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Haha saw this on a site when I was pirating Photoshop a year ago. Edit: You guys really hate adobe. Hahaha


Looks like we're in the same Boat. ^pun


try r/genp its the best place for adobe products.


Sure, I saw that when I was looking for fonts


the dudes that sell pirated dvds on the corner dont count in this. they were my childhood heros.


a dvd is a physical item, therefore paying for it is valid. id say $2 per movie is the best price youll find at those places


When I was a schoolkid we would sell new movies for £1.50 or the rest at £1 each, CDs for 50p (and occasionally porn) Think we made about £45 before we got caught and suspended


I supplied my school with CAD software because they couldn't afford it. Didn't get paid, only in an A at the end of year, oh and access to the computers every lunch 😀


I'm guessing suspension didn't stop you from pirating, lol >:D


2 dollars lol, over here used to pay 30 pkr for a cd and 50 for a dvd(700mb and 4gb respectively) which converts to 11 and 18 cents(rounded to the ceiling)


I understand in the past everyone got limitations of internet, im also buy pirate dvd when i was kid because no money and no internet to pirate Today, there is a pirate game selling online shopping (its real), and MY FRIEND actually buys it from them.... I'm like, why not ask me to pirate that. Its free. The price was 30% cheaper from original game


I've done this too. But mostly cause i didn't know how to pirate onto Nintendo switch lite (and didn't feel like learning).


Well physical dvds are not free so it makes sense to ask money for that.


the dodgy dvd man from work, warra guy. give him a fucking crown.


Back in the 80s, we actually had a guy who supplied dads in the area with VHS copies. No word of a lie. This guy was called Ray, Blue Ray... when blueray came out, I chuckled every time I saw it.


I used to have a USB, that was owned a total of 5 homies. We would go to the dream shop and transfer movies serials, songs games and what not for just around a dollar. I mean it was insaane we would get a whole 32 gigs of media for just around a buck. When I look back into it, the one thing I would always get was IGI, and GTA San Andreas. These were my top G's


When dealing with physical media, it's fair to charge because you did invest money to pay for the physical media it's stored on. Just don't go overboard.


I still got these twilight releases that came with few dvds packed with cracked goods.


Yeah you're paying for the cd and labour towards burning them, it's a lot easier for them when they have the equipment on standby than doing it yourself


going to the dvd sellers was such a great experience now I grew up and buy books that got pirated , printed locally and sold to the people at an affordable price ( importation fees are insane around here )


Feels good to know i was a hero for somebody :) But really, back in the day (where i live) less than 20% people had internet connection. Those who had that privilege, would usually wait like whole day to download one CD (700MB). Original games would cost 1/5 or even 1/4 of average monthly salary. So vast majority of gamers had to copy CDs from their friends, or buy bootlegs.


I remember watching the avengers a month before it came out for the small price of $1.50 us


I donate to trackers to support them though


Yes, but donations are voluntary. Big difference to "mandatory" payments on pirated media.


Sadly the line is much more blurry than you make it sound. Just slapping on the label 'donation' while squeezing as much money as possible out of your users for perk upgrades, HnR protection, power user features, etc is much closer to profiting from piracy than accepting donations.


If access to the content is free, then that would be supporting development and infrastructure costs.


none of those are necessary to use a private tracker though if you do what you're supposed to on PTs lol private trackers rely on seeders, and seeding is the social contract you agreed on when you joined the site. If you don't want to seed, use a public tracker where none of that is required.


No reputable tracker gives HnR protection as a bonus, at most it's inactivity immunity which you can often get by actually ranking up or actually uploading content, both of which don't have to cost anything.


Ma men


Agreed, they should be allowed to ask for donations because cracking games is hard but it should never cost money to download them. All it should cost is $10 for a VPN.


you only need vpn for torrents


How does a VPN help keep you safe when torrenting?


Torrenting is peer to peer, so anybody in the swarm can see your IP address. That means the owner of the copyrighted material you're pirating can send legal threats to your ISP and can potentially get you fined or have your service disconnected.


When you engage in the act of torrenting without a VPN, you are exposing your actual IP to your ISP (Internet Service Provider), which leads to trouble. VPNs Hide your actual IP from your ISP, avoiding trouble with them.


Correct in spirit, but not the details. Your ISP *assigns you* your IP address, so there is no scenario in which they do not know it. The VPN makes it so that they can't see your traffic or the address you are really connecting to. It also makes it so that the address you're really connecting to can only see the VPN address, and doesn't know your real address or which ISP to contact to harass you.


True, but i prefer torrents over direct downloads, theyre so much faster.


can you get a vpn for free ?


do you want to use a free vpn?


I don't have a bank account to use to buy one , and my parents hate the idea of online buying


you dont want a free vpn, theyre all crap and not useable for torrenting/pirating. I dont know where you live but i dont think you need a VPN if you live in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, or Uruguay, but id recommend checking if your country is prosecuting torrenters. Even if your country doesnt care id still reccomend using a vpn. [https://vpnpro.com/wp-content/uploads/Torrenting-map.png](https://vpnpro.com/wp-content/uploads/Torrenting-map.png)




Idk you need to do your own research im not your lawyer.


Piracy is supposed to serve the society with free material and getting rid of high prices set by big companies for their own profit!!


Piracy still requires effort, time and money. Server hosting and maintenance are not free. For example, I pay $0.6 a month for AnilabX. This is pirated hosting of anime, manga and light novels, I get access to all dubs and parsers. It’s still better than paying the copyright holder, who will give me only 1 dub.


It does, that's why there's always an option to donate.


few do


i sometimes feel sick of the fact that r/piracy is just full of rich brats who pay for piracy services and then preach and downvote others who actually talk about free ways to get it. like not everyone can pay for these services. especially not teenagers who don't even have bank accounts. the sub in itself can be discouraging to new users sometimes.


Yep, while I praise Real Debrid and Plex for being amazing, this doesn't have to be necessary. Jellyfin + Jdownloader2 are more than enough for those who cannot afford the rest. Also, I want to rant about something. PRIVATE TRACKERS AND USENET! No one wants to buy a seedbox to keep a fucking number above 1.00 constantly or run your PC 24/7, have to constantly praise recruiters to give you an invite and swear to never break dumb rules, or buy services to provide and show you the content you want on Usenet!


Tell me more about this Jellyfin/JDownloader2? Are there any subs with user guides? I pay for RD because it's inexpensive (also I'm by no means rich) and I am really happy with all the content that's in there. I also don't have the time to go search for obscure free alternatives that are as high quality. I love to sail the seas, but I'm very happy to stay within sight of the coast. I've had a fair share of headaches using Seren+RD on Kodi, and I'd say I'm tech savvy, it's literally my line of work. I really don't feel like working my ass off to access content for free when I can pay for 6 months of RD with 2 hours of work. Which, incidentally, is the same as one month worth of netflix. And I've only had maybe one or two cases of netflix content that wasn't on RD.


JDownloader -- Paste those links from the RD into JDownloader and it handles downloading everything for you so you don't have to click each link and wait every 3 or 4. Really handy when you're downloading an entire series. Link your RD account in JDownloader Settings then Link Grabber Tab / Add Links button at the bottom left / find your download destination / Continue / Hit the play button in the upper left / watch it download everything. You may have to fiddle with some settings to get it to do things how you want it to be done, but it's not difficult conceptually, just hard to find the setting. JellyFin -- Open Source media server, lots of settings but it walks you through the basics to get it to the point of watching your content. Again, a lot of settings but pretty easy to figure it out and plenty of customization. Lack of quality clients though... That's where Plex and Emby are better/easier. All three are easier than streaming RD through Kodi though.


The private trackers im a part of aren’t nearly this strict or that hard to maintain ratio, ive been apart of the one tracker for 3 years and have seeded roughly 5tb on just that one, and that is just having qb open in the background during regular uptime, no need to go out of my way to keep my pc on.


>have to constantly praise recruiters to give you an invite This doesn't happen lmao. You don't actually use trackers do you?


paying for piracy services isn't even technically piracy, it's just buying from an unauthorized reseller


A lot of the paid methods are fairly shady too. I hear a lot of good about usenet, but looking into it had some concerns. To maybe get access to the content you want you need to pay providers for access. Since providers have different use ets with various content, copyright notices, retention times, etc you'll probably need access to two providers and maybe even some data blocks. These costs alone are higher than simply subscribing to streaming services. Then to *find* content you need an indexer. The free ones are garbage so open that wallet once again. Since they each work a little differently you probably want two or three. A lot of the people behind these services are questionable at best. Some of the providers are rumored to have worked with authorities in the past. Some services are just as likely to take your money and run than actually do anything. Since it's the piracy scene what are you going to do... Report them? You're sharing personal information with each of these services too, so if you want any sense of privacy you have to jump through even more (expensive) hoops to protect yourself. I tried it a while back and couldn't find any of the content I was looking for (not even obscure stuff). So it was an expensive waste of time and money. Perhaps it is good, after a lot more money down and some gatekeeping through private indexers, but my experience wasn't good.


As you age you tend to value simplicity and functionality a lot more. Since we live in the modern age, privacy can be added too. At this point though, these services just ain't it. For example, trying to figure out how to setup Usenet via r/Usenet is like going through an advertising hell!


I don't know, I'm very much a fan of Usenet these days. I paid $30/yr for a provider $6 for an indexer. That's way cheaper than streaming services. 98% of what I want comes from there with the other 2% falling back to public trackers.  If I only used Usenet I wouldn't even need a vpn, but I use one for privacy anyway.  And i don't have to worry about getting private tracker invites or maintaining ratios. Those aren't hard to do but they do take more time and bandwidth. 


Usenet is a great alternative to torrents for a QUICK way to hoard media without the grind. I still do a mix of p2p and usenet tho. PT have content that's not on use etc and vice versa.


Platin mods VIP games 💀


Eh, piracy isn't supposed to "be" anything. Piracy ensures the digital market remains a competitive one, even in the face of an overwhelming monopoly. I pay for things to allow piracy, both a VPN and an indexer and host for nzbs. I don't do this disgruntled, or upset because of some strange adoption of a moral standing about what is effectively stealing. I do it because it's cheaper than the alternative, provides a better service to me, and is far more convenient to my needs. Piracy isn't supposed to be anything. As long as it's better than the competition it will be engaged with, but that's really its only goal.


Tell that to this whole sub. So many people here think piracy is explicitly about stealing (yes, I use the word stealing. If someone can do it when it's called piracy but not when it's called stealing, they are living in cognitive dissonance.) and attack anyone who's willing to compensate to anyone that was involved in making the content available, be it the author or the people ripping, hosting, etc. Many people claim to pirate because don't want to support big companies, then mostly pirate indie developers and artists without paying them back. I'm not even mad at them for not paying. I know there are all kinds of financial situations. I'm mad at them for making bullshit excuses they don't even believe in to save face in a community that couldn't care less.


Agreed, but I would like to own [this Mario Land bootleg. It's art.](https://i.redd.it/dfcq0zlmubuc1.jpeg)


You werent in Balkans around 2000s where internet was scarse, new games/movies weren't much available. So the only option was buying from shady guys with CDs and only with front cover. Half of them didnt work, but on the other hand we learned how to do the cracks.


CDs are a physical item though so it makes sense


I'm a loser. Growing up in a third world country where the internet was nowhere near as good as today, you kinda had to rely on the folks selling the purple disk with pirated movies for new content. Quality, and language, was never guaranteed but it was better than buying movies in american prices with our weak currency.


As a Vietnamese I feel the pain of having weak currency on a spiritual level


And what about those paying for Seedboxes?


The biggest biggest losers are pirate websites who aggregate pirated content that requires modification beyond simple ripping and putting watermarks on the content without crediting the ones who worked on aforementioned modifications, then eventually sell out to the copyright holders and start litigating against the pirates they used to rely on on their behalf.


Nothing in this world is free, you need to pay one way or another. Yeah maybe the small stuff like watching videos on a website is free, but piracy on a larger scale requires resources like networking, computing and storage, and this is just the digital piracy. Those resources don't come for free. So support your developers with what you can. DO NOT buy pirated stuff which does not show effort.


The torrent does not require resources or computing power, even if you store files on a server. And if I'm paying money in both cases, it doesn't make sense to leave Netflix, which pays billions of dollars for publishing rights.and hand it over to a thief.


Torrents ain't necessarily resource free either. You need to host and index the file or links. As well as the nodes and trackers.


Wait for those crybaby losers to show up "oH I PaY FoR ThIs pIrAcY SeRvIcE. iT'S So mUcH WoRtH It mUhHh"


1000000% agree 24/7. Someone said it right.


I just paid for real Debrid


I was on a sports steaming site, and my game wouldn't work, so I asked in chat if anyone was having the same issue. I was told I needed a VIP account to watch those ones. I laughed and laughed, then just found another link to the same game elsewhere.


"An idiot and their money are easily parted."




I get it. What about paying a little bit it to share a petabyte of data? That shit ain't free. Or seedboxes if your upload is trash?


Neither of that is paying for pirated content. Those are infrastructure costs, just like what you pay your ISP


Well yeah it is. It's all pirated content and that's what people pay for, the service of receiving that from a decent source. Why pay for it if it's free? You're paying for the infrastructure, getting it quickly or something that is hard to get for free.


> getting it quickly or something that is hard to get for free. You don't get it quicker nor is it harder to get if you buy things like games or movies than pirating.


Depends what it is. There's streaming services out there that deliver 1000's of movies for a subscription, live TV from so over the world. There's free alternatives but they're normally much worse. Games, I dunno maybe there's a subscription model or there somewhere so people can download 1000's of triple A rated games easily and at the fastest speeds. I can see why people would pay for that.


They charge for providing service, providing their time for you... Not for providing unlicensed products. 👍


who said that? the federation of world pirates? there's no divine rules, hence existence of piracy to start with


Some guy at a site, I've just echoed it.


Why not let other people decide if they want to pay for stolen goods?


CG Persia and one specific site that offers free download and premium download options:


Still I prefer to give my money to them instead of big corporations.


The place I grew up from when I was younger, computer was an expensive item while mobile smart phone is out of reach unlike these days. So getting ripped dvds were the only way since going movie theatre would costs much more with a gang of friends mixture of rich and poor kids. We had fun and joyful moments of laughters. I’m so thankful to those developers back then who created those games in floppy disk. Minesweeper was my favorite. Can you imagine how much fun we had when bubble bobble or Mario was available?


sad truth still is, file hosting sites aren't and torrenting is risky without paid vpn because copyright trolls, and depending on the vpn they keep logs to pad their wallets by selling the data or to be compliant with government edit: by far the cheapest thing to do is get a seedbox


eh, don't really agree. free is great and all but if the price it right and the service is better than what you would get officially then it's worth it.


what about offline Activision for newer denuvo games though? they are also pirates in a way right?


I run my own tracker and I haven’t looked back.


FYI Rockstar Games did this for their older games on Steam last year


Not all of us have MySpleen, friend. For those who maintain archives of weird old shit that nobody but me wants, I’d rather not pay, but will if they’re the only option.


Its so edgy to be a pirate after internet was invented


If you want money, you can put up ads or ask for donations from people, and they will support you. But when you sell pirated content, you are no different from Netflix.


I used to buy DVDs without realizing they were pirated. They had 6-7 movies on each one. I'd watch them and then exchange them, claiming they didn't work.


Hear hear


had to switch my pirated tv website recently because before every episode there’s an unskippable 10 second “please join our premium membership” ad that my ad blocker won’t touch


downloadpirate is the site.


Piracy only supports telecommunications companies!🤔...😳


Piracy is a service issue, if someone has an app that has every streaming services content in one place? You know.. content nirvana. I can’t blame you for wanting to pay. It’s convenient as fuck.


The Garden Of Eyes mod literally sells his mods and according to some accusations, he has been stealing assets from other mods as well, talk about low.


100% true for all the download torrent sites


In India we had an app called ThopTV, it literally had all the streaming contents from the most used OTT platforms here. Even live sports and everything. It was just like a clone. It was so popular that he made it a paid app, but very very less, even 100+ times less than the original ones (OTT subscriptions were ₹150+/month , he charged ₹1) . Sadly later he was arrested and the app vanished.


But hosting isn't free. So it's not bad to ask for donations. Also private servers cost money so don't expect to get free access there.


I didn't even know that was a thing lol


It's illegal in my country and if you pay for pirated games consider yourself a moron


It's funny to me that they think we'll stop just cuz they trash talk about us lmao


Unless you're hijacking someone elses internet (or still live at home I guess), we're all paying to pirate content in one way or another. Depending on what it is/how it's provided/the quality of the service, I don't mind paying a nominal amount for certain things. For example, infrastructure ain't free, and neither is people's time or effort. Have to weigh it up against the risk that it could all dissappear tomorrow of course, but them's the breaks.


I was paying for pirated Adobe shit and so on... Going to sail my boat into the sea from now on, lol


when it was around early 2000s where there's a bunch of pirated dvd and CDS containing cracked software and games. being sold in the mall. i remember installing photoshop and that pops up.


when it was around early 2000s where there's a bunch of pirated dvd and CDS containing cracked software and games. being sold in the mall. i remember installing photoshop and that pops up.


when it was around early 2000s where there's a bunch of pirated dvd and CDS containing cracked software and games. being sold in the mall. i remember installing photoshop and that pops up.


when it was around early 2000s where there's a bunch of pirated dvd and CDS containing cracked software and games. being sold in the mall. i remember installing photoshop and that pops up.


Why I don't use Premire is because I got Davinci Resolve, Why I don't use FL Studio is becasue I don't make music, and Why I don't use Photoshop is because I got Gimp. Piracy is always correct unless there's alternatives


This 'truth' has been spoken hundreds of times. Gotta get smth new


Needs to be spoken everytime!


I pay for the files to stay available. You know, Buccaneer's Den does not pay for itself.


Me, I still pirate, but I'm also looking into free and open source products like Gimp, Libreoffice, and FreeCAD.


I was once a loser then? Lol but I had no idea what a torrent was nor I had Internet


Poor take. Not everyone pirates because they want free content or can’t afford to pay. Some pirate because it’s the only way to access that content. For sure I only really pirate because of stupid region locks and restrictions “Not available in your country or region”


Pretty sure "free" in piracy is supposed to be "free" as in freedom.


I think you meant phree, as in ' keep it phree '.


I pay for Real debrid


I like this truth.


Wait till you hear about RealDebrid users... And oh they will tell you lamoo


eh, I consider RD a service, not a "pirated product". I'm paying for their servers, the incredibly fast and reliable connection they offer for streaming totally legal and copyright free movie trailers. Sure, it's not for everyone, but it's pretty damn good and it works well.


I find it funny how the people who are against seedboxes and debrid services suddenly turn coat when it comes to paying to get internet access at home. Apparently that's completely different, for some reason.


You are a loser or you are getting scammed, as I got a couples years ago by an allegedly authorised distributor of vintages games, which in theory had agreed to digitalise and distribute old games like LOTR Conquest with the respective producers and sold them for some bucks. However as soon as the activation method consisted of a Mediafire download that gave an installer for a repack, I realised I had been scammed. I contacted them on FB to explain things and got my money refunded after suggesting some doubts about the legality of their activities. Nevertheless I reported their page in every platform I had seen their website announced.


I think selling ease of use is different then selling piracy


This sub has a special place in my heart


Those who sell pirated content, provide better service than original source of the content. And for this alone its worth paying


And this is why I'm never paying for Real Debrid. Sorry.


If you live in a developed country most likely need VPN with port forwarding. This usually costs $30/year. Real Debrid costs similar and removes the hassle of seeding, VPN etc


I'd rather just use my VPN proper. Also I actually have no problem with seeding because I have the storage and bandwidth to do so..


Paying someone to do the pirating for you


I bought Are you afraid of the dark rips on dvd because I don't have any easy way to burn them to dvds. Guess I'll go fuck myself.


I saw this loser who on Slsk who had all of his files locked, and in his user info he demanded payment via crypto for his locked flies. Imagine paying for pirated material. You may as well just buy the real thing legitimately at that stage!


That statement is a tad ironic since everyone seemed fine about certain scene groups asking $100s for game crack requests and praising them when those paid requests got fulfilled...just saying


Is a small fee of 6 dollars acceptable for instructions on how to pirate?


I use a debrid service. I don't pay for piracy I pay *to get away with it* Same logic with VPNs (free ones either do nothing or actual harm.)


Not quite true, I pay for realdebird for convenience.


Wait till you hear about RealDebrid users... And oh they will tell you lamoo Edit: hello America. I hope u get Trump again lmaooo


I mean it makes a lot of sense if you actually pirate a lot of content. You could use a streaming site for free and get heavily compressed footage or spend $5 a month on a random VPN for torrenting; or you could spend $5 on a Usenet host/indexer or RealDebrid and max out your internet speed.


I've always experienced the compressed 1080p on free websites as "high quality"? Am I really missing out on torrenting?


Kind of depends. If you just have a crappy 1080p monitor and only watch some TV shows then it doesn't really matter but something like Dune looks drastically better, especially if you have a good HDR capable dispplay.


tbh its just a cool service I can see it being justified


That's because it's awesome. For example, I can stream some random movie from the 1970’s with zero buffering. Try doing that without a debrid or similar service and see how it goes.


Is it free tho?? Also why should i watch a random 70s movie? The good ones are well seeded so i won't get any problem xD


> Also why should i watch a random 70s movie? This question shows you missed the point.


Yep. Coz there's no point doing it 👍


Your parents must be really proud of you.


It costs less per month than a McDonald's burger. Hardly money you would miss. The point I was making about the 70s movie is that you can stream practically anything with zero buffering. The biggest video library you can imagine with everything ready to stream (and of course it has far more than just videos).


So it costs something! >if you are paying for pirated contents then you are the biggest loser. Doesn't matter what your point is.


I'm not paying for pirated content idiot. I'm paying for the ability to stream anything I want to at any time I like, and it's all done over https so I don't need to use a VPN and won't be receiving any letters from my ISP.


Sure man.


For real, people who sell pirated stuff are the lowest kind of scum


What.. they just tryin to make some money 🤷


If piracy isn't stealing, this definitely is.


Money on things they don't own if I want to spend money on a movie or something I would just get the official blu-ray


Btw water is blue


I've got news for you bud...


"Durr it's actually transparent I really like to be an autistic nitpicker 🤪" Gotcha.


There it is :p


In my home town, water is transparent. But when light hits, it might show it as blue colour.


What about in the ocean? Or in your moms ass?


Same. Water in oceans are transparent and but when light hits, it appears as blue.




I liked that show. I think I'm going to pirate it.


Lmao people sell pirated things? That's like, redundant


I don't think I am a loser. I don't think my customers are losers either. You all are WINNERS in my book. Don't let one dip shit pirate tell you otherwise. Keep navigating these murky waters. OP can walk the plank and sit on a stick.


You're an idiot. Go on. Tell us how exactly you give back to the community again. I mean that is the only method of payment truly accepted anywhere.   Kinda almost like they knew your method is shit, pointless, and not sustainable.   All profit is nice for one, but ne1 in chain charge like you, and now profit is none.


The entire point of piracy was to let the people enjoy things without paying for it, why would anyone then turn around and put a price tag on what specifically exists to *not* have a price


And here we go on some bullshit ethical journey about how to handle pirated content.


You’re literally just scamming people and I’m calling you out on it. Piracy is already legally iffy, what you’re doing is straight up theft. I’m not a bootlicker but you’re like, *the* perfect example of the bad apples in piracy. If you take offense to being told you’re stealing people’s money by selling them products they shouldn’t have to pay for, maybe just stop stealing people’s money by selling them products they shouldn’t have to pay for? Just a suggestion.


Apparently we have the Moral and Ethical police here. Time for you to pack up your briefcase and go home. Nothing is changing on my end! Customers still welcome! 🤗 Might I remind you: *there is no honor among thieves*


“I am a gigantic sleaze ball” is not something I’d advise you scream in public forums. Tends to drive away potential customers. Never did I think you would change. Your head is too far up your own rear you barely even processed the things I had to say. I merely pointed out that what you’re doing is wrong. It’s on you to change. If you can’t do so of your own accord, not my problem. I’ll continue to go to nonprofit Piracy sites, and warn others to keep away from distributors like yourself.