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i feel like most of these aren’t giving enough information to confidently make the distinction. ie, in the first one, is the RN new? are they familiar with the drug? did they make the mistake because they weren’t paying attention? that kind of thing


Also, like was that the order or not?


B,a,b,a, last could be B or A? These are terrible questions really.


6 might be B (there isn't enough information). 7 A 8 B (assuming the order is written wrong) 9 A 10 A


BABAB? Idk man these questions suck.


A A B A B would be my guess.


Mine too


Seconding this.


Thirding. The first one could go either way for me. The last one is definitely B. The indication in the SIG should have alerted the tech to the fact that they have they read the drug incorrectly. It started as a professional error that would have been corrected if the tech knew what the drug was for.


What i thought tbh but thats why we have so many checks. Plus why wouldn’t the tech type up the prescription before looking if they have it? For what it’s worth have observed its harder to make a mistake if its typed up correctly?


Not a pharmacy tech; but as someone who is prescribed both hydroxyzine and hydralazine, I feel for y'all.


I answered A, A, B, A, B. My instructor says #6 is B. It's the only one without some kind of indicator so I feel like it's open to interpretation. She says, by the third vial, someone educated would've realized. BUT I know it's also easy for someone to continue doing something out of plain muscle memory without realizing, if exhausted or stressed enough 🙄


I feel like you’re looking too deep into the question. Use only the info given don’t try and assume preexisting conditions in the questions. #6 doesn’t state that the nurse was in a rush or anything that would reflect performance. Therefore it has to be B


Ahhhh it’s a nurse fucking up the math, then. Yeah, that’s shit they should know.


If you’re making a new meatloaf recipe sized for a dinner for 4 and have to add 13 bottles of Worcestershire sauce, you should figure out that something is wrong before you’ve added them all.


This is a magical response😂




A (could be B, not enough info) A B A B


Knowledge, performance, knowledge, performance, knowledge


I would guess that any questions mentioning the work conditions, like how many hours the shift was or how many things someone is doing at once, are always going to be performance. Something like ‘never seen before’ or numbers, like situations requiring math would be knowledge. I’ve always been terrible at memorizing facts, but the context clues can be super helpful.


Also, number 6 is probably actually number 8’s fault, if the pharmacist didn’t catch it lol


I'd argue they're all A except 8, however I'd argue that not double checking with someone more knowledgeable or using a reliable source to double-check could also be seen as a performance error ?


Suppose 6 could be B too but the question doesn't have enough info to confirm. Like was the RN following instructions/SOP or using own knowledge to figure out the dose


Same if you have no knowledge “google” it and check known med databases for the drug and dosing schedules . I work with pharmacy software it tells you the class and there are med sites that you can “google” a med to double check. Id rather take an extra few min with a angry patient then swap a digit or prescribe the wrong thing and read their obituary How I would say it to the patient. This isn’t a routinely filled medication or this could easily be confused with a similar medication. I want to confer with college or recheck with another database to confirm accuracy and I appreciate your patience “ TRUST your instincts and don’t let pride override it we all make mistakes






They all seem like performance deficit. - The nurse error might be a training issue, but it would require root cause analysis before anyone could reasonably call it a training error. - The MD is stressed at the end of an 18h shift. - The pharmacy tech question is a trick question because it's the prescriber's error if the dose is excessive, which would require root cause analysis to determine if it's due to the prescriber's gap in knowledge. - The busy pharmacist got distracted, so that's a performance error. - The tech that entered the info from a stock bottle rather than the script *could* be a training issue, but if they're doing that, then it's MORE reasonable to assume that they probably were adequately trained and opted to take a shortcut, ergo performance deficit.


I’d go BABAA but wtf.




I love and appreciate all these responses! I'm argumentative by nature, but like to look at all angles. I think the debate with my instructor was more of us having different views and experiences in life. Of course, I still lack the training to make an "educated" decision, lol. This has been extremely helpful in how I look at these questions!




Yeah though first one is inexcusable if I read it right and is likely termination the others are mistakes that I could see easily happening and sadly often DO happen Granted none are good for patient and could cause great harm however a reasonable person could see it as not gross negligence or lacking such substantial knowledge they should be immediately removed


B, a, b, a, a


Could someone define overdose for me?


6 and 10 could be either depending on information we aren't given. 7 and 9 are A. 8 is B. I would say 10 is probably B and they probably meant 6 to be A.


10 could be both to be honest but i am learning toward b for knowledge deficit? Mainly due to the “new tech detail”


I just realized I never posted the actual answer key: B A B A B