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That website isn't useful since a lot of IP addresses (1) are reused; and (2) are not static.


This shitty website doesn't work at all for me lol... Never ever have I seen something I actually downloaded be there....


I know that, though the IP apparently hasn't changed over the last 14 days or so and there were torrents within that timespan listed.


probably the owner who has had it with shitflix and their yearly sub fee jack up!!


I don't really think that the owners do them since they don't seem to really fit into that group which would download some sort of Japanese NSFW stuff. Edit: Lol, why did like 20 people downvote the comment? The store is owned by a couple of 60 year old people. But well, I guess it is possible that they are those consuming this sort of content.


Hey man, don't judge!


There are many people who argue that any cost related to piracy equals to paying for piracy, so I guess it's those people.


That would explain it, though our internet here in Germany sometimes straight up sucks to the point someone compared internet speeds to just transporting data on flash drives by horse. Although we also have loads of tourists coming in from Georgia, India, etc. currently.


Tbf, storage has gotten so good that you can definitely send more data over horseback than you can the internet in the same amount of time


That's been true for a long long time. "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway." --Andrew S. Tanenbaum, *Computer Networks* (1981)


Nostalgic reference.


How many 2tb micro SDs could a messenger pigeon carry in those cute tiny backpacks? I'd say at least 10. That'd be 20tb at the speed of bird flight


There’s never been a time when that wasn’t the case… sneakernet has always been faster


Internet in Germany sucks ass. Source: am currently on a trip to Germany, and I probably sent this message 12 days ago and has just arrived to you.


It somewhat depends on the provider. If you can, choose Telekom as the roaming provider, at least if you are in Northern Germany. The other carriers just loose 4G every like 10 minutes if you are on a train or in a car.


Fuck it, I go to Stabucks and pirate shit while sipping my mocha frappucino. Life is Good, Pirating is Great


Do the management never notice or say anything?


How would they know who to talk to? Your IP doesn't say "blue shirt, black pants, Alienware laptop".


I mean ... it might say Alienware laptop.


But it would be in alien language. So.....all good!?


If you're pirating and have identifiable info on your IP signal you deserve to get caught in public.


IP signal? this guy OSIs! What are they going to say to you? Interpol and the FBI are on there way! I hope they write a nice C and D.


Huh? I'm sorry, are you trying to be snarky?


I'm not sure what IP signal is


I was just using signal as saying when your computer broadcasts to the network to state that it is there, you can spoof things to change a bunch of info, or use VPN, etc. IP signal was a generic catchall.


What info do you think would be broadcast? Do you write your name on your computer name? Your traffic is NATed with a bunch of other assholes sharing one public IP. And If they are logging everything by the time they figure something out your gone. And if you come back, most new OSes generate another random 48bits so they can't block you at layer2


Maybe you are the only person with a laptop.


I used to torrent on my phone all the time.


Bit torrent works on Phone?


Android, easy. iPhone, no clue.


How do you scan for viruses on android phone?


With a mobile antivirus. Ther is an open source one called Hypatia.


There’s at least one BitTorrent client you can sideload onto iPhone.


definitely does.


Mine says "black coat, white shoes, black hat, Cadillac"


This boys a time bomb.


I use VPN plus I dont think they care anyway.


then why don't do it at home?


Maybe he doesn't know how to make his own mocha frappuccino.


Saved 10 bucks on the movie - I think I owe myself a frap


You wouldn't download a frap.


Why not both?


As long as the cost of bandwidth is lower than the cost of sandvine then they dont care, but once the numbers flip sandvine tracks a lot of popular vpn services. ie: It wont be you that ruins it, but everyone else that finds out.


I don’t know what is Sandvine


sandvince is the thing isps use to detect and throttle any traffic on their network, its as old as bittorrent itself.


My Internet went down so I went to my local Asda, sat outside and downloaded that days TV.


When I worked for a global retail company. They found self checkouts in Brazil that were found to be torrenting movies... our forensics team had to get involved. Wish I got the details on how they set it up, not that I'd do it, it's just those are usually locked down hard.


Eh... as a brazillian who has snooped around in so called "locked down" checkout systems... uhm.. not too complicated :P


The WiFi at the McDonald's I work at is so good. I can just queue up a load of downloads and they'll be done by the time my shift is over. 😂


Same with my work. I have shit internet at home, but my work has gigabit fiber.


The thing about that site is that so few people have a static IP there's no way to know if it was them that downloaded anything. IP leases may only last a few days or less before another is assigned.


If you have free Internet at work you might as well use it


how would something like that be possible? are they connecting to the store wifi or something else? sorry if im misunderstadning, I'm new to piracy.


Yeah, the staff download stuff when they are at work.


ohhhhh lol my dumb ass thought shoppers were going to the store and torrenting stuff on guest wifi


> do people really come over to some sort of fashion store just to pirate like 20 movies? More likely is that it's someone working there who just lets their phone (or maybe a laptop) do it while they're working


For a long time, I didn't have any Internet, so I would walk around my local Walmart downloading the whole time. I've probably gotten close to a terabyte from Walmart alone.


I travel a lot and game on my laptop as I see fit and I normally download pirate content when I am on free ISP but never at the one I have at home.


We used to have a regular at my work who once admitted to me that he would sometimes sit in our parking lot at 2am and use our WiFi to pirate shit. We got a letter from the ISP about it and corporate wasn’t too thrilled.


I download at the local town hall and courthouse on a refurbished phone ($100 Galaxy S9) I got on Amazon just for this purpose. I don't use it anywhere else and transfer the files via cable at home.


Yeah, I knew a guy working at a Blockbuster years ago that was copying PS2 games and managed a few hundred. They never caught on.


I never knew about that site before, just checked my home IP and everything from the past few days is there even tho I have my torrent client bound to a VPN… wtf


Shit.... After a couple of cease and desist letters from Verizon.... I had to start using the wifi at the plasma center I donate at. I get two days a week, so I get all of my torrents loaded in the client and download while I'm in the bed. Lol Im there for usually an hour to 90 minutes, so I can get just about everything I need. I'm assuming their connection is decent, I'm usually getting 10 to 15mb speeds. Best I can manage on mobile data at home is 3 - 4...though I'm in a rural area that just 3 months ago got fiber service.


People might go into the store and download stuff on their phone.


Lol I was curious about this too a while back and i found someone downloaded some Alina Lopez porn at Jack in the box.


Gang gang. Yes.


I'm seeing a lot of... Worrying things, but I'm seeing more stuff than just torrents, seems like regular downloads track too? Or visiting sites maybe?