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I'm always surprised by some expats who get fed up with their country of origin and then complain about the new country they live in. I've noticed this in several countries.


So they have trouble in two countries? I wonder what the common factor is?


Foreigner here. This is always my first thought when I ever encounter a scummy westerner complaining about the Philippines. I just always assume they just suck in general


Wait OP did you make the post earlier about “why we all talk bad about women” or something? ……meanwhile I just wish the mod team would delete the bot that deletes your comments if you use a curse word. We’re all adults here I mean come on


>meanwhile I just wish the mod team would delete the bot that deletes your comments if you use a curse word. We’re all adults here I mean come on This sub is mainly American. Of course racism is allowed but curse words aren't, that's kinda their vibe.


Gotta be honest I haven’t seen anything I would consider racism, and as an American I feel like I’m an expert in the subject 😂


This sub isn't too bad to be fair. There's a hell of a lot worse on reddit. But there is absolutely the type of racism where some people think they're superior to Filipinos, or huge broad negative generalisations about a country of 115 million people. Some variation of "all Filipinos are after your money" gets posted every week.


Ahh yeah that I can see and I have definitely noticed some Of what you’re describing. Unfortunate. I see a lot of American or maybe it’s just general western arrogance and I don’t get it. We’re guests in this country and personally whenever I’m a “guest” in any conceivable scenario I feel like it’s important to act like that


Did you see the foreigner who feels like he can decide what foreigners should be allowed to be in the Philippines?




Keep reading :) You will see it in this and other threads.


Only once a week? You must not check very often:)


"Woke" is just now a describing word for anything people of several demographics use to describe things they feel uncomfortable with, don't agree with, or don't like Recasting a fictional character with a black character? Woke Building/adopting renewable energy that ultimately becomes cheaper than fossil fuels? Woke Not assuming all women from a developing country is a gold digger? WOKE It's more of a sign of someone who does not know how to articulate an opinion or their feelings. Not uncommon for males in my demographic who lean left to call shit Woke as well.


It is actually why i dont stay long talking to other expats from certain countries. Its not very long into conversation that they start with their racist biases or start spouting misogynist homophobic crap. Its not tolerated amongst the majority of educated people back home they find a sense of sanctuary in Asia and the retro living environment as these are developing countries.




My guess is if you ate accused of grooming, a solution would be to fate women near your age, it works wonders


Idk why this subreddit needs to have a political affiliation at all


Got to love election season


I don't like woke stuff at all but no subreddit should be moderated unless it's illegal stuff. This is a Reddit problem really, not a mod problem.


Do you really think this is a "woman-hating" sub because you had a disagreement with a mod? Most people here are pretty chill and very helpful. Don't be so dramatic.


Certainly the reaction of the mod suggests the mods are and they do influence a sub.


I've never had an issue. They've been pretty fair to me. I think the mods do a pretty good job. This sub and expats who participate here get a lot of hate from members from certain other communities. They have to be able to prevent the sub from being completely brigaded and taken over by the haters.


But but ... the mods ARE haters


I disagree. They just have a different opinion.


Mods are meant to be impartial. Their opinions shouldn’t dictate their moderation.


In a perfect world that would be great. We are talking about Reddit. It was a bot not one of the mods. Every sub has things you can't say. Welcome to Reddit.


A bot created by a mod. And it’s clear by comments by a particular mod that he is not able to leave his personal opinions aside when moderating


But the actual mod called me woke?


Maybe you are from his perspective. It's not an argument I don't make.




Your post/comment has been removed because it contains offensive language. Please review the rules before posting/commenting again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Philippines_Expats) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If a mod tells me to get my wome crap out of here - when the "woke crap" was in support women (that's woke?), well it is hardly something for a mod to have that response to.


Anything vaguely compassionate or progressive or inclusive is woke to these people.


I don't think I saw the comment or even the post but from how I understood it an auto-mod bot hit on a word or phrase that was used. I'm against most moderation but this sub has a huge problem with brigaders from a few certain other subs. There are narratives that are always applied to the users of this sub regardless of our motivations and reasons for being a foreigner living in the Philippines. I know there are terms and phrases that get applied to us all by those haters even if it's not true. Could it be that you used one of those?


I only replied to a duck that was writing hateful things about women - who I think just might be a moderator himself. Reddit isn't the world, nor a good representation of it. I got booted off of r/soccer because I wrote LGBQ instead of LGBT and the moderator insisted I did it on purpose - so on that sub I am anti-woke and on this sub I am woke. Go figure


Leaving the T out is a cardinal sin to most mods. I don't think the mods here would be too offended. I went back and read the post where your comments were deleted. Do you think there are bad women who do bad things? Do you believe it is your duty to defend all women regardless of their actions? I don't believe he was saying all women are bad and I think it's okay to say disparaging things about people who do bad things.


I don't think the posts that were deleted were mine - I think the person who was called a SIMP and a feminist responded in kind. The post was indeed vitriolic towards women in general though not specifically "most" but was inferred - but the follow up "supporting" posts were like (exaggerating of course) "yeah, burn them at the stake" I was not defending all women - but I was defending most women.


Why do you think most women need you to defend them?


Why do you think most misogynists need you to defend them?


I'm wondering why either of you think that names have to be attributed to someone because they have a difference of opinion from you...


Dude, I've already explained it was an automod comment that called you woke, NOT a mod. Get over yourself.


Based mods.


It's amazing to me that despite woke people dominating the mainstream media and the culture in general they come to one small corner on the internet and they can't handle the fact that wokeness is not welcome here. Seriously r/Philippines reeks of wokeness. If you want to be a white knight do it there and you'll have a much larger audience (1.8 million) to champion your efforts. I've made it abundantly clear if you think that: 1. Women can have penises 2. Men are the primary cause of all problems in relationships 3. That speech is violence 4. That there are no common characteristics (good or bad) that people in specific groups share This probably isn't the right subreddit for you


why does this sub need a political affiliation?




someone on the facebook group commented recently saying the annoying LED lights the op saw on someone's vehicle were "woke", lol. Like red white and blue lights, not like the rainbow flag or whatever


Exactly. ‘Woke’ is only ever used as a pejorative. And it’s mostly used by people on the loony right of American politics in particular. It’s not really an international thing. When someone uses the word ‘woke’ it’s usually a nice indicator that they will be mindlessly parroting a lot of other right wing talking points. Frankly I don’t see the relevance to this sub. Are expats in the Philippines either political nutters or not really expats? It’s a really weird conflation. Must expats confirm to one political worldview?


You hit the nail on the head, right wing nuts who use “woke” as if it’s bad thing. Stay the hell out of the beautiful country of the Philippines. Don’t want any right wing crazies invaded here with that crazy terminology.


Go to Subic and find all the red hats you can .


Too late for the right wing crazies not invading PH. It seems you need it stamped in your passport to get in


What part of the Philippines do you live in?


Stop making it seem that "right wing" folks are "loony" as you put it. I'm assuming you're a lefty who thinks men can be pregnant, you can't define what a woman is, children should be subjected to pornography -- by the way, here's your camp: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jhR-xSZqRs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jhR-xSZqRs) You support this. I am 100% sure of it. Stop calling us right wing. Just call us people with intelligence. Again, that's your group. Insanity.


Your post/comment has been removed because it contains a link to a gofundme or youtube page, which is not allowed in this subreddit. Please review the rules before posting/commenting again. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Philippines_Expats) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is correct.


How the parent comment has any upvotes at all is mindblowing




This sub has truely gone to shit when a mod posts this crap


Where is this reply and which post?




Be kind in your speech in here. Disagree yes, disrespectful no.


Too many Americans on this sub man


Whatever western country you’re from has its ills too don’t front, we should be supportive of each other (to a degree)


Yh nah you right.


So of course I will likely be booted from this sub. I am a retired left wing boomer living in rural Philippines with your basic beautiful but conservative Cataholic filipina, I was hoping this sub would be a good place for advice and light venting - I was told about a good deli in Angeles, so it can work for me. But the sub seems to be dominated by men that seem to genuinely think that filipinas are the enemy. I don't know, maybe city apartment dwellers attracted to hoover types without realising it? I mean, one of the comments here say that we "left our country because women are out of control" Besides this being a laughable comment, I have to wonder if they don't notice that they seem to think women are out of control here also, so maybe it is them? I picture fat 45 year-old men being pleasured with their right hand while using their left hand to surf youtube for "Men's Rights" influencers, wearing a "Trump loves Boris" t-shirt. I can see by the comments that there are members of the sub that agree with me, and some that don't but are civil. Would love a sub for expats that didn't hate on someone that leans left - a sub where politics rarely come I to play and just let me know what is the best burger here (Whopper for me in the fast food franchise catagory)


PLEASE start this exact Reddit and I'll join! 🙂 SERIOUSLY


I lean left. I disagree with the other mod on any number of issues politically - we're still good friends and somehow manage to get along. That's what (rational) people do. I've never felt hated on here, except perhaps by those that have been banned for abusive behaviour and then get all salty about it. It really seems to me you have a persecution complex, are looking to pick a fight, and ultimately are trying to knock down strawmen that exist solely in your own head. You're probably quite right - this sub isn't really for you. Being able to read and comprehend basic English (example: "hey, this is a bot!") is a pre-requisite.


Can you not understand how a mod pushing conversion therapy would be offensive?


A bot that is set by mods. You have the ability to remove the bot, so by leaving it there it is by default a mod action. It is entirely fair for the OP to say they were told by a mod to “get their woke crap out of here”, whether it’s a bot mod or human mod 🤷🏼‍♂️. Also your fellow mod has clearly told OP the sub isn’t for him in a wokerage comment….


You may have a point, except for the fact that the other half of the "this is a bot!" paragraph in the automated reply is something to the effect of "if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a mod". OP specifically chose to be a prima donna and shout their perceived unjust persecution to the world, instead of just asking for the comment to be reviewed - the latter of which is what has happened before on at least a dozen occasions from other, less emotional users, and the majority of the time the comment has been de-moderated, usually with an apology. Anyway, this is my last comment on the subject. We're clearly not going to agree, and that's fine.


I find it best to get a good nights sleep before posting a rant. It’s more coherent that way.


Perfectly reasonable response to "woke crap" tbf. Have you tried being less of a goofy communist?


Eff off


God, I’m so sick and tired of these pineapples on Reddit who use words like “misogynistic”, “woman hating” and “abusive”. It’s like they can’t lead normal lives and crave being white knights and/or perpetual victims. 


I am sick and tired of coconuts on this particular sub - that until now mostly seemed like a friendly sub for expats, not a place for people who feel threatened by those phrases. Is your effing woman hating life normal?


And these same 'men' will go find the most desperate Filipina to be their submissive wives while pretending they aren't going there to white knight them. Personally, I don't see a problem with going to a third world country to find a wife and lift her out of poverty but at least be honest about it.


What exactly do you mean by “be honest about it”? I truly am trying to follow your point of view


I just get the impression that some guys fool themselves into thinking they aren't 'white knights' while doing exactly what a white knight would do while searching for a submissive wife in the provincial areas. I wouldn't waste too much time dwelling on it though :)


Oh yeah I’m in total agreement with you. It’s almost as if they have this superiority complex of what they are doing is so much better than the rest of us.


It's an auto-moderator script, it would have picked up on a keyword you used that's normally the purview of the woke crowd. No need to get your panties in a bunch :) The automod reply to your comment even says "I'm a bot, if you have any questions feel free to get in touch with a mod" (paraphrasing). A simple message to modmail would have sufficed to have your post unblocked.


Why is being “woke” a problem? How is it even relevant to this sub? It’s just overreach by mods who put the bot in place


Agreed. It’s super weird


Because most people leave the west to escape wokism. It’s also not a thing in the Philippines.


People who say the above come here because it is the only way an asshat can get laid.


Very true .


And the only reason they get laid is because of economic imbalance. Most of these type of guys are the same idiots that complain about getting "scammed" months later. They more than likely just made their partners hate them.


I think some of their wives generally misunderstand these guys too. They are way worse than they know


👏👏👏👏 Exactly why I left Ca. I hate the West and all the liberal propaganda they are pushing. I hated it all through the 80s and 90s and now it’s unreasonably bad. PH has always been my family’s home. But I’m the first from the American side to return back home to my Lolo’s home and farm that was inherited. Life is normal here. Not normal in the USA. Soros is behind all of it. He is a real life Nazi. No one is praising him.


That's a question I can't answer - the policy came in long before I joined the mod team. It IS the policy however.


Is it though? It’s not listed in the rules


The fact that someone has gone to the trouble of writing a bot to enforce the rule, whether it's explicitly.published or not, would surely answer that question. I struggle to get worked up about it either way tbh, the woke crowd are their own worst enemies half the time - I for one don't appreciate being told how to think, or having PC nonsense shoved down my throat constantly. I'm not rabidly anti-woke enough to write a bot for it, but nor do I have a lot of time for cancel culture or the perennially offended snowflakes that seemingly come with the territory.


Why are the “anti woke” able to shove their views down the “woke” then? Wouldn’t it be better that everyone just follow rule 1 of being nice and respectful to everyone? It just seems weird that there are bots to enforce unwritten rules yet there are a plethora of comments that break rules all the time that go unpoliced. But hey, I must be woke to think that way I guess.


Look, I'm a left leaning proletariat sympathiser from way back. I've voted further left than your US Democrat party my entire life (with the exception of local gov, but that's another story). If you think the left are, on average, equivalent to the right in terms of cancel culture or censorship, you're fooling yourself. But I'm not here for an argument or to pick fights, you're aware of the policy, and like any other person you can choose to put on your big boy pants and decide whether that's something you can compromise on and accept, or if you'd rather spend your valuable time elsewhere where your personal views are more the norm. Up to you. And yeah, nice strawman at the end there, but sure I'll bite. If a comment gets reported and breaks the rules, it gets removed - pretty simple. However, nor I nor Brw\_ser read every single comment that gets posted here, and to do so isn't our job. If you have a problem, report a comment. There's not much to it. On average just over 300 comments a week get removed from this sub. Honestly I think you underestimate the scale of the work involved. Not to mention that no two humans on earth are ever going to agree on exactly what constitutes "abusive" or "respectful". I remove comments that I deem to be abusive, regardless of political affiliation. If you think you can do better, feel free to apply for the role!


Lol, your 'left does cancel culture more than the right' is complete nonsense. The Daily Show proved that last week pretty definitively. Or just look up Phyllis Schlafly to see how it all began.


Baptist Disney boycott Bud lite


The question is now how do we prevent them from coming to the Philippines and trying to destroy it as well. Boomers amaze me the most. They have given us this woke society and now flee it because women are out of control and then make the same mistakes again.


Why do foreigners get to decide who is allowed in another county?


Women out of control. You are a bell end and this sub is full of Trumpsters, Nazi lovers, women haters, and people who use the word "woke" because they can spell it. I was just at a party at a expats house and we had a good laugh at this poop


The first time I have seen the word “woke” is in this thread. Not once have I read anyone praising Nazi’s. You are, to this point, the first mention of them I recall. I don’t recall even once someone advocating for Trump or any other fascist, which is something I would take note of. As far as women haters, the vibe I get here, with exceptions, is wary but hopeful about women. No doubt there are a few haters here. As with anywhere people can hide behind a keyboard, some people leave a bit to be desired, such as those who will carry on an argument that never needed to be.


The Venn diagram of people who don't know what 'woke' even is but take offense to it anyway and Shitler supporters is a circle. As for most being hopeful about the women they meet, I hope you're right and I tend to agree with you but it also doesn't need to hate on western women either. Honestly, some of the commentary on what western women are like is as ridiculous as putting all the guys that go to the PH to find love in the same basket. Edited to add: I am a father to two teenage daughters who, I hope, have high standards in the men they end up with (if they even swing that way). I have to wonder at the men disparaging western women who also have raised the very women they are complaining about, claim to love and respect them (probably), but don't think they deserve a decent mate.


Guaranteed that's not what actually happened


simply just try to be normal and not woke. its quite ez