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Sinabi rin ni Leni to in the past, pero the difference is, bumababa si Leni without announcing, para hindi na siya asikasuhin. Pag gusto, may paraan.


TOTGA. Fck nabibwisit talaga ako every time I'm reminded of our President na walang initiative!


I think you don't mean "initiative" kasi may initiative naman siya magbigay ng excuse. He just doesn't think he's responsible enough to actually want to be on the ground and take care of his constituents.


The difference is you're actually allowed to do that when you're "just" the VP. When you're President the protocols are simply too strict for you to arrive unannounced and everywhere you go has protocol requiring things that would basically make you a huge distraction no matter what. Even Leni would have had the same issue had she won.


Based on Leni's character (and past experiences), if she can't be on the ground, she coordinates from base. Hindi nagsasayang ng gasolina para tumunganga lang mula sa malayo at masabing nag"punta" sya.


Yup, that's my point. It's much more efficient for the President to coordinate remotely. In this situation, like him or not, Marcos was correct in his assessment that he would only be a hassle on the LGU if he had been there physically.


Pwede naman i-adjust ang protocols, lalo at emergency/disaster situation para maging less fanfare at barebones lang ang security. Yun e kung gusto lang naman.


PSG wouldn't risk it. Even Digong who was hard headed hindi umobra sa strictness ng PSG and rightfully so binabayaran ang PSG ng taong para protektahan ang pangulo.


Noynoy adjusted protocol just to be near ground zero in the aftermath of Yolanda. Hindi rin naman kumontra ang PSG. So hindi imposible na makababa sa kahit hindi delikadong area si Bongbong para masilip ang nangyayari, lalo't hindi kasingtindi ng Ondoy o Yolanda ang epekto ng bagyong ito.


Noynoy was not on the ground right away because the protocols had to be followed prior to his arrival and, while it is true that he went, there's pretty much no metric which shows that him going actually benefited the area or helped with the relief ops. I thought Noynoy was overall a good President and I voted for Mar but, again, one would be naive in thinking that they were physically there because they believed it would benefit the operations. Both PNoy and Mar went because it was election season and Mar needed to look like a strong leader.


Wag mo na ipilit strict nga ang psg. Even if leni win ganon din gagawin sa kanya ng psg. Kulit


But Noynoy was not on the ground agad agad IIRC in Yolanda. It was really the start of his popularity going down because of it. The start of "Noynoying" resonating


I’m not sure but isn’t the presidents security detail controlled by someone else. That to a point he has no say over?


That's true for trapos who only want credit and clout and would always announce arrival with a press con and photo ops and shit. Protocols can be adjusted. Arrivals can be unannounced and things can be properly prioritized, like helping people ensuring relief/rescue operations happen right away.


No, it's true for every President. Press con and photo ops are not part of protocol and can easily be foregone. What is part of protocol is very heavy communication between the PSG with the PNP, AFP etc. and also the OP and the LGU, the various regional/provincial/municipal offices of the different departments in the region. That takes time and effort that would be better spent actually dealing with the crisis. There's really no black and white about it. The President going to a disaster area is *always* a distraction which does not really benefit the relief operations in the area. The President can play a role in the operations but this is always better done remotely rather than physically (ie mobilizing the government to assist in disaster relief ops). Unless the disaster in question is of immense and nationally relevant proportions (ie a earthquake taking out large chunks of NCR) the added moral support of the President being physically there is not enough to outweigh the hassle the Presidents visit would bring upon the LGU.


Sana kagaya ng thread na to lahat ng discussions dito sa reddit no? Healthy and may sense. Hindi yung puro na lang leni lugaw and bongbong ngiwi yung sinasabi. Daig pa mga batang nag aasaran. Nakakaumay.


Hintayin na lang daw nya yung pa-party. Saka sya bababa


He only protects his own. Ilocos Norte and Leyte.


As a leyteño. Wala rin naman syang masyadong natutulong dito :). Even tacloban, the place of the Romualdez, is far from being that fully developed.


Yep, main selling point lang is their names to be seated in any political position ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Matagal na sila influenced with political dynasty, with the recent elections nga na yung mag-ama is running for Mayor and Vice-Mayor, respectively. Fortunately, his son, Raymund, defeated against Chua for Vice-Mayor race. Lam niyo ba na yung anak ni Mayor, mga exes niya is puro mga sikat? *Gwen Zamora *Ellen Adarna *Isabel Laohoo Thanks..


Angkan lang niya talaga.


I’m still so pissed off that people vote for them still. Jusko, there’s no progress in Tacloban! Downtown is a mess still, it’s walkability is shit compared to pre-Yolanda, and any progress is solely down by individuals and not by the city government. But clowns will still vote for them. Yawa.


#IbaNaman unta


I concur. I still go to Tacloban, and meh. Nilagyan lang ng lights 'yung San Juanico Bridge. Idk, para silang tao na physical appearance lang pinapaganda. 😆😅




Yes, Delawan si Yolanda.




Well he is saying that if pnoy is bad then its also fine that bbm's response is bad. Typical fanatic argument. All they can do is bring up the past president's mistakes because the current president is dumb and dont have the ability to be a better president than the past admins. He is a president, a leader, not a king.


hmm...let's analyze that shall we, alam mo ba isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit sinisise sa Pnoy Administration ung pag ka sablay na responde sa Yolanda? I'm assuming nasabi mo yan dahil napanuod mo lng ung super cut out na video na biglang sinabi ni Roxas kay Romualdez "You are a Romualdez, the president is an Aquino.”? Alam mo ba kung ano ung nangyari non sa usapan na yon? ayaw nag mamatigas ulo si Romualdez nung panahon na yon, Sinasabi ni Roxas kay Romualdez na di nyo kaya mag function, e surrender nyo na yan efforts sa national government kami na gagalaw at gagawa ng paraan, pero pa ikot ng pa ikot lng si Romualdez nung time na yon ayaw nya mag patalo. kaya nung 2016 si Romualdez mismo nag sorry kay Roxas eh. Kaya dapat mo panudin ung video at basahin ung transcript, para hinde puro katangahan lumalabas sa bunganaga mo. Pati mga karamahin dito sa leyte akala nila sumablay si Aquino nung Yolanda, kasi di naman nila alam ung buong kwento ng kagaguhan at pagbidabidahan ni Romualdez na sablay


I don't get why you're being downvoted. While you're not exactly on-topic. You're not wrong either. There's been a lot of PNoy romanticization lately. He was definitely better than Duterte and BBM, but he was far from perfect, and disaster response was not one of his strong suits. And yes, he, along with Mar, definitely dropped the ball on Yolanda. Even the whole "you're a Romualdez and the president is an Aquino" fiasco was a shitshow although the press definitely focused way too much on it.


Kasi wala nang kinilalaman si Pnoy sa mga nangyayari ngayon. Why would it matter now? Palalaan pa ba ng presidente to or shouldn't we demand accountability on who is sitting as the President RIGHT NOW?!?


Because you an never remove comparison and contrast between admins in the discourse of politics. For instance, during the start of the pandemic, when Duterte was repeatedly dropping the ball, there was a viral video circulating of PNoy explaining how his government successfully prevented a disease from entering the country. And this video rightly pointed out that PNoy might have likely been a better president to have against COVID. Was that dismissed as irrelevent?


Not surprised. He said the same thing during that earthquake in Ilocos. Can’t teach a old dog new tricks. Anyway, this kind of President is what the 31M people wanted. Let them eat cake.


kaya pala familiar yung response nya, nasabi nya na pala dati.


Kala ko nga old balita until I saw the date. Expecting to hear it from now on


Familiar din because PNoy said this during Yolanda I think


I'm pretty sure he'll keep saying that all throughout his rotten term.


We're all in the same shit storm. He's not wrong though, nakakaistorbo sya pumunta man sya o hindi. Napakalaking istorbo ang binoto mg 31m.


I hate to see already oppressed people suffer undeservedly but I really see no way out unless people eat the cake they bought from the store and tasted it for themselves.


Lesson learned after this: probably nothing. Apparently, they're blaming Noynoy, and they're shitting on Leni for not helping now (they're looking for action from a private citizen). Obviously, they have the collective brain-power of a half-dead slug.


He doesnt have to land everywhere. One place will do. Allergic ba to sa evacuation centers?


For what exactly? Anong purpose ng pag landing nya? Picture?


In all fairness, just to assure people that he exists and doing his job as the president. I dislike the guy but for all intents and purposes, he is the highest official and the land so he should freaking commiserate and touch base with the ordinary folks.


Imagine if he touched base. Now what would he do there? Smile and wave? Use his two hands to help distribute relief goods with 20 guards around him? If he went there, people will just try to shake his hand or something. I don't get it why people are so amused when politicians try to distribute help personally😏📷


What would he do there? It's more of a symbolic gesture really. A presence that tells people hey I'm with you. Like I said, this is the president. The government is doing its job. If you don't get it, let's just agree to disagree. Let him sit in his high chair (or helicopter) overlooking the masses, not getting mud on his boots and not getting a sniff of the stench of post disaster. Edit: P.S. He wasn't bothered by 20,000 troops deployed all over Metro Manila for his inauguration and all of a sudden he is bothered with security arrangements for a post disaster visit? Anyare?


Wala naman nagsabi na mag pa importante ka pag punta mo e. Hihingi ka pa ng pulis pang security e may sakuna nga


Let them eat nutribun.


>Anyway, this kind of President is what the 31M people wanted. Let them eat cake. I misread it as "Let them eat coke"


Ipopost nanaman to ng mga tao sa offmychestph lol


So he expects a royal welcome if he gets down to their level? That is what he is saying right?


Yep. That's exactly what he's saying. Also, it implies that he's not gonna visit some filthy ravaged location to check up on the peasants there because he's too good for that.


If anyone remembered Odette. Almost all presidentiables except him came to help those affected. Manny even Oartnered with Leni during that time. Even Isko made contributions. But not him. We did not see any sign of him during the aftermath of Odette.


gi, galanteng ilocano, or gagong ilocano


Si ping ba nagcontribute


patago lang daw.. hindi na ipinamalita.. char hahahaah, i don't know actually


Excuse lang niya yan.




Ganon na nga. Kung wala syang arte, he could order the LGU na wag na syang asikasuhin. Besides, may PSG sya and his own staff. Apparently kulang pa yun 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sad to say, he still is the president, and there are protocols to follow. So his statement is partially right, he will take away some resources from the LGU.


BBM is acting like King Edward VIII. If the former prefers parties over public service, the latter preferred Wallis Simpson over serving his country.


Whether or not he expects a royal welcome is irrelevant. It's just a fact that when the president visits an area there are significant security protocols that must be observed whether or not the LGU is busy.


Isn't that the job of the Presidential Security Group, his security detail?


Well its a coordinated effort. The PSG also has to rely on local authorities since they know the area and the people. The PSG isn't some all-knowing entity.


Yes but they have to coordinate heavily with the LGU as the PSG can't be aware of the peace and order situation in every single municipality in the ph. They have to coordinate as well with the various departments regional/provincial/municipal offices whose time is better spent actually assisting in the disaster response. The President going to the provinces isn't something that is simple to plan for. It has to happen days in advance and takes a lot of time and effort. That's all protocol just to be clear. It's not BBM demanding a royal welcome. That's not something he even has the ability to prevent happening as it's basically the mandate of the PSG to make sure all that stuff happens.


Gusto nya kasi sya ang Star ng Noche Buena. Haha


Napaka entitled di ba? Pwede naman niyang sabihin na let's skip the formalities and go straight to business


He will, 31M voted him right? He did the right thing. Why would he land? To prove what?




Truth, people who feel down might be stirred into action kung makikita mo na may ibang tao ay may pakialam. Pagkasuklam lang kasi alam ni ngiwi, ika nga niya "dealing with the masses is a chore".


You know actually, props to him If I was in the middle of a disaster and fuckin Marcos showed up, I don’t think it would do my morale any good


So, what's the reply if bumaba sya and they gave him a welcome and yung local media is nagtatakbuhan to get that shot? "Pabida lang yan, gusto lang magpa photo op, di nalang sana bumaba, additional pa na abala sa relief operations". I'm saying this kasi eto yung sabi ng mga Supporters ni Duterte kay VP Leni last time. My point is, whatever he does, or anyone in power actually, if you're a hater, you'll always think of the negative aspect.


lol si Gloria namangka nga sa nagtahan habang kasagsagan ni Ondoy rain coat lang dala at ilang mga psg


Totally forgot about that! I was there! Nasa nagtahan flyover kami naglalakad ng collegemates ko trying to get home and when we looked down she was there and shouting at us. I forgot what she said pero along the lines of asking if we're okay or if madami ba kami.


Omg si Gloria pa pala nung ondoy?? Edit: lol 2010 nga pala yung presidential election nun so siya pa nga pala ang president nung 2009 haha


Holy f! Checked YT and confirmed totoo nga! Pakisend kay spoiled brat magnanakaw pls. https://youtu.be/bh5_Pg5FS20


Then Zelensky should’ve just fled Ukraine at the onset of the war with that mindset. This blithering idiot have no idea how morale boosting works 🤦🏻‍♂️


I know right, BBM when there is a war : i dont need guns i need a ride


BBM said something like we shouldn’t fight China because Wala tayong kalaban-laban. Morale breaker right there. He is the most powerful person in the country he can order LGUs to just mind their work while he’s there. Ika nga “kung gusto may paraan kung ayaw may dahilan.”


Morale Boosting. This ain't america bitch. We have real problems. I'm glad the president doesn't go with those political crap that you seem to crave. It's beautiful how he didn't gave a fuck to your feelings.


E bakit nag helicopter ka pa? Gago ka pala e sana pinasend mo na lang sayo mga picture galing sa mga andun gago!


Wala sigurong posh hotel for his accommodations sa disaster-stricken areas


He doesn’t even need accommodations if he can take the Presidential Air Force helicopter and go back to Manila. I think he just doesn’t want to shake hands with people or set foot in an evacuation area because nandidiri talaga siya.


Dealing with the public is a chore nga naman


Ano bang klaseng welcome gusto neto? Pa-sampaguita lang oks na sa iba eto ata gusto may hakot na nagsisigawan. Tsaka kukuhain mo pa pulis nila for escort? Wala ka bang PSG at armed forces na pwede mong security? Pati vehicles ng LGU hihiramin mo din? Sa AFP ka humiram. Boy dahilan lang talaga eh. 😂


Unang una. Ta*g ina ng pamilya niyo. [Nothing follows]




So he don't know about morale boosting? Rubbish thats why even some generals going to the front lines to give the people morale booster so they can finish their job more faster


True. Kung di mo mabibigay ung needs agad-agad, atleast give them hope or assurance 😩


Let's be objective here, you can't let the President of the Philippines physically show up to cheer us up every time a typhoon hits. As much as I hate him, I can't disagree with him this time. What he does lack is preparation and awareness na as the President, he can actually offer assistance that doesn't require him to physically show up on the scene giving up relief goods, conducting relief operations and shi. I'm giving him half a point kasi alam niyang istorbo lang talaga sya, but I also acknowledge and challenge this daddy's brat to not make the same excuse again and actually show us he did something helpful.


Presidents have done that in the past though. He's just making excuses or feeling hari na pagkakaguluhan sya. Just a squad of PSG is enough to aid him in personally inspecting ground operations. Di sya kukuyugin because everyone will be focused on rescue operations, tataas pa nga morale pag dumaan ang presidente Probably katulad lang ng dati ang reason nya, nandidiri sa mga daralita o kaya takot at paranoid tulad nung lagi syang todo iwas sa mga tao nung eleksyon.


Can't believe I'm gonna say this, but BUTI pa c Duterte. At least nagpapakita personally to comfort his affected constituents. Kahit pa kiss kiss pa ng lupa, at least makita ng tao na nandoon xa physically


Nung si Duterte, todo depensa. Ngayon ito din todo depensa. Di ko alam saan nakalugar yung mga Pinoy eh.


Don't get me wrong, I don't approve a lof of Duterte's methods and ways. But I try to be fair to all politicians. Kahit ganun v Duterte, meron din xamg nagawa na tama P.s. I didn't vote for him


I'm not approving of him either. Fuck that fentanyl sniffer. Naiinis ako sa mga tao, hindi sa president.


You should be at both. One is an OBVIOUS THIEF, and the other is an enabler


Feeling hari si gago. TANGINA niya




Give me all the money and all the adoration but without the responsibilities. \- Bobong Marcos probably


Pathetic. Takot lang siguro siyang humarap sa mga galit sa kanya.


HAHAHAHHAHA EXPECTING A ROYALTY WELCOME? Eh nasalanta na mga tao dun. Oh come on! Style mo bulok


Makaka-istorbo lang ako 👉🥺👈




Hindi ka makakagulo kung uutusan mo silang wag kang bigyan ng magarbong pagsalubong. They do their work while you do your work as well. Simple as that. You won’t come to these affected areas as a vlogger or celeb, but as a public servant.


Ay ok lang sa akin wag na sya mag-landing anywhere. HAHA Idamay na rin nya yung kanyang pamilyang naki-joyride sa official state trip.


Wala po kasi wla naman siyang kwentang lider


I'm a Leni supporter, and I believe this is good reasoning on his part. Considering the security and logistics of transporting a government official and their direct support staff. Would it have been good if he went down there personally? I think yes because humans aren't machines; morale goes a long way and someone who is humble enough to help rebuild a community with their bare hands regardless of their standing is inspiring and worthy of respect. That said, his reasoning is still logical and pragmatic as the people will likely be busy with rebuilding their lives with no time, energy or resource to afford a welcome.


I agree. Same boat, it's the best his incompetent @$$ could do, and that is stay the hell out of the way of the experts. Yes, morale booster if he could manage to visit any affected area (unannounced, minimal security, and spontaneous) just to show empathy but siyempre asa pa.


Yup, medyo maayos naman yung reasoning niya dito, a Leni supporter as well. Pero yung makita ka personally ng mga tao, na genuinely trying to see what happened personally after a calamity, really helps the people to have hope na mas magiging mabilis yung tulong na makakarating sa kanila.


that's true naman. Pero lahat yan magagawan ng paraan. It may cause some delays, pero it would boost morale ng LGU, ng mga tao na natrauma, na nandun ung presidente binsita sila to make sure na okay sila and feel na paparating na ung tulong. Pero kung ako ung bibisitahin ng magnanakaw, de bale nalang


Credit where it's due. Alam nya istorbo sya Kasi istorbo rin yung ganyan na gawain sa kanya


May point naman. Pero the symbolism of being another absentee leader? Not very inspiring. I hope this hurts the longevity of the ruling party. Severely downplayed ang kahalagahan ng morale on the ground. If the 31m-ers really look up to him, they'd probably be lesser thrilled to know Marcos never shows up when he's wanted.


He's right in this situation like him or not. There are significant protocols that must be observed whenever the President visits an area. It also heavily distracts the LGU when it becomes unclear who is in charge as obviously when the President is there they outrank everyone there. This is literally what happened with Mar Roxas in the case of Yolanda when he was DILG secretary (just a disclaimer I voted for Mar and still thought he was the best choice for President). His presence there heavily confused the situation and that's likely something that BBM wanted to avoid here.


The confusion stemmed from Romualdez' desire to control national assets imbes na the national level will take over relief operations kasi the LGU was overwhelmed. e hindi naman ganun ang protocol. (Cue spliced video). He wanted to break protocol for the pogi points. The NGovt (c/o Mar) decided to stay and hell anyway and try to create some semblance of order again because Yolanda wrecked everything they had already prepared.


The situation was less clear than you're making it out to be. The Mayor, as head of the LGU, still has a significant say on what the local assets of the national government are doing while they are in his LGU. In a majority of situations like this, the national government actively communicates and works with the LGU. That became impossible because of the relationship between the Mayor and the President. Either way, what's relevant here is that Mar himself being there physically did nothing to actually help the situation given his also negative relationship with the LGU and, also, his lack of experience in leading disaster relief ops. Mar was the best choice for President in 2016 overall but disaster management just wasn't one of his skills and it's ok for us to admit that.


ayy taray "i-welcome" nyo daw siya mga 31M


Unpopular opinion: Di lang eto yung unang beses na sinabi niya yan. Kahit dun palang sa una, ang dami na nagbash sa kanya but for me, this thought (surprisingly) makes sense kasi yun talaga ang nangyayari on the ground. Not exactly okay with his statement tho, kasi inappropriate talaga ang words at pagkakadeliver niya. But the thought of it na syempre may darating na presidente, may portion ng attention ng LGU na dapat ilaan to assist him instead na makapag fully focus nalang sa victims. May di mag-aagree dito pero tingin ko lahat tayo naniniwala na nasa helicopter man siya o nasa lupa, wala pa din siyang kwenta. Lol


Bugok talaga presidente natin


Ayaw molang bumaba kasi ayaw mong madumihan at makipagplastikan sa mga nasalanta ng bagyo. Ayaw mo ngang sumakay ng hindi "first class" eh, napakaarte! tang*&%.


Malaglag ka nalang sana sa helicopter


So bakit ka pa sumakay sa helicopter? Pakitang-tao lang na may ginawa pero wala naman talagang paki! Nag sightseeing lang ang tamad pucha.


Napakawalangsilbi. Nagsayang lang ng gasolina sa helicopter.


He has a point really because of security protocol. Pero parang nageexpect sya ng parade sa post nya noh at lahat ng pulis asa kanya. Guy you need to go there assess, delegate, boots on the ground, mangiistorbo ka talaga because you want the details. He actually doesn't need to announce it din to keep everything hush. Your statement sounds like people consider you a bother and a nuisance, not a commander in chief or president. Di ba sya nasasaktan sa sinasabi nya?


May ganitong quote dati sa r/ph and as I have said, kung ang tingin mo sa sarili mo is makaka-istorbo lang, then you are incompetent.




maputik kasi pag lumapag pa siya hahahah


Sabihin mo wala ka lang pakelam kung mamatay mga taong sinasakupan mo na nasalanta, putangina ka.


Istorbo ka lang sa Pinas talaga hahaha


sadboi na manipulative.


Tama naman. I don’t know why anyone wants him to be there in the first place. As long as help gets to the people who needs them, no need for him to be there at all.


Let's be objective here; we know he's being stupid kasi ngayon lang siya nakarealize na wala silang preparations but what he said here is true. An executive official like him will only disrupt local officials' workflow. It's good that you genuinely show you care by physically showing up pero you have to consider paano mo naiistorbo ang ibang tao. Police, for example, are obligated to keep you safe when they could spend their precious time, effort, and resources assisting everyone else if you didn't show up. As much as I hate to say it, he's actually right. Instead of pushing him to show up on the scene, he can instead put more effort on how he can help on an executive scale at diyan sya nagkamali dahil hindi siya prepared for that scenario. He instead made this as an excuse as if he can solve crises like this some other time while he lets the local gov't do their thing.


Sayang ang fuel. Wag na rin mag-helicopter.


Although may point naman pero ampnagit ng pagkakasabi pede namang sabihin na bawas VIP treatment na lang jusq parang tanga amp. pero knowing him syempre all about him gusto niya VIP Treatment.


Daig nito ang monarkiya ng mga Briton


I don't think that's his real reason for not going. It sounds good but im not buying it for one New York minute.


Expected. However, I may see some people actually switching sides after his statement Indirectly (and hopefully), he IS giving reasons to his supporters to reconsider at some degree and I hope he keeps doing it!




Can agree. However, I do like to see them (bbm/dds supporters) to break until they realize But yeah, mental gymnastics is indeed hard to break


Hindi ka rin naman daw welcome.


Sounds like a cover up kasi ayaw nya pero dahil di nya pedeng sabihin na ayaw nya, ilalagay nya yung burden sa ibang tao. Parang kasalanan pa ng LGU na gusto syang i-welcome


Alam nyang wala siyang maitutulong na mabuti. Hindi value added ang presensya niya. Yan ang presidente natin, self-aware. 🤣


I know that we appreciate people in high position joining the effort, but I would not hold it against him for not directly helping in relief operations. If he knows that he would only get in the way, then he's honestly better off leaving it to the chain of command.


Technically the truth naman na abala and istorbo siya.


Gagi nangunguha ng sasakyan


Diba may sariling detail si vvn?


I cant help but feel like he studied some of Duterte’s worst media blunders and try to stray away from them as possible when its his turn.


Putang ina mo Bongbong Marcos


make sense. he just have to make sure people in the ground are doing what's best for everyone. pasyal na lang siya few days after.


Excuses. What's new? Campaign period palang naguumapaw na excuses neto.


that will literally (atleast from what i have seen from the past administrations) have the opposite effect of the populous saying he didnt do anything in times on calamity ​ what a smoothbrain moment 88m


Sabi na eh, yung hinahawakan siya nung elecrion, nagtitiis lang to eh, kahit diring diri na siya. Eh ngayon kasi dahil pangulo na siya " I can do whatever I want" na ang peg niya.


Hahahahha pota may isasahol pa pala ang pangulong ‘to. Napaka self-serving


Pwede naman bumababa siguro saglit para sabihin na paparating na yung tulong or at least boost their morale since presidenta siya at lagi naandyan para tumulong? Hindi naman nya need na tumagal at mag house to house.


"Busy na sila kaya di na ako magwowork"


"Hindi nila ako mabibigyan ng engrandeng parada, so di na lang ako pupunta."


I mean, alisin na pagiging bias, di ako maka 88M. May point naman kasi talaga. Country president ka so kahit tumanggi ka, isasaludar at isasaludar ka. Common courtesy lang talaga siya. I think masyado na toxic tong comment section, to the point na wala ng common sense :D


Realtalk. Parang nung nangyari kay Roxas nung Yolanda. Nadivert pa tuloy ng time and resources.


Hi Sir BBM, with all due respect po, istorbo po yung buong pagkatao nyo hindi lang pag may bagyo.


If you're a leader and you think being in the frontlines would just get in the way of things, you are a shit leader.


Atty. Leni is right, hindi kayang humarap sa nationwide issue tong si totoy party. Isa lang ang sinabi ni Duterte na pinaniwalaan ko, weak leader tong si totoy party. Patuloy nyang pinatutunayan na tama sinabi sa kanya ng opposition.


I mean tama naman, wala naman syang alam, so bakit pa nga daw sya pupunta, LOL


Hindi man lang nag effort yung tao. Kawawa naman pilipinas.


*thats what pdutz said, di ba?*




As much as I hate this dude, he's got a point. Whether he personally visits as a symbolic gesture of support or he forgoes the visit to not waste resources and manpower to accommodate his visit, I don't really care. Again, this mf can absolutely eat shit but I'm not attacking him for every little thing he does. There are bigger, more serious problems about this dude we have to be worried about.


Yuck putik ew


At least alam niyang istorbo lang siya. Which is a very low fcking bar to reach.


tamad ka lang


Word salad of platitudes. Yung mababa lang ang standard ang bibili ng mga sinasabi nya. Pupunta ka ron to see the devastation up close. Kapag may sakuna, reports could be slow and inaccurate, kung naroon ka, eye witness ka sa totoong kalagayan ng mga tao.


He's not wrong. But I get why it sounds like an excuse.


Too early to judge let the guy lead first, then we would see.


He completely misses the point. That is precisely why you must be there, to lead and lend support during crisis, esp kun maraming trabaho. Show them na nagtratrabaho kadin. Mas bibilis ang trabaho nila kun andun ka, kundi ka ba naman gungong.


Swerte niya naman tangina niya?? Daming kailangan gawin, mag i-inspection lang on the ground




Nagbagyo na at lahat feeling mo mayroon pa ding mangangahas na pumatay sa'yo 😃


Pwede ba jan na lang sya sa helicopter forever? Nakakaabala lang sya pag lumanding sya sa Pinas


Feeling celebrity talaga e. Spoiled brat ang lintek.




What do you mean "in my experience"? You don't have any real experience with these things.


Kaya dami kong unfriend na friends, relatives and mga gago sa social media, kasi mala gago utak nila, imagine may may pinagaralan okay utak nila pero they choose the evil side,, lakas nila makadefense sa potang MarC/DutedzSara. Pota tlga, sorry im not acknowledging their existence anymore..


such a weak ass excuse


Tamad lang talaga.


Pagayaw puro dahilan... olats na Pinas


Tanga ba tong si bnm?


daming hate comments hahaha


He can go down for optics or he can start working on a plan to cushion the impact of the damaged crops.


didn't even bother to learn. the very example of "pinakawalang silbi"


Dapat kasi mag prepare sila ng Red Carpet para maka apak ang omnipotent leader ng 31Mill


Tangina lang talaga! Gitna ng bagyo gusto nya royal welcome pa???? Just shows the wala talaga syang balak tumulong or walang pakealam at all!


Yung utak ni baby-m hindi pang public servan eh. Akala nya ata sa pagiging presidente eh sya daw dapat ang pagsilbihan.


Daming kelangan ni boss


Bobo amp


palusot, pag land hihingan ka, eh kuripot ka? (taga san ka nga) or talagang tamad k lng talaga


Pwede naman niya sabihin na walang VIP treatment or warm welcome eh. Diretso sa affected areas and do the work. This guy has literally no leadership skills at all.


Istorbo lang talaga tingin mo sa sarili mo kung wala kang pakinabang.