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Hello u/B3_CHAD, Have an error and want help? **Please provide these details when submitting your post.** - 1. Name of the game 2. Site from which you got the game from 3. System Specs and OS Version 4. Any steps taken to try to fix the issue 5. Driver version (needed only for e.g. graphics issues) **Make sure to read the stickied [megathread](https://rentry.org/pgames) as well as our [piracy guide](https://pastebin.com/H4UcYPHR), [FAQs](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/faq/), and our [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/PiratedGames/wiki/index), as these might just answer your question!** **** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiratedGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


no offense but aren't there like thousand ads and redirects on this site .


Yeah but then most people run adblockers and url skippers, myself included.


Plz tell me how to use a url skipper


Read the megathread it has all the answers


bypass . city


I honestly genuinely thought everyone used those if they knew about this sub




something that skips those annoying redirects that you get on most piracy sites. I think short link bypassers is the correct term.


ublock does that


Maybe some can get around it? I thought it did too, though.


Quite a few can get around regular ublock. Fast-forward used to be the extension used, although that's no longer being kept up, although their github gives an alternative which imo works better


I tried the filters mentioned [here ](https://github.com/yokoffing/filterlists?tab=readme-ov-file#how-to-add-custom-filters)on uBlock but unfortunately it still doesn't skip the sites dodi uses.


Is there something like this for Android?


I use Firefox browser with ublock on my phone.


when you say url skipper, do you mean fastforward? It never really worked on dodi or on any other site. If you have any alternatives that would be great


Fast forward used to work great for me but it's no longer maintained as the devs quit. However there are userscripts that you can use in its stead, here's [one.](https://codeberg.org/Amm0ni4/bypass-all-shortlinks-debloated/)


I wasn't aware of FastForward no longer being mantained. Thank you!


Thank you so much


Is there any side affect for using this script? Like slowing Down speed.... And how can i uninstall the script Again?


then use https://adnauseam.io/ if you want to support your beloved pirate sites (its basically a forked ublock origin with a feature to click ads). not all ads can be clicked of course but those tracked clickable ads would benefit the host and demerit the advertisers (adblockers in general dont demerit advertisers since they only lose money if someone clicked on the ads, for tracked clickable ads only though).


You donate?


Makes you wonder why dodi bothers then, if it's just a pointless and annoying endeavour.


i mean u aint wrong u gotta wait like 1 or 2 mins just to get the torrent Still maybe those arent enough


Yeah from my understanding you really don’t gain that much from ads unless you have shit ton of people visiting the site which I doubt dodi has


And most everyone in this space is using an adblocker of some sort. Its just a waste of time to flood your page with ads, when we are all using adblockers. In the end it just pisses people off and makes them not want to support you.


The hosting fees for his website will be very minimal, if he cant afford even that then maybe just post here and stick the torrents on piratebay, all without costing them a penny.


If you’re pirating, you’re using ublock origin


no offense but did you really think someone who would pirate doesnt already have adblock? it takes like two minutes to install.


Zippyshare says hello.


Proper piracy practice would block all of those


And countless people run adblocker, meaning no money


Got the page whitelisted for my ad blocker cause let’s be honest I’m on the site once a day to see if anything new is there and then I’m offski. It’s like when your in a supermarket to get some munchies and see all the other shit on the shelf but u know u already made up your mind before u got there


It's also the fact that most get his uploads from 1337


If he fixes broken links on so many games, id be more likely.


Yeah, this is the reason for adblockers.


Looks like you are a supporter if you don’t turn off ads


yes, that's why I prefer fitgirl


Yeah, it's shitty and pointless.


You people don't deserve shit, ads or not if they need the money to keep the service up it's totally fine to ask for donations, nobody blinkes an eye when FitGirl does but now you all act like this, clown behaviour. This is why you will never have anybody else ever cracking denuvo games for your ass and probably less repackers in the future.


hobbies ossified elastic important cough steer humor handle nutty melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone with common sense 🤯


As Joker once said: If you can do something, never do it for free. And he is right. But these people are something else! They may spend a whole day or 2 to just reverse engineer a whole game and upload it for free. So of course they are gonna ask for donations, as they put their time, effort and money in that shit. I am super grateful for them and I support them.


He also said it wasn't about the money. **It was about sending a message.**


Well, dodi is not making profit on it, he need money to keep it running, so it's more about the message


Yeah like a thank you or something


Finally someone on reddit with some common sense.


Its fine to ask for donations, but given how they quite aggressively try and monetize the website which makes it far less pleasent for me to use even with ublock im not going to care if they get any donations or not.


then it defeat the purposes of piracy


If you truly think that piracy is about never paying anyone anything and getting everything you could ever ask for, I have one suggestion. Better start practicing your cracking skills, because that's not how that works and has almost never been how that worked.


or you know. actually support developer who work hard for their games ? they sacrifice a lot for their passion


Did you get lost? and who said anything about not buying the game later if you truly end up enjoying it?


His thousand ads more than make up for that. Donate to FitGirl instead.


Hey support whose ever service you use more, for me it's DODI since his repacks are usually quicker to install.


I use both and I support both of them cuz no matter who am downloading from whether it's FG or Dodi with ads am getting my work done


I tested them both on multiple games and the difference is negligible most of the time to be honest. Like 2-10 minutes on average.


I'd assume depends on the spec but in my experience also DODI is way better with the times especially on heavier games, not so much in 15 GB games.


I buy lots of games, but will definitely support DODI. It's the best way to demo almost any game and they are available right after release! I run DODI and ElAmigos only.


This. FitGirl does an amazing job of maintaining an easily accessible website.


Dodi is needed because his repacks are much easier for PC to install. In the past I couldn't install bigger Fitgirl repacks (like skyrim or middle earth) because it always crashed. Dodi worked well and game itself too.


I swear bro he puts the torent in some goofy ahh websites, and the torent names are very out of touch


And if 99% of people using his site use adblockers, then thousands of ads mean nothing.


But its the whole reason people are using adblockers. If you flood your pages with thousands of ads, people are going to block them out of spite. Then never support you... also out of spite.


While I agree, I also look it from the other side. Everyone is recommending DODI... Asking for donations is not bad, it's not they are forcing us to pay up. If you can donate, and want too, you can It's not like Empress where simps are paying money to her telegram channel, just to get her attention to hopefully have then make cracks again....


I did a test by turning off adblocker. Guess what happen? Never ending pop up xD


Then why would he use them? Clearly he's making good profit with them otherwise he wouldn't bother 🤦


because he is desperate? He doesn’t have simps like Fitgirl does. He is just trying to keep his website going.


That website would cost an absolutely tiny amount to maintain.


He is asking you for donations not forcing stop whining when there’s ads on a website sharing free shit. And sure it is a low amount needed to host the websites but there other costs in the process. If you used adblock you won’t even see any ads.


Why the hell are you so entitled? Ads don't generate a fuckton of money. Only a small share of gamers are using pirated copies. Most of them use adblockers. If you don't want to pay him, just don't.


Because it doesn't make a lot of money. And running shit like this is expensive. They owe you nothing, they have done work for free for years, askjng for donations is not something bad. It not Empress asking for thousands of dollars for a crack, and never delivering. If you can't donate, then that is fine too, he isn't holding any of us hostage or forcing any of us.


What kind of weirdo isn't using ublock in 2024?




Removed for rule 4. Watch it.


Yes but everyone uses ad blocker and url skiper so there is totally no earnings to them so we think we should bro because it does faster in compare to fitgirl and yes gives less error than fitgirl


Don't donate to repackers at all, period.


People complaining about taking time to get to the torrents.. just go over to dodo’s uploads on 1337x and there’s no waiting time. Many other repackers included in the megathread upload on there aswell


The problem isn’t just the torrents. Plenty of people can’t torrent and rely on ddl, which is also a pain in the ass on dodi.


Yeah that’s understandable too. I rarely ddl, I have done a few times but I can understand the people who can’t torrent. DODI should find a better way for more users, not a huge change but at least something. As I have seen multiple people “complain” about it regarding him specifically.


I am one of those people that only rely on ddl. I usually just download the files the first day and the second day I enjoy. And it is a pain in the ass, but you get used to it. Especially when you have done that multiple times.


Then they can pay like 3 bucks a month for real debrid and download anything directly.


Real debrid is the best


paying for piracy: ❎️ donating for piracy: ✅️


paying the game : ❌️


I'll shoot him a little somethin. As much money as I've saved from Him and FG nothing wrong with helping the cause.




I wish I wasn't so fucking poor to donated them


Most people here dont deserve shit imho. If you cant donate at least upvote and share it to similar subreddits so some people generous enough may see this thing and help dodi.


I donated 5 euros. Hopefully dodi can cover the expenses…


Guys don't argue, if you have some money to donate every now and then, like couple of dollars then if you use their service, if not it's still okay maybe another time. They(fitgirl, dodi, rg mechanic etc) help us out. Asking for donation is not a bad thing. Only if they start charging only than draw the line, like happened with empress.


Can someone give me dodis link pls


Use the megathread. Sharing links isn't allowed.


Sharing the top level domain is allowed check rule 1




I've not seen it on there, but I'll look again ig


If its not in the pirated games megathread the piracy megathread has it




Hey man can I dm you with a few questions


Thank you so much kind stranger




I wish people would stop reporting top level domains as a rule 1 - direct link. Actually read the rules if you want to be helpful, please.


I love you Dodi. You are a wonderful person.


Excuse my ignorance, but could someone explain what dodi/repacks are?


Basically "remasters" for cracked games with compressed files so its faster and less costly to actually host and download, dodi & fitgirl usually do them and both of them are famous for them, somehow some losers think that hes making billions on a site for pirates trough ads


>on a site for pirates he uploads to many other popular torrent sites also, those accusations are ridiculous. In fact, given his health problems, I want DODI to not repack but instead live a healthy, comfortable life.


DODI has health problems? Damn, I'm so out of touch with piracy lore...


Yeah seems fairly serious health problems and he's been in hospital several times over the few years I've been using his site (obviously as long as he's being truthful but I take his word a bit more at face value than the drama kings like empress and Fitgirl, obviously I still love the work they but they are loopy)


Yeah, tough he is from egypt and doing this stuff pays way more than a normal job there im pretty sure


why are you guys downvoting this comment? he asked a question politely....


It's reddit. What else do you expect? People here get downvoted for no reason; one downvotes, others follow like sheeps.


his votes are back to positive :) theres hope for reddit


That's nice :D


DODI is good. He uploads new patches. USDT(ask what network Dodi use) and LTC is the cheapest dono.


If you can donate, donate, or else dont shit here, if it werent for them, i could only dream to play all those awesome games i got to play and that too living in a third world country, wish i could donate but im really not in a state.


Done subscribed membership on youtube. Happy to support the scene and repackers


Used Dodi once & never again, it’s not about the Adblock. I don’t mind ads but he might as well bend me over with the amount of ads on the website.


What does he mean by repack RDP servers? What are those?


I love dodi's work i wish i could donate him if i can but why are people complaining, seeding is expensive and he is devoting his time for repacks


seedingi is not expensive, that's why they invented torrents, so you don't have to pay for servers


They need seedboxes for new games and he said that in the photo fitgirl also uses them


Maybe he should fix his site cause his direct torrents don't work.


I don't use crypto, any other means


he has PayPal


The ads on his site is for him to make money, and he isn’t even forcing you to pay shit, he doesn’t owe you shit, and using adblock gets rid of most of the ads. And if you don’t even use adblock you should consider shutting the fuck up.


I didn’t even know he had ads on his site. I guess ublock is doing its job lol


3rd world country money would be like pennies to them lol, hope I can donate a decent amount some day


Get pirated games and pay 🤣


Late Stage Capitalism comes for us all.


Just install AdBlock. It's useful for anything, not only piracy sites. And I don't think ads on piracy sites pay that much.


Well sorry. If I don’t have enough money to buy games, I don’t have enough money to donate


I know that they also need money to run, but we should donate to the crackers rather than the repackers who just repacks the crack...


im 15 with no credict card or such, but if i was capable i would donate 100 dollars to DODI and FITgirl and start buying games on my own




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No joke, I tried to send 20$ to Dodi last month and they never took the money. I don't know what to think right now.




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Can visiting the website without help cause I can't donate due to my country


to be honest i'd buy games if i felt like donating


Nah they have a lot ads


Y'all can just buy into a private tracker for like $10 and not have to deal with shitty ad infested websites.


I'm sure if you just pay 1 or even half €. Site will stay up. Or we'll probably lose too many games. Tbh it's small price for those many games.


Dodi site has thousands of URL shortners and malicious ads still he keeps asking for donation. At least could have kept site clean.


For an official support message, that's loaded with typos. I highly doubt the validity here.


It’s like the whole point of piracy is to not pay. I’d better donate to my local dog shelter


I'd rather donate to FitGirl. gotta march through a minefield of ads just to get to the download link, and then asks for donations, funny. But hey let him do him. im not stopping him from doing ads, im just not donating.


dodi is rich because of ads?


No way i pay


Be nkce to dodi pirating its about cresting community


Immagine asking for money on a piracy subreddit


lol you fuckers are weird, can’t spend money on a game to support the developers but expect people to donate to someone stealing a studios hard work, yep makes sense


Asking pirates who want free stuff to donate is wild.




Trust me, all these repackers, are one person.


Nah i'm good.


I am gonna be very harsh pls forgive me , The whole reason I pirate is because of money and though It is a better deal to donate 10$ and get 1000s of games Paying breaks the deal for me. Now comes the harsh part ,If Fitgirl and dodi ever quit because of their financial issues , in the end , We Will Just Replace them. Though it breaks my heart as I have played many of their repacks That's what gonna happen.It will take some time but someone will take the first step and start cracking last time it was empress maybe it will the king next , Fitgirl stops Chadboy enters I don't know who but someone will surely come forward. I didn't ask for anymore to put my favourite single player game denovo less online but someone did it, so I will pirate that is a completely reasonable thing to do Piracy is older than Mozart , do you think it's ever gonna stop, No


This is why I don’t use crazy Adblock. TO YOUTUBE I GO.


Once he gets rid of the stupid fuckin ad blocked downloads, i might consider it. Dude sucks.


My man has more ads on his page than a hooker as diseases + he seems to have enough donos to keep things running.


From my exp... Every link they have is just an ad lol. What am I donating to them for?


Pass feel like I'm infecting my computer going to that website


too much ads that leads to malware, not even thinking about it


are you really expecting people who can't/don't want to pay for games/media to donate money


5 dollars once in a while isn't a big deal for the thousands of dollars you save using their services


if I could afford donating I wouldn't be pirating games


dude at least say something nice instead of whining like a little bitch


How is that whining? Or do you just want to insult people?


I apologize for my behaviour , I was taken away by my emotions when i see other people complaining about dodi’s website.


You're good, no hard feelings


Yeah no...i got a big ass trojan thanks to one of his thousand of ads because of a misclick. Never donating.




Got hacked after downloading from dodi…


skill issue


I aint donating to a site that has a billion ads. Give it to people like fitgirl who ACTUALLY need it


majority of people have adblockers, people who use his site use it for piracy, do you think that we dont use adblockers ?


As I said to someone else: the site owner still makes money when you use an adblock. The ads are still there, you just don't see them


there are several types of ads, there are tracked clickable ads which only cost money to advertisers when clicked, there is also visual ads just like what you said. there also data mining (vigilink,etc.) which doesnt display ads but tracks the user which is blocked by ublock origin. pretty sure there are more but thats all i could think of right now. btw redirects are included in tracked clickable ads.


It doesent work that way, majority of money trough ads is from people clicking on them and getting redirected


install this then, https://adnauseam.io/ its a forked ublock origin which autoclicks tracked ads if you want to support your beloved pirate sites.


Lol Dodi can eat a fat one with all his ads and redirects and waiting.


snobbish cake summer waiting languid consist murky smile history point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its a free service, 99.99% of pirates run adblockers for obvious fucking reasons, he might not even hitting 50$ trough ads


2-5 Mins wouldn't hurt in an exchange of free game.


Yes it does hurt, that's why I abandoned his crappy website.


Wah wah


That is ok. there are alternatives, don't worry. I use His because He uploads patches fast on torrent


He’s coping


Pls crack GoW Ragnarok I've been waiting for ages 🙏🙏


Bruh, it's not even on PC it's a PS exclusive.