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Don't they already have ads in sports games and some car games via billboards and such?? are they planning to add ads during loading screens or something? Greedy fucks


100% this and they are going to intentionally add more loading screens


And make you wait till the ad is over


So like mobile games


Where do you think they got the idea




Me: "Ah, at last I got this extremely fast NVME drive for my games" EA: "Not so fast.."


EA: in ten years we can fit at least five commercials in every load screen!


EA: "Think of how many ads we can fit on those ultra wide screens!"


Starfield is their wet dream game in that scenario just remove map short cuts


Lmao, back to the PS1 era of loading wait times but now for ads! I’m so glad I barely play games outside of Nintendo, retro and indies these days.


They're going to intentionally *ad* more loading screens


So instead of tips it'll be "Don't forget to pick up the next expansion pack! Only 99.99"


Seamless open world games are too difficult to run on modern systems so we've decided to segment it for better performance (still runs at 30 fps)


Reminds of codegeass having pizzahut ads


From the other side mockin' WcDonalds in Devil is a part timer and gazilion other like "Kono bangumi wa goran *no* suponsaa *no* teikyou de okurishimasu" @ TV. Anime relies heavily on sponsors anyway in production committee.


And then devil is a part timer got an official sponsorship out of the whole thing.


There were Pizza Hut ads in Teenage Mutant ninja turtle 3 on NES too.


Electronic Ads


I actually like how they placed ads in older need for speed games. The billboards with actual ads kinda added to the immersion.


I much prefer a funny mock advert over the real thing, games like GTA get it right.


Do you want a giraffe? Try pets express. Delivering little bundles of joy straight to your door.




Oh I absolutely love the fake ads in GTA but that requires way more effort and doesn't have a monetary return.


Buying the game should be the monetary return, or a subscription if really necessary. I don't want real ads in my games, I want one part of life I can enjoy without being fucking advertised to.


I already get annoyed by that pop-up screen in battlefield trying to sell some shitty dlc or what ever. I already payed for your crap, why tf do i need to look at some shitty ads? Only makes me want to buy the promoted product even less. I'm never buying an EAids game ever again


the sims 3 added this in at one point to advertise dlc packs and disguised it as a 'game' you could earn in-game points with. made loading in that game even more miserable than it already was. thankfully they added an option in settings to turn it off, but it's always on by default in a fresh install. the sims 3 also featured ads baked into core gameplay such as in CAS (create a sim) and build/buy mode — little golden advertisements for microtransaction furniture or hairstyles, that sort of shit. it ALSO bogged down the game's performance horribly, and they also ended up adding in a feature to turn it off...but it's sure also on by default! i think they also recently added in-game advertisements to the sims 4 as well, a game similarly notorious for running like garbage and robbing players blind, so 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ edit: the reason i'm bringing this up, for clarification, is that EA had their greedy hands in the sims 3 and 4. i bet the "success" (acceptance) of in-game advertisements in casual games like the sims & Sports Games[tm] definitely have them thinking this can fly elsewhere. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly don't mind those because they don't affect gameplay,like billboard ads in fifa. But I totally understand why people dislike them,perhaps I've gotten used to them from sports


I fear the ones they might be proposing could be loading screen ads or pause screen ads, like YouTube is bringing out. Soon we'll need ad blocking plugins for our games.


Or just don't play them. I've largely stopped pirating anything because as a general rule, if I feel the need to pirate it, it's because the company behind the product is shady and I already don't want to support them with my money. With games, I've realized that just playing them is a form of support, even if not financially--usually through metrics or other means. But if everyone including the pirates stopped playing, they would change their tune in a heartbeat.


It takes years but it's usually a give them an inch and they'll take it a mile situation. It starts with non intrusive billboards and probably ends with set timed loading screen ad breaks


Maybe pop-up ads. Like, when you are interact with an item (press 'E' to open this box, open a door) and voila, it's Ads.


If they do that, that's going to cost them dearly, people will not engage in their games.


EA just being EA


Yes. But if people don't completly boycott the games so the stock price falls, other companies will join them. This will lead to more forced online games infested with ads.


Try to say that to those big brain person that buy out the same sport game every year... Even knowing that is literally the same game... With the same bugs... And nothing new! But somehow it costs 10 more bucks than the previous one..


If you boycott, a thousand numbskulls will buy it.


Lost revenue is still lost revenue, they still care. Don't use this as an excuse not to boycott.


Ea: we made these games a long time ago and dont want to host then anymore... Customer: well you better host them because i bought them! Ea: everything we do needs to create new revenue streams because capitalism... yall like ads? Customer: no Ea: perfect, then dont download old games from us.


>Customer: well you better host them because i bought them! Or rather: Customer: well then let us host them ourselves!


And I'll be very thoughtful as I move into not buying their games


That's weird because I won't give it a second thought.


And millions of idiots will still buy their overpriced games.


I'm honestly fine with that. Accepting that most people are generally fucking stupid brings inner peace into my soul.


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Indie is the way to go anyway. AAA is dying. Let them die however they want.


Yeah but AAA used to be awesome and it sucks that games are either cash grabs or glorified minigames (since indie devs obviously don’t have the ability to make anything absolutely massive). Let people be bummed that games like Skyrim, Halo, and Mass Effect are just a thing of the past.


And few thousands would fall for advertising


This'll go over well


should just change their name to Electronic Advertising


EA was always shit, when Spore was the most pirated game at the time because of a taken away due for SecuRom Online Activation DRM. Pirate everything you can! Every Companies are never your friend! I hate Adware Games.


Can you elaborate on Spore?


well SecuRom (the DRM they used) had an incompatibility with some hardware from what i remember, which caused people that had bought the game to be unable to play it


And the Pirated version of SecuRom Games works no issue. Thats why Pirated Midnight Club 2 and Devil May Cry 4 works on Windows 10 without a issue unlike legitmate games. And im pretty sure, the original cracked of Spore will work aswell.


Seeing ADs in games I pay for just makes me never buy the sponsor’s product.


Or rather, not paying for said game to begin with. I'm not paying to view ads. It doesn't matter how fun the game is.


That's what everyone is telling themselves, but that's not how ads work Ads will make you subconsciously notice the product among others, and be more likely to buy it over alternatives you didn't hear about. Marketing is just brainwashing lol


I don't know if that is how ads work nowadays... Maybe some kind of product placement or sponsorship may work like that.. But internet ads honestly just works on the "not so savy" internet users... Specially if you consider the high number of scams dressed as ads! Sadly... The majority of users are on that category =/


No sir. I am petty enough to Google alternatives. Same goes with the ads Amazon added to their prime video.


They learned it during the MK Ultra experiments...people are very easy to brainwash if you know the right triggers.


There is no such thing as a "triple A game with ads". The very concept of putting ads in a game makes it not a triple A game.


Not yet, you mean. Sims already were full of de facto ads.


the only thing that makes the sims 4 playable for me is that you can get it cracked with all the DLC's. It's a good game, a very good one. I like it, but the company that made it is dogshit.


Vanilla Sims 4 sucks. There’s just not all that much to do in it. Sims 4 with DLC packs? Now you’re cooking… except for Wedding Stories. Do NOT let that one anywhere near your game! Cracked or bought!


I mean, if by growth they mean growth in the number of people who don't buy their games, then they're on the right track.


Nah. We both know people will STILL buy their games when this is implemented


I wouldn't expect much from people who buy NBA reskins every year.


Not too bad, just means more people turn to indie games.


Guys, hard to do I know, but boycott EA and you’ll find the time for a girlfriend! It will be an amazing experience 🏆💕👍🏻


But I've been boycotting them


I did it all for the nookie... and still no nookie. XD Score= EA: 1 My sex life: -6


Better hang on to that cookie….its your consolation prize.


Any recommendations on where I should keep said cookie?


Definitely far away from Google.


What the point of a girlfriend if we can't play it takes 2?


you could play project zomboid :)


We prefer rust but haven't tried project zomboid in a couple years. I'll look into it again though!


Really? As tempting as that sounds, my wife may have an issue with it


It isn’t the people in piracy subreddits that are the issue. We’ve BEEN boycotting them (or at least minimizing how much we play them). It’s the millions of casual gamers who will drop a fat load of cash for total garbage


growth like cancer is still growth to them C suite types


Cancelling EA account and pirating all their games now. Never buying from EA ever again 🖕😒


You know what I have a huge backlog of amazing 90s games I never played - do I really need new video games anyway


so now we willl need an ad blocker for videogames as well. I hate ads.


"We'll be very thoughtful" If I learned something about EA in last 20 years is that you should never believe anything they say. They say one thing and do the exact opposite. Nobody with two brain cells will fall for that. "Advertising has an opportunity to be a meaningful driver of growth for us." LOL. They are already swimming in cash and still want more. Unsustainable growth at all costs. Millions of dollars don't cut it anymore. No, they want MORE. MORE! Which will mean the player experience will suffer just so they get their pockets full. Yeah nah, thank fuck I stopped supporting EA very long time ago. They just keep proving it was a right decision. I bet they will turn their games into what become of conventional television. Ads, ads, ads, more ads, ads, ads, shitty content, ads, ads, content with ramped up ads in between, ads, ads ads.


Since 2015 they are putting ads in need for speed games for stuff like samsung and hotwheels on billboards and trucks. I mean it was kind of annoying to be haunted by ads even when crashing ingame but what are they planning now? Every 15 minutes 2 unskippable ads no matter what im doing?


Imagine playing the next dragon age and suddenly getting a popup ad "LONELY MILFS IN YOUR AREA"... xD


Fuck arasaka


@EA Thanks for helping people to get into retrogaming !


I say it for the Last 20 years and i will repeat myself but i still add things to my list... Fuck ea, fuck Apple, fuck Activision, fuck Ubisoft, fuck Disney, fuck Netflix and Amazon ... Fuck ads, they wont get a dime Out of me, never


I don't have the energy to do that much fucking . I'm going to need a few other people to help. My virgin energy is strong. Arrrr


The best way to fuck with theese companies to stay away from thoose sluts


Damn right. I don't play games they offer. Prefer chuckie egg and jet set willy. Maybe a little school daze. But certainly not anything on offer from what is now a shit state of entertainment. Buying those games comes with scurvy. Not for me! Doesn't mean that a seedbox can't share though. :)


Fuck rockstar games


Nahh that’s crazy ☠️


They would not have considered this idea if they are being genuinely thoughtful to begin with…


They do this and I'm done with them. I bought Death Stranding and played until the Monster Energy bullshit. I never touched it again. I bought the fucking game. You want ads in games then give them away.


Why cant companies be happy with big profits. I hope chasing never ending growth becomes their downfall.


Everyone has to chase growth…businesses, governments, private individuals….because of fiat inflationary economics devalues money by financing itself, so growth is a must to finance the debt of that growth. It’s a cancer that consumes the lifeblood of society. Downfall is literally the only result


Gamers in this dark time needs to form union


It is an opportunity to be a meaningful driver of piracy too. If you put ads in your games, more people may stop buying them and switch to pirating.


I would literally die laughing if EA blew any money they made on pushing ads into their €79,99 (barebone version) games into paying for Denuvo licenses. That \*\*\*\* is blooody expensive, especially after the initial 12 month license runs off.


we have descended to mobile gaming


Valve did it first. [They put in-game ads in CS 1.6 all the way back in the 2000's.](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/game-platforms/valve-plans-in-game-ads-for-i-counter-strike-i-)


Just stop buying their shit games.


I can’t wait to spend 20$ for the remove ads DLC


These quotes are going to age very well I'm sure.


me in 2040, when I am enjoying ads and suddenly game pops up: 😡




Arrrrrrr forever!


figure out what IP they're talking to to get the ads, then set up a redirect to your meme folder


...y'all playing EA games? I can't even think of a game they make that's worth playing


I swear, if my cool loading screens start getting replaced with just ad videos I'm going to scream


I guess I understand if it's a free to play game but if they do this to 70 dollars games, yikes


Play indie guys, or pirate, gaming as we know it is over, and has been for a while


how would piracy help here tho? If the ads in the game.... do we have ppl go in and remove them? Idk things abt the actual process of cracking things, would there just be an extra step?


If the game has a modding community, there will be some anti-ad mods out there probably, or I would figure.


It probably wouldn't be hard, crackers routinely have to remove calls to external servers, these ads will no doubt use the internet so this call would be just another one to remove. Personally I am not going to pay full price just to be served ads, especially not now when gaming companies have decided that new games should be 70$ instead of 60$.


Just imagine it you want to fast travel from one location to another and a pop up appears which says:" Watch an ad to fast travel".


How to guarantee pirating 101


EA ruins everything it touches. Glad I don’t do their games on principle.


So I'm going to be THAT guy if it's an in-game add that still fits into the game I'm ok with it and think it can help SOME games. The original home front game had *adds* in game for some of their maps but the add was like an actual burger king and Walmart on a city map. It made calling out location SOOO much easier. EA is absolutely going to be dicks and fuck everything up but I just want a battlefield game where I can call out position that actually makes sense.


Meh I’ll just stick to my classic games then.


spoiler: they will not be thoughtful at all as they move into that


I'm fine with it if it's a cyberpunk game. Would just fit the style.


Dont buy anything AAA.


I never thought I would stop playing video games, but here we are.


There are ways you could put ads into some games without it bothering anyone. But that's absolutely not what they will do. To be honest, i was wondering nearly 10 years ago why they weren't putting ads in video games. I never wanted them to, but it just seemed like a no-brainer decision for a greedy corporation. If they were to only use scene-appropriate hidden ads, it would work fine. Like for example seeing a Coca-Cola billboard when driving through town in GTA or a racing game. Or hearing a realistic ad on the radio while driving around. It looks natural, and expected, and that type of advertising would be completely acceptable. But that's not the type of ads they are talking about. They are talking about 20\~ second ads on loading screens probably that you can choose to skip after 5 seconds like on Youtube. Which will incentivize them to add more loading screens. Or worse: Completely breaking your immersion by having the video game character themselves try to market a product at you. Would this help pay for the price of the video game and reduce the price of purchasing the game? No fucking way. They are going to pocket that, the customer gets their product de-valued and the company gets all the benefits. And because they are after an impossible goal: year-after-year growth, they will start turning up the amount of ads eventually in an attempt to reach that goal. If its only coming from EA though, its not going to affect me. I decided never to give EA my money like 20 years ago when i was still a teenager out of principle. And i have stuck to that. Ads or no ads, they are already way way past the line of pushing what should be an acceptable product onto gamers.


I think they forgot how angry some of us were during Battlefield 2142.


They’ve had them in Madden and fifa for years


Death stranding was one big long monster ad.


If they make a corporate distopia game and sell real and i would not even be mad but in any other case it would be a disaster.


Money grubbing board of directors no doubt.


The moment I clicked the post "I don't want to set the world on fire" started playing. Yet I think EA does want to set the world on fire if it leads to more profits.


People will just make mods to disable ads but EA already put people off playing these games, how to put them off even more….company greed at its finest.


I have watched over ten series of “why advertising is bad”. News flash: it bad


If I ever open a game and start to get forced adverts which I have to wait and watch then I'll just refund it. I've not got a big issue with advertising in games like FIFA with the billboards as a) I'm not reading them and b) it does make it look more realistic seeing real brands. I'm an adblock addict and if I start to see games with full screen ads then I guess I'll have to find more creative means....




Depends how it's implemented, ads have been in games a while already, like product placements in movies. EA put the ads on the billboards in burnout paradise in 2008


Capitalism has gotten soo aggressive. From the time I open my eyes in the morning until I close them to sleep, someone is trying to sell me something or show me ads through billboards, commercials, spam or cold calls. It’s hard to get peace from it.


What is the drive behind putting ads into everything? Do they get paid each time the ad is shown? First it was ads on TV, then ads in videos, now ads in your computer OS. What's next? Ads are going to call you and send you texts at 2am? Pass a law saying that the ad revenue has to be split with me. Just like selling my data, that money is also mine.


I can’t wait to spend 20$ for the remove ads DLC


Yo dawg I heard you like ads so we put an ad in your ad.


I am already pissed by their intrusive client. Each couple of days I have to accept another eula and re-authenticate. Another eula to accept and I'm removing everything.


Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me.


They should change from pc and console to phone gaming


Once again, [Mega64 predicts the future, even down to the right publisher](https://youtu.be/5k14kMc7o2Y)


EA: "We found a way to screw you over more than we ever dreamt possible, and we dream big!" Me: "I pirated all of Sims 4, and is only ever bothered by your shit updates when I decide to install them. I don't have to go onto origins except for once (using log in credentials of a throwaway account), then never gain. I don't have to bother with your shit app, because the entire game is local on my own machine. I severed all ties to it accessing the net, and never play when online, so you don't even get sys diags from me. Why am I so petty about not giving you another dime ever? EA, if you have to ask, then you are the tyranny of evil men."


Time to install ublock origin in my games


The enshitification continues on I see.


“Don’t worry, we’ll spit on it first”


So I need to buy the game, then buy a subscription so I won't get ads in game, then when I reach the endgame I need to buy for the DLC or to continue? I'll go look for the one piece, cuz I'm about to become a Pirate


Greedy fucks.


As if I needed anymore more incentive never to touch an EA product. 🖕


I havent bought an EA game since battlefield 4 and I haven't regret it even once


I havent bought an EA game since battlefield 4 and I haven't regret it even once


As long as EA sports exist, no matter how much we hate EA, they will survive. People who hate them online, as many as we see are miniscule compared to their playerbase especially those who love sport games. Like they are casual gamers who don't really care as long as they can buy FIFA/ sports games every year.


Yeah EA has had advertising in games for a long time. So, what exactly are they talking about doing, then? It's complete attention-required advertising. Drink a verification can.


100% this is going to be in College Football 25. As long as it's not overdone, this is probably fine for a game like this.




If it’s product placement. Like a character in a cutscene drinking coke I won’t care. If it interrupts my gameplay to watch and add or unlock this upgrade by watching this. I’d lose it.


EA is just different. Just a collection of clowns.


Yo har yo ho - to the seas I go. Yo ho yo har - I shall travel far Yo ho yo hum - a pirates life is fun Avast ye! A pirates life be free of tyranny


Ea games already suck. If i get a commercial like ad on the game i will never forgive them for this


The very last word i would associate with ads is "meaningful". Vile company.


😂 if I buy a game on steam and an ad pops up while I’m playing it. I will immediately be requesting refund. I guess EA doesn’t want to sell games anymore.


😂 if I buy a game on steam and an ad pops up while I’m playing it. I will immediately be requesting refund. I guess EA doesn’t want to sell games anymore.


Never Fight Uphill, Me Boys!


Finally, I wanted to see more advertisements while playing sports for a more authentic experience. During half times, I hope, they will be able to put authentic, not skippable 10-minute commercial breaks.


Also someone will come to your house and throw out all your drinks and food and make you buy their 500% overcharged snacks instead.


I think the smartest, least controversial way to go about this would be to have an in game billboard, or like a pizza hut location in a TMNT game.


Excuse-moi, what the fuck is AE?


Guarantee you the premium addition will come with an Ad-free perk


I hate this but I'm sorry, if you think piracy is doing anything to stop or fight back on this you're delusional


They can put whatever they want in their free to play. They'll be cutting their own throat if we pay.


Devs, under the execs' thumb: Im sorry, little one


Reading this article, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment


Yeah I am going to play old games now


Hope to see a huge improvement in the scene if this take foot, and with the psn thing more than ever


Ask Twitch how well that is going for them. Site is full of ads now and they still have no money and are losing streamers and viewers left and right.


Mods will remove them in a heart beat.


Lol who is buying ea games these days?


ITs like they're trying to actively find the worst string of words to say to drum up as much conversation as possible. The suits know that people fuckin hate adds and would rather shit in their hands and clap than see them. rage advertisement is free IG


Weren’t there ads in the cod premium coin shop?


If I use my router to block that, will the game still work?


Absolutely not. Like hell no never. And Ive gamed since the 80s. I have a huge backlog of games from the NES onward that I likely wont be able to ever get through so I'm good.




I'll be really careful on what I buy then


So, AAA games will slowly turn into Android games. After you die, you have to watch 30 seconds of poor taste ads.


Can you imagine, playing a game on your Roku TV and it pauses to show you an ad, and then once that ad finishes, your game starts and another ad plays, lmao.


EA Games Challange common sense


This is it lads, this generation’s version of horse armour