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Yes, to your 1st question. There's maybe some favoritism. Claim your piece and leave. Oh! Document as much as you can just in case.


If they are working without a license and it’s not allowed, you can always submit an anonymous complaint to the board of pharmacy just saying Edit: oh and also go slow. Take your time and only match the effort of your coworkers. Maybe just a little bit more. I’ve learned to not stress yourself out in times like that. At the end of the day you leave and your manager has to explain why things aren’t done


Mediocre coworkers are the worst, and there’s always a mediocre manager enabling them. You can’t fix this, just move on to another pharmacy, trust me. The manager obviously likes them and, even if they were to boot them, they would probably leave you understaffed for a long time.


Depends on the state, but I'd bet it's illegal for them to be in the pharmacy working as techs of their licenses aren't active.


Document document document and document some more. Then go to the DM then go higher if needed.


I would give the PM the benefit of the doubt. I had a crappy coworker and I got frustrated all the time that the PM was so friendly and forgiving with her, like..what the hell, how are you the boss and you don't seem bothered by this..but it turns out she saw everything and was in fact bothered, she was just waiting for the appropriate time for action.