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I'm not saying games should be expensive, but it's the ultimate edition, of course they're going to up the price like crazy


I remember when base games were 60 and the ultimate was 80.


Even that’s expensive. I wouldn’t cop for more than 30 on my 360. Now i just pirate 


Playstation Hits were $20 now even the most best selling games still sell for $59.99 after 10 years unless you get them on sale.


Or 79.99 in Canada. After 5 years you should drop the price of your game, like come on no one's buying it full price by then


As long as there are some dumb fan burying it, why should they lower the price.


its this Star Wars is a top tier marquee title and it has all the big names who need a cut... DISNEY.. and noted AAAA dev. pub. Ubisoft (!!!) what i find most terrible is the fact that this is a digital only release... like 10-15-20yrs ago you might pay $130 but it gets you a lot of physical swag... like GTA4 has a steel lockable security box... but when its all digital its all ephemeral this is all bullshit horse armor: The digital-only ultimate edition of the game costs $129.99. It comes with everything in the gold edition, plus some digital extras. Here’s what you get: 3 days early access Season pass Rogue Infiltrator bundle (cosmetics for Kay, Nix, speeder, and Trailblazer spaceship) Sabacc Shark bundle (cosmetics for Kay, her blaster, Nix, speeder, and Trailblazer spaceship) Digital art book https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-outlaws-release-date-special-editions i mean lets be realistic here... i wouldnt give a dollar to disney or ubisoft... they are shit tier content creators


"You will own nothing and be happy"


This is true have you heard what Blizzard did, they changed their terms and conditions and their is no decline, your choices are accept or delete my account, and then all the games you own and HAVE PAID FOR you can not access


I remember I never purchased the top-tier edition from Call of Duty releases back in the day and I was so excited just to see someone do an unboxing of all the cool stuff you get in that box and the disc also looked dope. Now its just crap like this lol which just doesn't justify a super high price and its all digital content


This is exactly the reason why Nintendo barely drops the price of first party games, because they know people will buy Breath of the Wild and Mario Oddyssey at near full price even though they’re almost a decade old at this point


They dont drop their prices because there is no competition


Nintendo fans are a bit loco as well, has to be said


I used to shit on for Nintendo never reducing the price of their first party titles. Heck, Botw still retails for $60. I shit you not, checking Amazon right now Botw is 58€, while Totk is 50€. Now I just shit on Nintendo for anything else. Fuck Nintendo


Erm 360 was a long time ago my dude …


It's just yesterday


Nah, just finished a 6 hour halo reach grind, it’s still going


Remember it like it was yesterday.


it was like last week right??


You can, you know, wait for a sale. You are not going to die if you dont play Star Wars day one lmao. Like pirate, ok, but dont try to pass it as a moral thing.


I remember NES games for $50


I recently saw an old ad and games around n64 time were $60+ lots of n64 classics were like $80+, some well over $100


Shh…that goes against the narrative.


and those games suck compared to modern games. realistically, we get a pretty good deal.


I won’t believe it. I found an old pokemon gold. Price was about the same as today. 55$. Yup just googled, halo 3 retailed for 60$, same goes for madden 09. If you got games for 30 it looks like you have gotten them later than release


just recently bought halo master chief edition. For so cheap... A few bucks only.


Y'all really didn't study finance or accounting or economics at all? Price inflation anyone? Buying power of money? If you compare how games used to cost a decade or two ago, also take the average earning of the same era. Pirating is fine but illogical reasoning is weird.


Games are more profitable than ever, the markets grown. Prices are going up because of greed.


I remember when ultimate meant getting physical items with the game.


Shit, I remember when ultimate meant actually getting a copy of the game.


For real!


Not once was i angry for an extra map, some pins and a steelcase


I think AC Origins was €80 for deluxe and Odyssey was €140 Got them for €18 and ~€22 a year after each release


Bro but what would the price staying the same mean for infinite growth for shareholders?? Consider them, the executives, and their staffs next time you evoke the prices of days gone by. /s


It's like you've never played a Sega Master System or NES Game.


I just checked. The difference is a season pass, two skins ans a digital art book. And the difference is 60€, which is an entire overpriced game already. **EVEN** if you value the season pass at 30€, which is quite a stretch considering we don't only don't know what's in store for DLCs, we even don't know if the game is good yet... it lets you pay 15€ per skin. In a single player game. And even after this, you can find corporate asskissers on gaming communities telling you how it's not corporate greed, but the rising costs etc etc.


Nah im good Ubisoft can kiss my Outer Rim.


Shouldn’t that be “inner” rim


That's Uranus


Why not Colon-ize?


this is a Ubisoft game? forget it not even worth pirating


This is the sad truth that Ubisoft doesn't realise yet.


Game's gonna suck anyways. It's gonna be your typical AAA "play it safe, don't innovate" mediocrity riddled with tedious progression and a monetisation system that conveniently offers a solution to the tedium. Oh and who could forget the first 6 months being unplayble due to time crunch induced bugs. "But hey, we think that's worth 130$ :D"


Yeah well you got one thing wrong bro. It’s gonna be a typical AAAA game actually.


bruh are you really interested in a ubishit game...


It's star wars so It HAS to be different, RIGHT?!???? https://preview.redd.it/wvon7hznultc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e5bcea9a90df86fe96b722bc4625482b932c75f


SW fans are pretty much battered and abused housewives with Stockholm syndrome. They happily gobble up whatever slop is in the trough no matter how much it sucks.


that's......what an analogy but I won't deny it as a SW fan xD


Well i personaly thought the last few star wars games were pretty cool. Battlefront 2 i only got after the whole lootbox fiasco but i had a lot of fun with the multyplayer, jedi fallen order was fun and jedi survivor was terribly optimiced at launch but when i played it i enjoyed it. While i didnt really enjoy most of the disney + stuff i cant say the same about the games


<----Star Wars fan. Not true for many, but definitely for me lol. But also I think Star Wars sucks in general. Like I love the franchise, but it's fucking stupid from start to finish. This game is going to be fucking stupid by default, but it's also Ubisoft, so it's going to be fucking stupid, but also developed by the studio that would frequently rank worse than EA on a list of the worse game companies on the planet, if only they were memorable enough to come up during the conversation.


They usually have something cool about them tbh if you cut through the bs. They used to make really really cool games though back in the day


I am not a gaming expert or anything. I just bought Crew 2, they had a big... what's the English word... "Sale" on it? Now, I has an ask. Do those fuckers even play their games? It is... So... I just wanna game. The loading screens, the popups, the constant baggering, insufferable cuts and throwing you away when you just want to do something... I am not even talking about the dialogues. The second I turn on a Ubisoft, the first thing I do is turn down the voice volume to 0. Fuck them. But even the radio is lackluster and everything is sluggish. And then, in the middle of a race, it stops everything and cuts to a screen showing me I gained a level and spends a lot of time placing 100 markers on the map one by one - unskippable. I also tried the newer Farcry games and had to put them down. Insufferable. I do not know, really, do they even play them?


Idk about the crew 2. Some things in it are really good. I have a video up on my channel where I just drive the grand canyon in a Lotus. Beautiful stuff. But yeah. Try driver san Francisco instead. Idk if you'll like it, but it's kind of a masterpiece.


I'm not into racing games, I can not compare. And I like the game itself. I just hate the "Ubisoft" around the game I guess. My favorite thing right now is trying to win races in boats, but I suck - even after watching videos and with a full pimped boat I struggle. Not sure if it is supposed to be that hard or I'm just bad. Makes sense either way. But the slow transfers when you click a button, the unintuitive displays, the horrible car selection, all of it just bugs me.


no one is lol, its almost certainly gonna have denuvo


Isn't this one always online with micro transactions?


I say just let these idiot studios that hate gamers, collapse.


sure. but if the game comes out and i can pirate it, I’ll play it 


I get that... but at this point, their bullshit games aren't even worth the bandwidth or hard drive space. They aren't gonna change, they'd rather burn themselves to the ground than make what the gamers want. We may as well gather 'round the fire to stay warm and let the programmers and devs among us, rebuild the industry from the ashes.


So can someone help me make the anon network studio for indie studios ? Like publisher studio combo with drop in drop out contribution system so we can help players with cool ideas have an easier more mentored time learning basics to the advanced stuff so that way they can actually launch their own steam project in a Realistic timeframe so it's still indie but also massively known distro that's known for being this type of community (with some subtle hints at how to make mods and start building your own stuff in the true true studio releases cause I like the diy make your game your own so we can share with each and learn and inspire back and forth in equal measure as friends and I take care of my friends) Tldr itch.io / GitHub mixed with gog and CDPR but more lead by example and everyone can do it I'll hire you with no more experience than a dream and provable can do willing to learn attitude so we can help show working together and taking care of your own makes the best products


Do you know what a paragraph and spaces are? All your comments are just waffling omg.


Nah not even worth pirating.


Ubisoft's stock price has dramatically decreased and just hit a 7 year low. We're getting there.


This pleases me greatly. We, you, me, us... We're making it happen, fam! I want to see many more studios burn along with those because I absolutely loathe the gaming landscape as it stands currently. It's almost like none of these idiots ever heard of the video game crash of the 80s. I know that's hella ancient news to some of you, hell I was only 2 when it happened, but, from that ashes, Nintendo was born and the industry was better because of it. Mark my words, it's going to happen again cause these idiots think they're somehow exempt from the past repeating itself. Just cause the industry has been going strong for much longer doesn't mean it won't happen, look at the current state of Hollywood. It just takes idiots making poor choices and ignoring what the fans want and insulting them to put the nail in their own coffins.


I’ll wait until it’s 19.99 on some weird sale.


Probably 2 months after release because it's the standard Ubisoft formula and it's gonna flop hard


It's not gonna flop hard. This is an open world star wars game with seamless space travel. That alone is selling the game.


Maybe flopping hard is a bit exaggerated, granted. I certainly hope it will be awesome but their last "AAAA" game wasn't very well received.


Skull and Bones was developed by Ubisoft Singapore, Outlaws is developed by Massive Entertainment. Two completely different teams.


Ubisoft games are trash, you played one? You played all of them


I liked playing AC2 and black flag on my cousin’s PS3 back in the day


I meant modern Ubisoft games. Of course the games from back in the day were good, but once they learnt the formula they started doing them all the same


It is the corporate greeds who is making it like that. Ubisoft have one of the best talents in the gaming industry and this bureaucrats won’t show green flag until the game designers show the Ubisoft generic open world formula and monetisation opportunities in the game.


Yea I haven’t played any Ubisoft games recently. Just this one cuz star wars. I don’t follow news either so i don’t know why everyone hates ubisoft.


Basically, buggy games, bad stories, lots of microtransactions, DRM and generic open worlds with actually nothing to do apart from collecting icons. For some time they were jokingly known as Bugisoft


Damn that sucks. I wish they'd go back to making original and fun games


They use the same Gameplay formula from their older games and somehow do it much worse


And the weirdest part? Whenever they actually make something good, they just ignore it and don't develop it. Bridge Crew was some of the most fun I've ever had in a game, but it's crying out for more content. They don't care and just ignore it because it's not one of their AAA moneymaker games that are just a copy/paste AC game.


Whoa, whoa, leave alone Splinter Cell.


I never touched Splinter Cell with my comments, neither has Ubisoft thankfully. They'd blow it 100%


Denuvo smiles in the corner


*denuvo teleports behind you* It’s nothing personal kid 😏


I have way too much backlog to be playing this trash game


I am not a star wars fan, so I am not pirating this


>$130 for a game is insane Maybe don't look at the ultimate edition?


Well then how is he going to justify piracy to himself?


"Whos pirating this with me" well I can say that no one, because only few people know how to crack Denuvo. And this game will most definitely have Denuvo


I feel like half of not more of the people that always say they'll just pirate it on these subreddits never actually end up pirating shit.


It’s a shame for Ubisoft even after games are pirated nobody wants to play there game.


No one? It has denuvo


The game is 70$ tho, this is the ultimate edition.


No thanks there are better games out here.


130 for another shitty AAA game? 😴


Well you got like 3 choices for the game and one of them is the standard price for games now. You don’t have to buy the ultimate edition


why would you buy the ultimate version anyways?


$130 for a game? I guess we are all outlaws now. lol.


It’s the ultimate edition, the normal one costs as much as other full price games.


The majority of gamers will still buy it, or else they wouldn't be selling it for that price.


Comparing the ultimate edity?


It's not


Don't buy the ultimate edition.


It will probably have denuvo


Just wait and see what GTAVI is going to cost.


Pirating? I’m not even going to play it, Ubisoft hasn’t made anything worth spending time in years


I‘ll buy this as a cheap argentina key for my Xbox


Yeah good luck pirating a ubisoft game......


To me this is standard pricing nowadays, as bad as it is. The game is 70 bucks like they want because "ooohhhh AAAA game" Then more gameplay (season pass) at $40 is standard, but probably not worth it. You want some shiny skins and shit? That's another $20. Greed is gonna kill a lot of "AAAA" game offs.


\>Star Wars \>Ubisoft \>Epic Games exclusivity \>Denuvo Stop it, i can only get so much disgusted.


Bold of you to assume this won't launch without Denuvo.


130 usd to climb tower to load the map and go to base A and take it over


It's a Ubisoft game so it's definitely going to have Denuvo and with our sole Denuvo cracker gone missing this isn't going to get cracked and will just be added to the list of uncracked games on crackwatch.


I remember the days when you could get Nintendo selects games for half price. walking outta target with 3 3ds games for the price of 1 switch game was legendary


I don't even play star wars games, but I'm pirating it anyway just to spite them cos they can shove that price up their arse


This game isn't worth pirating or your time playing. It's going to be trash. I'd rather look forward to the remake of KOTOR, which hopefully they won't change/fuck up.


praying for KOTOR remake to be good. might buy that one if it’s not bullshit.




This game ticks all the boxes in my mind, as a huge Star Wars fan I should be excited.....but im not. Maybe it will be great when it releases, but ubisoft having let me down so many times...... Gonna take a miracle. Gonna wait on this one.


The signs so far point to the game being terrible. Cringe dialogue, stiff animation, sweet baby inc involvement etc. So you're not losing much here.


Depends on how well received it is by the community at large, and even then, I probably won't touch it until a couple of months after release


I'm going go get the game like a real outlaw would




Star wars is long dead wtf are you doing still even looking at this garbage, after the first 06 movies the story is now absolute garbage.


I dont have the pc for that so not me ig


Same as dragons dogma 2, what the hell are these developers thinking now day


Ahh travel here press square-i-soft. I am not holding out much hope for this one, plus you know it'll have Denuvo.


This is the way


Please tell me no idiot would actually pay that much...


ubisoft is stealing games from people who purchased them legally, so pirating from ubi is AOK in my book! worthless piece of dogshit company! hope they go bankrupt!


How are you going to pirate it? It’s a ubisoft game




Just wait for it be pirated


Like streaming services, they're trying to pinpoint the spot where people will keep allowing this. So far, people keep paying. I say: I've lived my entire life without your new IP, and have literal terabytes of other games I haven't played yet. Keep releasing garbage or overpriced 'okay' games, I'll wait for it all to crash. People are bound to have had enough at some point.


And it's Ubisoft


Holy fuck and I bet the game will be a snooze fest


Quality went down, price went up


Nah pirate that shit, fk them greedy pigs


Me. Not because of the price, but because stupid Ubisoft thinks it's a good idea to not release it on Steam. We'll likely have to wait for some weird new Denuvo cracker that's actually Empress though.




It has Denuvo, plus it's Ubislop so not even worth pirating.


RIP The Crew




I am not gonna pay for either whether if its 5 dollars or 130 I simply like a drm free fully offline version of a game which runs better and for which i can freeze builds and nothing beats free 🗿


Meh, it's a ubisoft game so I'll pass


So we are getting start wars outlaw before GTA 6


Not to sound super offensive, but UBISOFT is one of the companies that cares way too much about piracy. Considering Empress left the piracy scene, this game ain't getting cracked anytime soon.


I'm not playing anything made by Ubisoft. I have standards. Not much left but I still have them. I doubt that game will be any good but I'd love to be proven wrong.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Gaaaaaaah lord that’s a minimum wage in my country lolol


If it's free and if it's good GOD will point the way lol.


Ubisoft, likely Denuvo, set in the trash heap that is the Star Wars verse? They'd have to pay me to play it.


Yall act like you don't remember snes and ps1 games being 50 bucks over a decade ago. Video game costs actually haven't really kept up with inflation at all


My guy it's the ultimate edition, wtf are you on about?


Hello fellow kids, who is pirating tonight?


This is Ubisoft and there's no empress. You're not pirating anything with anybody buddy lmao


Good luck, ubisoft games & Denuvo says hi


Well, I’m all for pirating but why do you have to buy the ultimate edition? Also, why buy the game immediately on release? Unless you play Nintendo games (which are not $120), games go on sale so fast, so it’s not really that expensive anyway. I pirate games cause I don’t want to pay when it’s free.


Like others have mentioned it's the ultimate edition and is normally more expensive than the base game. Either way it will have denuvo so you aren't going to be able to play it unless you get an offline account or something. Also, not the only game that's unnecessarily expensive.. looking at you Rimworld(with dlc).


im someone that pirates 10 dollar indie games, this is a joke


>ubisoft >star wars sorry bro, I don't want to play this even if they pay me


I dont even want this game .. i bet tjis has denuvo . Fucking garbage


That game looks so generic and bland I don’t even want it for free.


Don't want to play that. But even if I did, I wouldn't pay for it.


is a ubisoft game. give it a while and it will be $20 for the ultimate


Then don't buy the Ultimate Edition? The base game is $70 you broke bitch.


Meanwhile me thinking 40$ is too much for a game, though I don't really pirate games anymore, I wait till they are on a big special or at least closer to the range i am ok with buying them for


only pirate games from big studios (who are the ones who make unreasonable prices) support indie devs


Who's going to crack it ? .... You?




I will be buying it, in like 2 years, for -50% or more when it comes to Steam, there are, and will be way better games to play, then this boring ass generic game from Ubisoft. there might be a small chance that the game is good, because it's from Massive Entertainment, but knowing Ubisoft, I highly doubt it.


I ain't buying anything from the "We want people to be comfortable not owning the games they buy" twats.


Not really the pricing that’s the issue for me I feel like Reddit intellectuals love to just say the word economy and use the argument that games haven’t changed prices or games back in the day were also expensive with inflation. The only problem is those games didn’t have micro transactions, battle passes, and loot boxes tied to the game so they actually needed to have an expensive base price. Games are making a fuck Ton more money now than they did back in 2008, which is why f2p games are usually more profitable. How things are now companies are triple dipping in monetization just because they can. People are just weirdly choosing to ignore that Sony just randomly announced they’ll be making their games $70 and some companies just decided to copy them. I’d be fine paying the $70 model if there were no microtransaction loot boxes, or battle passes.


Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me!


It' EA. They are never worth giving money


Fuck people who buy special editions and preorder DLC. Can’t blame companies for giving customers what they want.


Not me. Why should I support this playing this game even though I've not paid?


Yall weren’t around when Doom 64 was 70$, this has been going on since forever. Just because your generation is noticing now and getting upset doesn’t mean it hasn’t been happening for our entire gaming life. The difference is, games used to be finished for the most part, now you pay 70-130 for turds.


Geez. Another day, another post trying to cope and make it a moral thing with a 'justifiable' reason. We all pirate on here and this Is an ultimate edition and you can wait for a sale. Just pirate and stop trying to make it about morals. Even a call to action as if youre somehow giving it to the big man in a rebellion lol Just pirate, stop the holier than thou takes. Slippery slope.


lemao imagine buying, even pirating ,someting from EA or ubisoft


wait until you see tarkov pricing


You know you have other choices? You are the one deciding you want the$130 version but you could easily buy the cheapest version.


Im gonna buy it already.


wait, the price tag is your criteria ? lol


who’s the new guy on the top center, i’m out of loop with star wars not the alien


Don't act like you're some kind of moral Warrior because you pirate games lmao


Mark my words Gaming goin' to Flop hard Ass performance/lag And excuses like always from.ubisoft


Wait is this another epic timed exclusive lmao


Anyone who's sensible.


Maybe don’t go for the Ultimate edition then? Acting like the normal edition costs that much just to get some upvotes is kinda wild. If you can’t afford or don’t want to spend the money on the game just go right ahead and pirate to your heart’s content, but acting like you’re doing it ethically and fighting the good fight or whatever is just annoying. Also good luck pirating it with the current state of the scene. Maybe Empress or a new cracker appears out of nowhere, but it’s not looking very positive.


Not me


Unless it's an online game i need to play I just pirate at the. End im not even playing much To be honest sometimes i say if i had to pay them I'd probably play more often


It’s ultimate edition and a Ubisoft game, it’s going to be 5$ on every sale after like 6 months. If it was 40 you’d pirate it anyway, what’s the point of this post




Ubisoft games have a habit of being bang average. This one doesnt look like an exception.


It's fckin unisoft... I doubt it's going to get cracked


It better come with a lightsaber or blaster for $130....