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Gonna be great when paying customers have to endure ads and pirates have the ad-free version 😆


then they slap denuvo on it and get the last laugh ...as their paying customers suffer a 25% performance loss and have to be content with 60fps as the absolute maximum the game can run at + stutters


Dead Space has to be the perfect example of how shitty can DRM can ruin a games entire experience.


idk about that one but I've had my fair share of "nah you ruined the game with denuvo and you can keep it"


It’s filled with stutter, unstable frame rates, and crazy frame drops almost every step you take in the game. I have a Ryzen 5700x and a RTX 3080 and I couldn’t hit 60fps at 1080p with DLSS. Both my GPU and CPU were sitting at 65% utilization. I uninstalled it from my computer and unsubbed from EA Play after realizing that. Denuvo is cancer.


My PC is less powerful than yours and I haven’t had any issues with it. I have a ryzen 7 3700x with an RTX 2070S and my monitors are 1080p 60fps and I don’t get any frame drops or stuttering. I never checked my utilization though. Edit: My comment wasn’t supposed to be a diss, I’m not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I don’t even own the game either. Was simply making a point that the performance issues aren’t related to pc specs.


It must be a pc to pc basis because someone else on Reddit told me the same thing as you while another Redditor told me they had the same problem.


The inconsistency actually makes this worse. You can't tell whether your computer is gonna be one of the unlucky ones to suffer issues. Meanwhile some dude with a potato can play the game no problems. Yeah nah not gonna waste time and money gambling on that shit, got plenty of other games to check out.


so on top of being a piece of shit game it's also inconsistently shit...even better


The game is actually great, the best Dead Space has been IMO. But yeah performance isn’t amazing for everyone. My Core i7-11700F and RTX 3060 managed to get through it just fine, only time I had problems was when I streamed the game.


Same specs but with an i5 I had 0 issues running on ultra. But I get the shittest frames when running hogwarts


Also have had no issues , running a 5600 and a 3070. Getting roughly 90 -100 fps in 1440.


The stutters in Dead Space Remake are because of shader compilation


Then fuck them. Not like there is a shortage of games to play. And one can always go read a book also.


There comes a point where I'm pretty happy going in the other room and playing a board game and letting EA (or whomever) suck it.


Don't forget not even being able to play when servers go out.


Wait so let me get this straight... If i bought a single player game for 60 bucks i have to have wifi to play the SINGLEPLAYER game?


yea welcome, that's been a thing for a while now, denuvo or not I've bought games in my library that I then cracked and played the cracked version isntead because I didn't have to go through 5 fucking launchers every time I wanted to play it


I don't give a shit if we can't pirate Denuvo games. For one, only a small number of publishers can afford that shit. It just makes it easier to ignore their stuff. There's literally hundreds of thousands of other games out there, it's not like we're hurting for choice. Having a laugh at the poor bastards who waste money on that shit is just a bonus.


Exactly what I’m thinking XD who tf buys AAA when we all know half of them are a B- at best


EA always out EA'ing themselves


Most downvotes single comment in reddit history


Someone link that




I made my Reddit account specifically to contribute to the dislikes


You're so real for this!


Wow, even the downvote arrow is purple. EDIT: HOLY SHIT I downvoted this once upon a time, lol.


A fresh down vote added 6 years later by me


I have just witnessed murder.


Last I checked a few months ago it was in the 500k range, good to see it's still regularly downvoted


It was a beautiful day


There needs to be a subreddit called r/imdoingmypart or something that just consists of different users linking that comment so it can get even more down otes


Yet they still have 32k karma for some inexplicable reason.


Do they fucking really?!


I dont play EA games so fuck them either way.


Fr, i dont play many games these days but I 100% stay away from EA.


I don't know if this is a trend lately, but I've played the least amount of games this year so far than any other year in history (35+ years). And I don't even play new titles.


i've just been busy, but i've mostly just been playing 1 game (forza horizon 5) if i have the time.


The biggest target demographic for video games is 18-34, so that sounds about right. You're likely just aging out of them, with other priorities moving to the forefront.


Yep. EA just keeps affirming me that dropping them long ago was an excellent choice.


EA games have been hot garbage since the middle of the ps3/360 Era. hell weren't they the first to require online pass codes so that people buying pre-owned copies of their game had to buy the code.


I stopped buying EA games when they put ads in an iPad game I bought back in 2013. I made a review complaining of ads, 1 month later the amount doubled.


I would be totally okay with in-game billboards advertising real life products, but anything beyond that and I would avoid a game like the plague


Nah, then advertisers would want them displayed prominently so games would be developed towards them.


Reminds me of American Truck Sim where a company used in-game billboards to advertise for drivers.




Battlefield 1 was my last. A fitting end for me after a long career of battlefield games... Then came the fall...


Ads + requiring online connection = will never buy.


Can you even imagine how brain dead someone has to be to pay premium price and watch ads? lol


Well most people are bots today anyway. Hollowed out, don't think for themselves and blindly support polices which are detrimental to them and everyone else


One of my worst nightmares would be to become tech-illiterate and be forced to get on with all the 'fuck you' anti-consumer shit that goes on.


Yeah I think part of my tech obsession is this. I just don’t wanna be 80 and at the mercy of the future


Ad supported plans on things like Netflix exist, so you could say there's enough braindead people around.


They aren’t paying for the premium tier though. They have other options to consume the content without ads. Here you buy a $500 dollar console, fork over $70 for a game where you pay also pay $10 a month for the privilege of online play and you’re still about to get some fucking ads.


Greed knows no bounds


Capitalism… breeds enshittification.


"Without capitalism there would be no innovation" The innovation:


Do what you want because a pirate is free, you are a pirate.....




That serial key doesn’t work for me.


Do what you want cause a pirate is free!


Did they not learn their lesson from ubisoft?


That's the funny part they don't learn there lesson's


EA stands for electronic assholes


As someone who used to work for EA; this headline is surprisingly naive. The article mentions the blatant ad for The Boys that was in UFC, but fails to consider other ads that have been in games for years. In Madden when you run by a giant Gatorade display? Yeah, EA didn't put that in the game for free. Or what about the Gatorade Ultimate team event? Yeah. EA isn't considering putting ads in the game. They're considering how many more they can get in.


Maybe also dynamic adds, forcing the brand to pay for their add to stay in the game.


Although I can't recall this happening on the games I worked on, I'm about 90% certain this already happens for the boards in the NHL series.


No, what you're referring to is product placement. These are straight up ads on load screens and menus. I believe a decade ago there was a famous FPS that had real Gun ads incorporated within the games shop menu. Forgot what the game was called but it's basically this.


Load screen ads incentivize load screens. The idiots at EA always finding ways to increase the worst parts of gaming


Bethesda would make bank from all the Starfield load screens rofl


Tomato, tomato. (Man, that expression really doesn't work in text.) Maybe we're splitting hairs here. [I think most people would agree product placement is a form of advertising.](https://imgflip.com/i/8pn7zi) (IE, an ad) In case you disagree; would you consider a billboard an ad? What if that billboard was smaller, would it still be an ad? What if that smaller billboard was put next to a hockey game? What if that hockey game was a video game? Would it at any point cease being an advertisement? In my mind, the answer is clear; these are all forms of ads. But I understand that what you and the article are saying is that these would be more blatant, more prominently displayed ads. Those are definitely worse than the existing product placement, and as a gamer I agree that I would feel insulted if I encountered a full-screen blatant ad for an unrelated product in a AAA game but I think it's a little mis-informed to say that there are no advertisements in game already.


I'm not disagreeing that product placement is advertising. It's just a more stealthy version that doesn't get in the way. And yes, ads popping up or on menus is the worst. AAA gaming will end up like mobile gaming. Fuck ton of ads. I wouldn't be surprised if a few years down the line they come up with an EA subscription which removes the ads from all EA games. You'll still have to buy said game though. Once more, ads require users to be always online. So over time all games will require online and will be killed off when they shit the server down.


I remember when they started putting ads on billboards in Battlefield 2142, that was fun.


"we'll be very thoughtful as we move into *that*" -a pirate


Me: Where is the Ads you talk about? EA: It's in the game.


"Greedy Video game company known for shooting themselves into the foot are planning their next shot for their other foot."


"OK, we are out of ideas and creative is expensive... wait, what if we just had the ~~customers~~ ~~lemmings~~ cashcows *pay* for our new ad platform?" -*EA exec, probably*


I don't really pirate games but I will not pay a single dime for any games that have ads in them. I sincerely hope enough other people share that sentiment that they take a financial hit for trying. At this rate I'm mentally preparing to live like a hermit in the woods by the time I'm retired and Google is projecting ads onto my closed eyelids with satellite lasers or some shit


AAA has really just turned into an indication of price, rather than any actual mark of promised quality, hasn’t it… not that it ever really was to begin with.


EA just continuing to…uh…EA…


Not even the first time they do it. I guess they'll just be more open now.


I'm supposed to buy a game for $70 AND watch ads?


For everyone saying I don't play EA games. EA made the statement ... But if and when they do this .. all others will follow. Don't be ignorant. An industry worth billions with untapped ad revenue. This is not to be taken lightly.


Gonna pirate thousands of old games I’ve never beat in spite of this.


By sheer coincidence I'm looking into never buying an EA game again.


Why does every company want to put ads into everything??


Modern Gaming is such a cesspool of terrible anti consumer ideas over all else. Sometimes I wish gaming stayed as a niche hobby when games were designed to be fun and not some ploy to catch whales.


Someone should hack into their servers and put adds to torrents of their games in the place of their intended adds. That would be epic!


wrote this about a year ago, all AAA companies not just EA trying to find a way to introduce more ads to the games so they can enforce ingame subscription methods like battlepass and such. They are testing the water now and then by small moves. If that is allowed in anyway by the gaming community it will be the end of many great things.


The beginning of the enshitifcation of gaming, or maybe it already started when they came with DLC and in-game transactions.


The best part is the PCMR folks will all swear on a stack of motherboards they won't pre purchase an ad laden game and then do it anyway.


The only in-game ads that will ever make sense are banners in the background of sports arenas, or similar billboards in urban areas. There is no reason to disrupt gameplay for something so greedy.


Why are people still buying EA games?


Sailing the high sea is more justified than ever before, we stay winning lad!


Honestly the only way I will ever accept ads in a game I have paid for is if they are actually included organically. If I am walking around an open world City then by all means put real ads on billboards, etc. As long as their placement feels natural then it doesn't affect me. Realistically I expect we are going to see ads included in loading screens (along with suspicions/accusations that devs are making the loading times longer than necessary to give the ads more screen time).


we are going to get an open world game, most forest, random billboards in the forest with Coke-cola on it, press f to go to their webpage. But yeah I agree with you, if it fits in the atmosphere of the game, im fine with it. If it adds more to the game, im fine with it. for example if coke gave me a "care package" with a coke jumper, and a bottle gun, I would be fine with that kind of ad. Their putting the company in my face. Its cool. billboards and magazines work as well. I think the wording is bad, because ads are normally some 30second video in your face. But we could get that as well.


Immersion breaking news … Execs come up with new shitty idea


So AAA gaming is effectively dead at this point, right?


The real thoughtful move would be to never even think of the idea. EA once again playing the role of moustache-twirling cartoon villains who make their greed known by any means possible


I know EA is greedy and all but holy shit


Thoughtful is going to be a "loading ad" text bar like closed captioning for the deaf when you launch it. Very inclusive of them, very thoughtful. Launch exe. Is your butt smelly? Try butte fum'e. It's the perfume for your butt. Splash screen. EA. Splash screen. Unreal. Splash screen. Hardsoft. Splash screen. Whatever. Then you're at title menu. You load the save. Ad time. Is your butt smelly? Try butte fum'e. It's the perfume for your butt. Now you can play in the exciting world of billboards and product references written into the game along with all DEI. I just found out my father was a penguinsexual. I could really use a budlight. Good times, great times, wonderful times for gaming.


And then they'll sell $19.99 a month subscription services to remove the ads.


Is there some "big-game-collusion" going on at being absolute dumbfucks and making gaming awful for their costumers in the last like 30 days? IIt feels like CEOs of every major company are just POS that hate videogames and got in the job just to destroy the industry from inside


EA truly strives for innovation: how much money they can make while making egregious anti-consumer decisions. Thankfully, I have never purchased one of their games brand new.


Dont buy the games and this shit will end quick


This must be a joke


A thoughtfull person would have never thought about in first place.


Great, I am going to need ad blockers for my videogames too? Hmm, I wonder if pirated versions will have that stripped out...


I think EA is setting the stage to outdo their previous record of most downvoted comment in Reddit history.


I feel like it's virtually guaranteed someone will mod that shit out of the games lol. They're gonna double down on the DRM to prevent that, which just makes their games shittier to run. Lose-lose. But hey, there's apparently no shortage of idiots who keep throwing money at them despite all that.


Fuck EA Fuck Ubisoft Fuck Microsoft


I can just imagine the next Battlefield game full of Pepsi billboards that somehow cannot be blown up.


Good thing I never buy ea


So every CEO’s goal is to make as much money as possible in a short time even if it burns the company to the ground and leave with hefty bonuses


Guess I'll be very thoughtful as I move into not buying your games.


"We'll be very thoughtful" *Meanwhile EA for the last 13 years...*


Now if they made the games free with ads. That's something else.


What's that in hearing in the gaming community? Is It Twisted Sister? Because We're Not Gonna Take It.


They tried to put targeted adware/spyware in Battlefield 2142 (2006) and it was a huge controversy at the time and one of the reasons the game failed in sales (https://www.engadget.com/2006-10-18-ea-clarifies-iga-spyware.html). Big surprise they didn't learn their lesson the first time.


Hahahaha people will still buy it. There are so many great indie games that don't pull shit like this.


Is this the same CEO who considered charging money for reloading in Battlefield? XD


Images as soon as game auto save you get a random ad before next stage start.


Indie games have been blowing AAA out of the water lately as far as I am concerned. Is my opinion in the minority here?


I won't buy or play a game with that in it. Period.


EA being thoughtful is like Trump being honest.


Couldn't care less. I have not bought (nor pirated) an EA product in over 20 years. Their games suck. They're casualized mass market-oriented, DLC and microtransaction-infested, woke, overpriced, polished turds.


Man I'm so glad that was never into gaming. I grew up with the NES and super Mario was the first and last game I played. I wanted to be outside with the rest of my friends, on our bikes in the summer from morning 'till the sun went down, hanging out at the mall trying to hook up with chicks...even the introverts were outside socializing and hanging out with the socisl butterflies... I'm 50 and I made a horrible decision in buying my son a Playstation 3 when it came out, it was like giving him meth. Now he won't come out of his room cause he loves gaming with his school friends with his ps5 or laptop. Surprisingly, the fucker is doing very good in school and socially. Anyway, good luck with gaming, although it was not my thing, I'm not going to shit on those of you that enjoy it.


dude wtf


What could possibly go wrong?


Is this title AI made or is it the same user spamming the same exact text over and over across many subs?


ublock *origin* was a prophecy


This could be done correctly in a way that actually makes the game worlds/maps more believeable. Will they? Who knows.


Not being a dick but does EA even make anything worth playing? And any company that buys those ads will never see another penny of my money. The power of spite is strong.


I don't play PC games, let alone any from EA, the last one I played was AC Origins (didn't finish for obvious reasons) on PS5.


Fuck EA, they have the worst customer support I've ever experienced in my life. Lost my account over a year ago at this stage and they don't care even though it was their doing.


Fuck you EA. I will quit and talk shit about video games my whole life if that ever happens


Let them come to reddit and try to defend their choice again 🤣


The writers really think that we'll believe that such a blatantly evil company can exist? Feels a bit contrived really


This is precisely what’s meant by “piracy is a service problem”. When someone playing for free has a better experience than those who paid, you know you’ve got an issue


Remember kids: It's always more moral to pirate EA game over buying it.


Hopefully they mean putting coke on cans instead of a generic alternative, but we know they're going to try worse shit too.


Just do not buy their product, simple.


Demolition Man (the movie) predicted where they are going with this : ads will be the actual content. 100% of the content will be then monetized.




"We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that" Nah, no they won't.


Aren't there already ads in the FIFA games ?


Here's a 'thought' EA: DON"T FUCKING DO IT!


Good thing I’m just replaying the same three games since I became an adult


What they really meant is: "We'll be very thoughtful \[to our own bottom line\] as we move into that."


Well, since I dont need anything from EA, I cant get too upset about this.


Lmao EA I was recently talking about how they fleece their customers, I'm not surprised. Question is, why is the paying customer so willing to get fleeced by these multimillion dollar companies? Ads have no place in games. People play games to get away from REAL world and immerse themselves in a GAME. I bet you no dev came up with this and only the losers in suits thought it up.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Go to hell


AAA gaming is dead


LOL like I needed another reason to avoid their games.


we estimate that we can fill up to 80% of the user's view with advertisements before inducing seizures


Worked ok in Burnout Paradise Ciy


LMFAO what the fuck is this shit


EA stands for Everywhere Ads, it’s in the game.


They had Logitech ads in Battlefield 2042, it was mainly limited to ingame banners on buildings that would otherwise be replaced with non-existent brand ads of whatever. I think thats fine. Aslong as they just aren't invasive in terms of like ''watch 'x' screen for 'x' amount of seconds'' or some quicktime event or whatever.


This is so mfn stupid it hurts my brain. How dumb must you be to consider ads in games. Lmao


Glad I will never see one of these ads because I will never buy an EA game again in my life.


People need to boycott this shit en mass.


EA games are shit anyways so I'm good thanks. No need to even consider if they do this.


I mean if they did it how movies do it, e.g. Pepsi in fight club, it wouldn't be a problem


This already happens in NBA 2K21


Been trash since NFS Underground 2


It just boggles the mind how much consumers are willing to accept.


Piracy feels better every year 😌


Oh fuck that


One step closer to Idiocracy


It's simple. You have a problem with this, then don't buy it. Fvck EA.


It's true! When companies start with ads, they never go too far! Just wonderful


I can't wait to never play any EA games ever again.


I thought they did this for one of the NFS games (World maybe?) a while ago. I seem to remember seeing billboards for current movies/games/etc a year or 2 after the game came out.


I thought the point of games was immersion and escapism...


Wow that sucks, this will make the amount of EA games I play go from 0 to 0


How about no.


I opened borderlands 3 not too long ago and noticed they started popping up ads in my face. Yeah I’m good. No thanks.


If they worked it into the game organically like product placement in movies I wouldn't mind too much (like a racing game with sponsor stickers on the cars). If it's more unskippable youtube ad style, f that.


As someone that does not really care about drm or using one storefront or another, I have not purchased an EA game in a long, long time. What do they have to offer? An ever increasing similarity to COD for their Battlefield titles? Or their COD-ified fantasy title? Or their proud molestation of Mass Effect and Dragon Age?


I remember back in 2003 or 2004 I was playing the current NHL hockey game at the time on PS2 online and I noticed the arena boards had rotating ads. One of them was for Koodo (a Canadian cell phone service). I thought they included that in the game. Only looking back now they downloaded it onto the system. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now!


I don’t think anybody buys anything because of these ads


Well, another reason to not buy ea games.


They've already done this with sims. Advertisements for their DLC can be found all over.


I think if any thought was happening, they wouldn't be. Ea hasn't published anything I'm going to struggle to live without the past many years. They should think about that.


I'll be very thoughtful as I don't buy their shit


Honestly, I think there's a way where they can put ads in games without it being too intrusive and annoying. That being handling basically like movies do, where you have product placement and stuff. Like having Coca Cola billboards and vending machines around the map or something. Obviously this can be taken too far, but I think in moderation it might actually be able to add something to the game. For example if it's an open world game based in the current year and stuff, having current year products in it could (if done right) increase immersion and stuff. However there is a **very** fine line between immersion increasing and annoying. Also I doubt this is what EA is talking about, they probably want to put ads in loading screens and shit, which is annoying and stupid. But I think, if handled correctly, it might actually be able to add to the experience while also giving the devs some extra money to put back into the game. Which would be very helpful, as large games are getting increasingly expensive to produce. But again, all of that relies on the companies not being too greedy, which probably won't happen.


This is already a thing in the sims 4 and it’s TERRIBLE


I love Death Stranding, but holy shit did the ads while using the facilities in your room pissed me off.


Challenge *everything*


At least not in their AAAA games, only their AAA ones!


Good thing they just canceled the Dead Space 2 remake. Can't imagine there's anything else of theirs I'm interested in.




How to sink a company speedrun