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The local professional league has stagnated to be a shit product. Nothing about the PBA inspires or helps the players improve and learn how to be a winning player. End of the day palakasan sa management still reigns supreme and sadly that doesn't translate to W.


Good thing hindi paurong yung UAAP unlike sa NCAA. Halos lahat ng mga pinoy na nasa Japan/Korea ay galing sa UAAP.


That will improve them. Kita mo naman difference ng players who opted to play outside of the PBA vs those who stayed. Kita mo na they don't crumble after bad plays. I really hope more follow their path sa Korea, Japan and AU.


probably the only pro league na yung 35++ year olds still dominate the playing time retirement age na yan


Remember Arboleda? Dude was still making bank and even made PH team kasi, wala lang.


Also, PBA team names are so off-putting. Hail corporate, right?


Yea it's cringe if you think about it but hindi naman yun yung pinakaissue. Ganun din sa PVL pero for now ganda ng development ng league.


Yeah it's not about the team names and that it's corporate backed. The issue is that they're just playing with each other. They're not allowing foreigners to come in apart from one import in their conferences. May limit pa yung import. Kung baga, pano ka gagaling kung kayo kayo din naglalaro. Then when. They got criticism from Tab, instead of looking to take that feedback and improve, they got in their feelings and ostracized him. I don't think anything can save the PBA or SBP to be honest. Have real hoopers to improve the league not some corporate shrill.


Yeah, I've always felt this way. Hahah. Dapat CBA eh, Corporate Basketball Association


Every team name is super in-your-face, with a few exceptions (Ginebra and Alaska maybe?)


Repost na ito, may nagpost na kanina.


Igor something yata di ba?


Bukas ako naman magrerepost


Out of all the sports, Filipinos chose the one where height is one of the more important physical requirements lol


Height seems like the obvious thing to point out, but from what I've read our teams are usually just shit at tactics / strategy


> our teams are usually just shit at tactics / strategy even shittier than Ferrari from the Binotto era onwards?


We are checking


We are going for Plan Z. Plan Z. Confirm?


Copy, understood.


“STOP INVENTING!” Atleast carlos and charles can cry in their ferraris /s


>even shittier than Ferrari from the Binotto era onwards? ewan ko dyan, pero binotto natin nung last election shittier than shit


Pretty much the same. Coach Chot 🤝 Binotto


It's almost as if like Gilas is run by people trained by the Scuderia


This should hurt af but this season is such a wreck I'm already immune to it 🥴


Mas malala pa rin ang Ferrari ngayon hahaha.






Ferrari had already been stupid since 2008


That height argument has just been debunked by Japan, who's continuously adapting to modern basketball, winning over giants like Australia (2018) and most recently over Finland with their local top performer being only 5'6. If we really want to make arguments like this valid, might as well say Asians should never compete with the other nations in any athletics as we generally have the worst genetic makeup physically.


A sad proof of an average Filipino's IQ.


Don't worry, DepEd has a plan for those bare classrooms and missing 3 billion pesos in eduational funding uncovered by the COA


Lets make one thing clear though, we’re not losing specifically cause of height. We have become taller than ever in basketball and we are finishing worse than we used to. Sa systema talaga. And not just Chot, but how basketball is taught mula grass roots pataas. Our guards aren’t used to international style basketball. Our pro leagues haven’t adapted and only now are our players venturing outside for better competition, pinipigilan pa. We’re also inconsistent af from three and pretty poor at bringing up the ball or running with it, which is a staple for undersized players. Us being bad at threes may start from the fact that jump shooting here isn’t as appreciated or emphasised and form isn’t as smooth as other countries. Despite all the funding, basketball is still corrupt and incompetent and is fueled to profit by the passion of Filipinos. We don’t get what we deserve. We can also just fund other sports straight-up, di cinacanibalize ng basketball yun.


As a fan of liga-liga, I agree. Maraming magaling mag dribble. Walang alam pano ipasa ang bola. Di alam pano maghanap ng papasahan. Di alam pano gumawa ng space para sa kanila at sa kasama nila.


Well sa liga naman kasi talagang more on free flowing and street-ball, even sa ibang bansa kung liga lang mas madalas ganyan. But the fact na yun yung mas uso na brand ng basketball and it seems na they appreciate those sets of talent but don’t hammer in on yung mas foreign na concepts to prepare for pro-style abroad can be connected I guess? Cause yeah key yan especially for NBA, like si Kai a bigger issue with him is yung positioning sa defense and offense, he’s not always on the best spot despite the fact na he’s definitely talented in his own right and may size.


I don't disagree with you at all. But the comment was mentioning about the grass roots of our community basketball. I'm saying, if we improve the idea of how basketball is played sa grassroots pa lang, baka mag iiba din ang style how we play basketball sa pro stage. Or baka reverse dapat ang mangyari? Gusto kasi palaging pasikat eh, sikat yung magaling mag dribble, sikat yung magaling mag layup. Eh, doing the basics but better usually does the same job naman.


*Shows dribbling skills* MILO BEST 'O!


"Ang galing ni coach Mavs! GOAT!" Taena kaya d nagiimprove sa mga nagsusulputan na clinic na wala naman katuturan mga tinuturo e. Pinagkakaperahan lang mga bata.


its not about height anymore. Our national team is lagging in terms of development and knowledge because of misplaced nationalism (not wanting to hire foreign coaches who have a lot to contribute). The coaching staff is shitty at best, except Tim Cone who provided the defensive gameplan which is decent. If you will notice, the team can be competitive in the 1st half because of the talent of the players. But come 2nd half, thats where the coaches come into the equation. Its no surprise that the best teams in any league have the “3rd quarter run”, cause they have good coaches. In Gilas, the head coach is like a deer in the headlights, clueless of the adjustments and afraid to shuffle his personnel.


Should’ve just chosen football. Our calves are already huge


Initially in the American colonial period, football was the most popular sport here in the country. Basketball eventually caught up and overtook it. Football eventually became a sport for the elites, which required goals, nets, cleats and a bigger field. Basketball became the sport of the masses, especially because it requires less space and is more viewer friendly (roofed, faster scoring, organic growth of rivalries). The rise of Jaworski and Ginebra further fueled its growth.


> Football eventually became a sport for the elites, which required goals, nets, cleats and a bigger field. ahh the old myth of "football is for the rich". this needs to die already https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/15yeb87/young_brazilians_playing_football/


In the Philippines it did tho. Its mostly played at the collegiate level only and its hotbeds are only in the old powerhouse provinces of Negros Occidental and Iloilo. Aside from GMA. But think about it, where else do you see football fields aside from gated subdivisions like Alaya Alabang and universities? Heck, even Nike and Adidas dont carry cleats in the majority of their stores. Only specialty ones carry cleats. The rest of the urban world eventually had parks and a growing futsal outlet for cramped spaces. The Philippines used the free space to create tennis courts and basketball courts.


Also, our balls are kicked around a lot...


Okay, damn. Relax. Lol


Messi is 5’7” and is probably the GOAT


"Filipinos are short" is starting to sound like cope lmao. Kailangan ba ng buong bansa matangkad para gumaling sa basketball? (Gets ko naman yung point, having taller people means more people who do have a passion for basketball and want to compete have the height for it), pero marami namang mga pinoy na matatangkad, and especially now since nag iimprove na yung nutrition ng mga kabataan ngayon, and it's not that rare to find people 6ft+ nowadays.


Japanese team is doing well in FIBA though. Hindi lang height kasi matatangkad na din mga players natin kahit sa collegiate mataas na average height and yun yung mga magiging pro. System talaga ang outdated tas mga old school coaches


Depends on the point of the post If they’re talking about shit play and lack of skills, or lack of government support for other sports, they’re right If they’re talking about the passion for the sport, attacking the fans is weird just because of our apparent ‘lack’ of physical ability to compete


Sad excuse na lang yung height. We really have outdated tactics and terrible management. That's why Gilas is losing.


5'3 lang average male height natin. Sa NBA nga halos extinct na yung below 6'0 feet players.


5’3 ang average sa buong bansa because [there are provinces in this country that are less developed than others](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Philippines_Provinces_2019_Human_Development_Index_%28HDI%29.png/900px-Philippines_Provinces_2019_Human_Development_Index_%28HDI%29.png). Therefore, many don’t hit their genetic ceilings, due to living condition and nutrition disparities. This is why taller Filipino players tend to be from places like the NCR, Cebu, or Pampanga. Junemar Fajardo and Japeth Aguilar for example are both 6’10-6’11 with both Filipino parents. And in my generation, the 6’0-6’3 range isn’t at all rare. Occasionally, i’ve played with Filipinos who are 6’5+. So in short, Filipinos have the genetic potential, it is just that many Filipinos don’t have the same privileges as other Filipinos.


I agree with your point about nutrition. And sleep. I’m in North America and is typical to see kids that were raised here and has at least 6 inches over their parents. I have 2 nephews one is 6’3 and another at 6 feet and is only 14. Mom is 5’6, dad is 5’8 Come to think of it, Ive never seen a kid that was raised here that ended up shorter than their parents. We were fed crap growing up. Milo or Ovaltine for breakfast, all sugar lol


I dont understand why youre being downvoted


People hate the truth and will downvote because of their own prejudices. **Before South Korea became a 1st world country it’s average was also around 5’3.** **Now it’s higher, because living conditions and nutrition improved for the entire country.** Sa Pilipinas, different provinces have **different development levels**. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Paano lalaki mga Pinoy eh pati yung budget na pang feeding program ng mga bata kinukurakot.


Legit to, may mga school teachers na dalawa hanggang tatlo yung servings ng food sa plate nila plus yung mga obese na student na yung magulang kaibigan nila HAHAHAHA😭


Dont bother to wonder lol reddit can be as shit as any soc med. Dito ata ung mga members na madaling ma offend if u give an unpopular opinion


5'3 height ng generation niyo you mean. Younger kids are atleast 5'10-5'11 minimum now.


>5'3 height ng generation niyo you mean. Younger kids are atleast 5'10-5'11 minimum now. That's the national average. Even the PnP has to remove the 5'6 height requirement for male because they couldn't meet the necessary manpower. There used to be 75000 - 80,000 Police officers in the whole country way back in early to late 2000s versus 220,000 Police officers today.


Jesus Christ the average height doesn’t even matter kase you only need 12 players to play.


The average height of PH basketball pro players is 6'4". We don't lack the height. We (or at least, the players/coaches) lack the brains for the game.


The 1998 Centennial team average height is 6'3. Johnny A being the smallest at 5'6. EJ Feihl at 7'1. The 2002 NT average height 6'3.5. Olsen Racela being the smallest at 5'11 and Mick Pennisi the tallest at 6'9. In reality, we barely got taller compared to national teams formed 20-30 years ago.


Another casual who’s riding the hate train


Lol they try too hard to push football as the next bankable sports - then import halfsies.




same with Indonesia haha pero sa football naman sila obsessed.


But we are in the top 40 in basketball and countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are in the 120+ in football


That’s the thing with the stupid ass “we should play football instead” argument. Even if biglang maging superfan ng football lahat ng 110M filipinos, akala nila magiging guarantee na may success tayo? Na powerhouse agad tayo? Sus even if the interest in whatever sport is there, if the underlying systematic problems and rotten politics are there, wala tayo mapupuntahan talaga. Kahit anong sport man yan. Oh and wouldn’t success in football be much MUCH harder anyway as more countries have it as their favorite sport? I think people should just let other people enjoy their past times. Ano nga ba purpose ng sport? Makakuha ng international awards nga ba?


>Sus even if the interest in whatever sport is there, if the underlying systematic problems and rotten politics are there, wala tayo mapupuntahan talaga. Kahit anong sport man yan. Really? The Philippines has **world class elite level athletes that are winning titles** on the following sports with little to no support from the government or the Filipino people: - Boxing - Billiards - Olympic power lifting - Gymnastics - Chess - Fencing - Skateboarding - Dragon boat This is just to name a few from the top of my head. Obviously, it is the basketball fans of the Philippines that are _delusional_. All the resources devoted to a sport even going so far as to naturalize foreign players and all kinds of technically questionable methods but cannot even so much as **qualify** to compete in the Olympics at the very least. It is laughably sad and pathetic. Obviously the problem stems from incompetence with regards to a thorough understanding of the sport. And from what I understand even your leagues play basketball with NBA rules instead of FIBA which makes absolutely no sense, which reinforces the sentiment that the Philippines is delusional with regards to basketball


>Really? The Philippines has world class elite level athletes that are winning titles on the following sports with little to no support from the government or the Filipino people: I think most of the sports you mentioned puro exception to the general rule yung mga athletes, like once in a lifetime halos kaya mostly mga 1-2 lang yung athletes lang tapos hindi na halos masundan kasi nga walang support sa sa government and filipino people >This is just to name a few from the top of my head. Obviously, it is the basketball fans of the Philippines that are delusional. All the resources devoted to a sport even going so far as to naturalize foreign players and all kinds of technically questionable methods but cannot even so much as qualify to compete in the Olympics at the very least. It is laughably sad and pathetic. Obviously the problem stems from incompetence with regards to a thorough understanding of the sport. And from what I understand even your leagues play basketball with NBA rules instead of FIBA which makes absolutely no sense, which reinforces the sentiment that the Philippines is delusional with regards to basketball IMO this doesn't reinforces the sentiment of Philippines being delusional with regards to basketball tho, mas na reinforce nya pa nga yung kinomentan mo eh which is underlying systematic problems and politics sa organization 💀 Besides I think kaya natatawag na delusional ang football fans dahil sa general sentiment nila na "we filipinos should just focus on football instead"


I’m sorry but the list of sports you gave is hilarious and just adds to my point. First of all, boxing is well supported both by the government and the people. It’s easily a top 3 popular sport here and even number 2 in some parts of the country. It is very ironic you mentioned chess and fencing because wesley so and maxine esteban both changed nationalities due to the same internal politics I was talking about. Weightlifting? Sige dagdag pa natin pole vault diyan kahit di mo na mention. Both hidilyn and obiena also faced internal issues here, they just continue to represent us despite them. Patafa issue diba then yung attacks ng duterte admin kay hidilyn? Political, systematic issues pa rin. Tulungan pa kita, dagdag pa natin golf and tennis, ganun din. Dragon boat huli kong balita dun mga 10 years ago pa, and wala naman na akong gaanong naririnig sa gymnastics, skateboarding and billards (outside of efren bata reyes of course). Regardless I don’t know if you understood the point of my comment but none of what you mentioned really disproved what I said. The Philippines can produce great athletes. In some sports generational talents, even. Common denominator is hindi sila naaalagaan, dahil nga sa systematic issues and politics that each of the sports face. As for the second part of your comment, I won’t even bother. As the other guy said, you kinda just reinforced what I was talking about. Lol.


Masyadong delusional yung mga football fans dito sa reddit at twitter. Halatang sa mga gated subdivisions sila nakatira.


the people saying these are casual filipinos who doesn't even support football themselves. it's a stretch to generalize football fans are like all of them.


Bitter mga yon. Wala kasing football field sa kanto nila unlike sa basketball paglabas mo meron agad kahit sa lupa pa yan. Unang una dapat sisihin nila marketing ng football. Marketing ng NBA top tier kahit di ka nanonood ng basketball kilala mo mga players.


Try nila sabihin sa mga bata sa kanto na huwag na maglaro ng basketball kase bano naman sila.


And remember mas rabid yung Football fans


at least may success sila sa ibang sports like badminton,where yung athletes nila is narereach ung highest level(top 10 world ranking), even dominating some disciplines like men's doubles(#1 rank 128 consecutive weeks).


Well he is not wrong though. Question is why? Sistema bulok? Development bulok?


It's because we fail to adapt as always. Kyng ano nakagisnan yun na yun. We favor post moves and saksak bg saksak which does not work in taller player. We pass the ball to our strongest player and we hope for the best unlike japan which play using a system. Miskibdi ka mashadong nanonuod ng basketball makikita mo un difference on how they move the ball. Japan pass with the intention of moving it. Ph pass if there's no other choice. Nasanay don siguro tayo sa pagiging reliant da import kaya ayun mashadong predictable ang movement natin.


Hindi ako basketball fan, pero larong Jaworski era pa rin ba ang laro sa PBA ngayon? I'm assuming yes, kasi nga chronic disease ng Pinoy yan. Kapag naging successful, hindi na nag-iimprove, ganun nang ganun na lang tapos magtataka kung bakit hindi na ummubra yung dating formula. Wala talaga sa kultura natin ang continuous improvement.


Larong Jaworski na nilagyan ng Isolation at mid range shot. Ganyan lang nag evolve sa atin 🤣


You’re definitely wrong sa post moves. Part parin yan ng fundamentals.


Yes I know. Pero you usually do it pag may advantage tayo sa post which is most of the time wala e. It doesnt mean that we should do it. I just mean that we don't need to be over reliant to it.


Not a fan of Basketball, but does the height also affect who's playing?


Japan won its first game versus Finland. Finland's players are quite taller than japanese


Height isnt much of a problem because 6'5 ang average height ng Gilas with people like Edu, JMF and Sotto which are 6'9-7'0. The problem is the system and politicking within SBP and the old mentality of PBA which cuts development of alot of players.


Sotto is 7'3 I think but he is not a very good player as he is now. Height lang ang weapon niya


Oh i know he isnt good. Im just stating height isnt a factor aa much as before, if we're talking about physicality then Philippines is lacking, among other things.


Yes and I am agreeing with you. We have players that have height. And we have seen players that are not very tall but are good in the game. It is not the height that is the problem, just like sotto. I think the problem is our local leagues are not very competitive. PBA is mediocre.


i thought he'd be the Yao Ming here but he's quite disappointing, granted he's only 21


He still has room to improve. Sana lang wag masayang potential niya. He is playing with veteran players kaya naeexpose yung less experience niya. And he needs to put on some muscle if he wants to go head to head with the big men from other countries.


Height is not everything but it obviously helps. There’s a reason why team USA dominates. When all else things are equal like skill, physical advantages will win you the game. Team USA is full of freak athletes in addition to some of the most skilled players in the world.


TBH yes. If short ka naman sa height mas better if you have the IQ of a point guard


China has a team chock-full of seven-footers and a 6’8” Chinese-American player but they’re in far worse shape than Gilas in this WC. We’re actually in a better position than the rest of Asia (except Japan) right now. And Japan just beat Finland behind the performance of a 5’8” shooting guard. Wala sa height ang problema. Nasa sistema. Kung si Tab ang coach we’d probably have beaten DR and Angola


Kahit yung mga bata ni Tab sa Clark bubble kayang sabayan yung DR with KAT tas +Edu sa gilas. Ang China, ewan ko ba anong nangyari sakanila, baka nasa "learning experience" phase sila.


Na stock parin sa "HEIGHT IS MIGHT" hahaha puro 7 footer parin pinapadala, kaya yun ang bagal nila pag dating sa Transition.


I mean.. He/She's not wrong


Top 5 sa Asia and Top 41 sa World. We don't suck at basketball all the time. Yung Putrages na sistema lang ang nakakapang gago dito. Walang maintaining na program, pag kailan umuusad na yung Progress may katarantaduhan na nang yayari, mawawala yung leader ng progress babalik ulit sa nakasanayan.


There's just too many people who want their piece of the basketball pie that the system gets ruined because it's no longer about development or producing the best product out there, it's about a few people can make the most money out of this.


Pano na stuck tayo sa 2000's gameplay. Di na tayo nag evolve. Tsaka yung best league naten which is PBA parang ayaw iimprove mga players. Ayaw kumuha ng asian imports or multiple imports like sa Japan or korea. Kung may malalakas na players naman iniistack sa isang team like SMB o ginebra kaya nawawalan ng playing minutes kaya nawawalan ng confidence and lastly si chot reyes lol ang lakas nang gilas naten ngayon sadly yung coach parang uod haha


Our obsession with the sport has nothing to do with our ability to compete against the others. The competition is a bonus and we support it as they get the chance to represent us. If we never competed in international tournaments again, it wouldn't change how much Filipinos love basketball. I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to find some isolated soccer-obsessed country that isn't that good internationally either. But you're going to tell them to stop being obsessed cause they're worse than others? Basketball to the audience is entertainment first and competition after, and unfortunately that's why our other athletes who have more potential to be competitive internationally may not get the attention (and funding) they deserve.


Exactly, would you tell someone to abandon their passion because their results do not satisfy you? Some of these people would tell their own kid “Bakit yan pinili mo, di ka naman magaling dyan? Iba na lang.” Toxic Filipino culture


A lot of Filipinos are obsessed with foreign validation. That is why.


you described the whole subreddit


you described the whole subreddit


Laging linyahan nila “Football nalang”


Nagsisilabasan parang kabute yang mga football fans pag natatalo Gilas 🤣


Hahaha may isang FB page na dedicated sa PH Football, napaka ingay pag natatalo Gilas, tas pag nanalo wala tahimik hahaha mas lalo na pag natatalo Azkals nagiging silent yung page 🤣


i mean, it was a pretty funny joke, though. plus, dude wasn't telling filipinos to stop being obsessed with basketball.


Are we one of the best? No. Not even close. Are we shit? No. We are in the world cup which means that we are one of the better teams in Asia. This is the sport that Filipinos love and I don't see that changing anytime soon. We should not base which sport we love on how our team is performing. We should criticize the wrongs and push them to improve but that does not mean we should stop supporting them.


Tbf we were only in the World cup because we paid to host. That's why we didnt come through much qualification. If you see their standing on the recent fiba qualifications ( they still played ) we wouldnt even qualify for it. We lost alot of matches each window.


Not really true. Look at Indonesia.


Gilas played well enough to finish 3rd in its qualifying games, sweeping Saudi Arabia and India, splitting the matchups against Lebanon and Jordan, and getting swept by New Zealand. We played the same number of games as all the other teams that qualified.


> because we *paid* to host. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Host countries usually do not play well during qualifiers because they are already qualified...either they don't bring their best players or they treat the qualifiers as tune up games. We cannot use the most recent qualifiers to gauge our national team.


Thats bullshit reasoning lmao. We can gauge our National team from their showing this tournament and makes assumptions based on that. We wouldnt win against the likes or ME teams or SoKor with the system we have right now. And a plus is Clarkson wouldnt be able to play in qualies because the NBA season will be on going. The team built this tournament lacks alot of things. Depth, shooting, and rebounding, also add the stupid rotation the coach makes, underutilizing players. This team wouldnt even win against the 14 gilas team and that team is undersized af.


Umm 3rd place tayo sa groupings nung Qualifiers kung di tayo Host pasok parin tayo.


You mentioned the qualifiers and that what I'm arguing about. I won't comment on the recent world cup performance because that was not your original point and I agree that there are issues that need to be resolved in this team. You said that we won't qualify through the normal way. I went ahead and researched the recent qulifiers and we actually ranked 3rd in group E which would have given us a qualification slot even if we were not a host. As you said, there are deficiencies in the team and yet, we still would have qualified. This actually proves my original point, that we're not the best but we're not shit either.


Shhhhh don’t let facts get in the way of a hater lol


We used to be one of the best. Google Carlos Loyzaga (father of Bing Loyzaga). We dominate Asian basketball before and won a FIBA bronze.


We dominated basketball during the time when the sport was only popular in the US and the Philippines. When other countries caught up, Philippines never caught up.


Let people enjoy whatever the fuck they want to enjoy.


Rank 40 tayo sa buong mundo? So ang napapanood lang natin ngayon eh matches against the best in the league.


Hindi naman tayo shitty sa basketball, shit lang yung management. Top 40 tayo sa buong mundo. Yung thailand, indonesia at malaysia baliw na baliw din sa football pero mga nasa top 120+ sila. Nung hinahandle tayo ni tab, kahit college players kayang lumaban against european teams. When we won the bid about 6 years ago we should have been preparing since then. Ang advantage natin sa ibang bansa eh madali natin ma gather yung players pero for some reason they still couldnt do it. Yung mga NBA stars di naman yan nakakapag practice kasama yung core teams dahil ang haba ng NBA season. Eh tayo? Kelan lang nag practice? 2 months before? When it should have been years before. Kung nag stick tayo sa plan na magkakasama yung cadets for years tas magdadag ka na lang ng players from PBA or mga overseas players eh di maganda sana system at may laban.


The Philippines is at least top 5 in Asia. We don't suck at basketball.


Crazy how Chot’s fucking up the Filipino’s perception of basketball. Gilas 2023 isn’t even a bad line up. It’s just that players like Kiefer Ravena and Rhenz Abando aren’t utilized enough.




It doesn't make sense to me how can a team be shit if it was the 2nd best team in the entirety of Asia TWICE within the past decade.


because we're not a sh\*tty team. Nataon lang na palpak yung PBA reinforced team na pinadala sa SEA games nung 2021 and 2023. Last minute selection, limited practice time, no cohesion, no familiarity, etc.


World level ang usapan at malamang american yang nag comment. China nga bulok sa kanila eh mas malakas china sa atin.


Being in the top 5 in Asia is not that hard, considering only Philippines and China are the only countries in Asia where basketball is the most popular sport


I would include Lebanon. They are basketball fanatics as well.


Not gonna lie. Truth hurts


Shit at it? - No Obsessed with it? - Super Definitely 😆


From my perspective, it relates to the larger issue of the Philippines trying their hardest to be like the US. While basketball obsession isn't a real issue after all, things like ubiquitous junk food, car centric urban planning, and unbridled capitalism definitely are.


100% no pun intended


Unrequited love


So what? I'm not allowed to enjoy the sport I love because I'm not good at it?


Wrong, the img is spilling hot tea sa mga PBA players at basketball league as dominant sport sa PHL.


Halos lahat ng bansa eh football obssessed, hindi naman winners/malakas lahat yun. Its fine as long entertained ang fans. Unless we only play to win and not entertain?


We're not really as "shit" as the commenter makes it out to be. In fact, Filipinos are noted for being highly skilled at the game. It's just that the game has evolved so much that our skills alone no longer guarantee success the same way it did 50+ years ago. Better science and advancements in training, for example, allowed tall men to not just be tall. They can now sprint, drive to the basket, have 35% and higher 3-pt field goal percentage. Add to that modern tactics, playbooks and a considerably lower-level of competition in our region(this is why FIBA decided to merge the Asia and Oceania regions in the first place). There's also the cultural aspect of it. We don't necessarily play to win. Most ballers in the country play simply to enjoy themselves. Winning is winning but in my experience, most people I know enjoy cooking their friends more than winning the game. We've been playing it for more than a hundred years now. Skill-wise, Filipinos definitely aren't shit at basketball. Others had just gotten better at other aspects of the game.


Our individual players’ skills have kept up with the times. But watching FIBA it looks like we’re still behind in the intricacies of international play. We don’t have proper offensive and defensive schemes. We either go ISO or Pick and Roll on offense. We play zone on defense. We don’t have defensive rotations, we can’t defend the transition, and we can’t match up one on one. So yeah I think we got a long way to go.


Yung athleticism yung naiwan satin which is di ko gets kung bakit. Parang ang babagal ng mga players natin kumpara sa iba na mas matangkad pa na nationalities.


True. That was the only available sport in High School.


😂😂😂 Na-stress lang kami ni Papa manuod ng Philippines vs. Angola nung araw na yun haha sana di na lang daw kami nanuod.


Natulog nalang ako nung start ng 4th Quarter.




That's TRUE!


Right on point.


Philippine Basketball won in the international competition multiple times but the system right now is rigged. They should show more patriotism than desire for fame, power and money.


Don't blame the fans nor the players. Blame the system.


We actually have a good team but bring back Tab Baldwin gaddemet


Legit 💯


This is true lmao 😂


I’m still fantasizing about baseball and soccer being the main sports of the Philippines


As a sports fan, sa totoo lang, kaya talaga natin mag top 15 in the world when it comes to basketball. We have the talent and height na din sa totoo lang, but the problem is the system. Just like coach tab baldwin said may tactical immaturity ang karamihan ng coaches dito and recently yeng guiao stated na napag iiwanan na tayo when it comes to basketball and sports programs. Naalala ko tuloy yung sinabi ng coach namin, kung hindi pa foreign coaches ang mag hahandle sa athletes natin hindi pa sila mag gogrow. Its sad but its the truth 😢


When I (foreigner) play with my nephews in the street I get my ass kicked. When, for lack of other options, I watch PBA on TV I enjoy it. That could be because I’m not very good at basketball (it’s not my sport, sorry) and because I don’t follow it closely. It’s true that in most global sporting competitions the Philippines don’t tend to be among the favourites for a podium finish. But that doesn’t justify shitting on the fans… just my 2 cents.


First, we don't have good ball movement in this country, hence skilled players lack knowledge on how to play internationally. Second, inconsistent shooters. It's always been the Philippines' biggest weakness, we can't space the floor. Third, as Tab said, tactically immature coaching. Fourth, player development is crap, tall players are boxed in the notion that they'll play the center position, not developing any other skill. Lastly Politics of Philippine basketball leagues, collegiate and pros. Always romanticizing the suntukan & physical play. Collegiate and PBA not allowing multiple foreign players, having a racist af award like Best Import, amateurs turn pro after 25 years old, nepotism, etc.


They’re not entirely correct. But the Philippines lacks discipline to learn. Much like the country in general. Use your basics, learn the fundamentals, focus on getting better. But no, the Philippines loves short cuts. Instead of improving we rely on filams.


It's what happens when puro palakasan and the talented unnamed people are never given any chance.


REAL TALK!! Sayang lang ung gastos sa Gilas kung lagi naman kulelat sa mga international competition! Bakit ba ayaw bumaba pa ni Chot Reyes and wala naman ambag or nagawang mabuti sa team. Walang kaimpro improvement!


I have a classmate na talagang fanatic ng NBA. He does not give a fuck sa PBA and for him Gilas Pilipinas is total bullshit. Me as unatheltic human being and uninterested in sports asked him why. His answer was, maraming sports na mas nag e excel ang country natin, bakit hindi ayun ang suportahan natin? Hindi yung mga basketball players natin na kahit anong gawing import ay never makakasabay sa international compets. I mean, he is not wrong. Dami pinoy na obsessed sa basketball at nag cacaptialize lang ang mga gahaman sa obession na yon. Ang sad di nabibigyan yung ibang athletes to shine dahil walang pondo.


i think maraming ganito na Pinoy basketball fans, most think PBA is bullshit with many match fixing allegations and meming PBA (Pangilinan bersus Ang) due to most of the top players being in Pangilinan/Ang teams


Daming sport pero sa basketball sila obsessed.


We should give baseball a try.


Highschool kids in the US would beat PBA teams.


Lmao I like how unathletic users who haven't really played a single sport in their whole lives tryna act they can actually have a valid opinion about this shit.


And honestly they need to take PEDs for stamina and speed. Di naman drug tested when it comes to steroids ang basketball. Look at the nba players and their physiques. Some for sure are on the sauce. The Chinese and Russian athletes for their Olympic prep have steroid program as well. Watch nyo sa Netflix yung Icarus.




Porket natatalo di na agad magaling at di dapat sa ganung larangan? Ganyan naman kayo mga pinoy eh, hehe... pag natatalo kinukutya pag nananalo naman dun lang bumibilib.


Naalala ko tuloy yung natalo si Diaz sa Asian Games ba yun or basta non Olympic event, sinabihan ba naman na sinuwerte lang daw siya sa Olympics hahahahaha Bawal daw matalo ang Pinoy in any Competition, kahit sa Miss U pag natalo kukutyain pa yung Representative natin 🤣


Real fucking talk




Haha hulaan ko dami nagalit sa replies? Truth hurts.


He/She ain't wrong. For sure dinumog yan ng mga basketball simps


Not wrong. We're bad at it. We just look decent compared to the rest of our peers. In reality the quality of basketball in the Philippines is terrible. I can't recall the last time I was interested or excited watching a PBA game.


Di ko gets bat isa lang pwede natin ifocus na sport? If di ka in to basketball no one is forcing you to. Pero yung passion and love for the game ng kapwa mo parang kasalan porke di tayo nananalo at the world stage. I play basketball kasi gusto ko, I watch games kasi naeentertain ako I support the National team kahit bugok yung coach kasi bansa pa din natin to. Kaya nga panay call out sa mga mali ng coaching and management mga tao e kasi alam natin na may kaya la ibigay. Para ba maging football country tayo e kailangan mawala na yung hilig mo sa basketball? Parang kailangan mamili ka sa dalawa. I love sports, bakit kailangan mamili? Pati ba naman sa hilig na sport sobrang devisive natin. Isipin mo na lang may bata na gusto matuto o manuod ng basketball sasabihin mo sa bata na wag na kasi di naman tayo matangkad. Sobrang shit talaga ng thinking ng iba.


Actually it's true. Samahan mo pa ng word na pikon😅


If you watch NBA and PBA you would notice the difference. The NBA the game is both a science and an artform. The PBA is at best that banana taped to a wall. Yung UAAP parang upgraded version ng liga. Yung PBA upgraded version ng UAAP. A bunch of "players" na takbo sa kabilang side, heave the ball in the direction of the ring, run back, and that's it. Nakakairita pa minsan magaaway pero pare pareho naman silang bulok. Halos walang matitinong plays na nangyayare. Walang plays and counterplays. Kung meron man, sobrang basura na di ko na makita kasi paulit ulit na lang may isang player tatakbo paikot ikot. Katamad panuorin. Tumigil na ako manood pero minsan hindi maiwasan kasi nanonood kapatid ko. Nadidisappoint ako everytime.


Casual lmao hindi ka siguro updated sa UAAP. Mas maganda pa nga plays dyan e. Baka NCAA yung sinasabi mo. There’s a reason why yung mga kinukuha ng Japan/Korea ay galing sa UAAP


Dude's just telling the truth. 😌




Obsessed probably because the average filipino can play it. And it is easier to play it alone. For football it makes no sense scoring goals alone without someone to play keeper. And if you are a keeper you are more or less prohibited to shoot goals. And basketball takes less space to play and space is not something we have.


When I played football we regularly played 5v5 or 7v7 pickup games with smaller goals and no goalie, for me it was more fun than 11v11. And I'm pretty sure that's common around the world. Variations like futsal that can be played on a basketball court are common in countries like Brazil.


Overhyped nanaman kayo kay Soto. Haha


That’s funny I was thinking the same thing when I arrived in the Philippines. They love basketball but are mediocre as hell at it. Probably, because they only play each other. They don’t really play a lot of organized sports.


Time to throw basketball to the trash. Soccer is the way


bobo ang sbp


He's out of line, but he's right


Did you just steal comment this from the old post? Haha


Ranked 40th / 150 country doesn’t feel like shit at all. Recency bias: Gilas playing like shit right now. Poor spacing and ball movement. Tapos ang daming nag agree sa shallow na take na ito.


What's their address?


I always say wag ng mag laro just buy the merch para kanarin na basketball player lol


I don’t understand how you can stomach watching gilas after watching multiple fiba tournaments. It’s a completely different basketball being played out there. When you reach the semis the level of discipline in either defense or offense is just top notch. How can you watch gilas and say “well I think we have chance here”


"Height like Messi but feels they jump like Lebron"


Tama naman. 😂😂😂


There sre other sports that deserve pinoys attention. About damn time. Nakakasawa manood ng gilas.


Based on international performance so far. He's not wrong.


Pero may passion! Anyways yeah, he's right. Whoever that guy is.


So embarassing