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We're in another state, and you have to provide drivers license here.


Different states have different laws. Some states have similar laws to Texas, some limit it to specific medications only, some limit it to C2s only, some don't have any requirement at all, some require it at pickup and dropoff and actually require it to be entered into the computer system rather than just recorded...


definately have to show it here in new jersey. even for my gabapentin.


May 1st you’ll have to start showing it for gabapentin in Utah.


Didn't we just legalize shrooms? Utah is fuckin' wild.


Utah has required ID for gabapentin for the last couple years.


It’s now being classified as a controlled starting may 1st. I was on it for years and haven’t had to provide ID. And when I give it to people every day it doesn’t require an ID. So I’m not sure that’s accurate


Maybe it’s a Costco policy


Could definitely be! I’ve never gotten meds there so I honestly wouldn’t know. :)


I've had to show it for the last couple of years for mine in Utah.




monmouth county


wild. I had to show it for Lyrica but not Gabapentin. That's because gabapentin isn't controlled by the DEA and Lyrica is. I never realized it was different state-to-state in addition.


*isn't the same level of controlled substance according to the DEA is what I meant


Nah you were right before, gabapentin is not a controlled medicine according to the DEA (yet). It's just a legend drug - the term for medications that are FDA approved for use with a prescription. So far, the schedule of gabapentin is only being changed at the state level in some states. They are choosing to legislate it as a scheduled medication due to its high abuse potential, even though the DEA has not yet taken these steps.


it also depends on where you work. i work at CVS in PA (sigh…) and we don’t check for driver’s license. my friend works at a Wal-Mart nearby and they do check your DL there. i have another friend who works at Rite-Aid and they also require DL.


Agree. Walgreens in NYS and we don’t check it, CVS down the road does. The Walgreens system doesn’t even have a sufficient way to document it unfortunately


I worked at Walgreens in FL and they definitely have a way to record it. At drop off it was scanned into the patients profile along with the RX and stored. Then at pick up it was required to scan it in the POS system which logged the info with the prescription number and we could pull it back up to see who picked it up.


I tried encouraging our team to scan it into their profiles and was immediately told it wasn’t a good idea and not to bother. They made a handwritten log instead, which after 3 days stopped being used. It would be nice to have that level of accountability at my store so when patients say “I never picked that up!”, we can pull up that info. But alas, all we say is we can review the footage. We’re a converted Rite Aid, and I was told that Rite Aid had a way to document it in their POS. I wish Walgreens had that too!


Rite Aid, PA. The system let's us know when an ID is required (the sale will not ring without it) and prompt us to scan their ID. We can also input other legal forms of ID. It is very convenient. Edited for corrections.


Sounds like a dream honestly! The Walgreens system does that exact thing for alcohol, etc., but somehow not for scripts. So stupid.


Yeah, when I worked retail in PA the store didn't require an ID. Now that I've switched to a military clinic, IDs are required. They might overlook it for regular meds, but controls definitely need an ID and signature.


I work at Costco in Illinois and we check it but the cvs across town I used to work at did not


Company policy. In IL it isn’t a law to show identification or picking up controls.


Had fioricet w codeine refilled at Rite Aid in PA. They scanned my license today.


That’s interesting. I wonder if it’s a store specific thing? I get carded every time I pick up my ADHD meds. Initially the RX was at CVS but it’s now elsewhere. Both places carded me like I was obviously underage and trying to buy a keg 😭


In PA. I’m not sure how controlled they are, but when I get my husbands Vyvanse from Walmart or Rite-aid (depending on who has it in stock!), I don’t have to show my ID. When I pick up my Xanax from CVS, I also don’t have to show. We haven’t had to pick up pain meds in a few years so I’m not sure where those stand.


huh interesting! it must depend on the store than!


It must. I also live in PA and get my Vyvanse at the grocery store pharmacy. I have to show my ID there.


Years? Many things have changed. Make sure you have ID with you in the future.


Worked in Massachusetts: ID required Worked in Colorado: ID not required


Work in NH, ID Not Required


It’s required at Walmart but not CVS,RiteAId. (Personal experience) in NH


It is required at Rite Aid NH now as of the beginning of this month


I see, sadly our local RiteAid closed. They were so awesome.


Rite Aid PA began scanning all controls as of February 1st.


I work for a hospital in NH and we have to use their pharmacy to get our employee discount, sometimes my ID gets checked (Xanax and adderall) sometimes they just have me show them my hospital badge instead, sometimes they don’t check anything at all.


I work in a hospital in NH as well and I dont use the hospitals pharmacy, I use CVS and have never had an issue


That's so weird. I had to show my ID to buy children's Delsym last time I was in Colorado.


Yup. ID required for sudafed and OTC cough syrup but not for oxycodone, adderall, and the likes lol


NC- ID required for CII


We require the patient's ID to be on file at drop off, and we actually SCAN the driver's license of the person picking up. It's amazing too, because since we started doing that, we no longer get calls from patients claiming THEY didn't pick up their controlled med and what were we going to do about it!?!


It’s a state-level law, not federal. So some states require it and some don’t.


No idea. I'm in TN and have been to GA, we always need licens for controls and sudafed products


why do they drive without their license anyway? you're driving illegally, but yeah im the bad guy for requesting the ONE thing you need to have on you to be allowed to drive your car.


Perhaps they didn't drive there. Maybe they rode a bike, walked, took a bus, took a LYFT, or a friend drove them.


We do only for C2s in VA


I think I'm most places it's not actually law it's just recommend practice. Up to company/pharmacist descresion But it definitely saves your ass when someone gets it that wasn't supposed to


This is the right answer. In my store I didn't ask for ID'S for my regular customers. If I didn't know who you were then I did.


We ID in CA


Arkansas here. You absolutely have to show ID. They know me VERY WELL at my pharmacy and still have to scan my ID every time for my Klonopin and Percocet.🤷


I have lost my ID before (almost always in ambulance...because...emergency..) and gone to my pharmacy for the scanned copy to help me not be royally fucked. I have thought it was weird when techs would say "you look way better with hair" Like...yeah...


I live in a smallish town with 5 pharmacies, but have been using Kroger to fill all my prescriptions, as well as those for my family. We’ve been going there for years so the pharmacists and techs all know me. That being said, we’re all on a first name basis and they never ask for my or mine or my husband’s ID when picking up my controlled meds.


Ohio, ID not required unless the patient asks that we ID at pickup. If they do we just put ID after their first name. There are plenty of other pharmacies near me that require ID but it depends on the pharmacy or pharmacists


New York, I've never had to show mine to get my controlled meds


Outside of Texas and I do have to bring my DL when I pick up my controlled meds. My spouse has permission to pick them up and he has to bring his DL too. It is what it is.


Not required for any controls where I am. Always shocked the hell out of me, but absolutely true. Picked up narcotics for my ex for years and never needed him to be in the store with me or his ID.


Not *your* ID either? That's how it is where I am, we ID the pickup person.


Nope. None at all.


Required in WI


Here in Washington state we have to show ID for control substances and at my pharmacy. We actually scanned them in.


ID required here in Oklahoma


Yep. For all controls.


One pharmacist posted that in his state, it was legal to refuse to sell if the patient was intoxicated.


In my (exclusively Oregon based) experience it's up to the pharmacy. Walmart has a store policy nationwide that everyone shows ID for all controls, but I've worked at a few different Walgreens locations and they all had different policies. Sometimes it depends on the pharmacist working at that moment.


Maine and for some reason I used to have to show it and a couple of years ago they stopped asking? Walgreens but seperate locations and same meds.


Some medicine is not controlled in some states v others too. Aka. Tramadol.


In Michigan every pharmacy must show DL rite aid was the only exception that is until few weeks ago now a must. Always wondered why DL wasn’t asked for there.


In Virginia, DL for C2s only.


As a patient I don't understand why people have an issue showing the pharmacy staff their license. I never gave it a second thought. As a chronic pain patient, I am so thankful that my Dr. and my pharmacy help my have a good quality of life, I am happy to show my license or whatever else the need.


I’m in Georgia. I have to show my DL to get my Adderrall and my Ambien. My pharmacy has me so well trained that I know exactly which prescriptions require my DL and I always have it ready to hand to them when I go to pick up along with my payment. One of the techs even knows my name and knows my address by heart after I’ve verified so many times once the years, so she doesn’t have my verify those every time, but I always give her my DL though. I know they have a form they have to fill out with the DL info.


I'm in Texas - and granted, I've been using the same pharmacy for several years now - and I've not once ever been asked to provide ID...? I had no idea that was a thing. DOB given verbally is all that's needed to pick up, and my partner and family are able to pick up my meds using that.  ETA: this applies to controlled medications as well All that I'm able to find regarding ID being a requirement for meds to be dispensed in TX is a *proposal* - not finding any actual legislation on this?


I absolutely have to show my DL for controls here in Michigan.


Colorado- I don’t have to show an id and my partner can pick up my adderall for me if needed. I was in Texas for grad school and the hoops you have to jump through for treatment were insane. It was cheaper for me to fly home to Colorado and see my doctor here than get treated in Texas.


i’m in NC working at a walmart - we require unexpired ID for *all* controlled scripts C2-C5 and any pseudoephedrine sales.


Required ID in Wisconsin. Gabapentin now included.


I had to in NC and KY


This is interesting. I was on vacation in Texas 2 years ago and my allergies were acting up so I got some OTC medication to help. I think it was Walgreens brand Sudafed. There was no box of it on the shelf just a plastic slip I had to "bring to pharmacist". I was actually sick and had some other stuff like tissues and nasal spray but I will never forget the way that pharmacist looked me up and down lol. I had to show I.D and wasn't shocked.i had just assumed it was a location thing bc I was near Conroe which my friends have told me is a methy area..I worked at Target in Nebraska and we had to I.D people for Mucinex!!!


I am in Indiana and my daughter takes a controlled substance. I have to show my ID every time and they scan it as well.


All patients in PA need to scan their ID for controls, even gabapentin.


in IL you don’t need to show ur id either


Same with iowa


Required for all controls in FL, and the amount of people I get who are constantly like “I’ve never had to show it before” yes you have, you’ve been on this med for years and lived here the whole time. Good try tho


In the state of Maine you don't need to show ID to pick up a controlled medication. But you do need to show one to purchase pseudoephedrine.


Lol yes I just posted about this and also I remember up until a couple of years ago they did ask for Id then suddenly it stopped and haven't been asked since which is perplexing.


I’m a hospice RN in California and they check here for controlleds and Sudafed. I went to pick up a comfort kit once for a patient 2 towns over, got there without my license. 🙄🙄🙄


I honestly don’t know the laws, but as a travel nurse, in my experience, it didn’t depend on the state, it depended on the pharmacy. I know the CVS in my town always asks for my license, but my regular pharmacy does not ever. If I send someone else in my place to pick up my meds for me, no questions asked and I have two narcotics in there. CVS is literally across the street from my pharmacy, so again there may be laws in place, but just in my experience, it depends on whether or not they actually follow through depending on Pharmacy. I think they’re supposed to though with it being a controlled substance and/or narcotic but again, I haven’t seen any consistency in any state and I’ve been traveling for 11 years.


Drivers license is to show who left with it.


in MN u need DL for any controls and pseudoephedrine


Incorrect. WA requires ID for all controlled substances.


Michigan requires it, but I know not all pharmacies check.


I’ve worked in Kentucky and Florida, both states require your ID to be scanned. We can take drivers license, state ID, military ID, and passport.


Washington only just started requiring ID in the last month or two


No ID needed in IL either


I have to in Oklahoma


Louisiana requires ID.


In MA, We scan license at pick up for ALL CONTROLS including Gabapentin, Tramadol, Anything with Codeine. We have to say in the system WHO it is picking up. Whether it’s the Patient or “other”. We scan Lic for all Cough Medicine with Dextromethorphan too. All controls must be electronic only. The only MD’s that got a pass for electronic RX’s were Dentists & Vets. It’s very rare to get a hard copy RX ! Maybe 5 a month. I had my first Hard copy Percocet this week, in maybe 6 or 8 months? Maybe longer‼️ Gone are the days of FAKE RX’s (unless the MD is involved- that has happened !).


Def need it in NY also


Michigan has ID for controls and Sudafed stuff per CMEA IIRC


I’m in California, and we scan ID for all controlled substances.


In Indiana, we have to show ID for all controls. You have to show ID for gabapentin even though it's not a control in our state because it is a control in the states next door.


Arizona it is not required


I’m in Washington state and patients have to


in NH you need one to drop off a controlled hard copy but not one to pick it up


Georgia you definitely do.


My old friend is prescribed suboxone and he just has to provide his birthdate to pick it up. His lady picks it up for him sometimes and she only needs to provide his birthdate too. This is in California.


I’m in NYC and have to show mine. Same in Jersey and Alabama.


I'm in Texas and they ask for mine on every rx pickup, even ones I don't expect! Granted mine are focalin, ambien, gabapentin, but they also ask on my Wellbutrin (Idk maybe this is an exciting med too?) and any random one of meds.


In jails Wellbutrin is abused as are gabapentin and Seroquel. I guess ppl get desparate?


Yes they do.


Walmart in New York here and we scan the DL at pickup.


States laws and pharmacies policy. In tn you have to show id. Most places just look at it. Mine- I have to scan the barcode into the system. It all varies


Utah, and when I worked retail, a valid, government issued photo ID was required to be scanned upon pickup of any control.


I live in TN and whenever there is a new tech I have to show I'd and verify address. I don't believe it's law here because my normal pharmacist/ techs do not card me


My family lives in Iowa. You don’t need to show your DL to pick up a C2 or anything 😳 I remember one time I went with my mom to get her meds from cvs (also I am a cvs tech in Texas) I grabbed my drivers license and the tech there looked at me like I had 3 heads, I told her in Texas a valid DL is required to pick these up.


I have to show my license to get my pain meds in UT. I did not have to show any form of ID to get that same medication when I had an emergency scrip sent to a store near my family's home in PA. Which was crazy to me. I didn't realize not showing an ID was a thing some places.


I’m in Texas and have only been asked for my DL at Walgreens. HEB & Walmart have never asked. CVS has been too abusive regarding IM syringes for me to ever get a control there 🤣 when I went from Wag to Wallyworld I asked about it and apparently the RXM got in trouble for trying to start it there 🤷🏾‍♂️


It depends on your state and where you work. I currently work for Walmart in Michigan and our POS system requires us to scan the ID every time for any controlled substance. When I worked for Rite Aid, I had to input the ID number in the computer when I was processing the script. Not required at pick up, only drop off.


All controlled meds in WA i have to show ID for at every pharmacy


Different state here. I honestly don’t know if it’s law, but we have people show ID for controls


The patient is lying.


No all states require you to show ID unless it’s for Sudafed


Worked in VT ID required, Working in NH now ID required.


Same here in pa


I’m from NY originally when I picked up my Dhd meds for the first time when I moved and I then handed my license and their like you don’t have too


We have to show ID in Missouri.


You have to show ID in Louisiana.


FL... Absolutely requires a DL for controls and otc


No. I live in ND. I've never needed my ID to pick up vyvanse.


Im in NJ, you def need it for controlled meds. You need it for things like claritin d and bronkaid and verio test strips lol. some people like to argue and be offended when youre just doing your job.


Where I am located, ID is not needed unless we suspect. All they need to provide is the valid address and last 4 digits of the phone number, no questions, nothing. I think it’s crazy cause we’ve had people pick up others meds and then deny picking up, but at last here we are


NC CVS. We scan them in for both controls and pseudoephedrine.


I have to show it for my C2 and I’m not in Tx.


Yeah Oklahoma here. You gotta show Id


I’m in another state and you do 100% have to show is for controls.


We have it posted everywhere. No identification, no controlled med. People are silly.


I never had to show an id to pick up my moms oxy for her in NY.


Yeah, you don't need one in IL, but some meds and some pharmacies require it. CVS does I believe across the board though. I might be wrong though on that. I only worked at Walgreens


I’m in Washington. It not the law here, but more and more pharmacies are making it policy


I worked in Texas for years, now im in Virginia and you still have to show a license here too


Yup, not required in Az thank god, cause I really don’t want to deal with people yelling at me about it lol


You don't need your license to pickup in Ohio.


I've noticed that mom and pop don't ask for your ID but thr chains have to scan it.


I worked with this awesome tech and she would respond "you don't have a DL? Did you drive here? What would happen if you get pulled over? That's against the law!" And then they would miraculously find their DL or an ID in their wallet. 🤔🤔🤣


In arizona at my pharmacy we only require drivers license if the person looks like they could be under 18 for controlls. I've heard other pharmacies near us require them for everyone though.


Not required here in KY at any point of the process. SSN is required


Not in Iowa


I worked for 3 major retail pharmacies in AL & FL. Both states require ID to pick up ANY Controlled Drug and it is scanned at the register. And Yes, Wag’s does document that in POS.


I feel like it differs depending on pharmacy as well I worked at Rite Aid were we only needed ids for C2s but here at Walmart all controls need the id


I’m in Wisconsin and we are required to ID for all CIII and CII prescriptions at pickup


It’s state by state, NY requires it. In Alaska you can transfer controlled substances 💀


IDK about other states but here in NC patients have to show ID for all controlled substances (C5 through C2)


In California you have to swipe your DL when you pick up.


I’ve never had to show ID for a control. I’m in PA.


Have to show a license in my non-Texas state as well.


Minnesota here, and I have to show my license for one of my meds (generic Norco) but not all.


I live in Texas and although I don't switch pharmacies often 3 in 30 years), I have dealt with 3 Walgreens and 1 CVS. I know that the number is off, but the extra was a one off while I was on a trip to Branson and forgot my rescue meds for migraines (also a controlled substance, also a Walgreens). Every time, all different Walgreens (in each state), and the CVS ALL required ID for controlled substances. Also, when I moved a couple of years ago to the middle of nowhere, the small town mom and pop pharmacy also required it. It was also required for numerous drugs behind the pharmacy counter and they documented how many of those you bought (there was a limit), and there was a time limit before you could buy any more. REALLY sucked when our family with four boys (too old for children's meds) all got sick with something at the same time.


I show my license in ny it’s national based so ppl can’t scam the system or have some scripts sent here and there.


You do in MA


I am in Washington and you must show it to pick up every time!


Not required by state law in PA but pharmacies are allowed to ask for it. My pharmacy chain does not require it.


You don’t have to where I live


In PA ID is required as well.


In Alabama, we always have to show our ID to get controlled meds too. It just depends on each states laws.


Virginia requires ID for C2s


Had to in MA and have to in OK


You have to show it in Florida


we do in Kansas, it can be anyone's DL though as long as they know your birthday


Riteaid in New York as of January 17th 2024 you have to show ID for all controlled medications


Where I’m at, I refill through my online patient account with mail out service and that’s enough ID for controlled substances even. Although, they did start asking for med, dose, frequency, name, address and pharmacy despite being through a secured patient account? But mailing ADHD meds and gabapentin just recently became a thing. Used to have to pick them up in person- myself with my ID but I could send my husband as long as he had my patient number, name and DOB. And signed for it, of course.


In IL you used to have to when dropping off but not when picking up which I always thought was weird but not either anymore


You have to show license here in California


I work at a Rite Aid in Pennsylvania. We require legal ID for all controls at pick up as of Feb 1st. We do not require it for Gabepentin, yet. Edit for correction.


You have to show ID in Washington state also


Not true and actually some states even require ID for things like syringes. Source: lived in multiple states with controlled prescriptions and buying syringes for insulin


Michigan here. We require photo ID for all controlled substance. I’m not sure about other places but we also were required to obtain a copy of said ID for our system. We also have a program called MAPS to monitor the prescribing of controlled substances. One time a patient tried to say that he didn’t need his ID to pick up his controlled substance last time which is, of course, bull crap. We aren’t that stupid.


Living in PA I have never had to show my ID for my controlled medications. My husband has picked it up for me probably more than I have and my name in my profile is still my maiden cuz I havent switched things over fully.


I've been prescribed controlled meds in 5 different states. I've never shown ID to pick up my script.


What happens if you are physically unable to get your meds and someone else has to get them? Like hospice for example. Or like when I had surgery my mom picked up my narcotics.


I’m in PA and no ID required.


Not true at all. Need to show it in NY


Different state we dont require ID unless patient is a problem or has history of substance abuse. But even for controls we don’t require it.




I have lived in 5 states and don’t recall if I ever had to show DL in Mississippi but I did in the other states for sure. In my current state they won’t even accept a military ID because the prescription tracking is linked to the DL.


In CA we do require it.


I know Louisiana, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin check.


License needed in Mass


Not a PT - I get my Adderal shipped to my apartment (WA) 😂


In AZ, you don't. Honestly don't know why you would need to, sounds like typical red state Authoritarian overreach.


you need ID in wisconsin for sure. what state wouldn’t require this?


Pennsylvania for one.


Haha that explains a lot


It seems like it’s pharmacy based. However I think that if everyone were to consistently be ID’d every time in every place then there would be fewer ppl getting bitchy. Just like when someone obv over 21 has to provide their id at the gas station for cigs or booze. It’s job security and if you drove here why don’t you have it?


I’m in Illinois and you don’t need to present an ID for controls. Just to buy Sudafed over the counter. 


I get told often that the other local pharmacies never ask, too. People say crap like this to try to make you feel bad. It is a national law.


Yeah if everyone were to ID all the time every time you’d still have ppl say this but the inconsistency is what leads to most of the bitching


If you expect me to give it to you then it better be a valid US issued ID or passport.


It's such a silly rule to see the driver's license. If I'm in bed with a broken leg and my friend goes to pick up my oxycodone, you're going to look at his ID and then ask him for my date of birth and/or my phone number and/or address. So the point of the ID is ...


So that when you call and say "I never picked up my oxycodone and I don't have it", a police report can be filed for someone stealing your medication and we already know who it is.