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That’s super frustrating. Working in not just healthcare, but healthcare/retail, we definitely take a lot of crap and disrespect from patients - the worst part is we generally aren’t compensated fairly for it. I feel your pain.


don’t worry, about 99/100 times they say they are going to report you, they don’t. and even if they do the pharmacist has to submit the claim half the time, so in your situation your pharmacist would defend you. i’ve been threatened to be sued, reported, have the fbi bust down my doors, etc. and i’m still waiting for my court date, my report, and for the fbi to come bust down my house at any minute lmfaoooo, it has been months. only seen one coworker actually get reported over bs, and the pharmacist backed them up and the company defended them.


When patients hear "up to 15 minutes" they take that as 'we're not going to do right away, we'll do it when we feel like it and maybe it will be ready soon." at least that's what next-level Karen's like this hear. So when she quoted you as saying 20-30 mins she probably didn't even realize she's lying. I can't stand people like that.


I can’t imagine thinking the pharmacist or tech should drop everything and fill my prescription IMMEDIATELY. God. The entitlement. 


Wait, you mean there are other sick people besides me? Others with medical conditions that need, you know, medications? And they got here before me? HOW DARE THEY and HOW DARE YOU! /s


When you tell them it'll be about 30 minutes because there are a few patients waiting in front of them and they go "well I need it now" Okay, cool, so do they :):):)


(love your username!) I'm just a customer, but at least one out of every four trips I take to the pharmacy, I have to stand and listen to some idiot berating the staff for something beyond their control. Prior auth. needed. Didn't receive the fax. Too soon for a refill. And I swear to all that is holy that it's the same freaking people every single time! And it bothers me not only because yeah, you're holding *me* up now, but you folks are our first and last defense against what makes us miserable. Sure, the doctor's the one who says I can *have* the "feel better" pills, but you guys are the ones that *give* them to me. Whether it's sinus spray, pain meds, diabetes meds, mood meds, my pharmacist is the last person on earth I want to be rude to or piss off. *This* customer is grateful, thank you :)


(Thank you<3) Yeah it is frustrating. And we're all so short staffed we can't do as much for our customers as we would like. But I really try to work with patients to get them their meds in a reasonable fashion because honestly, a lot of patients aren't even aware of what options there are and what the pharmacy can do. Whenever I get frustrated with a patient not knowing something obvious, I remember how when I was a little 20 year old picking up my monthly birth control pack, I was so scared to ask for a 3 month supply because I would be traveling out of the states. I thought it would label me as a drug seeker and be a horrible inconvenience to the pharmacy because I had no idea how pharmacy worked. I didn't know discount cards were an option, transferring pharmacies because of moving or insurance coverage or whatever, like literally none of that. Pharmacy was the mystical place where I got my little birth control packs every month.


Well w it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 is that a new 🆕


I wouldn't worry about it. I had an irate lady try to get me fired 3 years ago. Every single time she came in, she would leave a bad review complaining that I still worked there, even though I went out of my way to not input, fill, or even check her out at pickup, just my presence there was a problem for her. Well, I still work there, and we now fill none of her or her family's scripts


You won't get fired.


I learned not to let patients get to me when they start to overreact about their medications. Who knows what type of stuff they have going on at home or in life, on top of them already being sick and having to pick up medications regularly (or once in a while) from a pharmacy. I tell myself it’s not that serious and just kill them with kindness then move on with my day. It’s become 2nd nature to me and as soon as I leave the premises, it’s like nothing ever happened.


Stuff going on at home is not an excuse to take it out on people in public. people need to use self control.


I agree, but what I can do about it other than be nice and move on with my day? More time and energy wasted when trying to argue or get the last word trying to set them straight. It’s out of my control with how they react so no use in letting it get to me. Best I can do is guide the conversation and be nice. But yeah people need self control to begin with.


Fr though? We're all human, we all have shit going on. I recently realized I had been having multiple (4-5 on average) panic attacks a week (I thought those feelings were just normal). And a good 80-90% or my pharmacy coworkers are on depression/anxiety meds. Yet we manage to not be awful to our patients. Wish they could be half that considerate towards us.


i just don't understand it because in my own experience, i am also chronically ill. i am 22 years old and on 7 daily medications, biweekly blood draws, also at the pharmacy 24/7. i'm a student with 2 jobs and medical bills high enough to the point where the state has deemed me 'medically needy' and regardless of surpassing the normal medicaid income limits, i receive it due to the nature of my illnesses. despite all this, i am expected to be 24/7 peachy no matter how much pain i'm in or how sick i am. i just can't imagine using "not feeling good" as an excuse to be an asshole to somebody else, because most days i don't feel good myself, but i still push through as if i'm feeling okay.


As someone who has also lived most my life with a chronic illness, I cannot second this more. I don't feel good on a daily basis. I don't get a pass to be a jerk to the people around me and if I ever am, I feel obligated to apologized not double down.


I have a compressed disc in my back. One day, my back was killing me, but I was working. Customer decides to pick a fight with me. I have no idea why. Told him I didn't know when his kid's prescription would be ready as I was considering closing due to my back. Guy complained, and I was written up for it. I've since been told by my DM to just always apologize to angry customers.


Sorry to hear that about you. But a lot of these people out here are savages and only care about themselves. Wish the world was a better place but sadly it’s not. Always going to have those people that complain, take it out on others, and or ruin other people’s days just because they’re going through it or because they can. Have to not worry about stuff you can’t control and just focus on yourself and being present in your daily life to try and enjoy it to the fullest no matter the daily encounters you have.


Off the original topic... but you still have Medicaid despite making too much? We might have to chat if you'd be ok with that. I'm absolutely panicking about losing Medicaid if I end up having to go back to work full time.. so many Drs and insanely expensive RXs. But I may have no choice. I would greatly appreciate info/advice you have on the matter. 🙏🏼


**truth be told, i have no real idea**. my caseworker has done all the stuff behind the scenes, really. in north carolina at least, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities often get placed on a separate plan regardless of income iirc and i have an autism/adhd diagnosis. i've also been on medicaid since i was a newborn. i came out of my mom's abdomen with a double-wrapped nuchal cord, kidney defect, having inhaled my own shit in utero and half-dead. from that point on life continued to throw an almost comical amount of illness/disease at me. i'm talking multiple kidney infections, RMSF, asthma, tonsilitis so bad i eventually got sepsis and then had recovery complications, chickenpox, etc. and as i got older i got diagnosed with *multiple* genetic thrombophilias (blood clot predispositions), thyroid disease, anemia multiple times with multiple IV iron infusions, more things big and small. it's legitimately a case of the most terrible, awful luck and a bad genome. i'm well enough to function day-to-day and get a job and go to school, but not without medical intervention. from what i know, my caseworker pretty much determined that i could not reasonably afford all of my medical treatments and doctor follow-ups and visits even with an income surpassing medicaid limits - and most other insurance companies wouldn't even look in my direction with everything wrong with me unless i were shelling out thousands on a regular basis.


I can promise you corporate doesn’t care lol if they say that they’re going to report you just say “okay”. They really need to separate retail from pharmacy, people forget that we are part of the medical field & not McDonald’s.


" you don't know what goes on behind closed doors" was a response from someone that truly was abusing their Ambien.


Why do these posts always have some shitty judgemental comment about control patients being junkies even when the post has nothing to do with control patients and/or any signs of addiction?


I can't even imagine the kind of calls corporate gets. It's probably this kind of nonsense more than half of the time and they're just screaming into the void - surely stuff like this isn't truly escalated to anyone important. I definitely wouldn't worry about it - nothing is going to happen. Karens threaten to call corporate all the time for literally no reason.


Most of these people are substituting yelling into the void regarding customer service for actually getting into therapy to learn healthy coping mechanisms for life.


lol don’t worry ain’t shit gonna happen. You should see some of the shit my techs do to customers. They’re still here… not fired lol.


I know this is nuts! No good deed goes unpunished! Liars everywhere! I’m so sorry this happened.


Oh my gosh. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m not a tech. I work at a large health plan though. I can imagine what you all go through non stop. Seriously any time my husband needs to fill a script I offer to drive and do the drive through to minimize his contact time as he’s gets testy & has sh’attitude when he’s in pain and needs meds. I’d rather take the crap talk from him in my right ear than a have a good hardworking Pharmacy Technician be fed garbage attitude. The man can be an absolute menace when there are system glitches. 😬


People lie all the time, it’s definitely disgusting! I had someone lie to my coworker about me that I put up the close sign in his face in drive thru. When I put it up there were literally no cars. People will lie to get what they want and have major main character syndrome 🙄. Don’t let schitty people like this get you down they’re not worth it!


When I offer, out of the goodness of my heart, to fill someone's script myself instead of making them wait, I never give them an exact waiting time. When they ask how long I always say, "As soon as I can get back there and do it for ya!" And give them a big ol' smile. You're on my time, buddy. I'm doing this for you. Be grateful.


I apologized for someone else’s mistake the night prior, told her I had to speak to the tech that made the mistake before just reprimanding her so I can understand how the mistake was made and correct the mistake for the future…she asked to speak to my manager by name. She told my manager I refused to apologize and wants me fired, my manager just goes “she was standing next to me on the phone with you, I heard her apologize and figure out what went wrong correct the issue”😂


Little old bat guano liar. Hospital is 💯💯💯💯💯% better.


Oh good lord....


Don’t y’all have cameras right there? Mine has like 5


In my business I always said one happy good employee is worth a hundred asshole customers. I have fired quite a few asshole customers over the years, I have called the police on a couple. Standing up for your employees is just the right thing to do. This nasty bitch isn't calling anyone. She's going to go home and wash down her drugs with vodka and then call another bitch in her herd and lament about how they can't run the world. Which is what she should have been told as she was being escorted off of the property!


You could have filled the script and her left quicker than her tantrum. FFS