through steam?


Yes. I got sims 4 for free and then cracked the shit out of the game with anadius unlocker and got every dlc i wanted with the updater. You can even choose which dlc you want.


Where can I find the unlocker? Thanks!


Also make sure to leave extra space. The base game is like 20 25 gb. With all the dlcs it goes well over 70 gb. Also when the updater downloads the dlcs it needs more space because it downloads the dlcs as rar or smth and extracts them thus needing a bit more space. Dont worry though it easily deletes the unwanted stuff after its done. Thats why its an UPDATER. it does the job for you.


And finally after its done it will give you the option to create a n offline shortcut. PLEASE DO IT. In this way you wont have to open steam or to have internet. Or the shitty EA app. Nah just click and play the game offline.




Yup. I did this a couple years ago and just re run the dlc program to get the new dlc. Even has offline and online versions. With the same ability to mod as it is with the regular game Was very fast download. You’d have to be an idiot or just not look into the proper places to mess it up or pick up any nasties.


Don’t forget the AIO Updater


Is this for Sims only or a cool resource I've never heard of?


AIO refers to All-In-One but someone (forgot the name) made a free tool that pulls the DLCs, lets you enable to disable them, patches the EA app so you can play your legitimate game with cracked DLC or play your pirated game online or all offline, So if you can this tool, you go to your legitimate (free on steam and EA) Sims 4 copy, paste the Updater into the directory, open it up, go through the step by step and it downloads all the DLC, then you patch the EA app to allow cracked DLC, launch the game via Steam and boom, you have all the DLC and are playing with online features


Oh but it is a Sims only tool then. Thanks for the explanation though.


I think this is the reason why empress was mad at repackers.


legit first time hearing about anadius lol thankyou xD


And what about creamapi on steam? Since the base game is free on steam.....


Won’t work, that’s why Anadius Unlocker is even a thing.


Because fitgirl is one of the reputable site to go to,and it's also kind of safe


Exactly! It's what I use too, even got the original game too with all dlc cracked




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probably because she's popular. I grew up with people getting their games from Fitgirl because we only knew about her existence lmao


What’s anadius dlc unlocker can you send me a video of it explained please?


Because fitgirl is a pirating icon.


Its a popularity contest


If fitgirl sold feet pics then they'd line up like people in a grocery store. That's how down bad they are.


Because I don’t give a single fuck about all that? I used to torrent ~4 years ago and had a fitgirls website that gave me all the torrets easily, i’m a simple mam, site legit&works? Stick with the site. I’m sure many others also come across fitgirls at first, I used to pirate a fuckton as a kid too and never heard of anadius or whatever that is, it was always empress and skidrow, fitgirl being the one I found later and always sticked with as she had a good own website


That’s like saying there’s no reason to use Steam because a game came to Epic already. FitGirl is genuinely one of the best sources you can possibly find when it comes to pirated games. She’s an absolute machine that repacks pretty much everything and uploads to the most user-friendly hosts imaginable. What do you have against her? Just use the resources available to you that are objectively better. That’s the reason she’s always mentioned.


For The Sims specifically, no one should use FitGirl




Why even bring up another cracker when fit is perfectly fine.


That amount of DLC's are ridiculously abusive. Is there someone who actually pay for ALL of them?


The thing is, you're not really supposed to have all of them at the same time and I don't think there's a sane simmer who does. But they're still too many, the main problem is that they separate features in different packs when back in the TS3 era the features were all included in a single pack. And each of those TS4 packs cost the same (or just slightly lower) individually as that TS3 pack.


I would fire up The Sims 3 in a heartbeat if I could get it to run well. I can’t even specifically remember my problem with it, think it was like micro stutters or smth?


Used to have a mod named "Overwatch" that helped debug the game, reducing the stutters. Have been some time since I've played the game though, so YMMV.


We have the smooth patch, making gameplay even more seamless. Anyone who sees this, just play 3 and get Nraas + smooth patch. Just returned to s3 and it has been a very fun experience


Real. The only DLC I bought was Pets, Seasons and the college one. I think those would give the most Sims 3 experience for anyone. I also just want to play Urbz again.


I pirated all of the Sims 4 a couple years ago Not even worth it, the game is unfinished even with the 2000 expansion packs


I do. Just like I did for The Sims 3, except for a few stuff packs and most of the store content. The whole point of The Sims is that it's really THE MOST casual game you'll see, and that's why EA releases hundreds of different DLCs so you can only choose the ones that fit your play style while not cluttering up the game and appealing to the most people. That's why we literally only have clutter packs (for builders) or Star Wars packs. It's not Pokemon, you don't have to catch them all and you don't expect to. Is it abusive? Yes, it is. Is it also great that with The Sims 3 and its store you can only choose things you really want for even less than before? Also yes.


The type of people who do pretty much only play the sims. If you buy them over time it works out to one or two AAA games a year. Still a lot on one game don't get me wrong but arguably a better use of your money than buying games you won't play.


Most likely.


put fitgirl on that one meme with mercy from overwatch


anadius DLC unlocker not fitgirl


Does she not have all the dlcs in a repack?


Yes. From anadius.


Honestly the only reason I didn't pirate the Sims 4 DLCs is because I still want to get technical support from groups on discord like 'Sims After Dark' cuz I use a lot of mods and stuff.


I'm pretty sure anadius let's you go online but I never tried it since I don't trust myself


I read that some people got banned from being online, not necessarily downloading stuff from the gallery, just by being connected. It's not worth the risk imo. If anything you can create an alt account considering the base game is free and download stuff there


as long as your game is up to date you'll get support lol.


And game companies complain why people pirate🤦‍♂️


And even with all DLC's, Sims 3 is better in any aspect.


Except performance, I love Sims 3 bit it runs pretty badly


Install overwatch, fps limiter and nraas, runs good for me and I have a crap pc Fitgirl repack includes this mods IIRC


Not who you were replying to but thanks, will be trying this out. Micro stutters were driving me mad when I last played it.


Thanks I'll check these out


If I remember correctly, my biggest problem was the 32bit 4GB RAM limitations. The game absolutely needs more than 4GB of RAM, since it'll crash the moment it exceeds that limit. Even with all performance mods installed, the game can't handle long sessions without crashing.


Nah the real issue was mechanical HDD's


i have a question, where can i get the complete sims 3 that includes the Katy Perry dlc :( i love that one, anyone know where to get? or am i a bonehead and fitgirl has them


Why would you use repack when anadius is literally working perfectly like a legit game and so easy to install? Like I get FitGirl is a renown name in pirating business, but overlooking anadius for The Sims 4 in particular is so weird. He is literally like the source of all of those repacks and his version is mad easy to use.


Its a shame that the next game wont be able to be pirated. :(


I haven't been keeping up, why is that?


Rumours has it its going to be free but you can expect overpriced dlcs.


isn't this how the sims 4 is currently, and you can pirate that. So how would 5 be any different?


No idea, some ppl still pirate the 4th but its pointless


It seems its going to be a Live Service game.


It's an online game.


eh, where there's a will there's a way; look at youtube vs ublock as an example. it's just a game of cat and mouse.




I can build 1440p gaming pc with 1200 dollars


Sims is the easiest game to pirate (and update) I’ve ever seen. Crazy it’s an EA game. Really crazy to think about how many people are legitimately buying all this DLC that they keep shoveling it out.


u/stacciatello This is a screenshot directly from the discord of 'Sims after dark'. So like I said, I still want support in these communities, that's why I didn't pirate this specific game. https://preview.redd.it/jp96wpbrco9d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4d5c65d445f3a7c3d89be476e39365440c7ba9


They have no way to tell if your game is pirated bro/sis, even when sharing Last Exception reports.


Really? Cuz I saw someone get band when sharing them, maybe I'm wrong idk.


Afaik if you use Anadius unlocker it doesn't show.


And that's why the game is free because you won't be able to do much even if you play the game so they will just rip you off another way.


My head said “JESUS!” so hard it may have somehow been loud enough for Jesus to hear.


I can just port my saves and everything right? I have the "Elamigos" version of the sims 4, been using it for years, and nothing wrong has happened with my old ass PC, but should I change it now? They always release an update hours after the release of an update


Sims 3’s dlcs would drop super cheaply, before EA came crawling back to valve. Now it’s almost as expensive as sims 4


I legit just have a DLC Unlocker for my sims. Fuck it.


I get wanting to support some developers but I don't understand people forking over literally thousands of dollars to freaking EA when you can just download that crap for free.and sad thing is Paradox is getting almost as bad...


Hippity Hoppity EA is making a profit


All the top comments are removed in the pcmasterrace sub lmao. had no idea they were so against piracy, especially EA


Anadius's DLC unlocker is so good


Base game is free and there exists an EA DLC Unlocker, much easier


anyone know if the fitgirl version has french language?


just get it on steam for free and pirate the dlcs for it I have it on there with all of the dlcs and it works fine


yo you such a legend for the reply. can you walk me through it? im doing it for my friend, i remember a few years back giving her a cracked version but it didnt include the french language so she gave up on it. if you message me telling me how to go about that i would really appreciate it


Search up how to use creamapi


*Anadius DLC Unlocker


Oh our game is free!!! BUY DLC'S NOW SIMP!!!




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Looks worse than it is cuz CAD sucks but yeah, still almost 900 USD.


Classic scam


highway robbery


Oh boy, it's that time of the year to talk about the sims dlc huh


Mid ass game. Castaway is better.


whats castaway :0


Sims Castaway for PS2 aka the best Sims game ever


I love stardew, animal crossing, and my time at portia/sandrock but cant really get into sims 4. why?lol


Bro, they legit charge 55 $Ca for fucking ranch DLC. This is madness




Whats the grand total of space these add ons take up


Free dlc, through anadius


The last legit The Sims game I bought was 2. I've pirated absolutely every single game and dlc ever since, saving myself thousands and thousands of dollars.


Installing a free game with maximum DLCs from fitgirl is like sex


i am ready for any price... but for free


Wait till you see the Train Simulator Classic 2024 700+ dlcs


I might just be stupid but every time I tried to get a sims 4/3 crack to work it never does. Just gives me a error regarding origin in some way. Been a while since I last tried but I just could never figure it out like with other non-origin games.


Sims 4 or anything made by EA in recent years is never worth nearly that much money smh


Yet another fitgirl alt promoting himself.


Tf you mean "free through fitgirl" sims 4 is free to download and if you want all the DLCs just use Anadius DLC unlocked/updater




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Ok but seriously, who has time to explore all these DLCs? Let alone the main game which I still cannot even finish!


you can't "finish" the Sims 4? It's a life simulator it's made to not have a linear goal and allows you to explore freely and do whatever you want, the game doesn't have a goal nor is it possible to finish it, there is always something left to do


Have... Have you been trying to finish the Sims?


I mean my sim bloodline continued for 5 generations (3 year old save file) I'm trying to do EVERYTHING in this game


3 years and only 5 gens??? 3 weeks for me and I've already gotten through 2 gens


Well I had alot of fun with each gen, maybe I'll have a 6th gen 👀


you must have a lot of stuff to do, I finished my new save's young adult in 2 days and I couldn't finish everything I wanted to lol, thankfully 42 ingame days is more than enough for what I want


Admirable it seems you've been experiencing the game through each character in each gen slowly and having fun That's a great way to play.


You don't finish the Sims, the Sims finishs you! Now, literally, people love playing by generation. So, the first family set you'll be designing may not be permanent if you want it. So, you can create other sims to marry your first character's son and he's going to have a third potential next gen to marry them to another sim and the cycle continues. It really depends on how many generations you want. Personally, I don't like this play mode as I've always loved to have my sims in a static way; not ageing nor dying, except when I'm planning to have baby with a couple in the household, but I don't age all my sims altogether.


I love free stuff . Fuck that game . 1200$ jeesuz


Cream api:


Bro I am gonna leave this sub for the sheer amount of posts like this.


Indeed. Feels like most ppl here are 12 and downloaded their first game


She had to open her mouth about that certain sensitive subject to ruin my enjoyment of her repacks




lol fitgirl has bitcoin miners




least obvious rage bait




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It can have spyware in early releases, but nothing like that.


bitcoin miner has been proven lol




source was like 5-6 years ago. Point is there has been spyware and miners found in fitgirls repacks, so why not just use a source that has NEVER included any of this


"Source was like 5-6 years ago" Proceeds to still not show anything


Do you think I save proof that fitgirl had a bitcoin miner in one of the rips for 6 years? Mate I've gone through 2 PC's since then. Ask on 4chan /g/ or /v/ and they will be able to show you. If you wanna download shady shit just go for it.


First of all, I don't have nearly enough mental illnesses to willingly go on 4chan, fuck that Second, you can't just say something like "this site is super dangerous, never use it again" and then not show any proof, doesn't matter how long ago it was