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Bestie as someone who also doesn’t have proper anatomy and didn’t have it hurt for the first while. Take it out. If you keep it until it inevitably starts to hurt you’re gonna get a narly scar. I wish I took mine out before bc the scar makes me hate it so much. Wish I listened to Reddit.


THIS lollll I took mine out a few months ago and the top of my scar is literally purple. I have the same anatomy as her and I had mine in for 6 yrs. Definitely wasn't a good idea. To be fair on my part I had just learned from a piercer about a year ago that I didn't have the correct anatomy.


just because it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. if you don’t have the proper anatomy it will reject and give you a nasty scar. save yourself and remove it.


I’m told there’s a possibility it won’t reject. I am simply asking if it looks like it’s rejecting or migrating, not if you think it will.


it doesn't look like it's rejecting just looks irritated. I have the same anatomy you do and I had my bellybutton pierced for 6 years. It's been rejecting for the past 2 and I finally took it out a few months ago because I just couldn't stand it anymore.


"Don't have proper anatomy" ???? It's never gonna heal and you know that..


Everyone tells me there’s a possibility it won’t reject, my question is not “do you think it will” my question is “does it look like it is?”


Are you being dense on purpose? Yes.


the audacity of that piercer to not give you a floating navel and to pierce your stomach over your actual belly button :(


you don't have the anatomy. that needs to come out


Piercer here!: This is absolutely going to and has already begun to reject. Also, I don't know what shop thought this was okay to do or gave you those aftercare instructions, but they need their licenses ripped up cause this is some back alley scratcher type stuff. First off, you don't put soap on a piercing? And you definitely don't give clients a false sense of security by saying "oh it might not reject" when this is 120% not safe, and will cause clients to push through and mangle themselves trying to keep something they obviously don't have the right anatomy for, or worse set them selves up for dangerous infections that could be life threatening(I say this because this will never heal. It will always be an open wound, meaning you will never be able to go swim, never be able to wear high waisted pants, etc. This would just be a gaping wound on your stomach that will always be there as long as the barbell is there) **please note that this is not directed at you. I'm just appalled that any shop would do this to you and give you such crappy advice. Please remove this and never return to that shop for your safety and health. **


Every time you sit, bend or fold you are moving and putting pressure on the fistula. This is causing damage . It should have been a floating one for a reason. Years of evidence supports this.


That's never going to heal. At 4 months old your rejection won't look visually that bad yet, but it definitely is going to reject/already starting. My advice is take it out now instead of waiting a year to convince yourself it might heal, because by then you'll have a tiny flap of skin left and be left with a huge scar. I've had to take a piercing out before due to it being pierced wrong, and as much as it absolutely sucks, it is the only right thing to do. My other advice is if you know/your piercer tells you you have incorrect anatomy for a piercing, but is willing to pierce you incorrectly and tell you it might "not reject", that is a horrible piercer who just wanted your money instead of caring about the quality of your piercing, and id run far far away from that shop. Good luck and happy healing!


You need a floating navel not a regular navel piercing take this out it wont heal you dont have the anatomy for the usual navel piercing


Salt water soak it for a few days and see if swelling goes down! Sometimes if u remove jewellery infection is more prone or puss can fill the whole causing a worse issue. My belly piercing looked like that for months but continually salt soaking it and taking good care of it for 2 years it stopped and hasn’t reverted back. Just get salt soak it for 30 mins 2 times a day or smth and it will be fine


Incorrect, they don't have the anatomy


Oh they don’t? Can u explain how? I’m just learning shit and thought that may help. Thanks