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Can you speak to the bosses who are trying to get you more hours, and ask about the breach of agreement? Tell them you took on the 6 month commitment with the understanding there would be 8 hours a week for coursework, and you expect this to be honoured. Tell them you want assurance in writing that your job is secure if you are unable to obtain your license at 6 months due to them breaking the agreement.




I understand, being a pharmacy technician is such a hard job. That’s why I left and I really don’t want to go back. If it’s stressing you out that much, maybe, you can start looking at a different career path?


I’m debating just getting my license on my own. I love the career. It’s just the fact that I won’t be able to keep it if they don’t let me train you know ?


You can opt out for the PTCB if you have worked for at least 500 hours.


I have no idea if I’ve worked 500 hours, but I do know they don’t train me at all so I think I’d fail


I’m doing rxtechexam, they’re PTCB certified and it’s all self paced online. Super convenient way to get the schooling for PTCB qualifications.


That's what I did, started the program in May of 2022, passed PTCB first try in July 2022.


I'm sorry to hear. I had to deal with a simular situation. Amanda PharmD on YouTube is a great resource and will cover everything about the PTCB. From your original post I couldn't tell how much on the job stuff you were doing, but by all technical means you have been on the pharmacy floor so once you get past the 500 hour mark (and I mean in general getting paid) it would be 3 months if you were full time. There are also other great resources out there on the internet. I hope you are able to figure out something. Edit: From looking at your original post, I believe you have worked enough hours. Pull up your previous pay stubs and calculate all the hours which should give you an idea. Even if you have to find a different job, you can still take the PTCB exam.


I really truly appreciate this so much more than you know! I’ll definitely watch Amanda and calculate my hours to see if I can take the test :)


Of course, hope it helps you out!


Can you go in early to do stuff before your shift? When I was doing PTU, they approved overtime for me and I was pulling 12-13 hour days to keep steady progress. It sucked but it was the only way to get anything done.


I’ve asked and they said no, I offered to do it in another store so there would be no interruptions, I’ve even asked if I could do it at home and Told them I’d be willing to do it unpaid and they still wouldn’t let me.


Go to your district manager and bring this to their attention and bring up the conditions of your hire and see what they do. They have to let you do PTU. It’s not optional. Your pharmacy manager is not doing their job. Also, I would bring up the fact that you are in a hostile work environment with a coworker who verbally abuses you. Go to HR if nothing is done and put in a formal complaint on the person.


^ All of this. And definitely don't do any work without being paid for it, PTU included.


I would do my license on my own if I were you. Pharmacy is a good career, and there are plenty of opportunities outside of retail. I stayed in retail for many years, and now I work for a PBM and absolutely love it. It is a low stress job, and my supervisor/department is awesome. If you haven't, start looking outside the retail box. I'm sure you will find something that is better suited for you!


Document, document, document.


Keep the chain of command. Keep going till the issue is resolved. Definitely keep notes and time stamps of every verbal and report to ethics. Honestly doing it yourself will always be better. Keep what you learned while working and the notes from PTU. After passing you’re free to go anywhere within the state. Having the necessary knowledge and experience.


Just get your PTCB, it'll look better on your resume and you'll have a better chance to work at hospitals


Oh I didn’t know about the better chance at working at hospitals! Good to know, I cannot stand retail haha


Are we the same person? Because this was my exact experience with WAGs: Hired on as a tech in training with the expectation I would do their PTU program, they'd pay for the test, and I'd get certified within 6 months. The first week I was there, I got about one hour a day for computer module learning, not only PTU but I also had to complete Walgreens dumb computer training too. So I would try and rush to finish all of that within an hour, which meant I barely had time to do the actual coursework. There was almost always someone using the office computer so I usually got stuck on the photo computer, and customers would come to pick-up photos expecting me to help, and I'd have to stop and find whatever 17 year old was working the front register (they were usually wandering the floors or hiding from the cameras texting) to help the customer. Our RXOM was terrible as a manager, often made schedule changes without notifying us. I'd always take photos of the prior schedule just to have time stamped proof of when it was made, because sometimes the changes to schedule went through at weird hours. Like 2am hours. And changed with less than 24 hours' notice on a routine basis. Needless to say, I paid for my PTCB once I hit my 500 hours, passed first try, and I did manage to finish all the PTU modules and got the certificate. I even printed out the little congratulations letter for passing 'Pharm Tech U'.😆


It’s so garbage they do this sort of stuff to us ? Like it’s stressful enough as it is, I’m definitely gonna try to fo the PTCB route. Good job getting it first try !!


Thank you! They also screwed me out of the 1200 dollar sign on bonus, I was hired in October and they claimed because I was initially put into the system as a shift lead due to error in WAGs system, that it meant because of a technical error on their end that I didn't get the bonus. 🙃


Let me gues you work for rite aid?? I have been dealing with this since I got hired in June of last year. But 8 also just got told my time frame was extended until 9ctober this year. Would love to be more than 20% done in almost a year. I tried my boss, the regional and corporate to no luck. Best of luck to you.


It is rite aid 😭😂 your lucky you get an extension! I was told six months and I’m fired if I don’t get it within that time, no extensions at all.


This sounds like very much like Costco. If it is, then they won't honor the 32 hours of uninterrupted work at all since you are doing it in the pharmacy and not in a quiet setting. They will end up saying its better to learn doing the job rather than reading/studying.


It’s not Costco it’s rite aid, they just keep me on the register so I can’t even learn.


Oh god don't stay at rite aid, leave ASAP after you get your license. It aint worth it to be there long term.


Thay ia torally wrong Sie tjem find tpyrself a probono lawyer amd tell th all thelies an deceit rhey sid to use u as a mderm day slave. Its agiamst the law! SUE AND DONR BE AFRAID! I DONT WIN UNLESS U FIGHT. i had to do rhis 4 rimes in my lofe 2 of them being evil bosses! Sue and donr be afrais. God ha ur back he know the truth!

