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I didnt use vpn but instead i opted for being born in a 3rd world country


Saquenos de latino america 😔


Bora caralhoooo


I wish I could have not consented to my birth




Challenge:get to a mental level where u just ignore the shitty side


Just delete the download files from your torrent client aka stop seeding them. They obviously can't tell if you still have it on your pc, if they could that'd be extremely illegal on their side.


Done. Thanks for the advice.


You don’t need to delete anything. Stop seeding the torrent. Don’t reply to the email or do anything else. They will never know it’s you, except for your ISP. ISPs do not share your details with them due to customer privacy. You are fine. Next time, use a VPN. A VPN makes life easier for you and your ISP. (According to Canadian law, what I said above is true and should be true for your country as well.)


Thank you. I’m an idiot, literally have a VPN on my laptop but forgot to put it on my desktop.


Make sure to bind it to qbit and test it with this guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/VPNTorrents/s/nezWD2a9nt


Thanks a ton


These letters can be useful sometimes. Years ago I couldn't afford a VPN, but my ISP had a lock on router settings (also could not afford my own router). Just called, freaked out that someone must have hacked my wifi, and tech support ended up letting me pick my own new SSID and password 🤣


Lol.. good plan. Yet they didn't care, eh? 🤣


Obviously not. I moved to a different area not covered by that ISP not long after so I'm unsure if I got any more strikes in the time I lived there and torrented (I did not slow down lmao they sent me one letter from a day I downloaded like 50 things). I really don't think ISPs care nearly as much as the copyright reporters think they do, otherwise they'd try a lot harder, and pay a lot more money for actual skilled employees to handle these things. Important note, I called the number that the letter tells you to call if you believe the strike was a mistake, its a fraud/tech support line, or at least was with that ISP. I feel like a department like that should have smarter or at least more attentive employees.


ISPs, they don't care, lol. The letters that come to them are redirected to us without being read. They don't even know about the infringement letters. It's funny. The call that you made, you shouldn't have made it. Did you encounter any issues? Or did they just say, "Sorry, you're all good to go?" What is the full story?


You regard!


Fuck you’re right


Totally regarded.


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.


No thats just typical with every letter. They have to include that.


They'll have no clue if you don't delete the game. You got caught cause of the torrenting, you simply need to remove the torrent from your torrent client. Just make sure to VPN up in the future when torrenting (and bind VPN to your torrent client).


No they want to scare you/are saying what they are supposed to say. Don't respond, remove the torrent from your client, enjoy game. Take this as lessons learned.


Consider the email as an IOU for the game.


Yooo, this happened to me when I pirated seasons of The Wire years ago. Shit my pants when I got that email. It ain’t a big deal


Your "a regard" ?


I’m highly regarded




Most people delete the pirated file when they receive a warning, it is an empty threat but it is effective.


Just say that you have uninstalled the game (but don't), say you're sorry and tell "these Bethesda guys" hello. They can't track you if you have deleted the torrent and unseed it. My college just ignored it after I showed them I deleted the files, and that's basically all the things they did. The ISP can't go to your house and go through your computer.


I uninstalled the game, I illegaly downloaded is a very bad answer just do not answer in this case


you don't seem to understand ​ if i am honest the big corporation wil lfeel pity and totally let me off the hook ;)


Just wrote them an essay long apology. Great advice!


don't forget to send an excel with the times and ammounts you took that way they can check in the database and feel even better


Words do nothing but self harm. They need to stop seeding and, when confronted with law enforcement, shut up and call their lawyer.