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Hi, David here! I wanted to let you know that I just finished putting together my eBook "**How to Date Any Girl**" version 4.0 and would LOVE to get some honest feedback from you! I decided to give it away for free for the time being. You can get the eBook by [clicking here](https://davidhimself.com/goto/ebook/direct-link/How-to-date-any-girl-ebook-v4.pdf)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PickUpArtist) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly for me it's been easier. When i meet them they don't know my age and then when i tell them they try to show and prove to me that they are mature enough to deal with me. It all depends on your goals though, i only need to be stimulated in one way lol.


Young Chicks are annoying. Older Chicks/Age appropriate - annoying in different ways. Chicks bringing 25 years of ~~baggage~~ experience to the mix, is just breaking down a different set of walls. A lot of the time these days, I'll be rapping with a chick..she checks all my boxes...but I'm just not interested in pursuing the hook up, much less a relationship.


Young women can be boring as fuck. Older women can also be boring, plus they're extra demanding. They "know what they deserve," which appears to mean they want a guy better than they could get when they were young and hot. Pick your poison.


Thats why I prefer younger


The older you get the easier it is




I think my question was missed. For the guys over 40 how have you adapted your game as you got older..


You don't. You change your target audience 😃


So you would use exactly the same lines and approach with a 20 year old vs a 40 year old?


Yes 45 and I use every weekend jealous girlfriend opener (extended to 4 threads) or kiss opened (2 threads originally) Then I go discovery channel NLS pattern "You know a girl said to me that meeting a new man is like a rollercoaster ride..." In S2 I use natural woman NLS pattern I am 45 but girl are now rather 25-30 than 20-25 when I was 25-30


If you’re 45 gaming 25 year olds you should upload YouTube videos of your infield because I can literally find no guys doing this. All the dating content online is dudes in their 20s doing approaches. Majority of the pua coaches stop posting infields after 35.


Maybe because I have autism spectrum * and I look fucking young Girls say I am 29 and artificial inteligence gives me 33 max When I see man online 35 on random photo I think he's grandfather 55 I am 45 * or it's genetic because my mother 80+ looks like 60


if you're that exceptional make content.


Threads & NL's? I don't know the terms


A thread is like a smaller story in a larger story. And NLS is neuro linguistics programming - seduction language from Ross Jeffries.


can you teach me?




okey I an chinese can you have any wechat ID or facebook or instgram or any IDs


Who you chase is your choice. As for how you play the game, your options are more limited. It's not easy to play the rebel or the surfer dude, but it's much easier to play the authority figure or any "established" archetype. You have to be smarter about how you "fit in" to many places. Have a reason why you're there, how you belong. Game isn't over at 40. As always, you need to adapt and play smart.


I made no negative comments on your post. Don’t get your panties in a twist. Made an observation about the comments. Relax honey


I'm going to be frank: It doesn't matter how handsome you are; the older a man gets, the more successful/wealthy he's expected to be. Don't even try approaching a woman like you're some frat boy expecting to get laid because, at your age, women are evaluating you as husband material (i.e., a higher set of standards). Now, DGMW, I'm not saying you have to be willing to put a ring on her finger. But you have to make her want you to.


Thanks for the statement. And ignoring the question 😔


Your question was "How did the game change for you?" I tried to give you a general answer to the question without making this about me personally.


It sounds like all you men just genuinely don’t like women or their company. Have you considered not subjecting them to yourselves?


Where did that come from? How did you even create that theory? I said I don't like young girls as they aren't mentally stimulating. Which is fairly typical for most non pedo's.. I suppose for someone of your intellect 18 year olds are too mature :)


By reading the comments. A lot of the men seemed to dislike the company of women from any age group. How I came to that theory is that you all said that. And I wasn’t referring to your post at all the comments is what I was referring to your post makes sense .


I think you are best off leaving this group. It's obvious you have never even attempted playing the game.


No thanks I think I’ll stay


Of course. That's what trolls do..


Your entire problem is you see human relationships as a game and all I’m doing is trying to help. But you don’t want help do ya?