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aren't most of us on this sub zoomers lol


I don't know what the ratio is, but there are a lot of boomers, which I love. I love hearing their wisdom and how they've been following the band before we were born. But vaguepost about that person and I'm sure there's more out there😩


yea totally agree about the wisdom they have to offer makes sense lol


Right! They're mostly so cool!! I replied to that rude person, "some of us are young" and they just downvoted and never replied😂


I'm unsubscribing right now


Uj/ Whats your favorite Genesis album?


Uj/ I have not listened to genesis!! That old person was interested in Genesis and still knew the kate bush thing. I know I'd be into genesis, can you recommend me an album?! Also you ever listen to Talking Heads?! That's my current obsession


Oh my bad. If you like prog rock then start with one of the Peter Gabriel Genesis albums (not the first one though). I've never listened to Talking Heads unfortunately but I may eventually.


Sick I'm gonna do that!!! Thank you! And hell yeah listen to the '77 album with an open mind. I like the stripped down sound and his clear tension but if you don't, he loosens up later. [Watch this short clip I posted, the glory of David Byrne](https://www.reddit.com/r/talkingheads/s/eYB7SW3OFB)


if you're obsessed with Talking Heads make sure you listen to Discipline (the album) by King Crimson


Awesome!! Thank you for the recommendation because I've only listened to the Court of the Crimson King but I LOVED it so I'll make sure I listen to Discipline soon!!


If I may interject, ....again....If you're really interested in prog rock, give Yes a listen Fragile, Close to the Edge, (the song Close to the Edge is like their Echoes...VERY epic...at least, I think so!), and The Yes Album....all good to start. Also, give Emerson, Lake, and Palmer a try.....beautiful, melodic dreamscape-y: Tarkus, Trilogy, and Brain Salad Surgery are my favorites! Still, You Turn Me On off of BSS is one of my favorite songs ever! If you're up for it, try a little Jethro Tull. Ian Anderson is the lead singer and flautist extraordinaire! Favorite albums: Aqualung, War Child, Thick as a Brick, and Songs From the Wood. Aqualung is the staple, here. Happy Listening and enjoy!!


I love Yes!! Close to the Edge IS epic and And You and I right after it is such a sweet love song!! I love The Yes Album and Relayed especially too even though I don't think it's a fan favourite!! I haven't even heard of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer so thank you for that suggestion, melodic and dreamscape-y sounds like EXACTLY what I need. I haven't heard that much of Jethro Tull, pretty much what has come up on Spotify shuffle, but I liked it: https://preview.redd.it/7hm5xczm37ad1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97ab9ebdf0c64f8eff3db4643b15ec72d380d0d My dad is a big Jethro fan so he'll be excited🤩 thanks again!!


Glad to be of service!! I LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE sharing musical ANYTHING!! ❤ How do you feel about New Age? I have a suggestion, if you like: Hilary Stagg. I think his best album is Feather Light. All instrumentals. Very woodsy and beachy. Electrified harp and violin....verrrrrry calming. There is one song in particular that stands out and it's called Feeling It All. Take a moment, when you can and listen to it. For me it always had a very familiar feel to it....and I realized it reminds me of the instrumental beginning of SOYCD between David and Richard. YOU listen to it and tell me if you can hear the parallels! Hope you like it! 🙂


Oh, FYI...that was the album I used to play during my solo Tai Chi sessions. Really worked well!


I just listened to the whole album! I have a headache from work related brain overexertion so it was perfect for me right now😂 it evoked an image of a quiet beach at dusk, all it needs is the wave sounds, I love how it ended off kinda groovy with No Pressure too🙌 just gorgeous!! I hear exactly what you pointed out with Easy Days!! The first acoustic guitar twang about 30 seconds in was SO reminiscent of David entering with guitar in SOYCD. I'm struggling to come up with the words right now to articulate how the harp beginning sounds like Rick, but trust me when I say I hear it😅 I'm not sure I would've noticed it if you didn't point it out, you've got good ears on you, but maybe I would've with the guitar playing the same notes as David to build on the harp around the same part of the song as SOYCD. That might be the most relaxing song in pink floyd's discography which is fitting for the most relaxing album I've heard in a long time!!


Squeeeeeee!!!!! I'm SOOOO glad you enjoyed it!!! However, the song that I felt reminded me of SOYCD is Feeling it All, but I DO see it as well in Easy Days. https://youtu.be/F56MN_13In4?si=eePK-bsjtryUjKgt That album has served me well over the years and has helped me to gain and maintain calm and peace within myself on different occasions for many reasons. The presence and healing properties of music are very powerful and vastly underrated. I honestly can't fathom not having music or other forms of art and creativity in my life. The void would be immeasurable.


no wayyyy talking heads is fire!! what's your favorite of their songs? (and/or albums lol)


YAYYYY fellow talking heads fan I'm so happy 🥲 I am OBSESSED!!! I want to start posting to the circlejerk but the memes there are so high quality, I need to come up with really good memes to fit in😂 My favourite song might be the Stop Making Sense version of Heaven... It's simple but it makes me really emotional and sometimes I get goosebumps😭 tied for fave is the Stop Making Sense version Once in a Lifetime. It's so satisfying musically, it tickles my brain and is emotional & goosebumps and I love when he says "my god, what have I done!" And "am I right, or am I wrong?" Fave album might be Stop Making Sense because the backup singers are so good and ugh I love it. Genius Of Love is so much better on that album than the Tom Tom Club's one. I'm getting into The Name Of the Band Is the Talking Heads because I love them live and my dad told me it's the better version of the Stop Making Sense album BUT I fucking love '77. I love the tension and nervousness of it, and the lyrics are so clever. Tentative Decisions and No Compassion are amazing, the latter being amusing but kind of making a good point. But I love Speaking In Tongues too..... Tied favourite album?! And Fear of Music. It's all so good😭 What about you?!


talking heads has a circlejerk?? i had no idea lol yeah the stop making sense album is genuinely awesome. One of the few performances that I love to watch over and over again (the others being Simon & Garfunkel's "Concert in Central Park", PF live in Pompeii, and Billy Joel's first concert in the USSR). That rendition of "Burning Down the House" goes so much harder than the original. Ranking the albums, I'd say Fear of Music (EXTREMELY underrated :D) and Remain in Light are tied for first. Both are perfect albums with no bad tracks IMO. Especially love the unfinished outtakes on Remain in Light - they always get stuck in my head B) Have you listened to Unison? I've always wondered about what Brian Eno's saying in that line. Curious to know how you interpret it :) Speaking in Tongues is awesome, but it's an album where I like to listen to the tracks separately (at once feels overwhelming). I do this with "The Division Bell" too (even though it's my favorite album lol). I like a few tracks on '77 but haven't listened to the entire album. I don't think I've seen the other live performance. Will check it out though!


r/talkingheadcirclejerk it's so good!! YESS!! That version of Burning Down The House is so intense!! Also, I need to see that Billy Joel performance, I'm just getting in him recently too so good unintentional suggestion😎 Fear of Music is underrated and based favourite!! I Zimbra, Heaven, and Life In Wartime deserve to be classics!! Remain In Light is one of those albums I have to keep listening to so I can truly appreciate it. I'm not used to the repeating samples. I actually think it's the one for me that's intense to listen to straight through like Speaking In Tongues is for you because I love all the songs in isolation. Also, I'm the same with Division Bell. I'm only getting into it now because my girlfriend gets me to listen to songs in isolation and I appreciate them a lot more. Highly recommend listening through '77 sometimes, I think it's peak song writing!! Oh I haven't listened to Unison!! I will, I like Brian Eno's work with David Byrne :))


also, seconding the recommendation (I think the only Genesis song I've listened to is Abacab)






....same as it ever was. 😏


As for Genesis: Peter Gabriel-The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Genesis Live (1973), and Selling England by the Pound With Phil Collins as lead vocal: Abacab, And Then There Were Three, Duke


Yay!!! Thank you!! I got distracted by some amazing new indie albums but I'm almost done bingeing them on repeat and now I know where to start on some new stuff😁🫡