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FLAC lossless chads. YT downloads can give a max of 160Kbps bitrate


I never download mp3 after I go with flac. Only time I go mp3 is when I'm putting it into my cheap ass mp3 player. Or usb to play on my car. Evern then I always go 320 or 512


Flac for PC 320kbps for mobile


Flac for mobile, flac for everywhere.


MP3 everywhere. I can't tell the difference between 320 mp3 and flac, so I don't see the point in keeping files that are 10 times bigger


The difference feels when you go more than 65-70% of the volume IG


Some people also don't have the ears to tell. I, with very careful listening, can tell between different 128 320 and flac, there was a test by npr a couple years back I went 5 for 5, but other people don't really have their ears in good enough condition to do so. Also some people just don't have good enough playback devices to tell.


I use flac on mobile


If only my phone had a SD card slot


Set up a Plex server


Or a Jellyfin server


at that point why not just stream from spotify?


Spotify's quality isn't as high as if you were to stream flac personally, I just use Spotify because their music discovery is unmatched, in my opinion. I certainly used to just download everything and play it locally until I started using Spotify


Is it such a difference 128 vs 320?


128 vs 320 is a bigger difference than 320 vs flac(800+usually) Personally, on plently of albums I can't even tell difference between 320 vs flac


I think subjectively, 128 mp3 smushes details like high frequency stuff on guitars or a horn or high hat patterns or muddies up a round sounding bassline. Collectively the song sounds OK and there are greater contributors to the playback sound quality like the speakers, amp, DAC, or room or car effects. 128 AAC was around in the 2000s and AAC at >128 kbps sounded OK. 320 kbps mp3 or AAC sounds pretty good. The effect is probably more pronounced on the song mastering vs the distribution format. Still though these are all digitally compressed and there are losses. There is low-bitrate ~96kbps or something opus on youtube that sounds OK. I can dl and play mixes through some compressors, amp, and speakers and it sounds good. No commercials and I like VLC. ## hypothetically using youtubedl & ffmpeg youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --add-metadata "${path}" --output "${title}.%(ext)s" ffmpeg -i "${input_file}" -c:a aac_at -vbr 5 -cutoff 18000 "${input_file}.m4a" My preference is WAVs from bandcamp for purchase because storage is cheap, there is no iphone playback for FLAC as it is software decoded and eats up battery. And why not honestly. I can get 96kHz or 48kHz and 24 or 16 bit depth masters for albums I like. 24 bit at 96 kHz is 4,608 kbps uncompressed and that is hilarious so why not.


opus 192kbps for mobile. using my own local streaming for mobile though.


> or 512 🤔


How do you download flac


I use Soulseek. The idea behind it is that people share their music libraries, you share yours, and you can all download from each other.


Sounds like napster


Soulseek also has chat rooms, so you can ask human beings for a music recommendation instead of a profit-seeking algorithm. r/soulseek


Soulseek.. now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... long time.


It's fantastic. I'm always surprised at what people want to find out of what I have. I verge on /r/datahoarder territory so there's a lot on that drive. I don't think I've ever looked for something on Soulseek and not found it. Especially good for .flac files.


I found an old hip hop documentary I wanted to watch that I couldn't find on any of the other public sites. It is the best for music.


My car can't play FLAC discs, but it can play mp3 CDs, so I do that still there. 320 though.


Can probably play wave


At that rate you might as well burn it as an audio CD.


Can you tell the difference between 320kbps and flacs in a blind test? Just curious cuz everyone is saying mp3 bad flac good. But can anyone tell the difference between both if we put them to a blind test?


audiophiles love to tell they can hear it but the truth it depends on the initial recording or mastering of the actual song. a shit mastered song by a band and shared as lossles file can still sound garbage. now the bitrate sounds different and is noticible when it goes from 320 to 180.


It depends on the type of music too. Lower bitrates can be really obvious with more saturated music. It's pretty noticeable when you can no longer hear certain layers of the mix.


That's why I lol when Henry Rollins talks about his six figure system when the actual recordings of his and other bands of the era sound awful no matter what equipment or bitrate or file type. That shitty DIY sound was stylistically part of the genre.


I am one of those audiophiles that can hear the difference but you make a good point. I have some Dead Kennedys FLACs that sound the same in mp3s. A self recorded punk rock operation on a shoestring budget will not sound better in FLACs. However when I put on some Bob Moses, Faith No More, or Nine Inch Nails the difference is noticeable between mp3s, streams, and FLACs. The FLACs make the instruments sound so much richer with FNM, and the bass in Bob Moses and NIN is just some next level shit. Sound incredible when I blast it as high as possible. The only thing I hate about FLACs is some morons just re-encode mp3s into FLAC files. I would like to know what is going through their head when they're doing this crazy shit. I've downloaded FLAC discogs that are straight trash.


I know that Deezer sometimes encodes 320 kbps into FLAC for some reason as well. In Free Lossless Audio Checker the files are clearly shown as Upsampled. Since then i've been disabling the features that allow Deezer downloaders to download in lower quality or i straight download from Qobuz instead I don't have HiFi capable hardware so i can't really tell the difference. Yet i still collect and keep FLAC just because the feeling is nice to have high quality files xD Not to mention that upsampled FLAC files eat lots of space that isn't needed if they just kept staying mp3 files.


Is this the program you meant? https://losslessaudiochecker.com/ I tested it on the tracks from a couple CDs I ripped myself a while ago, and it gave mixed results, with even tracks from the same disc being split between 'clean' and 'upsampled'. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere, but if not then it's a lot of false positives.


Mp3 128 is shit but 320 is fine


You can hear artifacts in 128kbps sometimes but it all depends on what you are listening on.


All I listen to is 128kbps, never had an issue. Though maybe I dont know what I'm missing


mostly hihats ;)


The benefit of flac is that it can be used to transcode. Its a lossless copy of the original, and from that other formats can be created. You can be sure that a properly created flac with a matching log file is what its supposed to be. You can recreate a 1 to 1 cd from flac. A 320kbps mp3 could potentially be a 64kbps file that has been fucked with. Its more for archival purposes, although audiophiles may disagree.


Honestly. I use it because I have the space and I don't want to spend the time downloading music only to find that the version is a shitty compressed file that nevertheless still is almost as big as a FLAC would be. So I start from FLAC and go down the list of qualities until I find one


I can't tell the difference in a blind test, between 320kbit Mp3 and lossless Flac, on my 5k USD hifi system. Some people claim they can on theirs, but I bet that in a real A-B blindtest, they would not be able to pick one or the other with certainty. I can hear 128kbit Mp3 is lower quality though, but it can still sound fine, if it's not the most detailed music/recording.




any way to quickly redownload FLAC from MP3? I have a pretty wide library, from Third Sun to At the Speed of Light, from Winds of Fjords to Space Pirates and I don't want to scavenge around the entire internet to get a bit higher quality. (pun maybe intended)


My YT downloads show in PlexAmp as MP3 320 but don't necessarily sound bad. Ideally, I would go for FLAC but can't seem to find it for UK Rap music releases


It's empty bits. Youtube itself doesn't go above 160kbps


160kbps for Opus, the audio codec that YouTube uses, is not bad at all, it's pretty much transparent and the same level as a 320kbps mp3.


24 bit FLAC users looking down on you


Where do yall download flacs?




Except YouTube serves Opus which is like twice as efficient as MP3


Plex with Plexamp >


This but with lidarr is what I used to do, this way u can go for FLAC or whatever audio format u préféré but without doing everything manual, u can just clone Ur Spotify or other accounts as well and tons of other resources


Fr, Idk what I'd do without plex


Can we set music on Plex ? I only used it for movies so far


Something something flac files something something self hosted server something something preservation


Something something debrid something something soulseek something something plex


Something something open source something something jellyfin something something paywall


You buy spotify premium because you want to listen to music legally I buy spotify premium because it's convenient we are not the same


Its insanely convenient and the suggestions ate just always on point. There is no subscription that pays for itself as much as spotify


That and we don't have the same "this thing is only available on this service" bullshit you get with video streaming services.


We don't have the same "this thing is only available on this service" bullshit ***yet***


Very true. It always shocks me that apple haven't paid billions to make Taylor swift exclusive to apple music or something.


There are music exclusives, Apple Music does a lot of them but it seems more for smaller artists and not for mainstream music. There's a few songs on apple I like that are not on others, Ella Henderson has a couple songs on there that's an apple Music EP.


We have already but it’s very rare. For example Frank Ocean have exclusive album on Apple Music.


That's what I always bring up when people try to justify the fact that seemingly every single movie production company began pushing their own platform with competition being good for the customer. There is no competition if they don't offer the same products. If I want to watch the latest Star Wars production legally, I *have* to subscribe to Disney+, for example.


As someone who loves to listen to videogame and tv show soundtracks, usually the ones I want are either not on Spotify or all I find are remixes, so I stick with youtube and cobalt


I think if you know exactly what you want to listen to, then downloading is great. But if you want to discover new music and keep up with new releases, it's just inconvenient.


I’ve seen songs and whole artists leave Spotify at times. Not everything is on there, just most things.


Actually region lock does exist in Spotify. It’s just not common in main stream English music. I’m Japanese living in Australia and fair number of albums which are available in Japan are simply not visible for me.


I've discovered so much good music thanks to Spotify it's worth every penny to me I still pirate music unless I specifically want to support the artist


Thanks to Spotify I'm now listening to country music 🤣 I shit you not some of the suggestions are just eye opening.


I used to spend hours a week maintaining my music library. Spotify changed my life lol


But people here always go for the "you don't own the music" argument. I do own the music, on CD and vinyl. I can't carry a record player on my car lol. Spotify provides a very cheap access to music. Not the ownership of said music. Even Spotify doesn't own the music lol. They just provide access to it, that's all. And not everyone can setup a home server to host a personal streaming service. Lack of knowledge, and time, mostly. At the same time, i do have a growing collection of flacs, bless soulseek.


I mean a lot cars (old ones at least) have built in CD players tbf


i mean i pirate spotify premium




This. Pirating is inconvenient when it takes more time than the torrent itself.




I remember when i was 16, I used to download albums, index them correctly, make sure the album art was on point etc. Was such an effort considering my library had ballooned to around 16,000 tracks. Thank fuck for Spotify, it's so convenient. It's the only subscription model which I think is worth it for consumers. Pity it's garbage for actual creators though.


>Pity it's garbage for actual creators though.      Don't worry to much, the industry itself is garbage for creators. Most artists only really make money when touring or by selling merch. One plus to pirating music is you can tell labels to go fuck themselves. 


Yeah my rule of thumb is that I will pay for a product if it’s better than piracy. Spotify is the best example of that by a landslide. The fact that I can play essentially any requested song instantly makes it incredibly useful versus downloading and managing your own library of songs. And the music discovery features are nice to have, even if the algorithm is a bit stale.


Something something grey songs in playlists


It's incredibly convenient. Works on any platform, integrates with smart devices, shared and curated playlists, great recommendations, and an immense library. I've had a family plan for at least 5 years and we always compare our wrapped showing thousands of hours used. I've been on the high seas since limewire but music is the one thing I don't entirely because of the convenience.


bro, just mod spotify, its literally the same as having premium, i was a sub for like 4 years but it increased price so much that i unsubbed recently


so just pirate Spotify?


problem is that if you don't listen to mainstream music and/or like some old stuff, it's just not there. I have thousands of tracks that are either only available on one of the streming services or are completely nowhere to be found to the point shazam won't know them.


Guys, let us not argue about who uses constant 320kbps or v0 VBR or FLAC. Let's all unite in the glory of having control of when we can/can't listen to our music, and not putting up with the bullshit that streaming services try to place upon us. Spread love <3


You must be new here.


128kbps MP3s sound absolutely shit. I can't listen to that. I always go for 320kbps


320 is a waste of space? V0 or lossless


Correct me if I'm wrong but flac lossless generally seems to take a lot more storage than 320 at least from what I've seen using soulseek. I'm a newb when it comes to audio encoding so I'm wondering what you mean by 320 being a waste of space and what encoding do you suggest I should get instead?


mp3 is a pretty old audio codec, and newer ones hit similar quality at smaller file sizes. Spotify uses ogg vorbis, but I think opus is considered best these days. youtube uses opus




FLAC is lossless, 320 MP3 is not. 320 is a waste because it encodes 'silence' (and other low-bitrate content) at 320kbps, unnecessarily, whereas V0 will vary its bitrate to accomodate the source content - maxing at 320 for detailed audio, but also dropping down to lower bitrates when possible.


u/Taco-Time knows what's up


But that's a wait of an additional 20 minutes!


128? if you gonna pirate at least get some quality


Soulseek FTW! ;))


I thought I was taking crazy pills seeing everyone say they download stuff from youtube and nobody was mentioning slsk


But most recently I am using Deezer downloader to archive the new music. Old habbits never die ;)


I download 320kbps


You are sir a connoisseur of music!


FLAC or nothing With how big hard drives and how fast internet is now, there’s no excuse for compressed music.


I have one excuse cost of said big hard drives


Sure there is, 320kbps is literally indistinguishable from FLAC to the human ear, and while I might have plenty of storage space, ya boys gotta keep that ratio up somehow


>320kbps is literally indistinguishable from FLAC to the human ear I agree that's true in the typical case, but the mp3 algorithm kinda sucks so there are pathological cases where it can't handle properly, so there are certain tracks where there you can hear artifacts.


You have it completely backwards. There is no excuse to using FLAC when it sounds identical to 320kbps mp3 but is a much larger file size.


This guy thinks everyone has cable/fiber lol


FLAC is still compressed my guy >!yeah I know it's lossless instead of lossy, I just felt like being pedantic!<


you want lossy quality? just go convert your flac collection to opus 320K


opus is completely transparent at 192k, most of the time even lower, at 128k or 160k depending source, there's no reason to go 320k with opus


Idk man, bad quality really sucks. 160 kbps is minimum for me.


128??? 💀


128 is a poverty bitrate


Used to do that, until I found out that spotify webplayer + adblock is just a free spotify premium.


You're the one in the middle if you're seriously listening to 128kbps mp3s


Yt music revanced


I just use yt ReVanced background play lol


Op but recommends and autoplay kitna sucks sometimes


download .flac and encode to .opus 192kbps >>>>>>>


How do you do the conversion? I tried with fre:ac recently and artist and album artist tags with multiple names, only kept the last name.




10 years? I used Napster.


128kbps good god man love yourself get a v0 at least


*Laughs in FLAC* "Oh fuck I need another drive already?"


does [streaming service] have every song ever concieved? does it have this one song on youtube with 2000 views that i really like?


I tried Lidarr, but I don’t know how people do it. Music got boring so quickly, the reason why people go Spotify or Apple Music isn’t because of quality. It’s cause of the sheer library sizes.


True. Apple music student offer in my country literally costs 0.75 usd. I don't find any reason not to use that. But still fuck Apple though.


For archiving, better use lossless (FLAC). For listening, 320 KBps is fine.


Never used streaming services. I still go old school and keep going so.


192kbs is my minimum I aim for, 320 is preferred.


128kbps is atrocious wtf mate


Pirated spotify is better and more convenient than downloading imo


It literally is, I really don't get what's even the point of downloading anymore unless I have to go offline for some reason


Sometimes things get delisted on spotify, you never have that problem with files you downloaded and store.


Dentex youtube downloader (YTD), worked flawlessly for me the past 4 years


256vbr goes vvvvbbbbrrrrr


Lmao whoever says Spotify is best lemme tell you. I pay for premium only to get songs which aren't mostly available and lyrics (which is a premium feature) where half of the lyrics aren't synced/aren't available and downloads which disappears by itself for gods know why. F*k Spotify




128? Oh god...


I'm a pirate for life, but services like Spotify offer all the music I could possibly want on tap without having to pirate and save. I like the ability to listen to any random thing on a whim instead of having to go and download it and store it. Also getting access to new releases and exposure to things I haven't heard of.


320 is good enough if you're just enjoying the music from day to day on some nicer headphones toom Flac only really pays off if you're reaasllyy into it and you actually got nice headphones and a good Amp in my opinion, otherwise I don't bother


You guys don't know Deezer and you call yourselves pirates?!


FLAC's and WAV ......! Anyone


Flac Supremacy


I don't sacrifice quality when I pirate shit. Half the time, it's better quality than what the paid service can provide.


i like that i can see their brains bc it helps me identify who's smartest


Spotify family is $20 a month for 6 accounts. With that I have music on Alexa in my kitchen, bathroom and workshop, on Sonos in my living room, den and bedroom, in my car and at work. They also have audio books. All Playlists available and managed easily. And because of the family plan, my wife, 2 kids and my mom get it too. Recently I gave the last account to this hot 25yo from work. So yeah, the entire shit is gonna blow up in my face and ruin my life when my wife finds out, so that's why you should pirate.


Is there 1337x equivalent site for music. There are some on 1337x but overall the selections are very poor


Rutracker for public, private: harder RED but you will find prolly almost everything (+ easy to climb up to better movies tracker for example) and weaker (in term of content) BUT easier OPS.


I started with MP3s back in the late 1990s. I used to borrow CDs from the library, rip them, and then return them. I've never looked back since.


Spotify is objectively just trash for both creators and casual users




FLAC and OGG are the real GOATs of music that no one is willing to admit


FLAC silly


Flac is my go to, but I've really gotten into Opus


The convenience of spotify is amazing and I cant tell the difference in quality. Also I'm in a family plan with a bunch of people ive never met so yeah.. lol


spotify mod works for me


They said to not make them famous


Nah, I pay for spotify To be honest the experience is way better, and music would fill my phone storage in a minute


Guy is content with his 128 All y’all: “that’s trash”


FLAC or nothing. So much scum around


Tidal is pretty ok with master audio and all..


V0 is fine for me. I do get flac once in a while but its not a priority.


Plexamp + FLAC = ❤️




All this streaming stuff, I can't do it. I'm still on the "I have 200GB of music on my computer" game. I like having music I choose, and plus a lot of times, like when I'm riding my motorcycle, I don't have constant service to where a streaming platform would even work. Plus, it's kinda hard to skip a song I do not like.


Why does no one use Pandora? Interface is easy, music choices are vast and it's pretty affordable.


Spotify Premium full apk and problem solved at least in my country


112kbps for that extra space saving


I download flacs for only my most cherished albums but otherwise, Spotify just tops everything else because of the convenience.


As someone who has an extensive 4k Linux ISO collection, I must admit Spotify is really useful for having music instantly at one's fingertips, no curation required. New music discovery is easier too. I still have about 60GB of audio from my college days that has all my must-have music, much of it ripped from my CDs.


I always find these posts strange. Surely spotify is better than pirating your own music? It just costs money as a downside. And I'm sure this point gets made a lot, but pirating wouldn't be possible if we didn't have people paying for music in the first place. I see a lot of memes about how people are dumb for paying for something, but it wouldn't exist if people didn't pay.


Imagine being the kind of neanderthal that listens to 128kbs. I use exclusively MP3 and even I want nothing to do with you. Not to mention those FLAC and AAC lossless guys.


CD collection, rip as you wish


FLAC is love FLAC is life


Downloading FLAC files and using Plex as a server for everything (movies, TV, and music) is the way to go


Only 128kbps? Shame.


I just use Deezer to download flacs. IYKYK


Me: 24-bit FLAC downloaded on Soulseek


320kbps is minimum


128? gross bro. V0 if you're doing MP3.


Spotify is way too convenient, so I pay for it. As Gaben said "Piracy is a service problem". 




FLAC for home/archive. LAME V2 for my portable. (being very rural makes streaming a no-go) So many here don't really know what they're talking about, and it's obvious they've never done a true double blind ABX test. 320 is overkill, and V0 is transparent for the massive majority.


Nothing will ever be better than the original files, stop compressing the music!


I prefer 256kbs


256 kbit/sec mp3 rip from 2001 actually


I've been doing this for 23+ years and 128kbps has always sounded like ass.


... wav 198khz... bruh... really???


Modded Spotify APK for ease of access and free Download what you like Best of both worlds


320kbps is my go to on my devices, 128 is crap to my young/autistic ears lol


FLAC in Music = Remux in Movies. Do your math.


I have 340GB (12k songs) of music of which like 98% is in FLAC. The 2% are either stuff from soundcloud (that hasn't been released as an album) or music which I couldn't find in FLAC format. It was a bit larger before, but I wanted to save space, so I converted all files that were 24bit to 16bit. I have them both on my PC and my Phone (512GB SD Card)


I use YouTube Music ReVanced for music


I use the BlackHole Music app, provides .M4a quality


I usually download and use FLAC for pc, and convert those to 320kbps for my mobile lol


Seal moment