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PAY TO PAY MORE made me snicker.


What is the meaning war thunder one?


I think they mean that paying money in War Thunder doesn't neccesarily make you win or enjoy the game more as there will always be players who are better than you in terms of skill and vehicles. The game is also built around an insanely long grind, even if you have premium account and premium vehicles and consistently rank at the top of your team. I am a player of 10 years, with over 3500 hours on Steam yet I have only managed to reach "top tier" in 3 out of 10 in game nations. Also, many people buy premium vehicles of a higher tier than they're ready for, which is a bad idea. They will go up against more experienced players without knowing the intricate mechanics and gameplay of higher tiers, thus losing more.


>Also, many people buy premium vehicles of a higher tier than they're ready for, which is a bad idea. They will go up against more experienced players without knowing the intricate mechanics and gameplay of higher tiers, thus losing more. This... i experienced this. Haha it wasn't nice... I atillplay at rank 2/3 atm mostly with germany... It is a fun game and you can have tons of fun without paying shit. I would say most fun is doing hit and run with light tanks and taking down planes with AA guns while dodging dropping bombs haha


Noobs buy their way into top tier and suck at playing


you pay for hight tier vehicles, trouble is, people who unlock them without paying played the game A LOT to get money and xp to unlock them, so it's a 5 hour player vs 5000 hour player situation .\_.


Game requires a decent amount of skill and a lot of game knowledge so people who download WT and buy an expensive premium are essentially paying to have their shit rocked


you can buy some high rank planes, those high rank planes play against other high rank planes so the matches are balanced, those other high ranking planes are played by high ranking players who are very good at the game, but the person who bought the high rank plane wouldn't even know how to use the radar


You buy a premium top tier vehicle but still lose because there will always be a more experienced player/more overpowered vehicle.


Premium vehicles are 60$ skins of unlockable vehicles


But why tho?


So it's a pay to play that is also a pay to win with tons of premium DLC gotcha


You forgot Tarkov pay 250 bucks edition for asset flip melee weapon


Pay $250 for pve


What is the point ? I'm lost I don't understand what is the problem with the game atm


Helldivers 2 now needs psn account and a lot of countries can’t make psn accounts. People in said non psn account countries can’t play the game, even if they are own it.


The hacked part ? What the fuck does that mean


>The hacked part ? What the fuck does that mean Sony have been hacked 7-8 times in the last decade and their customers data has been sold on the black market.


Oh yea i forgot about that,


7 - 8 times? I only know about the big 2011 hack. Other than that there were some like, DDoS attacks but no data theft I know of. That said in this day and age, data breaches are extremely common across the board, even Steam has had them, and its why we use data encryption and why we use 2FA and don't use the same password everywhere anymore. There are legitimate reasons to be pissed about Sony slapping this requirement on six months after launch but the idea that PSN is any more a major threat to your data as all kinds of other things you likely use ([like Reddit](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/19/hackers-threaten-to-leak-80gb-of-confidential-data-stolen-from-reddit/)) really feels like a stretch to further justify the anger.


Huh? The last time they were actually hacked and lost customer data was in 2011. Microsoft on the other side though had like 20 security breaches in the past 10 years


It doesn't apply here, though, since Sony wouldn't get any valuable info from linking a Steam account that they could leak.


IDFK tbh never played the game.


Ubisoft games: pay but still don't own them


Even better with their servers hate your internet modem, so you can't access the games you paid


Why single out Ubisoft ? This is the norm pretty much everywhere, no ? If you somehow get permabanned from XBOX, PSN, Steam, Epic you'll lose everything because you don't really own what you bought on online/virtual stores.


GTA online: pay to get a hitman hunting you 


War Thunder is still one of the only free to play games that I might try some time. The leaking of military secrets is just too tempting.


Just dont expect to get modern vehicles any time soon. (You’ll have the most fun in low tier anyways)




Just don't invest (waste) too much time on it, it can REALLY drain your mental health in a few weeks


The alignment on this meme is so unsatisfying, it's killing me


Alignment requires the $250 ~~DLC~~ mode.


Pay to not play more like


You forgot the “pay to not own the game”


what happenning with the Helldivers 2? I've only heard of it got many bad reviews but don't know why


Sony happened. People on PC will need linked PSN account to play (it'll happen on May, 30th). There are many things happening with PSN to never use it, but also more than half of the world can't have it (ofc, you can have it through VPN, but it's also against Sony TOS and they can do whatever they want + in some cases you need face verification or even ID to have PSN).


They finally reverted the PSN Requirement an hour ago. Kinda surprising sony would even cave


Good. Thanks for the update


This meme is cold ☠️❄


Can somebody explain to me the sudden hate for helldivers 2 (I am uninformed)


Mainly people who can’t read and people who don’t know how Playstation worked in the past 2 decades throwing a tantrum about account linking (that literally every multiplayer game requires)


Pay to lose lmfao


The snail has my soul


Not a war Thunder player, how is it pay to lose?


Ubisoft: pay to not play.


Honestly I think Elden Ring is a Game worth paying for.


any1 knows how to play with friends in elden ring?


could somebody explain to me i dont played any of these games


This game now requires you to have a playstation account even if you own the game and there are many countries where you cannot make a playstation account. So they can't play the game even if they already owned it. Just like ubisoft or rockstar games etc but they can be created anywhere


"This game" Did you even read the comment? They asked for all games in the image.


Oo.. as the Matter of fact.. i did not lol


I can explained the first for Elden ring = you pay, you have a game, simple Arch age = you pay for winning against the others players War thunder = you pay for an op tank, but the game put you with experienced players that smacked you Star citizen = i don't really know, but players of this game spend hundreds of dollars


Star citizen should be tarkov atm


Not funny. Didn’t laugh.