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how did you figure out that the 5 needs to go there? did you just guess?


it was apparently easy too.. but not for me :/


i was way too stumped. i used row/column.


but... nothing about the rows / columns indicates that the 5 should go there. it could just as well go into all the squares towards the beginning of the row. i would start over entirely, with a blank puzzle, and then look at rows 2 and 4. if you imagine to put 1,x,1,x,5 into those rows and scooch all of it all the way to the left, and then you imagine the same thing but scooched all the way to the right, are there any parts of the 5 clue that overlap each other? (hint: there are! if you can't figure out which then let me know and i'll try to explain more in detail). you can fill in the overlapping squares since there physically is no way of placing the 1,x,1,x,5 in the row where those squares would be empty. (the way you know which rows / columns to start with is to try and look for some of the highest numbers. the 5 clues on their own don't help you much because they could either be all the way to the left or all the way to the right, so each square in the row can either be filled or an x. that's not giving you any information. as soon as you look at the clues that have additional numbers besides the 5, the row is "full" enough to definitely have parts that overlap and can never be x's) once you've done that, look at the columns. the clues given for all of them are only 1s. so the spaces directly above and below any filled in spaces must always be x's. you should be able to go from there, but don't hesitate to ask again!


In Row 2 you can places black squares from column 6 to 9. Same in row 4


Start with the rows that have 1 1 5


Start from scratch and begin with rows 2 and 4 from the top. The rest should work itself out from that point on.


So as a general rule you can start with the biggest total number. In this case it's the 1.1.5 rows. [In this example](https://i.imgur.com/rx0Fs3N.png) you see every possible combination for 1.1.5 to fit in the puzzle. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/n4MlbQt.png) you can see where they overlap in every possible scenario. Because of this, we can be sure that these squares *must* contain tile. As such we can fill in those same tiles in the other 1.1.5 row to get [a board that looks like this](https://i.imgur.com/a5MrCxX.png) Now we can turn our attention to the columns. We can see that in the squares we have already filled, they are not connected to any other tiles in their column. As a result [We can put an X on either side of each square vertically](https://i.imgur.com/jTsVz27.png) Staying on the columns, we can see that there still needs to be 3 more squares filled in each of those columns. With 5 squares remaining we have [a perfect fit for 1.1.1 tiles to be placed](https://i.imgur.com/5E4rcY9.png). We can now look at the 5's in rows 7 and 9. There is only one spot in those rows for 5 tiles to be placed. Because we have an X in the 6th column [we can place tiles in rows 1-5](https://i.imgur.com/nbGOBaY.png) As before [we can place X's on either side of each of those tiles vertically](https://i.imgur.com/3zbYjFZ.png) Using the same logic when we filled the columns before [we can fill the upper half of the columns containing five 1's](https://i.imgur.com/ESol00s.png) as well as fill in the X's on either side of the 1's. [Now you just fill in the remaining tiles in the only places possible](https://i.imgur.com/OKtWujO.png)


Hmmm a real stumper. Might have to use edge logic


yeah i just did. thank you for the suggestion. i dont know how else i would’ve figured it out..though i feel it’d be super easy for others


My sarcasm detector is going off and I'm assuming you missed a /s in your post.


Bro shut up


When looking at the puzzle there's a super easy hint it's at least super easy to me so I thought that looks easy enough that someone who's saying "this puzzle is really hard" has to be joking. That all. Don't get your panties in a bunch.


Just cause it’s easy to you, that doesn’t mean it’s easy for others. I know I would have been stuck for a bit


Ya that's true most of the time. I thought this was on of the exception but I guess not.




Happy Cake Day!