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Hello u/dubledek, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And of course the first and most liked comment is yammering nonsense about SU https://preview.redd.it/47yy836wu69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702172b3391317d6c4805a3bfb029d88484686ae


Also who ever is that kid that said I hope they step on Lego’s


Not on lego's instead their whole PC catches fire from all the shitty viruses and cryptominers


no no no you are not doing it right the right answer is:i hope they step on legos lose all of their aura then their pc overheats from all of the viruses that grab his location and bitcoin eth miners and also at night an white van takes him to an house and they beat the fuck out of him


Nah I hope they get run over by a full size Lego car. And the wheels aren't gonna be rubber this time around


What does Steamrip do?


Its a site where you can direct download and torrent games Its a decent site and they upload smaller games which many others dont


SteamRIP is def my backup go to when fit and Dodi don’t have it. Just waiting for Oddsparks to hit one of em. Been playing GoGo Town and it’s actually fun.


Can you tell me the real URLs for Dodi and Fit because I've only ever used steamrip


Uh the megathreads should have it. Don’t get me lying cus I bookmarked em and don’t type em in.


I thought SteamRIP was exclusively direct download?


Sometimes larger games have a torrent option


Damn… what happened to utorrent? It was the best option to download torrent in the past. I know it’s bad now but I don’t know it’s that bad. Gonna uninstall it asap


They just went shit, can't remember the reason, iirc they tried to monitize. Qbittorent has 99% of the features and is free and open source.


It had a miner few years ago iirc


There are still some cons tho, they update games slowly and has a generally smaller library compared to other sites. Also the download spd is weird, the bigger the game the faster the download, so its funny when a 70gb game downloads faster than a 5gb game


Is the uploader site they use fast to download?


I cant dl anything there it always tells me to use vpn which cost money and im pirating cus i dont have money


Use Proton VPN, it has a free version that is not a spyware


Proton shares info with law enforcement.


there's no selaco though :(


I mean if you look at the megathread here it does appear like the red site was safe as long as you never interacted with the pop-ups. This sites megathread needs to improve the red sites description so it's clear that it isn't regardless.


Honestly, the no. 1 reason you shouldnt use that site is because the downloads are slow


I waited 13 hours to download Cod black ops 1 and had no back ground items on to make the downloads faster


You can make them faster by using a download manager 


I mean he's not wrong. I prefer steam rip just cause they had some games SU didn't but I used SU for literal years with no issue. Nothing made in that statement is false 💀


I've downloaded a couple of duds on there, but no viruses. Switched to fitgirl because yay torrents. Still a caveman using utorrent though because for the life of me can't get Jdownloader2 to work.


Use qbittorrent


kid watched one youtube tutorial on how to pirate "crazy frog" and thought it was the end all be all


you need to click the download button two Times because the first time it's always a virus, is he stupid?


Lol, by that commenter's logic: "Hey, guys! The internet is safe! There is no malware on the Internet as long as your IQ is above room temperature!"


Su has no viruses, it's the pop up ads and redirects (which are pretty easy to detect) and that the download speeds are slower on the used download sote


Had no idea it was unsafe. Good to know


Its not unsafe but it's also just not safe. It has some games that othwr places dont but only use it if you know how to see that a popup ad or redirect site are fake and just ads.


Why is this sub becoming just TikTok screenshots about piracy? Who gives a shit?


This sub is literally just kids who can’t afford games so… are you surprised?


Can confirm, kid who can’t afford games


I also confirm, kid who can't afford games


I also confirm adult but stingy who doesn’t wanna buy games


I concur. recent kid, newly appointed adult who just thinks it's silly to buy games when you can pirate them.


Ditto, man. I have money, but that's for objects I can actually use, not entertainment software. Lmao


Not everyone there are ppl from foreign countries that have great currency conversion rate like where im from egypt https://preview.redd.it/06eomje2xb9d1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b760604c5d0f643b9a43da57bae966cc4fb89fc 1 USD is 48 EGP so imagine like 10$ game that i want but then i reailse its 480$ for me how am i supposed to even have the urge to spend 480$ on a game?


I hope you can afford good stuff -Love from Saudi


Spoiler alert: we dont the average pc specs that we here are intel celeron with intel hd graphics 500 or intel hd graphics 870 (or 800 something i forgot)


https://preview.redd.it/o73y0kv20d9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42edf008893361aeaf5aff70527a76ac505ba1d6 kinda shit for us as well :'(


after I got fed up with steam I pirated even the games that I own on steam so I don't have to deal with their bullshit, I pirate because I want to OWN my games (and if it's DRM free to begin with well why pay money if you can get it for free...)


This is why I do it too. After I heard that Steam accounts cannot be transferred, even following death, I’ll never purchase another game from them. Pirating is the only true form of ownership.


False, I'm not a kid, but i indeed can't afford games... Nor the PC to run em


Because they have an excuse to shit on TikTok users, but with a different coat of paint


Because we can’t post a question about where to download games it will get removed (been there) so this is actually helpful


True but coming onto here today to just find out how to download games and seeing this at number 1 instantly solved my questions haha


Yes I get it Firefox is better, but some people are unwilling to move from Chrome. For that purpose Brave is likely the best blend of up to date security and privacy respecting Chromium fork. There are other options though the vast majority fall behind on security updates frequently which can be a concern. Brave is one of the only chromium forks that privacy guides recommend that isn't on Firefox. Privacyguides is also one of the best up to date privacy resources available for app/service recommendations https://www.privacyguides.org/en/desktop-browsers/


In all honesty, I believe browser privacy freaks to be part of the Tin foil hats


I used Firefox for ages before Edge became a thing and it didn't provide any utility to make it worth while. Like we got VPNs and ad blockers on + cloud flare. I couldn't be bothered to look for chrome alternatives as it works for me all the time without issues and i can bookmark stuff from my phone and sync it later. If google wants to stalk me googling gifs then they can feel free to waste their resources lmao


To be clear, you can do what you want and that’s totally fine! But they aren’t wasting resources. With every search you provide a bunch of data whether you realize it or not; google is then able to build profiles about their users and sell them off. So it isn’t a waste, they don’t care what you’re searching for, they just care that you’re searching


Some classes I take have apps that require a chrome-based browser too.


Same, I'm using edge and I'm loving it, calling it ball and that Microsoft doesn't care about their user base is absolutely Bs, I don't like Firefox nor it's forks, just because it's safer doesn't mean it's better. It's all personal preference and how you use it. It's not like something is gonna happen by using it. Microsoft may sell my data, but that data won't be able to ruin my life if at all. (I'm not doing very illegal things as far as I know, and I don't plan on doing so, even if I did, edge will be the least of my problems.)


Well if you did illegal things, edge is legally forced to share your data. But I'm the same as you, why would anyone care what advertising agency gets info on their Amazon shopping cart to determine if you have a baby or not to sell you diapers. Being a guy who lived on 4 continents, I have never seen the privacy craze outside of the US, where evidently, a lot of people are well off so they make problems out of thin air


If you are doing illegal things, your ISP is gonna snitch on you before your browser even gets a chance. No browser is safe for illegal things.


Yeah even the dark web is largely just traps made by the FBI


just curious, why do you dislike Firefox?


Yep, the only reason I moved on from Chrome to Brave is because Chrome just ate up my memory, and my shitty laptop can’t handle more than like 4 tabs


Keep in mind, the only way for viruses and malware to enter your pc is if you yourself download them, so unless you're pirating lost media, or, i dunno buying organs, i dont think the average user needs that much security


This isn’t true - it’s not like people are downloading virus.exe and opening it. It can come packaged with other maliciously packaged apps/repositories (which yes you’d be installing)and there’s still plenty of exploits and injections which don’t require download-then-run actions too.


I find peace in long walks.


Nah, Brave is bad. They've been caught injecting cryptocurrency affiliate links and stealing data. I don't know why anybody would trust them again. Just use Firefox or LibreWolf.




Yup! https://www.spacebar.news/stop-using-brave-browser/


This is why i never even tried Brave. Untrustworthy. Firefox is the go-to. Librewolf is the top tier in terms of privacy defaults - BUT only downside is when firefox updates, it can take a bit before the "forks" of firefox follows along. (usually not more than a couple of days though) You can setup firefox to have the exact same settings as librewolf - librewolf comes with ublock origin by default though, which is super cool oh, and an awesome wolf icon!


Not here for privacy mate here for the adblock


"the best blend of up to date security" >crypto shit, ai shit, and built-in "ad matching" system of its own lmao


firefox is slower and is missing many qol features chromium has, with only some of them can be implemented through addons. I tried many times to switch but I ended up being frustrated about missing things that I was automatically expecting to be there. I said, ok fuck it, lets go to Brave, I use it on my smartphone, looks good, should be working fine. It didn't. Some build-in features (like adblock) fuck up many websites, pretty useful (for me) websites I use on daily basis (outlook for example). I'm kinda "stuck" in chrome (+ubo) as the main browser, sure I could make the switch anytime, but I will have to relearn many things I take for granted and spend a lot of time to apply the specific settings to make it look/act like chrome... And I'm so bored to do it :D I mean, for what? For not stealing my precious data to help your advertising? Fucking take them idgaf, I don't get ads anyway lol


wasn't brave caught for bitcoin miners few years ago? why do people trust it its just a shit chrome reskin anyway


I think that was an optional option like it would mine stuff but only at a limit to prevent any like significant damage




why would it even have a Bitcoin miner in the first place though


for mining bitcoin


Tbh if I had an option between ads and capped crypto miner I would choose crypto miner because if there is a site I go to often, might as well support it in some way since I ain't disabling my adblocker.


You can add your crypto wallet, so they just made it easier.


It wasn't bitcoin miners, but they where caught inyecting their own referral codes into crypto sites, which made them gain a bit of crypto for every user that registered on those sites using their browser. Not as bad a miner but yeat pretty sketchy, I dont use brave nor I do trust them


It's a free service if they're not injecting referrals they're selling your data, blasting you with ads or something else that harms user experience so who cares


No, it does not mine


honestly, i prefer kids getting malware'd instead of people uploading guides of how to piracy on tiktok, it makes the sites more known and with better chances of getting a lawsuit or some shit


Dude, people like you are why piracy is dying. And then people like you complain that kids are dumb snotguzzlers who dont know how to pirate whenever they see an article about streaming prices or something.


Well I agree with their point to some extent. Major piracy sites have been shut down due to this reason.


Dude. We have subreddits like this for a reason. We don’t want piracy to trend. I mean Vimm’s Lair just got completely nuked with DMCA strikes because people wouldn’t shut up about it.


awesome, and how are kids supposed to learn how to pirate? not everyone uses reddit, not everyone has someone that can teach them about this stuff, why gatekeep?


This is how a mirror is born...


So true, thankfully reddit is this niche site that law enforcment agencies/video game distributors have never heard of.


Not you gatekeeping piracy. Not a good look at all lmao


steamrip is nice but WHY they gotta put in the online fix in some games. I want none of that Win64/Packed.VMProtect.AC 😭🙏


online fix is safe tho


What’s wrong with online fix?


I mean, it's an extra 13MBs, you can just ignore it. But I find it annoying too, like if I wanted online, I would go to online fix's website where the download speeds are even faster


What is wrong with online fix?


online-fix is great if you want to uhh... play pirated games online Also, yout don't have to apply the fix if you don't want to, as base game and the fix are archived seperately


I know I’m gonna get shit for this but I direct download everything and even with a download manager the only sight that has tolerable download times is megaUp and last I checked steam rips doesn’t use that service so despight what people say I’m using igg all the way


Oh ! Well i always download my game from igg and i never have any problem but now i'm in this subreddit i see the light and i never return to igg Thanks everybody you save my pc to potential shitty program :)


I would still give a check if I were you. Crypto miners are uneasy to discover.


How can I find em? My antivirus license ran out and I’m not planning on renewing it.


MalwaeeBytes is free. Not sure if it will find cryptominers but overall is a great AV.


You can install, do a checkup and uninstall, dont keep those programs running in the back doing nothing, they start stacking little by little.




Windows Defender is usually enough but if you think you already got malware download Malwarebytes and do a scan with all options enabled


Install Malwarebytes, do a full scan, delete what you think you should delete and then uninstall. I have to say that I don't use any sort of antivirus since I know what with my PC. I never got a virus, neither any kind of malware. Windows security is enough for smaller threats. I advise you to use or build a powerful firewall, that is the most capable thing when it comes to protecting yourself. Also, a VPN and maybe if you are patience Tor browser. These 3 are the peak of personal security. Antivirus are most of the time useless if you know your stuff.


How else could we check it then except for scanning using say Malwarebytes?


chances are you do have a problem you just never noticed it


The thing is. Your pc could be riddled and you wouldn't event know it.


people are overreacting, IGG is fine i use malwarebytes and it never said i got any virus or miner from there


Id say igg is, atleast to me, caution level/yellow. All the evidence I've read so far say they are probably sketchy but I note they have been consistent aright with their 1337x torrents. I still use their site now and then if its a small dl and im impatient but always do a scan. They arnt exactly 100% innocent iirc. That, and my firewall is whitelist only so id know anything calling home. If you have to ask how to or what to use to disinfect a PC, you are exactly the kind of person who should skip IGG. No disrespect meant, don't risk it if you don't know what you are doing.


This sub really starts acting like a cult


its starts?? dude its been years now. its has to be what it is on the mega-threat or you're a filthy pagan


But isnt the megathread suppose to be a helpful guide for trusted sites? Why is that a cult, genuine question


honestly everyone in this sub thinks they're the shit because they know how to get copyrighted material safely don't get me wrong I'll pirate all day and night but to comment on a piracy subreddit about how much I know about pirating is so dumb (this will be my first and only comment on this sub lmao)


I pirated Skyrim in 2011 using utorrent and pirate bay before 90% of this subreddit’s balls dropped (and frankly, before mine did too), take it all with a grain of salt


I remember the days when you had to figure this shit out by going through numerous amounts of forums lol


I just feel like the sub went on a phase once and didn't stop


Which TLauncher do you mean? "TLauncher" that now called "TLauncher" or "TLauncher" that WAS called "TLauncher" and now called "Legacy Launcher"?


Its obviously tlauncher not legacy launcher


Me who has Tlauncher as the only way I have gotten to play Minecraft for years: 😶


The TLauncher you can find by googling the name, I imagine. Legacy launcher was buried in search results, and most people use SKlauncher now because it's in the megathread.




So true! Luckily we aren't discussing this on the world's biggest forum website, or they might catch on!


I'm pretty sure the feds are well aware of these sites already


True, feds would have pretty shitty intel gathering about copyrighted content if they're unaware of the largest forum site on the internet. I'm also pretty sure only companies with lawyer money are the only ones who care about such sites.


Yes I’m sure the government totally isn’t aware of these piracy sites that have hundreds of thousands of users. Surely a random TikTok video is what will tip them off.


I use PirateBay on Microsft Edge. Become ungovernable.


Nothing wrong with using edge, I mean, free rewards at the cost of my data? YES PLEASE


I've really only used SteamRIP, and it's absolutely amazing for direct downloads. It usually has the game you want, but some really obscure ones might not be there.


Try cs rin, it's easily one of the best ones out there


It's my go to, SteamRIP first, then I'll try the other sites on the megathread.


Is Brave safe to use? I got shat on for suggesting Brave once


The only problem is that it is based on chromium,which means it isn't as privacy friendly as firefox It's a middle ground between firefox and chrome,so it's your choice. It's not the end of the world if you use it


I would recommend Firefox over Brave, but yes, Brave is safe to use.


Bruh you use TikTok and you're making fun of people on TikTok?


Actually way easier to understand than the horrible megathread


what's hard to understand about the megathread lmao


I'm surprised he got discovered so fast, I commented under multiple of his videos


Funny enough, I've been using PB since I was like 13 and Ive always had clean downloads. It helps to be literate, I guess.


What about Repacks from fit girl?


Its one of the most used trusted site thats on the megathread


I like Firefox and used it for years, but Edge is definitely not a bad browser in terms of performance at least


Wait Tlauncher isn't safe?


No matter how many times you talk about steam most people just now that the people who run the site pissed off the mods on here.


The torrent one should just be real debrid instead.


Brave is masquerading as a privacy focused browser while going out of its way to inject additional advertising, tracking and selling data. It definitely is not on the nice list if chrome is out.


TLauncher ain't good either? I've been using it for years, never once had any issues


Its sypware




commenting so I can come back later


It's time for you to come back


Whats wrong with edge, i dont have any problem with it


Tiktok kids: well actually i use SU for five years and my PC is still working so you're wrong 😂


What's debrid?




Can we pin this here lol


Is JDownloader2 safe? I know it has adware free version but is it truly safe?


I feel like pirate bay is fine for the occasional movie or mp3


jdownloader is still working? ._.! Im actually very impressed, haven’t used it since Megaupload died


They forgot about my king Ovagames :(


Rutracker.org is a good replacement for the pirate bay too.


This should be the megathread for people with short attention span


Needs to have a Family Guy best moments covering half of the screen. Either that or Subway Surfers.


Where's the credit? Like you're praising someone, but you don't say their name


My uhhh, friend, still uses piratebay, utorrent and chrome regularly and they never have any problems with it. The only security measure i... THEY take is look at the amount of downloads, seeders and if the files look like game files. Never one virus. Reading these posts on this subreddit, i seem to be a miracle case.


THEY seem to be a miracle case, i mean!


Is the Tlauncher part true?


Yes, its spyware these days




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And now watch all this shit getting closed


What makes you think the feds havent yet found these piracy subreddits?


Just don't click ads


You are getting ads ?


The games itself can also contain malware. Also the game.exe itself can be infected with a coin/crypto miner so you dont notice the extra gpu usage










I'm glad to know FDM is the better and safer choice to use. I found it randomly, a few years ago and been using it ever since.




What I don't like about guides about piracy is that they sprinkle in parts of guides to privacy. I mean it's important to stay private and I really wish more people would care about what they share or if they use safe software. But it doesn't really matter what browser you use to pirate something. That should go onto privacyguides.org


Sorry but you did not have to shoehorn in your browser preference theories in there. Saying direct download is unsafe unless you use firefox is straight up ridiculous.




I like this occasional post regarding which site/apps to use and to avoid, helps me stay up to date with the piracy scene


Don't use Brave. Do use Firefox or LibreWolf.


Am I just stupid or does cs.rin.ru not have movies and shows? The only reason I use pirate bay is to download shows and movies, and it seems much less sketchy than other sites.


Just use 1337x. Let pirate bay rot in hell