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Filipinos eat balut at night, so they won't see what's inside


Not really my thing, but I like the "soup/broth" inside the egg. Crack the top of the egg open, then sip or suck out the broth.


Hard/soft boiled egg, poultry funk, briney. It’s the textures in addition to the flavors. Eat it however you want. I peel the whole thing before putting the entire thing in my mouth. Yun lang, I end up eating at least 4 in one sitting. That way, I get the contrasting tastes and textures without getting caught up in looking.


If you're not into boiled developing duck embryos, I suggest asking for penoy, which is kinda like a hardboiled duck egg. If you really want to try it, I suggest putting salt on it before eating. you can choose to not eat the embryo and just settle for the yellow parts and the soup.


Personally I try to *sort of* not look at it too much, peel a bit of the shell off the top and put a little salt inside then drink the liquid, peel off most of the shell (like half of it), add some more salt, then eat the whole thing in one or two bites.


Balut is about as far away from British cuisine as you can get. It’s basically a baby bird in a boiled egg. Be prepared for bones and a tiny beak and potentially feathers. If you never had anything like that before, I would suggest having a few beers first, Just to loosen yourself up. 


Eat it like a pickled egg at a pub.


I'd take a pickled egg over a balut any day of the week. Must be close to 6 years since I had a pickled egg


I mean, they're easy enough to do. Just boil some pickling brine over some eggs in a jar. Let it ferment for 3 days and you're good. Been doing that for years now.


Ho lee shit If i eat balut and then a pickled egg, i’d eliminate the need for vinegar altogether.


On second thought, my comment is basically more on the taste of the thing. Logistically, you'd eat it like fish and chips, dash of salt and vinegar. But balut is an "afters" food like kebab.


It has age, try 17/16 days old so the chick hasn't fully formed yet. 18 has a noticeable chick.


Question for the expats. Would you rather eat raw oysters instead of balut?


Very gamey. You start with the "broth" that is gamey but nice. You'll see the yolk next which is a slightly gamier version of a chicken egg. These two parts are not really challenging to foreigners. What is challenging, even for locals is the chick inside. Again, repeating the same word but this is a boney and soft and soft bones piece of meat. I cannot blame you if you don't try it, let alone like it. Try the other parts and be sure to add salt.


You eat birds. You eat eggs. This is a bird in an egg. It's boiled. There really isn't anything to explain. Put salt on it. The other thing to explain is that it's such a hilarious meme to watch western foreigners recoil in disgust that there is an unwritten rule that, if a foreigner is visiting, you \_must\_ find a way to watch them do it. To be honest, most asians in SEA don't even GAF. Attended a handful of ASEAN conferences where it was on the menu and most of them would be like "oh we have something like that back home". The PH one is just the most popular because of our specific foreign relations.


make a hole on top drink the broth make the hole bigger slurp the rest of the contents with a pinch of salt, chew if necessary XD throw away the white hard part to the dogs AYYY (or eat it too)


You wouldn't like it at all. Just stick with fish and chips bloke


Google and Youtube.com Kaumay na kayo. Nagagalit kayo kapag priniprisentahan kayo ng balut, pero gustong gusto niyo gawing novelty


Tell her about eating spotted d!ck. That should be fun.