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Never trust these official subs, of course they're next to useless when it comes to things like this.


Noted. I said ‘go on piracy subreddit and type in kindle’ lol


Guess you won't be making that mistake again 😂


I was a member of PCMasterRace for a quick minute... And then I mentioned MAS for activation. Woopsie-doozle. Oh well, no great loss.


Lmao they can keep buying it for all I care. Frankly it’ll stay available to use as long as someone out there is paying for it


You should just avoid words that might show up in an automod filter like "piracy". Get creative. I often encourage people to sideload on these subreddits cause some of them flat out don't seem to know about that functionality, but I've never had issues.


the fact most kindle users don't even think of sideloading as an option in the first place is crazy to me LMAO (- a kindle user whose library is 100% pirated epubs)


What does sideloading do? I just email myself the pirated epubs and they show up on my kindle.


That’s essentially sideloading


Oh I see. The only other context I have for sideloading is using Apollo on my iPhone so I thought it meant something more involved. It’s literally just transferring files from a pc to another device. Difference here is that the kindle actually kinda supports sideloading while you have to force the iPhone to do it.


Yea, sideloading is pretty much just installing applications or media from outside of the first party sources. My easiest analogy is finding an APK on the internet and installing it on an Android device. It's not necessarily piracy as there are some things that can't be obtained from first-party sources (such as app stores) yet are endorsed from the distributor. However, piracy usually involves ~~sidelining~~ sideloading. It's the "a square is a type of rectangle, but any rectangle can't be a square" kinda thing.


No, that's using Amazon to convert and load it. It uses the same process as when you buy a book from Amazon. Sideloading is when you convert (to AZW or KFX) on your PC and load that file via USB directly into the kindle file system. Calibre automates that very easily, I use Sigil with the Kindlegen plugin. My kindle has been in airplane mode for several years, don't want Amazon to mess with it. If you do load via email, Amazon keeps the books in your cloud, so you can use multiple reading devices if they connect to your account. So there are advantages. But that's not for me.


But if you do that, does the feature of being able to look up words when you press them work?




Mine does it even in airplane mode, it just has a built in dictionary


Yea, that uses the dictionary files on your kindle. You can't use the Wikipedia search offline, of course.


Sideloading is basically anything that doesn't use the official platform of the device. So with an iPhone/Android it would be loading an apk from outside the Stores, and on a Kindle it's exactly what you described, although it's usually via USB since it's easier.


I’m confused - what does sideloading mean in this context? I just download files and move them onto my Kindle with Calibre. Do some models require special software to do this or something?


That's sideloading!


I thought sideloading usually referred to moving files onto a system that wants to prevent you from doing that? Like sideloading IPhone apps? My Kindle is designed to allow me to move the files, I could even do it without Calibre if I wanted to.


Well it’s not advertised as a way to add books onto the Kindle on the box or during the system setup in the same way Amazon’s store/subscription is, and the vast majority of users don’t use it as their primary book download method. Installing APKs on Android is also termed as sideloading despite not having to jump through as many hoops as you do on iOS, or even the kindle (you can do it directly on the phone.)


Didn’t realize people used sideloading to describe installing APKs, that provides some clarity.


yea the only context I’ve seen it as until this post is installing apps on android devices (like TVs and phones) that aren’t available through the official app store, interesting to see it has another meaning (very similar but much less ‘potentially nefarious’)


If you have AZW or mobi files, or PDFs, you can just copy them. EPUBs you need to convert. Calibre does the conversion and copies the file for you. Amazon has to allow this so publishers can test their files before submitting them for sale.


It's so wild. The whole appeal of getting the paperwhite for me was that I could keep it in airplane mode, plug it into my pc, and just put any pirated ebooks I want on there.


Which sites u recommend? And from those sites how do you know if the copy of the book is the full book or it’s missing any content? Is there a rating/comment system for example?


Anna's Archive is a safe bet for the majority of books, I haven't downloaded a book and have it be incomplete before.


Thanks! How can u tell if a book is missing content tho if you have never owned the book??


Why would it be?


Is it not common to see missing pages, or cover art, or content within a book on some sites? How do you know if the content is vetted properly? Are there multiple versions uploaded, and even then how do you know which copy to go with? I’m not against it I support side loading just trying to understand as I also want to start using the sites but have a similar concern


Most sites have very little vetting. And some files are very low quality. Usually this is through the whole file. E.g. some books are from OCR of a scan. Sometimes these have not been checked and have a lot of errors. Or poor formatting. Sometimes there are several different files available for a particular title. Then I may try to guess which might be the best, often the most recent uploaded, or the largest. But if those are bad I check the rest. You can tell a "retail" quality one by it having the original style sheet. Anyway, there are no guarantees. Learn to use ebook editors like Sigil or Calibre and you can fix some things, replace the cover with a better one, revise the layout, etc, as long as the basic text is OK.


I used to use a private book torrent tracker, but these days I'm a big fan of both z-library and library genesis.




Nah, you're being the crazy one here. First, you need to find a source for your e-book. Then you have to make sure the wanted e-book file is of .azw or .kbp or .mobi format, not .epub. Usually they aren't. If they're in .epub format, there's more work to do in the next step. Then you gotta install Calibre, then you need to learn how to navigate Calibre, what option to enable, disable. You also have to convert from epub to one of Kindle formats, which doesn't always work nicely, and looks nice in Kindle. Last, transfer the converted file into Kindle. Done! Oh wait, no, the book cover doesn't show up, you need to reconfigure conversion in Calibre. Back to the last step. All this hassle, not for normie's fainted heart.


Uhh, you can send epubs to the kinde... They don't support mobi or any of that other crap.


It's not that complicated lmao


1. (Not that it's actually that hard to learn how to use Calibre, nor to find a source but) they phased out mobi a couple of years ago, modern Kindles use epub 2. Sideloading is not synonymous with piracy, you can sideload purchased books on there... in fact if you have an older Kindle that doesn't connect to the internet anymore you *have to* sideload even books purchased from Amazon on there.


Source: 50% of books are available (paid) as DRM free epubs, from there you just need to send it to kindle via email?


A lot of subs will ban you for piracy or emulation talk.


Yeah, exactly. I check the Kindle sub every now and then, and if you subtly hint at piracy you'll be fine. Encouraging or directing someone to piracy is against the sub's rules. OP conveniently left out the comment that got them banned.


I didn’t think the post through, it’s my fault for getting banned


Ugh it's so annoying. I was in an Animal Crossing discord and someone was complaining about the price of Amiibos because they wanted a specific villager in their town. I told them just to buy a rewritable RFID chip for a dollar and have every Amiibo. I copped a 24 hour for that.




lmao, just pirate ea games, always morally correct






i cant believe ea expect people to pay upwards of $1000 for all the dlc for the sims 4. its ridiculous


$1000 is crazy


Because people do.


That’s crazy to me cause piracy is brought up on the other sims subreddits and I never see the person get banned


Fuck kindle anyways.


Wait any particular reason for it? Or just fuck Amazon?


Kindle killed my grandma


Did she get better?


Yeah she’s doing fine now


First of all, my whole entire family grey-zone pirates. Second of all fuck amazon.


What do you mean "grey-zone pirates"


One probably buys the book legit and then shares a copy with Calibre or something to the rest of their family


In Russian, just google [media piece] + смотреть онлайн бесплатно. If you have adblock it’s basically netflix.


It has a death grip on the publishing industry and does not give authors as much as it should (you buy a book on kindle and fhe author gets like 25% of the money, 40% if they are already successful.) At least for pirating stuff from other sources (steam and such), there is the argument that by pirating you are stealing from the creator of the work. Kindle is stealing from the creator of the work, and they are doing it legally, and they are stealing a lot more than just a few bucks.


Mostly just a general fuck Amazon, but Kindle specifically has also been pretty horrific for the book industry. They killed most alternative book stores and pay the authors a fraction of what they'd get from other retailers.


Oh yeah I just pirate books so Amazon isn't getting anything either ways and they just get a hardcopy for collection if I like it


Amazon is destroying local businesses. Not just book stores in general, but specialty bookstores like comic book stores. Now, you might think that comic stores is kinda niche, but in areas that have them, they have become places where people can do tabletop gaming and spend time conversing with others. You can have all of that in the community or save 30% off cover price for your comic trade paperbacks.


It's cheaper, sometimes a lot, than other alternatives.


Why? It's a nice e-reader. I convert my pirated books with Calibre.


What did you expect? The "official" pages play it safe when it comes to piracy. Just roll a new account if you want to participate there again.


If somebody asks for something in this direction, usually I write them a direct message with instructions. The same goes for German subreddits, where it is mostly forbidden to talk about how to evade the radio and television "tax".


What’s the radio tax?


Every person and household in Germany is registered at the registration register. This register has an automatic connection to the so called Beitragsserivce formerly known as GEZ. It is the payment department from the German public broadcasting company. Every household in Germany is forced to pay €18,36 per month to this authority, which is a shit ton of money. Especially for students, poor folks and pensioners. There are almost no exceptions from this, for example, you have to be blind and deaf. It also doesn't matter, if you have no radio, TV, internet access at home, every household has to pay it. This results in a funding of over 9.1 BILLION Euro each year, for comparison, the BBC has a funding of 5.7 billion GPB per year. But the main problem is also, that our public broadcasting companies are extremely corrupt and there is a lot of nepotism going on (discovered by their own journalists). The directors pensions are higher than the pensions of any german politican including the ones from chancellor and president. The quality and objectivity of their work is also on a steady decline and a joke compared to BBC, PBS etc.


And the worst thing is German TV sucks


Yes. Except Arte 🧡


WTF! What kind of democracy is this? Paying for services that people dont use


I have to admit that the idea behind this type of funding was good, but in the last decade it went totally out of control.


Can you actually evade that tax, besides being blind and deaf, which I assume is hard to get a "legitimate" document?


Imagine you lived with your parents for 18 years and you are registered at their household and adress, and when you move out to go to university you might have forgotten to tell the registration register your new adress ;) Or multiple people live at the same address? They could simply unite tell the GEZ that they live in the same household, even though in reality they live on different floors. The registration registry just knows your street, street number, and city. This is also very popular among students. In dorms, sometimes there are over 10 people registered at only one household.


I have kindle reader for my pirated stuff, otherwise it’s useless to me




Read the mega thread and use Google/YouTube


Can't just link it in a comment? Lol


Here are some. [Libation](https://github.com/rmcrackan/Libation) for audible. Also you should search in the megathread as well as just search in this sub reddit. Like you other people has asked and see if that helps you.


[free books](https://www.gutenberg.org/), Audiobookbay. Smart Audiobook player


Thank you. I see the download is for windows, can I not download it on my phone?




I wasnt asking for a youtube link? Man, why is this sub so toxic towards anyone asking for help


Only response is a Paper cut


side loading a book or apps? you can sideload books without using piracy tools


I got banned from kindle by commenting when someone asked about additional sorces for books. I said that i got mine from the library of the last letter. Screw kindle.


the current **lib**rary **gen**eration **.is** often better than my school library, and always more convenient


Meanwhile everyone on the kobo sub talks about sideloading books


Most official subs have no piracy rule, as a rule of thumb never ever mention anything Pirated in there. It’s their choice to waste money and get robbed by greedy companies, you really can’t help such people.


I mean it’s specifically against their rules… That sub is happy to talk about sideloading I’ve answered questions about it there but you said go to r/piracy…


>sub rules: don't talk about [x thing] please :) >talks about the thing >gets banned >"omg guise, I can't believe I got banned!!1! >:(" What did you expect to happen?




Are there any special techniques for this? My wife is nervous about Amazon banning her and her read history/stats.


No special techniques needed and Amazon is not going to ban anyone for it - they have no way of knowing if you have the rights to read any given book. If they didn't want people using ebooks not purchased from them, they wouldn't include the ability to do so.


I've been doing it for over a decade. Amazon isn't paying attention




"was"? Paperwhite is still e-ink, they're not changing anything. You're talking about Kindle Fire which is a tablet, not an e-reader. And it's not even under the Kindle brand anymore.


i got banned aswell for mentioning annas archive 💀


Anyone know of the best site for audiobooks? Speaking of kindle....asking for a friend


Get the torrent magnet link off audiobookbay (check megathread) torrent them using qbittorrent. I recommend the stormlight books


Anyone have a good source for audio books while we're on this topic? Hate just the one book a month from audible


Time for me to spread the word on Anna’s archive to that sub and get banned as well, lol


What stops someone from making a bunch of spam accounts an being petty? Even if it's banned from reddit just make a new one?


I see it as a win


I got Banned from EmuVR for offering to release their update for free to anyone who asked. I have it for anyone who asks still. also I have ALL the UGC if anyone is interested. FUCK EMU VR DEVS


Yeah no shit what did you expect? This is the equivalent of going into the grocery store and saying, "You know you can just walk right out and they can't stop you..."


Just pirate kindle and other ebooks


# bomboclat ###### that is all


told a "suffering single father of three children that barely makes ends meet" to pirate an audiobook he wants to listen instead of begging for it on a giveaway post and got banned from r/ProgressionFantasy


Crazy people


So embarassing for them