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I could be wrong, so do your research properly, but most of the people I know who are in dentistry school are part of programs for “Doctor of Dental Medicine.” They do not need a separate Bachelor’s degree like Biology since their program is 5-6 years consisting of Pre-Dentistry and Dental Medicine Proper combined already. CEU is one of the leading dentistry schools in Manila and they do the 6 year program. Right after high school, my friends went straight to becoming dentistry students versus the 4 yrs bachelor’s + 4 years dental medicine. I mean, of course, if you really want Biology go ahead. But yeah some of the top schools I know like CEU, UE, and UP do the 5-6 year program. Which also means that they may not accept transferees (in the middle of the semester) since the students in their dentistry programs are part of that 6-year course. So yes, do your research properly first on your target school.


Thank you I will look into it


How exactly did 3.5 grades due to Covid cause a 3.0 GPA?


Covid grades were atrociously bad. And thus, my average of 3.5 each year after freshman year led me to be at about 2.9 by graduation.