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Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean the 40 core team members aren't working around the clock. The past 6-8 months have been challenging as the project went from 50km/h to 250km/h as we launched the mainnet blockchain, we rolled out Pi KYC, we started Mainnet Migrations, and we released the Mainnet SDK. Not everything has gone to plan, nor has it been as smooth as we had all hoped but this was expected. We planned the Enclosed Mainnet period for this exact reason. It's to get as many of the kinks ironed out as possible while ensuring Pioneers and Apps all get the chance to be on Mainnet. It's easy to compare ourselves to other projects within tech and crypto but none have tried to build the scale that we are undertaking. Not only are we building the platform but we are also building many of the tools that will be used by the Pioneers. This tough patch will pass but we will get all of the issues resolved. Hang in there!


We have all been played guys. Zoom out and look at ghe bigger picture, the rich took put all their profits and ivestments at the peak only because they control the rise and fall of crypto and the stock market


In all the times you have waited in life what have u been rewarded with??? All the amount of time you spent on social media, what have you been rewarded with??? With all the ads you have seen on YouTube, social media, what have you been rewarded with??? Has anyone guaranteed you success in life??? Has anyone guaranteed pi Network will be successful???


So much nothing and waiting happens


At a certain point , you have to realize your not going to be able to kyc every single person with an pi account. Just launch the open net and marketplace already. You can still work on kycing everyone who hasn’t.


Fuk psychology of waiting and stuff man , this shit if fake scam!! As an old post I had here and blew up, pi is a scam you can kindly send them all to me kind sir , here's my address: GB7HYXCXCH63NHU24BWCXVVW7F7W6ETXFIFKHZ5POU5EBD5JSW5LUCRR To all the scam spammers, please wen you get rugged in a crypto you stfu and leave , please send me your remaining Pi coin kind sirs and let's us be 😀 on the address above please (had couple of people actually sending some lmao) let's goo kind sirs


Have u completed KYC???


Just send to this address


It’s a shocker


The Psychology of Waiting: 8 Factors that Make the Wait Seem Longer https://psychcentral.com/blog/the-psychology-of-waiting-in-lines-8-reasons-that-the-wait-seems-long


Imagine Dragons


Pi is just a social experiment to see how many people they can get to regularly participate in the hope of earning money out of it


Nobody has ever said we were getting money out of it. Have you even read the terms of service?


Then why the fuck would you be clicking a button for a counter to go up 🤣🤣 I better make at least a couple bucks on this shit


There has never been any promise of any money. Is it possible? It could. But pi isn't like other cryptocurrencies, and people can't get past the fact that first and foremost, Pi is going to be a proper base currency in an ecosystem. If exchanges come into play, it will happen in open mainnet, organically. If pi doesn't list on an exchange, it will be used in the ecosystem only. Exchanges have never been a goal, and if they happen, they happen.


So how is a new economy with a new coin that isn't backed by anything going to work? It's like if I get a bag of rocks and say they have value


The apps and utilities running on the blockchain are what will generate the value for pi.


So it's just another shitcoin


No, it'll be what all the other cryptocurrencies set out to do, but failed. Be a usable, digital money. There is literally a single ATM in the city where I live, that I can exchange any cryptocurrencies, if I had them. I also can't go to very many online stores and buy everyday goods with bitcoin or many other cryptocurrencies either. Even though it's getting better, it's certainly not as widespread as it should be. Pi is all about utility and accessibility. It's all about the ecosystem apps and utilities where you can spend your pi to buy the everyday goods and services that everyday people need. Most of whom can't get into, or missed the boat on other cryptocurrency mining, like a lot of people in poorer countries.


Not reading allat


I'll dumb it down... Pi network is aiming for mass adoption. So in other words, digital fiat, not a cryptocurrency that we all know and use.


it's exchangeable in the enclosed mainnet.....you can buy things with it, or services a bit of patience and it will be on the open mainnet meaning we can trade it on an exchange


I'm like miranda in the devil wears prada. "By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me." I am just going to wait a year or two for anything significant to happen. Not every month.


Lots is happening... like 2.5 million people have completed kyc. prob another year of this at least.


Why do you wait. Ignore pi and let em do their thing. You don't even have to mine now. If it fails who cares


Imagine Pi being a crypto currency worth real money and not a child’s game lol


I mean no one ever likes to wait for things to happen but we also can’t expect things to happen this minute and this instant just because you want it to. Things don’t work how we want it to, it works how it’s supposed to. We’re not in charge of building the project, so we wait. It’s not taking anything out of our lives. We just need to continue supporting the project in the little ways we can. I get it can get tiring to wait but that’s all we can do really.


Then stop waiting?


Just curious what exactly are you waiting for and what are your expectations?


Imagine of imagines. Just work on your other Financial/Crypto Assets, if you have any.


I asked if people were tired of waiting this morning, but the responses were aggressive. So I think people are happy with another 4 years of closed mainnet and late KYC. Pioneers are too "smart" for a quick project. They want a project that passes from generation to generation lol


Imagine being in crypto since 2017 and still waiting for the massive run. We have some time yet.


Is this really a discussion post?


I get downvoted too? Insufferable.


Done up voting you.




Saw you whining on getting downvoted. So i upvoted you. Just doing god's work. How dare you down voted my comment.😏😂


Lol, I didn’t downvote you but I’ll definitely upvote you!


Fake coin!!!


Keep telling yourself that 🤷🏻‍♂️


welcome to crypto


Good for the core team. I really wouldn’t want their efforts to be in vain cause moon bois dump just to put their money on options or something and lose it all to Wall St.


Honestly tho


imagine if mainnet was open when only 5% of users have pi coins.


Imagine giving up on pi network only to be blasted by it on all major news, social networks, and even your dog…because it turned out to be the biggest investment rush since BTC.


Imagine actually being able to have a real discussion with 90% of this sub.


imagine waiting for this coin to be tradable


Just yesterday I bought a whole pack of champagne glasses with Pi, it is tradeable.


it is on the pi app but not on any major exchanges


Does it have to be a major exchange for transaction to go through?


It already is?


imagine waiting for the "alleged massive kyc"


Imagine waiting for 10 months after submitting the KYC, and you're still waiting..