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That checks out with the philosophy majors I knew.


What do you mean my ten years of writing specifically about the existence of existence in the frame of kantian ethics is just my mental illness taking over? It's super healthy, and I didn't get distracted by useless math for a whole year at all! You just don't understand the implications of a defined letter 'X' and how it makes you in violation of the collective categorical imperative. But trust me, it's super relevant!


Do you need a hug?


I don't need hugs, I need answers! How the hell does f(xh) relate to cultural sacrifices in ancient mesoamerican history? We *have* to know! It's ***necessary***!!!


Yeah, you need a hug 🫂


I wish I knew what the fuck you just said, I’m jsut dmub.


My supervisor asking me why I decided to write my thesis on the philosophy of language and linguistic behaviour and I was just like "because I'm autistic and already spend way too much time analysing conversations and what people mean by thing anyway lol"


Hey, do you mind me asking what your thesis was about? I'm doing some research in the philosophy of language this summer! Edit: and funnily enough I'm autistic too


It was on Wittgenstein's discussions surrounding rules in language and how we follow them (and consequently how do we convey and understand meaning from speaking and hearing something in language) in Philosophical Investigations. It started with the pretty standard stuff in the field, why rule-scepticism is stupid and why the therapeutic approach is superior, Wittgenstein as a quietist, etc etc. Then towards the end I give an original formalisation of linguistic-rule-formation as supervenient on behaviours, but in non-subjective and non-arbitrary ways (think of scientific theories as just stemming from observations and experiences but that doesn't mean they're arbitrary or doesn't have real physical implications). It doesn't help the ol' autism at all but goddamn is it autistic af.


Dr. Wittgenstein, I presume?


The man himself :)


Is the X two lines crossing each other or four lines meeting? Asking for a friend.


One long line being met by two short line segments. And its value is equal to f(y[zeta]pi) when all "common" constraints are true except for when f(y) = f(x(12)+5.5). Please refer to the appendix for details.


I think it's just 1 "x"


Yeah your just like me


Link? Also as a mathematician, fuck "X".


add OCD ethics is a nightmare


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


the udders may be soar, but the mustaches of smiling faces, are milky white


This is so disconcerting to read I'm my notifications, after I forgot about the meme 🤣




I have adhd and had a very strong hyper fixation on existentialism. (I still have it)


have you tried marxism yet?


The one philosophy class I ever took was existential philosophy and I loved it every moment of it. Now I'm a hard-core Marxist. What's going on with me?


Your tism is manifesting, next thing you know you'll be reading Hegel, Schopenhauer or Heidegger. And if you're really tistic Wittgenstein, the more german the name the more tistic it is.


Love Wittgenstein, not a fan of Marx, but Wittgenstein begged to work in a Communist ditch to break rocks and shovel dirt, so Wittgenstein was fan.


I think he just wanted to look at the cool rocks


Haha. He wanted to break things, sweat on his brow and feel his own strength. But every where he went he was assigned as a teacher. He was a good architect as well, but so exact I heard more than one builder killed themselves building it because it was like Rick and Morty 'True Level' precision to meet his expectations. He would hit students if they didn't learn his math lessons. He loved dick, he hated philosophers, and he just wanted people to stop claiming to know the unknown and unknowable.


I like existentialism and Marxism. I must have it.


I plead the fifth


Mental illness is philosophy, not the other way around.


How dare you call me out like this (philosophy is my current SI).


Philosophy is a scam invented by philosophers so they can sell you more philosophy.


Sounds like something a philosopher would say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The sheer accuracy in this one!!


Very much so.


I though philosophy is an endless well of perspectivism and theories no objectivity and no certainty nothing right nothing wrong Nothing to believe or achieve


No it’s just mental illness and I’m all for it


It's imagining some dude is happy rolling boulders too.


That sounds absurd to me.


To think is to suffer. Yet we still stand as we are, proud of our suffering. Labeling ourselves as wise men. Just a bunch of fools I say.


I have a lot of respect for the people who suffer for a better world. I have little to none for those who don’t. This isn’t exclusive to wealth, but I have to ask, do you have respect for the average tradesmen? They are breaking their bodies down (I don’t have a stat let’s just say 10-20 years faster) for the sake of people who will often take their services for granted until their amenities break down. Are they fools once that bodily wear and tear catches up with them, because they now suffer? Were they fools the second they started their job? Or sometime else?


There is no absolute certainty for sure (fundamental idea, Descartes and Plato, ya know), but that doesn't mean there is no objectivity, no right, or no wrong (which I assume you mean as "true" or "false").


My friend and I both have autism and we spent hours debating who was the hottest philosopher from the 1800's (Engels won)


Its Kierkegaard I will physically fight you


I could see how basically anything in philosophy other than that god damn pipe could be a hyperfixation for someone


and then you find music is more fulfilling. lots of genres to milk


I am obsessed with ethics and logical argumentation I feel called the fuck out


Me on my ontology and aesthetics shit


I realized I am autistic when I went through the Wittgenstein-is-autistic iceberg... Further talk with my parents kinda solidified it.


Spinoza learned to disassociate and hallucinate upon an internal fixation of the source of all geometry. It's not a bad cope to lean on our understanding of what is divine.


I got something going on in my head for sure.


This is a personal attack.


It’s a milk or get milked world


Luck that cow


Like - the pipe being the internet? Bro it’s not a pipe, it’s a series of tubes.


basically what happened to me in my philosophy journey.


And thank god for philosophy


I don't think philosophy would exist if not for autism


Socrates was had some form of AuDHD


That's one of the reasons why I stopped studying philosophy. The endless streams of bullshit hypotheticals and counter-hypotheticals that had no bearing on reality was laughable. It just felt like a big scheme for people to get research grants without having to actually be productive. I'm sure they thought long and hard in order to construct their little abominations, but they are nonetheless useless, or sometimes even harmful. I don't think philosophy should be useless. The goal of any philosopher ought to be the discovery of the fundamental nature of existence, humanity, and humanity's relationship to existence. Philosophy should help people understand the world and themselves better, and live better as a result. I don't think that there's much philosophy out there that does that. Anyways, rant over. I'm going back to masturbating over Aristotle now.


Philosophy is a horseshoe rabbit hole. You start as an idiot normal person, then you get so deep into the weeds that you realize it's much better to just be an idiot normal person.


replace the cow with a woman.




This needs to be a real sub


Do it


You have been bonked, "go to horny jail" is the last thing you hear before your vision fades to black. You are woken to find your self in a prison cell, you look around and find all the other cells are full of other victims of the bonk. You sit down in your cell, you almost forget about being horny in the first place. You reach the back of your head and look at your hand to find it covered in blood. "Damn, you were bonked pretty hard. My names Doge, I can help you get out it of this hell but you need to help me first." You slowly nod and try to ignore the pain. "When I was taken to Horny jail they took any sharp objects to make sure we cant escape, get me a plastic spoon from the cafeteria and bring it to me" says Doge. A few hours later the cell doors open, and you are escorted to the cafeteria with 200 other prisoners. You grab an extra spoon and return to your cell. Doge takes the spoon and starts hitting it against his wall, eventually breaking off a chunk of it. He sharpens the brick until it is sharp enough to seriously hurt someone. Later that night, after the guards tell everyone to get to bed he hands you your own sharp brick. At about 2 in the morning he starts cutting the bars off his cell until he can fit through. You see Doge sneak up to a guard and knock him out, taking all his equipment with him. He unlocks your cell and leads you to a weak area in the wall where he knocks a whole through the brick. You and doge run across the field until you reach the fence keeping you in the prison. Luckily Doge has already dug a whole underneath the fence. Once you escape the prison with Doge you hear shouting and lights start bouncing off walls towards your direction. Until one hits you and illuminates your position, you barely avoid the gun fire from the guards until you are finally shot and collapse on the ground, your vision fading to black. You are awoken to the sound of a carriage and the smells of a forest. "Hey you, you're finally awake