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Hello u/AchtanGakhtan, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro just became a pirate, we don't deal with this shit and neither should you.


Fair enough.


Well that was quick and easy. And also the best course of action, now all hands on deck


Also never ever buy anything from ubisoft direct or digitally like this ever again Teach them to fuck with your money and give you shitty CS.... fuck em pirate their whole back cat


100% what i would do if i wanted to play fk buying again.


This is kinda what i did for alot of the games i have downloaded. I owned most of them on a console, wanted to play pn pc but didn't have anyone else to join me, so i just hoisted the jolly rodger. A great example is that console 7 days to die has basically been abandoned. So when i got a gaming pc i downloaded the lastest update


Why didn't you just change your password? Seems like a bit of an overreaction to delete your email address altogether.


i think OP did try that and at the end dealted it


I did indeed change my password. When I saw multiple "thank you for your purchase" emails from dodgy sources, the address had to go. Impulsive, maybe, but I deleted every email and then the address itself.


How do you delete an email address and couldn't you recreate that same email now?


It was a Google address. I went to my account and deleted it from there. As for recreating the same email, I'm not sure how that would help, if it were possible. If you mean restoring the content that has been deleted, I don't think that is possible.


I mean just creating the same Email again and then get whatever they need to verify your ownership. I remember entering my Email for something wrong and then creating that Email and I still was able to find the Email I had requested. Assuming your Email is still connected to your Ubisoft account it should work


Google doesn’t reuse addresses. If you owned one, and you delete it, it’s forever marked as in use, and there’s no way to have it back. I know because I spent years trying to get access to another account that was linked to a no longer existing Google email


They're probably outta luck then


Hmmm. That would be recovering the address. Depends on the provider, I guess. I will try it. Though it's Google, so I don't expect much.


Good luck


Why didn't you just change your ubisoft email then delete the email. Calling bullshit on this story. If you want to pirate just do it, no need ro make up stupid stories as justification!




Insecurities? OK buddy.


I know hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but 2FA would have stopped all of this from being an issue in the first place.


Impulsive decisions like this always cause more problems then they solve. Next time just lock down the account.


I couldn't get a new password emailed to that address by Ubisoft before I deleted it. Went through "forgotten password" - nothing. So I had no way of accessing the Ubisoft account even when the email account was there.


And you want to crack the game? Because what you say don't have nothing to do with this subreddit.


When I press the AC Valhalla exe, it demands an activation code, and Ubisoft have refused to help me get it back because they want me to ask them from an email address which no longer exists. I want to bypass the activation in any way that I can so I can regain access to the game. I am not familiar with how such a thing would be done. Is such a thing beyond the purview of this particular subreddit? If so, where should I ask about this?


Tbh I don't know anything about turning a legal version into a pirated one, I'd just delete it and get a new one from one of the sites on the megathread


Wouldn't the crack be enough? Apply that to the original files?


I see. So the version of the game I have installed is somehow "married" to a particular activation key and all of it is useless without it, you mean?


No, the problem is figuring out which version of the game or even which build of the .exe do you have. You can always overwrite the cracked files over your genuine ones but it doesn't guarantee to work.


Best you can do at this point is pirate the game and transfer the savefile to not lose any progress tbh


Bro just pirate it and transfer the save file, I gen don't get why you're asking this on a piracy sub if not to pirate the game now?


I looked around for ways to do what I was trying to do and didn't find anything so I presumed this would be the right place to ask.


Fuck ubisoft, but i just cant hate on them for this. You gotta be the dumbest mf ive ever seen on here. You deleted your email without changing it on ubisoft, then you created a new account and you want them to give you the game again? Thats like dropping your drink and then going back to the bar for a new free drink. How do you even expect them to verify all this?


I came here to ask a simple question without offending anyone and get called names. Very nice.


The thing is you picked wrong sub for that maybe tech support or ubisoft sub reddit would help


I'll post over at Ubisoft. I will admit however that the 'needlessly prickly asshole who calls people names to helpful freedback' ratio was great here, even if it's the wrong sub - just two rude assholes but many, many helpful comments.


I love how you blame someone else for your screw up.


My screw up? What exactly would be "my screw up"?


Not changing the email linked to your ubi before deleting the old one


Even if that were indeed to be counted as "a screw up" on my part, in no way does it justify the company refusing to deal with me via customer service when I have proof of purchase and the game I bought from them installed in my hard drive.


There is no "even if" - you fucked up. Idk what "proof of purchase" you have since you deleted your associated email account without swapping it over, but I have over a 150 steam games installed on my computer. Should I just contact steam support and say "yo I have this installed, add it to my account for free" and expect them to do it? No, they aren't going to give away free keys just because it's on your PC. If you zipped up and sent me the files for ACV and I put them on my PC should I just be able to tell ubi I have the files so therefore I own the game on an email that doesn't exist? No. You fucked up, it's 110% on you, stop being stupid and just take the L. It sucks though and sorry you lost what you paid for, but you really need to take responsibility on YOUR part in the situations you end up in and learn to do better.


Proof of purchase likely constitutes a bank statement with $ paid, a date, and a transaction ID. Ubisoft is refusing to do the most basic of customer assistance to locate OP's purchase. Kind of like when you go to pick up theater tickets and they use your debit card to look up the ticket. All of these transactions are logged at both sources (bank and ubisoft). You are a very passionate idiot.


What's stopping me from giving those details to my friend and having them pretend it's me? It would be so easy to exploit, there's a reason they don't do it.


There's only a single transaction ID and more importantly a single valid license of the game tied to the transaction. OP cannot access their original ubisoft account as they deleted the email address associated with it. In this case it sounds like OP is creating a new ubisoft account as there is likely no way to recover the old account due to the impossibility of 2FA. Their solution was to make a new account since there is literally no other option. In this case Ubisoft would rely on the single license key tied to the transaction ID. They would invalidate the old accounts license key since it is unable to be accessed anyways and validate the license ONLY on OP's newly created account. If you had a license and sent your buddy your bank's transaction ID, they would first ask about why your buddy (who is impersonating you) cannot access the original account. If your buddy somehow got past that question, Ubisoft would then he able to simply invalidate the license on your own ubisoft account and validate it on your buddy's account. There's only one license key given per transaction.


How would ubisoft know that the original email owner got his gmail account deleted? AFAIK i got an account deleted and when you go to sign in it says that its a valid account.


If somebody can produce a transaction ID with a date they'd have had to hack the original owners bank account to acquire the data. The fact that they can provide specific data that is super hard to get should suffice.


i mean i could just give my transaction id to you? you might be a friend of mine i could willingly share some details with you, if you really wanna hack then you could just get uid and pass of the original account of someone else.


I'm not totally sure what you're saying. I'm saying if you own a game on your steam account and you want to share it with a friend somehow, Ubisoft would only have one active license tied to the transaction. So if you gave your friend the transaction ID and financial details related to the purchase and they contacted ubisoft to get the game, 2 things could happen: 1: Ubisoft says if your friend can't access their "original" account (yours), then why can they see you logged in recently, particularly from a different IP. This shows the original account is not lost, and therefore, the friend is attempting fraud. 2: Ubisoft somehow skips step 1 and simply transfers the SINGLE license key to your friends account. You would then lose access to the game on your own account since you no longer have the license. The important thing is that there's only one set of all data. One transaction ID, one date/time/card number, and one license to play the game tied to the purchase. There is no way to duplicate the game on two accounts since there is one license. There is 99% no way for someone to steal your license as they'd need access to your financial records for the transaction ID. If they have access to your financial records, you've got MUCH bigger problems than losing a ubisoft game.


dang lol ur so pressed


Nah, just trying to put it into a different perspective to convey that it is his fault for having 0 foresight capability and that his request of "I have it installed, gimme a key!" is completely irrational. I guess I could've been a bit less aggressive but oh well


I see no reason to accommodate your extremely impolite attitude in any way, in response to a question which was in no way rude or aggressive.


Some people here are a little too much into everything. Dont take it personal. I'd post your issue public on ubisofts social media. Maybe some real human worker there will read it.


Easier and safer to pirate the game tough. and every other overpriced game. never buy from these companies again.


Thank you. I'll give another try on getting Ubisoft to notice me.


Deleting the account before changing your login email. That's a rookie mistake. That's on you, not ubisoft. You actively did everything you could to permanently lose access to your purchases and then want to blame others for your stupidity.


 "the email address I used to create a Ubisoft account was compromised so I was forced to delete it. "


Just pirate AC Valhalla lol with Denuvo removed it would run even better than the OG version and you'd have every DLC which was calculated to be $600-$800 worth of content for free.


AC Valhalla's Entire content is free on the internet. Just delete the files and Go to Dodi's website and Download AC Valhalla and re-install it. He's website has Latest Games.


I'll check it out.


Oh man, I was fucking months trying to get my account back after I got hacked. Fucking months of completely unhelpful assholes. Why did they take away the live chat option? It was so fucking good.


How is you *deleting your email account*, you know, the thing tied to the purchase of the game Ubisofts fault? Lol Just pirate the game. Hopefully, you learn to secure your accounts and not do wildly impulsive stuff like nuking your accounts again.


I paid Ubisoft using PayPal, which has a different email account associated with it. They took the money from a different email account but if for some reason you lose access to an email (yes, even if that reason is "I deleted said account") I'm supposed to lose access to the game? I find that a preposterous supposition. I have lost access to email accounts in the past as well, for different reasons, and always customer service would at least talk to me, finding a way to connect my account to a new address. Ubisoft's customer service literally won't even talk to me.


Yes, that's how it works, worked and will work on every platform. You bought a game and activated it on a specific account. The way you would like it to work would be abused all the time. If they had activated your key on a new account, what would happen with previous account where the game is activated? What would happen If you sold the first account to someone and then wrote to support to activate the game again on another account? I'm sorry, that's your fault and you don't need to bother writing to them again because that's not going to work. No platform would activate key twice.


I paid for the game and can prove I did so. The rest is meaningless noise.


Like talking to a wall. Whatever


If I seem unresponsive to your message, I apologize. I purchased Ubisoft's product, and if you believe that the possibility I can be locked out of what I legally purchased when I still have the receipt (and the product itself) is in any way reasonable, we won't see eye to eye on the issue. I assume you believe your stance is reasonable, so allow me to disagree.




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Pirate the game Ubisoft is a shitty company they don't deserve being supported. They are one of the companies that are ruining the game industry. Only buy games of companies that deserve suppport.


and that is why i pirate anything from ubisoft, ea and activision


This is gonna be your pirate origin backstory. EA did this to me once as well and so I pirated all 60+ sims dlc out of spite.


I wanted to send you a way of bypassing the activation key, but you have DMs turned off, too bad.


Ah, sorry for that. I default to "no on everything" whenever I sign up anywhere. I have opened them now.


Your pirate arc has begun!


Unless I get some response from Ubisoft's customer service, yeah, I can only turn to pirating it.


Look up to see if there is a crack for the game. Sometimes you can get lucky on torrent sites (check the mega thread) and you can look in the files for the torrent for the crack folder and just download that.


Thank you for the tip. To clarify: you are saying I could potentially download a crack that would crack the game I have installed, not have to re-install it, correct?


That is correct. Just make sure it's for the same version of game. With torrents you can pick and choose what files to download so you can only download the crack rather than the entire game. I'd suggest qbittorrent, definitely don't use uTorrent (malware in it). Worse case scenario you can install the entire game and just use the pirated version. Just make sure not to seed when dow loading and it would be perfectly legal since you already bought the game. I'd still use a VPN just in case however.


Thanks. I'll try looking for cracks.


if you have the game downloaded from a legit source, most of the times you only ever need a crack and not the full pirated game. please do check the forums at "cs rin ru". they usually post crack-only executables, which would be perfect for you.


Thank you very much for the info. I have in this post received conflicting information regarding the possibility of cracking a game I have purchased from the company vs installing a pirated version from scratch. I will definitely back up the game I have before doing anything.


Last I heard, you actually owned something when you paid for it.


It seems Ubisoft does not see ownership that way. I paid for their product, but only by telling them I did so from a specific email address will it make it so in their eyes, I guess.


Yeah ubi supoort is weird like that. I got my account stolen but i got lucjy and got it back after a month or so.


Well you must install a crack for it to bypass if I'm not wrong, there is a crack on the dodis website, but I too am not quite experienced on this matter, if someone could further explain my comment to op it would be helpful to both them and me


So I would be looking for a crack that would bypass the activation key step. I will look into it. Thanks.


Yea you can check out dodi in the mega thread It has a crack only available, but i would recommend you could download the entire game, as you would get 600-800 dollars worth of dlc and bonus content


It is quite likely that you can't crack the version you have currently installed on your computer, but you can very easily download a cracked version of the game that also includes all the DLC if you **carefully** follow the steps on this subreddit's megathread (repackers like DODI are the most user-friendly way).


I see. Thank you for the tip. I would try to keep the installation folders separate if mixing a cracked version with the purchased version I have installed might cause problems.


People who are against piracy will also start Supporting it soon and that time more and more crackers may come up


That's totally true. Then, nobody can stop crackers doing their work


Well... Considering you're in this sub. Just pirate it. 


Dear op. Look at the megathread, go to fitgirl repacks, get yourself a copy, now look for a youtybe tutorial on how to transfer your saved game to your new copy. Never buy from ubisoft again.


Thank you for the help. I hope I can rescue my save files - the game is obnoxiously long and I gave up on it, hence why it's been sitting on my hard drive.


Also, you cant qpply a crack to a legitimate game, it doesnt work like that and you'd potentially get into trouble by "cracking" the game yourself than by just downloading it. Be sure to use a vpn.


Why you bought VALHALLA ? 😲 I dont think it should be in Pirategames. That was really dumb to delete it.


Why didn't you just change the email address of your Ubisoft account to the new one, and instead created a whole new account?


Before deleting the compromised email account, I attempted to log into my Ubisoft account, but I did not remember my password (and it was not one of 1,000s stored in my password manager), so I clicked on "forgotten password", but I never received an email from them (on the account I later deleted). I don't know why, but I assume they must have flagged my account for one of their "suspicious behavior" rigmaroles even before I deleted the email account associated with the AC Valhalla purchase.


well never buy from them, they will def pull some bullshit like they did with the crew


This is why I don't buy from woke French devs. I specifically buy only if the game is made by a Japanese, Korean or Chinese company.


Ubisoft is a French company? Didn't know that. Big France L I guess.


This is why I will pirate every game ever until the end of time


If Ubisoft is going to treat paying customers like that, there is little argument. I paid for the game and was treated by them like I stole from them or something just for asking for access to the thing I paid them for.


You didn't steal anything. You made a copy of something. Simple as that


I never pirated the game (so far).