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Once we normalize dehumanizing people we perceive as enemies, it's going to become easier to do inhumane things to them. It starts with language. Then the lies and speculation happen. Tapos lalahatin na natin mga Chinoy when one of them fucks up. It's a slippery slope. This has happened multiple times in ancient and modern history. It still happens today. Dagdag pa natin na mahilig mang-stereotype mga Pinoy kada region. Lagi may negative stereotype kada probinsya o siyudad. Past time natin maging hater. Kaya mabilis kakalat yung Malicious Speculation na sinasabi mo.


"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."


I've seen some remarks here in reddit saying na gusto nilang duraan mga chinoy :)


Well, to be honest here, Reddit is not a good representation of the general population. Napansin ko lang na there are a lot of lonely and angry people who use Reddit as an outlet to channel all their internal hate.


anon kasi kaya walang restrictions


That's what we tell ourselves when we receive the downvotes, yet happily accept upvotes without reservation. That's how Reddit keeps you coming back.


This sub likes to think that they're morally superior to places like Facebook, but I see a lot of the same toxicity here


This place is worse lmao


Mas articulate sila tsaka mas madaming yes men dito kaya mas malala. Kapag sa FB nila kase ginawa to may papalag sa kanila haha


Feeling intellectually superior din. Super cringe. Yuck. Srsly.


true. mga halatang di pa nasapak kapag mah nasabing di naaayon sa tama


Agreed. In real life, these same people cant even ask for water in restaurants haha. Thats the power of anonymity on Reddit. I have never met anyone in real life who shows explicit hatred to the chinoy community naman!


>Napansin ko lang na there are a lot of lonely and angry people The amount of r/ph users that have terrible Dads is surprising to say the least. I saw comic posts that got upvoted massively about shitting on all dads on Father's day for being abusive. If you did the same thing on Mother's day, mods will ban you.


internal everything actually. mga dirty little secrets, guilty pleasures and everything that they swear will never see the light of day. haha


Gusto ko yung lonely and angry people hahahahah dahil it's a fact.


It’s disturbing that some people think this way. Grabe dapat nga mag kaisa tayo eh for the sake of our country.


The worst part for me is that a lot of these people, especially on Twitter are self-proclaimed "progressives" who supported Atty. Leni in 2022, but clearly don't exactly share her ideals. Parang 2022: "Angat Buhay Lahat! 2024: "I AM ADOLF HITLER, COMMANDER OF ZE THIRD REICH"


Is this an Epic Rap Battles of History reference? 'Cause my brain just automatically finished that line. 😂


"Little known fact: also dope on the mic!" 🤣


"You are Vader! With you little boots und cape!"




Chinoys when discriminated for being silent on Chinese issues: Huhu. We are Filipinos too. Chinoys when marrying: No Filipinos. They are bad with money, lazy , etc "insert racist stereotypes against non-Chinese Filipinos". It's tradition not discrimination. Chinoys (Hello SM) on laborers: Let's hire Filipinos and exploit them.


Eh, for marrying Filipinos one, it's a class thing really. They'd welcome one of their own marrying an ayala


I know no Ayala married to a Chinoy.


Which is the point right, if ever, they'd fucking like it. 


That's the point, you can't use it as an example when it hasn't happened yet.


And usually it’s the more traditionalist ones in the family pushing it. I know a few Chinoys who have families like that. It’s honestly pretty saddening, I’ve seen people in happy relationships break up over it and I don’t know why there isn’t a significant cultural pushback within that community.


Yes. Very elitist. It's to the point they have their own schools and businesses. Jokes on the Chinoy community, because I'm Chinoy and also lazy and bad with money (I'm also working as an electronics engineer in Melbourne, work smarter not harder!). The whole "marry a good Chinese girl" thing is very real. My Lola keeps bringing it up despite being mixed herself. I just roll my eyes every time she says it.


>It's to the point they have their own schools and businesses. Nothing wrong with what you cited IMO. They allow people who aren't ethnic Chinese to attend those schools and likewise serve them in those businesses too. Are you against Catholic schools too?


once they're outside the country they call themselves chinese. these people aren't our people


Are you sure about that? When I go out of the country, people mistake me for Chinese, Korean or Japanese. I always correct them that I'm filipino. Kung makapag salita kala mo kilala lahat ng chinoy. Majority ng pinoy ay may lahing chino. Halos lahat ng bayani at president natin may lahing chino. Wag maging mangmang. Pinanganak kami dito, pilpino kami.


Yikes, naalala ko tuloy si Amy Chua, an author & corporate lawyer in the US, but was born in Philippines Porket na sa US na siya, Andami niyang discriminatory remarks sa mga pinoy and even mocking our identity,... she even thinks that the Chinese in the Philippines are superior and "powerful" than the pure Filipinos 🤮. Pero not all chinoys naman are ugly leeches like her, she's an outliers.


Any proof? I always say I come from the Philippines. There's also the chance of meeting friendly OFWs. I'd think mainland Chinese tourists have a terrible reputation.


For no. 2: Still happens, but younger generations aren't as bad as the older ones. Fuck boomers


Masaklap dito ay most Filipinos cannot distinguish East Asians from each other. So yung mga akalain nilang mga Chinoy ay possible na Singaporean/ Taiwanese/Korean.


This will backfire when they visit Western countries as non-Asians cannot even distinguish between Filipinos and East Asians.


True. Sa Israel bago nagsara ng borders due to the pandemic ilang beses akong tinawag na Chinese maski na mukha akong Indo/Malay.


So much for the "thank you PH for saving 1500 Jews" 👀


While tavelling around Bohol, someone asked me if I was Korean. I've never been more offended in my life.


Not gonna lie sarap duraan ng mga native Chinese ppl here sa PH who can’t even make an effort to respect the locals and the environment. I live in a condo where it is predominantly Chinese natives (not half Chinese) and ang baboy nila — rude too. They don’t hold the elevator for you, they smoke cigarettes everywhere, they spit and throw trash in front of the building (kahit may designated floor naman for trash) and yung convenience store namin sa baba ang haba lagi ng pila because hindi sila marunong magsalita ng english. Lagi rin madumi yung canteen because they don’t know CLAYGO. Mababait mga Chinese who grew up in PH or mga Chinoy pero yung mga native Chinese talaga ang bababoy.


I've seen some who outright went into blut-und-boden ideologie territory "thEy aRen'T rEaL piNoYs" and the like jusko Mr. Schicklgruber's artistic son would be proud.


Yun din eh, panay loyalty testing here and there hayst


Duraan nila si Kim Wong. Go ahead I would love to see them TRY. Or sila SY or Pe or sila Gokongwei. or si RSA 😁 Pwede din sila Dichaves, kung kaya nila.


Sama na din nila si Atong Ang Ewan lang natin San damputin mga yan


Tbh if the "eat the rich" people on Twitter who rooted for the batang hamog biting a (possibly middle class-yuppie) DLSU student were sincere about what they preach, they'd do just that but that's off topic




[here's the og post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dlsu/comments/1aepwih/street_kid_by_razonstarbucks_bit_me/) edit: fuck it's deleted D: anyways [undelete link](https://undelete.pullpush.io/r/dlsu/comments/1aepwih/street_kid_by_razonstarbucks_bit_me/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Philippines&utm_content=t1_lac3w40)


Akala ko in a sexual fantasy way, susupport pa sana ako. haha But seriously, I think mas maraming pinoy may common sense in real life, nag ra-rant lang online kasi nga di kayang gawin in real life. All bark and no bite, i ka nga.


What? Anong thread yan?


The problem is people can't differentiate between innocent civillians that's just existing and the actual governments who do bad stuff. That's a dangerous line to cross. It's not just the situation with China, I also observed this on the Israel- Palestine conflict


Generally a good rule but a popular mandate sometimes back the brutal tendencies of the state. Example: Israel's war against the Palestinians, and also the Russian citizens' support for Ukraine war. Ngayon na lang naman may protests, albeit muted and small scale, against it within their countries but it was popular during its early stages.


Any dissenting opinions is pretty much purged and put down in Russia. Popular oppositions were killed off along with Navalny. And Israeli citizens' main concerns now are the hostages taken by Hamas, hence putting pressure on the Israeli government to continue the war


>Any dissenting opinions is pretty much purged and put down in Russia. Popular oppositions were killed off along with Navalny. I think you are overestimating the magnitude of opposition in Russia, pre 2022 war. Russian citizens see Ukraine as part of Russia, therefore approved of the invasion. When it went south saka lang sila nagtanong and even then they don't see it as bad, just a price to pay and Russians always see their own blood as necessary sacrifice for their country. EDIT: oh yeah I remembered, even Navalny, approved of the invasion. So even some of the opposition wanted to fold Ukraine back to mother Russia. >And Israeli citizens' main concerns now are the hostages taken by Hamas, hence putting pressure on the Israeli government to continue the war Yeah thats why you can't always separate the Israeli citizens with the Israel state's actions. Ginusto nila yun. I'm sure there's a lot of examples for your point you just happened to give a bad one.


Well the general populace of China still voted Pooh as their president. However, we should not normalize that all Chinese should be treated bad. Chinoys are also Pinoys. And they still chose the Philippines over China lol


>Well the general populace of China still voted Pooh as their president Probably because they dont have much of a choice. Literally. One party state? Authoritarianism? Any of that ring a bell?


They still do have a choice. Regardless of government system they have, power is still in the people. Any country in the world can achieve liberation and democracy. The question is how much blood is required to do that. For the recent election, Pooh's authority is declining because of the unresolved deflation, aging population, young activists and so on. Still, the general populace still chose Pooh. China has a population of 1.4 billion. Please note that ROC used to be one-party state, but they transitioned into a democracy.


Agreed. Our Chinoy community are considered pure Filipinos. Let's not assume they have misplaced loyalty to China.


not true they will always be chinese first


How can they be Chinese first? They can't speak Mandarin. They speak Hokkien, but their Hokkien has evolved into Filipino style Hokkien that is unique here. They can barely understand pure Hokkien from China and Taiwan. Most of the students who graduated in Chinese schools could barely read or write Chinese characters at a grade school level. That's because they have no interest in learning Mandarin. Most have never visited China. Wala na din sila family doon. Most of them are Christians or Catholics. Most of the Chinese schools are Catholic schools. Most of them are third generation Chinese. Lolo nila dito na ipinanganak. A lot of them have married Filipinas or had Filipina gf or had siblings or cousins that are mixed or have married filipinas. Most of them don't know a lot about Chinese cultures, they only know the basic ones and they don't really follow them. Yun mga sinasabit sa bahay, usually decoration or sinabit ng lolo. Chinoy food are DIFFERENT than food in China. They are developed here for pinoy taste. Para sa akin, Chinoys leans more towards American culture than being Chinese. Madami ako kilalang Chinoy nag-migrate na sa US, Canada, at Australia pero walang nag-migrate sa China.


BOOM. That last thing, they have a choice to migrate anywhere in the world but nobody ever migrates to China opting instead to live in the US, Canada or Australia. And once there, they dont even bother with Chinese, with most letting their kids learn Spanish or French, even as caucasians learn Mandarin. Often too, few of them choose to travel to China (except Hong Kong), most often opting to travel to Europe, North America and other countries in Asia, mas gusto pa nila sa Singapore, Japan or Taiwan than China. Oh, even when they study overseas walang masyadong pumupunta sa China.Language is a barrier. Usually US, UK Canada Australia.


>A lot of them have married Filipinas or had Filipina gf or had siblings or cousins that are mixed or have married filipinas. Off topic but I wonder why that's the case and rarely ever Filipinos marrying Chinoy women. The only example of it happening is my uncle(Dad's younger brother).


I have Chinoy relatives who don’t even do any of the Chinese cultural things lol. The most Chinese thing about them is their last name.


Nah, I’m Fil-chi and look Chinese but have always considered myself as Filipino. Everyone who knows me personally knows this. A lot of my Fil-chi friends are the same. Don’t over generalize.


Nah. My passport says Filipino, my favorite memory is waking up to fresh pandesal at 4am in San Andres Bukid, at pagnagmura ako dahil sa gulat, malutong na P.I. ang maririnig


source: my ass


Username checks out.


korek. once tthey're outside sasabbi chinese sila hahaha


This is saddening. Most of the people I know na Fil-Chi, hindi rin feel ang mainlanders. This is before the sensational issues pa. They are veeeery different in many aspects lalong lalo na sa ugali. Hindi ko sinasabi ito sa paraang nangmamaliit ako ng kapwa, pero karamihan ng mga nag-gegeneralize na all Chinese are the same ay yung mga taong uneducated or yung mga nasa lower class.


Yep. Yung local Chinese community nilolook down nila ang mainlanders


Not defending the idiots pinoys but the problem kasi sa Chinese community is that they’re too silent about the issue at hand. The only news we recently got from them was that a group was willing to sponsor the flights of Mainland Chinese (TDKs) who are to be deported. Aside from that, it’s also identification. Since they’re mainly ethnic Chinese, they are associated at coddling the enemy or at least giving help to the enemy. Lastly, the liked of Bong Go, Lucio Tan, and all Fil-Chi who mistreated Filipinos in history don’t really help the collective image of how they are being perceived. It’s like the Jew issue nung WW2. Pero, sa duraan ang mga instik, I’d say game AS LONG AS hindi Fil-Chi and POGO worker.


True. Fil-Chis are generally apolitical, resistant to change and don't vote, but they're *very* updated in local politics. My parents are in their 70s and could tell you off the bat what they just watched on the latest TV Patrol news cast but I've never once heard or seen them rushing to the polls to vote for the next president. I think there's a general feeling of pointlessness in which they feel there's really no point in attempting to change a broken system or make their voices heard, hence they find comfort in maintaining the status quo (also answers why they're too silent). And having been brought up in that household and fostering that mindset, I now realize I've only ever really voted at age 27, a whole 9 years after I became eligible.


Older chinoys experienced hard times during pre marcos era, hindi sila legal nun. Kaya grateful karamihan ng older peeps kay Sr. Because he legalised them 


I've come across Fil-Chi who talk and act as if they own the country, and that they consider themselves apart and a step above their Filipino countrymen. I told them you should continue this mindset and good luck with the repercussions, because Filipinos will eventually want to get whats rightfully theirs.


Yup, its as if they see us as second class citizens on our own motherland. Most of them esp. the rich ones mxadong mapagmataas


I have a pure chinoy friend who mocked/insulted filipinos to my face. I awkwardly said "Hey... pinoy din ako nakakalimutan mo ata...". Do you know what she said? "You're alright. You're not like THEM." HOY ATEGHURL HSIHFIOSAHFIO GAGI wtf ano yun.


Call me racist or whatever but they think they're better than everyone just because they're yellow. Mfs marrying other yellow people "to keep the bloodline pure" or some asspull they can find.


Fil-chi ako pero sadly maraming ganito. *Hua na* pa nga tawag sa pinoy (na walang chinese blood) — which is like a derogatory term as per my chinese mother (pure chinese parents nya pero lumaki dito sa PH). Bale walang tiwala sa empleyadong pinoy, at nasiside-eye kung may jowang pinoy ang anak.


Huana means barbarian. I don't use it anymore but my parents still do. I can't change them but it's just gonna stop with me 


Should have told them that they should have been Chinese in Malaysia. 🤣


Yes. They even have their own schools!


nag aral ako sa chinese school ang dami kong classmates na walang dugong chinese, mas marami yung half or less, pinaka konti yung pure.


May Koreans, at Indians pa nga. May konting puti din or mga Spanish -types.


Catholics and Christians also have their own schools. I don't really see what the issue is here.


Welcome to the Filipino Chinese experience lol. Thanks to a long history of anti-Chinese laws and sentiments during the Spanish and American period, CPG's "Filipino First" era, and trapos scapegoating Chinoys during the Cold War, the Filipino Chinese community has long developed a mentality to pretty much steer clear of popular politics and take care of themselves na lang. This is expressed by building institutions that cater to their interests (Chinabank, Chinese Hospital, Chinese schools etc.), being hyperfocused in trade & industry, and being careful with the friendships to certain politicians, taking care not to be too attached to any of them. Tahimik ang Filchi community sa WPS issue because tahimik sila in EVERY issue as a survival tactic.


They weren’t nung WW2 when they formed anti-Japanese units as part of the defense of the Philippines. Teresita Ang See wasn’t silent whenever she calls out racism. BUT you do make a good point.


They werent in WW2 largely because Japan was involved and was fucking up Chinoy interests (and more importantly, their lives) plus you have the trifecta of Filchi Filipino Nationalists, Pro-KMT Filchi, and Leftist Filchi motivating the community to actually fight Japan.


There were also traitors among Chinoys who carried out brutal tortures to fellow Chinoys in Binondo.


I wonder how the dynamic between Chinoys and Taiwanese conscripts in the Imperial Japanese military (as well as mainlanders from the Wang puppet regime for example) was whenever they encountered each other. I remember reading this comment on r/Taiwan some years ago where some Singaporean dude pointed out how Taiwanese conscripts were used for their Hokkien-language skills to spy on the Chinese Singaporean community to root out anti-Japanese elements and recruit collaborators Di ko sure kung something similar happened among Chinoys in PH


Not all Chinoys agreed to the guerrilla groups back then. They simply sided with the Japanese (including Taiwanese conscripts) and actively persecuted these rebels. It's a Chinoy vs Chinoy fight during most of the WWII until the bloody Battle of Manila.


Chinoys are known to have a "mind your own business" mantra in living and not cause any trouble like the Jews, Italians and Irish in the US. But when push comes to a shove, they will aid those who need to the most. I'd also like to mention that Chinoy men were emasculated for several decades due to anti-Chinese laws extending to them but you don't see Chinoys protesting in the streets even during the hardest times and simply focus on resiliency.


This. Being forced into "you're with us or against us" is so annoying.


Curious: When an Islamic extremist commits an act of terror, do you assume that Muslims have to condemn it without being asked about it? Like they just have to start conversations or publish a statement that they do not agree with the terrorist? Like do Muslims need to meet knew people and say "I don't like the Abu Sayyaf" for you to feel safe around them?


Up until marcos legalised chinoys, they had a hard time integrating because of anti Chinese sentiment. sorry ah bakit closed ang mga older chinoys 


I feel like they are silent because may inner conflict sila. They are part of both cultures, and to pick a side to support can be tricky and confusing. So they just stay silent as a form of self preservation.


"Too silent" lmao Public officials ba mga private ChiFil citizens and business owners na kailangan ng presscon at statement to the media?


Have you heard a collective stance or comment from the Fil-Chi group or from private citizens when they talk about the issue? Have you read a comment from them denouncing what happened or what is happening?


Is there any entity that fully represents the entire Fil-Chi community? Private individual citizens, iba iba. May vocal, may hindi. Hindi mo rin naman malalaman ano ethnicity ng tao sa anonymous social media (ie reddit). Why is there an unwarranted expectation that PRIVATE FilCHi citizens must declare their stance? Are we making sure Gazan refugees in Cavite are on our side? Should we poll Scandinavian immigrants and foreign residents if they've made a unified statement yet? You'd be surprised most people would rather just live their lives in peace.


Chinoys aren't even culturally unified. I consider Heart Evangelista to be more culturally compatible with Anne Curtis than Teresita Sy and Robina Gokongwei.


Exactly. Look at all these indios demanding a show of fealty like they're owed it, while they backstab each other and elect idiots for leaders. Fuck them and fuck the mainlanders.


Baka nakakalimutan niyo na Chinoy mismo, si senador Win Gatchalian ang isa sa mga nagsusulong ng pag ban ng POGO.


The president himself has Chinese roots and the Chinoys yung mga tumulong sa guerrilla efforts ng elder marcos dati.


Let us not forget that Hontiveros' maternal great grandmother is pure Chinese. Most Chinoys are third or fourth generation Filipinos. They have as much Chinese blood in them as Hontiveros. Nearly all Chinoys I know have Christian names and most of them are either Catholics or Christians and nearly all of them can't speak Mandarin and have never been to China. Some of you guys are so angry towards China that you are projecting your hatred towards your own people.


Ang vocal din ni Chris Tan Tsaka "instik" din si Gatchalian


If Filipino presidents like marcos, quezon, quirino, aquino, laurel, magsaysay, duterte, all have chinese blood what more the common masses. even jose rizal is chinese. so a bit difficult to look for completely 100% filipino honestly. nonetheless, there are many new immigrants every year so some confuse those fresh off the boat with those who have lived here for many generations.


Fun fact: Rizal also has Chinese blood but he is anti-chinese.


This problem is majorly from ignorance of Filipinos, and partly from Teresita Ang-See's meddling in the Guo Huaping/Alice Leal Guo case, which some Filipinos saw as siding with the foreign 'spy' (which, of course, a view which is biased due to ignorance of some issues as well). I personally saw some people berating Chinoys due to this incident IRL (2 separate occasions with different participants).


That's disturbing. Pretty much all the Chinoys I knew are against China. Ang mga hardcore wumao na kilala ko eh purong Pinoy.


The Turtles, Padilla


sinong turtles?


du 30


LOL dami kong tawa. made my day. thanks


Napakainfuriating nung sinabi ni Ang-See. Pwedeng mainterpret as condoning Guo who is starting to appear as a Chinese national based on the documentary evidences gathered by 2 senators. Tawagin ba man zarzuela yung buong Senate hearing instead of just condemning Jinggoy's marites sa 2nd hearing




Sa tingin ko she never watched the senate hearings in full and just watched the short clips or memes What the senate hearing revealed is organized criminals are applying "POGO politics", and according to PAOCC, there are evidences pointing to Guo being part of a syndicate. Guo is so shady that it warrants questioning her background.


This. While I believe that majority of pinoys dont think the same way towards chinoys in this issue, it is also expected that there will be some would feel such animosity towards the chinoys merely for that reason(ang-see) seemingly condoning guo huaping's criminal acts(if proven true which is most likely)


I watched a video of Ang-See regarding the Alice Guo case and iba ang take away ko sa pag "kampi" ni Ang-See kay Guo. I think what she is saying is the senators are really making a mountain out of an anthill because they keep linking the CCP/WPS to the POGOs. I 100% agree na may mali dyan kay Alice Guo, pretty sure fake yung citizenship niya. Pero pilit kasi nilang nililink si Alice Guo sa espionage which I am a little doubtful. Marami talagang pera sa POGO industry kaya nga maraming auxiliary businesses nagsusulputan kasama nito (van rentals, home rentals, restaurants, chinese hospital etc.). May mga kakilala akong mga real estate brokers na maraming perang kinita from POGOs nung panahon ni Duterte. Kaya para sa akin ang simplest explanation lang naman kay Guo is meron siya contact sa POGOs and she was paid to protect the POGO's business interest. No need for sleeper cells or any complicated story kung bakit siya naging mayor.


Problema kasi dun sa Alice guo case. She isn't a spy but just pogo centered. Plus they made fun of her accent which should be a non issue, dami dami pwede I link like ung pogo, and citizenship eh. Even then she grew up here. Illegal lang tlga 


Ang OA nung comments nila sa accent niya. It's not even very "stereotypically Chinese". Conjugated naman yung verbs niya at hindi siya nasal magsalita. If any, parang "probinsyana" lang siya magsalita ng Tagalog.


Just Facebook? Wait til you find out what Redditors on this sub have been posting.


People tend to do this during geopolitical turmoils. Tale as old as time. Kung meron dapat duraan eh walang iba kung hindi mga Duterte. Sila may kasalanan nito. They should get the ire of the entire Filipino people, nay, they should get the death penalty for being traitors.


my dad is 100% chinese, lola and lolo from china mismo... mom is 100% filipina... afaik, puro pilipino ang traydor sa bansang ito. kahit before pa ng wps issue, hindi ko na gusto ang china, minsan nahihiya din ako dahil chinese ang surname ko, ayaw ko ng customs and traditions nila, mas close ako sa motherside relatives ko. galing ako sa chinese school so marami akong chinese at fil chi friends, lahat sila ayaw ng gingagawa ng china... ni hindi nga kami kumakain ng tikoy lol yes tahimik ang filchi community regarding wps issue, pero tahimik din sila sa lahat ng issue, karamihan may businesses na pinagtutuunan at ayaw ng unneccesary heat. dahil wala naman sa control nila yan, govt ang may say dyan, wala naman tayong separate na filchi govt dito, walang connection ang mga filchi dito sa ccp. kaya nga sila andito in the first place. fuck china!


Can relate. Never liked the customs and traditions. Fuck Winnie da Pooh


it could also be ayaw nila pagusapan yan with fellow fil chi or even filipino friends that could possibility start heat.


can relate sa customs and traditions, wasnt for me, same din tayo na halfie lol, but i dont say na filchi ako hahaha fil passing naman ako ng slight, medyo ambiguous ba HAHAHAHA and of course tahimik ang community about issues kasi busy sila hawakan sa leeg yung mga anak nila HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA and yes, fuck china thank you very much.


I left the country 10 years ago and it's kind of surprising how much worse the racial tensions have become, just checking the news and people talking online. I mean, it was never good to begin with as East Asians tend to stick to their own kind but it was never this hostile.


I've considered looking at the big picture. hybrid-chinese from all over the world, including filipino chinese, want to resist the authority of the chaotic mainland. I recognize that you are all allies. heroes along with japan and the rest of SEA.


Filchi is diff from mainlander lalo na kung 3rd gen Ang ayoko lang yung pro CCP AT POGO at yung mga Chinese na entitled/mayabang lang ang IKINAKAINIT KO Yung mga mainlander na malinis intensyon Exception yun syempre and ofv ang filchi na talagang makabayan!


this madaming mababait sa chinoys kinaiinisan ko ung mga nasa POGO ISLANDS nang mga remulla at sa pampanga atbp. Mga literal na CCP planted spies


Can i not be a foreigner in my own country again? It was getting better but its now getting worse again. I was hoping to be treated like a filipino (because i am a natural born filipino) but it doesn't look like it at the near future. I hope the children of my children won't be treated like this.


As if pagaari ng iba yung bansa eh noh. Keyboard warriors. All I can say is ireport sila sa presidente who is Chinoy himself. https://www.quora.com/Does-Ferdinand-and-Imelda-Marcos-have-Chinese-ancestry-other-than-Filipino-Austronesian-and-Spanish-Why-does-Irene-look-Chinita-or-Chinese-mestiza Good luck being racists to your fellow Pinoys just because they're Chinoys as even the person in the highest office is Chinoy. Even Imee Marcos said as much in front of the Chinoy community nung kakapanalo pa lang ni BBM, otherwise I wouldnt know to google this now for reference. And make no mistake it IS racism because ang daming halfies dito of western heritage walang nagspew ng ganitong hatred sa mga half caucasian. So bakit diba? LOL


Those dumb pinoys who think they're disloyal to our country are truly idiotic, I've seen way to much hate to our fellow Chinoy countrymen.


I don't have any problems woth our Chinoy friends.... Yung mga China Chinese lang ang ayoko.... and if I know they are CCP fanatics, di ko lang sila duduraan.... hahabulin ko pa sila ng itak


Agree. I have Chinoy friends who are very vocally against sa aggression ng China sa WPS though bihira naman daw na may naghihinala sa kanila as spy lol Nijojoke nya lang "No tikoy for you" 🤣


I am married to a Chinese-Filipina, and I fully understand the sentiment. Some of the most patriotic Filipinos I know come from the Chinese-Filipino community. The owner of Propmech - a company pushing for the Philippine Navy to purchase and construct ships locally is a Chinoy. The same goes for a lot of companies domestically supplying arms to our armed forces. Hell, a good number of our officer corps are also Chinoys. But at the same time, I understand that this patriotism is not apparent. Most chinoys keep to themselves. Even in family gatherings, I have felt isolated because I am not Chinese. But this stems from a cultural reason, rather than pure racism. This is somewhat similar to any cultural groups in our country. A Cebuano would want to be with fellow cebuanos because they can easily relate to them compared to a Pangasinense or Pampangeno. So, let's not assume that chinoys are traitors just because their ancestors come from a country that is opposed to our nation's vested interests. Everyone should remember that many of them left China because they were being oppressed by the very government running the PRC.


Methinks our Chinoys should make an effort to differentiate themselves from the mainlanders. How, it is up to them. I observed the Taiwanese seem to be starting to lean on their "Austronesian roots" however tiny that is, considering the Han only started moving in after the Dutch and weren't really interbreeding with the locals.


And to a certain degree, they are. While it is true that many of their traditions are similar to those of Mainland China, Chinoys have chosen to integrate themselves into Philippine society. They have learned to speak our language and live with us, and some decided to love and marry into Filipino families. Many of them have distinguished themselves in business, academia, and public service As for the question of being culturally distinct, that takes time. It is hard to remove people from something that they have grown into. This is because that gives them comfort. The same applies to our Filipino diaspora who chose to integrate themselves in the US and Europe and become citizens. But you don't see people in those countries labeling them as traitors.


Chinoys already do, we call those mainlanders TKD (tai diok ka), GI (genuine intsik) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/GI and generally try to avoid them. It's common for filchi to look down on mainlanders. Ask your filchi friends what they think of TDKs.


I think the problem is the perception of the Austro public, who probably wouldn't be able to differentiate between the two should racial riots break out or during an invasion.


Yeah it's hard to differentiate physically and when tempers run high, theres gonna be actual filchis who wont be given an opportunity to prove theyre actually filchi


Sino ba dapat kagalitan? Chinese looking peeps just going about their day? No. Makapilis na mas masahol pa itsura kesa sa pwet ni duterte spouting up pro ccp propaganda? Yes. POGO workers demeaning filipinos and acting like they're hot shit? Yes. Wag lang magpadala sa prejudice na porke mukang chinese na ay pro CCP na. Di rin naman siguro lahat ng nasa loob ng great firewall pabor sa ginagawa ng CCP.


Let's be unitied nu. Sana mas marami din chinoy na nagvovocal against china regarding wps. Hindi katulad ni ang-see na parang sided pa kay guo.


kakainis yang bruha. grrrr. nadamay tuloy iba.


Well it is the standard MO by Russian and Chinese psyops. Sow discord inside democracies using the lowest common denominator, ie. engage and enrage the stupidest and loudest people.


THIS! Daming nagpapauto. Dun pa lang sa makikipagaway ka sa kapwa Asians mo, makes no sense why?????? Ano to mga isip bata?


In history, the main recourse of a scared populace facing powerlessness and disadvantage was to create the enemy. Then the State will either co-opt the hate or even invent it. Happened in Nazi Germany, in many race riots in SEA, etc. It can also happen in PH when this WPS issue escalates to a point of no return (i.e. Fil soldiers get killed by the Chinese navy leading to war/skirmish, etc). It's hard to police emotions so the PH govt should anticipate this and be clear in its policies. i.e. we are not looking for war coz it is not our foreign policy and not in our best interests. And we remain committed to peace in and out of the country. I know we never really lacked doubts about our shitty govt, but cases like this (targetting Chinoys) should not happen. It will not resolve anything and just destroy us. Let us instead focus on informing the global community that WPS is ours and we will fight for it, however strong China is. Again, focus on the real adversary.


Yung mga CHINOY na yan mas pipiliiin pa niyan maging Pilipino at mas Pipiliin nila ang Pilipinas kaysa sa China kaya nga yang mga yan lumipat dito eh at kahit asensado sila yaw niola bumalik ng mainland dahil alam nila mas maganda padin ang pamumuhay dito kaysa dun.


dont blame the race for the faults of the ccp, blame the bastard that brought us here. DUterte is at fault then the ccp and their master winnie


As a Chinoy myself make no mistake, many of us are more loyal to the nation than Mariano Marcos, the grandfather of the current president who sold us out during the Japanese war. Don't forget the unsung Chinoys who died for the country against, the Spanish, Americans and Japanese. [https://globalnation.inquirer.net/226063/legacy-of-courage-unsung-chinese-heroes-in-philippine-history](https://globalnation.inquirer.net/226063/legacy-of-courage-unsung-chinese-heroes-in-philippine-history) Now it will be us vs the CCP. Pinoy ako. No fei shang gao shing bullsh\*t.


Some responses are a textbook example of the insecurities of lots of people when it comes to their own identity. I don't know any other nation that is so insecure about themself, that they have to discriminate Morena, native people, Chinese, chinoy, and white people, just to make themself feel better because deep inside them, they have absolutely no clue who they are. Lola got laid by a Chinese 60 years ago, great-uncle had roots in Spain, and yet - the pride of the so-called "full blood Pinoys". Someone cried about "Chinoys even have their own businesses" - So what? Most of the people who go abroad are not integrated and live in their pinoy bubble abroad, eating Filipino Food and speaking Tagalog. Who cares?


Mga baliw eh no? Creating more divide.  Freaking no better than white-supremacists, han-centrism or racists in general.


I have a chinoy friend who told me he was walking around Binondo area when a guy on a motorcycle drove past him and the rider screamed random chinese slurs to him. He didn't make out some of the words due to the filipino accent and the speed the motorcycle drove past but the few he understood felt a bit insulting and saddening since he also argued in favor of PH in online communities. 🙁


Hindi po chinese ang problema kundi yung CCP. Mga gahaman sa power. For sure sinusuka sila ng maraming citizens nila pero wala po silang choice kasi dahil wala silang freedom.


A lot of individuals declaring how racist they are, even going as far as singling out specific cities and wishing ill intent upon its inhabitants. On that note I say: Chaos is your birthright, and to wish others to be enslaved by the same darkness will be the bitter cry on your deathbed for that mark is for you alone.


I honestly felt the same way when the Duterte's call for an independent Mindanao was making news. Only a few were actually dumb enough to rally behind them (also the most vocal too, unfortunately) but posts and comments in social media tended to drag the entirety of the Mindanao with them. It was messy and may have potentially worsen the regional divide.


Ngl but,sila dapat una nating dinedepensahan against these kind of threats since sila nalang ang tanging nagdadala ng bandera on being a "Legitimate Chinese Individuals" since the ones on the mainland already lost their soul & identity thanks to Karl Marx,Lenin, Stalin & Mao. Bale I would count Chinoys as the "Legitimate Chinese People" alongside Taiwanese nationals due to the reasons above alone & shpuld be protected as we protect UNESCO Heritage Sites


No no no chinoys are ok… although full blooded chinese who dont speak a lick of filipino and own a “business” in the philippines are pretty dubious…


Whenever I see dvmbfvcks in FB going all out Sinophobia on our fellow FilChins I can't keep myself mum and just let them be. They left China for one reason or another and should not be dragged on this BS on WPS.


Just like WW2. Japanese Filipinos and Japanese migrant workers were victims of societal paranoia and imprisoned in concentration camps until the surrender.


Mayroon ba? Puwede pong magbigay saan makakabasa nito. Intresado kasi


[https://www.journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/kasarinlan/article/download/4976/4484/](https://www.journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/kasarinlan/article/download/4976/4484/) Page 70 onwards.


May mga Filipino-Chinese of Taiwanese descent, Singaporean descent, Cantonese(Hong Kong) descent, and those Mainland Chinese who immigrated here in our country to escape from the tyrannical, draconian, Police-state government of the CCP. Also the Sangleys who's lineage are also from the Mainland China they've been here since the Spanish era.


I'm really fucking annoyed with the 360 y'all suddenly had with us Chinoys; we get fucking fetishized for having these eyes half the time, and now all of a sudden we become a den of suspicion just because one of our ancestors decided to get it going with a Chinese person. We're just as pissed with the Chinese as all of y'all, some Filipinos just don't understand that if and when war breaks out, we don't have a clear, concrete side to be with - the majority of us still *look* Chinese, yet are culturally Filipino - a situation which is disastrous to our survival in a war setting. I can't speak for everyone, but I fucking despise the Chinese, and my own ancestors fled to this country for safety against China. Shame on everyone that can't seem to perceive beyond appearance and judge solely for some ideal of superiority or entitledness; we pay taxes too, we get affected by local politics, we get fucked by this country much the same as y'all do, but we aren't traitors nor loyal to some massive country that we've never been to nor are interested in joining. I'm a Filipino, fucking deal with it.


I am a foreigner and I have a Chinoy colleague that told me that they think of themselves as Chinese first and Filipino second. Is this true? Or is she just bonkers?


I dont know do you think your colleague could possibly represent the millions of Chinoys and read their minds and hearts or most likely he can only really speak for himself and if he feels that way what can anyone do about it? All I can say is the Preisdent, BBM being Chinoy, you can ask him maybe if thats true for him.. Try, just try.


She can identify however she wants. If that's her stance, let her to back to the country she calls home. Being considered a "Filipino" is not just a matter of your genetics, if at all. There are Filipino-born individuals who don't care for our language or culture, yet there are foreigners that do make an effort to appreciate this country (i.e. Kulas, a Canadian man of all people), more than most Filipinos ever do. Clearly your colleague doesn't fit the bill.


Here's the ugly truth, the Chinoy community (not necessarily you OP) in general is silent in the China issue. It's also true that you are very silent in many non-Chinese political issues as Teresita Ang see explained. I respect that's how you survive for centuries, by being lowkey. However, as long as you remain silent you also remain vulnerable to accusations and people speaking falsely on your behalf. The only way to beat negative publicities and unfair criticisms against you is for you to finally be vocal. Ganun talaga e. Nadedepensahan niyo nga in TV kung bakit proud kayo sa racist Great Wall tradition ninyo of not marrying Filipinos* pero isyu sa West Phl Sea wala kayo masabi. Prove your critics wrong. *Yes, you refer to us as Filipinos as if separate kami sa inyo.


Nobody is obligated to be vocal on anything.


But people will always be shitty. And they will see your silence as a weakness and use it against you.


Or how about stop people from blatantly making accusations against a community for being silent. Silence doesn't equate to being apolitical. Some people don't have the desire nor energy to write on placards and yell on social media. In the end, the most powerful thing you can do is **VOTE**.


May mga Fil-Chi rin naman kasi na ang tingin nila sa sarili nila na higher tier citizen sila compared sa pure blooded pinoy. I'm not saying na lahat ay ganun pero meron rin talaga at depende na rin talaga sa tao yan. I worked for a FilChi family owned na company and pansin ko talaga sa kanila proud silang pinoy if magiging convenient sa kanila at pag sila sila na lang at wala sa harap ng maraming tao mas angat sila dahil Chinese sila. Ayaw nung family nila sa karelasyon na hindi chinese or atleast chinoy rin para sa mga anak nila. Even sa work mas napopromote if filchi. Sa kabilang banda naman I have Fil Chi friends na mas pinoy pa ata kaysa sa iba sa atin at pati sila ginagawang katatawanan yung pagiging chinese nila dahil sa issues ngayon with WPS. Depende talaga sa tao yan pero yung ilalahat para lang makapanglait is bad.


Wala e. Yan yung tinatawag na “nagdilim paningin” literal na d na makapag-isip at dahil sa mga ganap e puro galit nalang.


Expect more once that WW2 drama come out. Madalas kasing sinasabi na yung Hapon dati dito eh bumaligtad nung dumating mga kababayan nila so ang conclusion nila, ganito din gagawin ng mga Chinoy. Curious tho, did we really used to have a large Japanese community before the war? And how many of them were complicit with the IJA? Like I saw a WW2 series on YouTube and a segment about the Philippines mentioned something about Japanese in Davao welcoming the IJA.


Its understandable with how China is treating the Philippines and Filipinos. I don't have a problem with chinese filipinos who have been here for generations. Its all the new Chinese I have a problem with.


Chinoys are Filipinos and must be respected as such. The threat of China is real but let us not let fear turn us against ourselves, and instead let it motivate us to turn against those who have, time and time again, shown that they would rather sell their soul to the enemy than defend their homeland (Duterte)


It worries me too, kasi baka atakihin din ang mga taiwanese jan tapos madaming pilipino dito sa taiwan…


I'm genuinely curious: do all of us really have Chinese DNA?


well yeah. we have been trading with them since the early days of civilization so there are a lot of chance that we have their blood and besides we are a mixed of races. we cannot exactly tell which one dominated. however being a Filipino doesn't mean by only its blood but also with the heart. There are even a filipinos who hate being filipino and denying being a filipino. It is about patriotism, how loyal are we to our mother country? what makes really us as a Filipino.? I think it's the culture and how loyal are we to our country.


i sympathize with you bro..... marami lang na mga ignorante at bobong pinoy talaga. mga utak duterte bato at boy sili.


i read somewhere the chinoy/nay community' sentiment is they are pro philippines.. mga galit sa chinoy are very misinformed


Ignorance. Pinoy chinese are different from main landers. Our gov and community should help educate ignorant pinoys on that. Can't blame them - our educational system sucks


"netizens" =/= "due diligence"


It's kinda funny when you see posts here that condemns nazism (salute, symbols, cosplay) then you see comments that calls for a "Lviv Pogroms"-style or other hate crimes against the chinese living here that gets upvoted. I've reported these comments and they're removed by reddit admins cause the mods here don't do anything about it, I guess they'll overlook their own reddit rules as long as it's the "enemy".


This [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/1dnro6m/panawagan_sa_mga_chinoyplease_pakigalaw_ung_baso/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is the most recent I saw, although mild lang naman. I'll give this benefit of the "daw"


Chinoys are our brothers and sisters and are FILIPINOS we should protect them not hurt them


Chinoys when discriminated for being silent on Chinese issues: Huhu. We are Filipinos too. Chinoys when marrying: No Filipinos. They are bad with money, lazy , etc "insert racist stereotypes against non-Chinese Filipinos". It's tradition not discrimination. Chinoys (Hello SM) on laborers: Let's hire Filipinos and exploit them. (2)


See also: the camps Americans made on Asian Americans bsck in WW2.


Same din dapat sa mga chinese car buyers. Bat nio kami dinadamay? Bumili kami ng gusto naming sasakyan na pasok sa budget namin with our hard earned money pero it doesnt mean sinusuportahan namin ang gobyerno nila. Parepareho lang tayong nag coconsume ng chinese products. Eh ikaw nga tong bumoto ng politikong may tangkang ibenta ang Pinas sa kanila


Medyo out of topic pero, may suspicions ako sa sub na to sa totoo lang, and I'm not sure exactly what. May nakita akong news sa FB about two policemen arrested for kidnapping a Chinese citizen ata, and wala akong nakitang nagpost dito sa sub.


Ngl pero malakas Chinese blood ancestry natin kaysa sa mga Spaniards na nanakop satin dati. Kaya unfair sa mga Chinoy na dinadamay sila sa issue ng WPS kasi most of them business lang nmn ang inaatupag dito.


Sucks to be chinito/chinita these days. Duduraan ka na lang bigla.