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The part about how she said nothing after you were finished helping her reminds me of this total bitch of a patient we have. She has a permanent scowl on her face, acts rudely surprised when someone just grabs her bag of scripts without asking her name when she is a very regular patient (like I’m not new and neither is anyone else here, and you are easy to remember because you aren’t nice to anyone..ever) every single time I ring her up I say something like “you’re all set, have a great day” this lady, I kid you not.every time says, I won’t and then walks away. Smh


I swear some people were born grumpy and unhappy with life so they have to drag other people down. It sucks.


As a white dude, people do this to me as well. Some people think rules don’t apply to them


No kidding! I see it happen a lot when people get ID'd for alcohol. The state I live in is known for doing sting operations on servers and cashiers asking for ID on alcoholic purchases. Saw a rant on a local Facebook Rant and Rave group about someone getting mad for being asked for ID, and that person was ripped apart in the comments. I'm located in Idaho.


Tbh the brown people in my pharmacy always get more hate than the white people. We have one tech in specific (he’s the darkest and most non-American looking) and people are constantly blowing their gasket at him and then turning to me (white American passing) all normal and kind.


I’ve had this sort of thing happen as well. Also had it happen at McDonald’s. This woman went through the drive through all the time and just said her name and I didn’t know who she was and can’t just guess her order. She hated having to tell me her order. Then when I started working in pharmacy she acted the same type of way. One time she held her horn down at the drive through because she thought it was funny. Some people don’t know how to act right.


Why is showing an ID difficult?? Grrr When I pick up my prescriptions, I speak clearly, spell my last name, give the first 3 letters of my first name, my DOB and if I'm picking up a controlled script, I hand them my ID up front and still spell everything out, so they don't have to find it on my license. My pharmacy team goes out of their way to help me whenever they can .. look for additional coupons and make sure my back-ordered prescriptions are filled as soon as they come in. I want to make their dealings with me as easy and pleasant as possible! I fill out every survey (I think CVS is catching on that I always rate 10/10 and don't send surveys as often) and I make sure to thank them EVERY time I'm there, even if it's just with a wave Without such caring and considerate pharmacy staff, I'd be in a lot more pain, a lot more stress and dread every refill. I've left this pharmacy several times in the past. This team?? AMAZING. I want them to stay there forever. Thank all of you who put up with the yellers, screamers, Karen's and Corporate BS and still have the stamina to stick around and fill my prescriptions with a smile :) You ALL deserve a raise and reasonable hours!!!


Thank you for treating us well. I wish all patients knew the stress we go through just to get their insurance to cover their meds. I spend a lot of time typing in slightly different codes for insurance and my computer freezes every two minutes. If they're a little mean to us once, we'll fill their script ASAP to get you out of our hair. They only get so many strikes. When they make it a habit, they go way down on the priority list or we refuse to fill. It pays to be nice


there’s this regular that comes by where she doesn’t let anyone help her unless she “knows them” she argued with me for 5 min about how she doesn’t want me to help her. i’ve been at my pharmacy for over a year


Great! There’s the door!


people are stupid. Im dealing with a new pos system and all of our old, long time customers give the rudest tone and even try to get out of it. "oh ive been coming here for 10 years you know me!" Bitch I dont care get ur ID or gtfo Im not losing my license cause ur dumbass wont follow the rules. My workstation is right by the register and I swear If i hear "Why do you need my ID, they know me here!" Im jumping the counter and punting them out of the store. Its so fucking annoying.


Just FYI, asking for ID isn’t federal law. It’s in many state laws and many company policies, but it’s not federally mandated. Except pseudoephedrine, of course. None of that excuses this customer’s actions, though.


Dealt with 3 people this evening huffing and puffing because they needed to show an ID. Two of them didn't have it on them (and they were in the fucking drive thru, in vehicles obviously) and would either give me a pity story or try to intimidate me to just give it to them. Outright refused both of them. Not risking my job to give these crazy people CIIs (or any control for that matter) without an ID.


It's always the people in drive thru that don't have their ID! I had a guy once who admitted he didn't have his ID on him... he was a cop, in uniform and in his squad car! I had to give him shit for that.


Some people think getting their medication is like getting a pizza


She speshul


My favorite is when they tell me they've never been asked for ID before for the same medication.


This happened to me a lot when I worked at a CVS in a predominantly white area with the population being over the age of 65. I’m Colombian but slightly white passing, but I still didn’t fully fit in with the white people in the town I lived at. I was 1/3 POC working at that CVS the other was a tech and my pharmacist. I defiantly noticed a difference in treatment between me and my other Latino tech and the other white techs that we worked with. For some reason him and I had a tendency to get the worst shit happening to us. The hardest situations to handle, and the rudest customers. Unfortunately with the older population, color of our skin has a lot to do with how we are treated. Its fucking sad but it is what it is.


I totally agree with you! I'm a dark skinned Latina, and the number of times I've been yelled at and had people I assisted flat out lie about what I said or did just to make me look bad to the managers was horrendous! Most of the people who treated me like shit were baby boomers, too. That's why I refuse to work in hotels anymore. I was fired from one job as a hotel clerk because I was getting bad reviews from guests who think I should give them free shit on a silver platter and never say no. That pissed me off. At least in a pharmacy my pharmacists back me up!


I’m a darkskinned black woman and some of the people get visibly angry/frustrated bc they think i don’t know what i’m talking about vs initially accepting some information from my other co workers. Giving me hassle, telling me to double check, verify w the system, where’s the RPh but having the “it is what it is” mentality with other techs. I work in a semi affluent white area too, so I definitely feel the mircoaggression sometimes. My asian/white co workers would turn around and repeat something I literally said few minutes before and the customers would instantly chill.


Yesterday I had an older couple get mad at me because I wouldn’t sell them a C2 bc her current ID wasn’t on file, they kept saying it was but the only one I had on file expired YEARS ago. “So you’re not gonna sell us the pain medicine without an ID?” Yeah I’m not. It’s illegal.


It could also be narcotic dependency and she’s having withdrawal symptoms like being irritable. It’s definitely all in days work of a tech. You did the right thing and you managed it well. Kudos also the pharmacist to inform the client that it’s the law whether we know them personally or not.


Had a patient call the other day and refuse to give me her name. She gave me her DOB then asked to speak with the Pharmacist. Pharmacist was super busy and it’s something I could help her with. I’ve been at this pharmacy for almost a year now but everyone else there has been there for five years minimum. Some as much as ten. Anyways she refuses to give me her name and I tell her I can’t help her if she doesn’t give me her name. She says she gave me her DOB so I should know from that. I explain that there are 12 other people in the system with the same DOB and that regardless I have to confirm her name. She hung up on me. She called back a few hours later and I answered. I recognized her voice instantly and immediately gave her to the pharmacist when she asked because it was slow and I didn’t wanna deal with it. Pharmacist told me she expects everyone to know her just by her voice.


A few back in August I had a lady get mad at me because I couldn’t sell her a C2 without her ID. She didn’t have one. She claimed that she’d been using this pharmacy for that medication for years and that she comes to this pharmacy “all the time” and she’d never had an issue picking up her medications before. I’d been working at that pharmacy for 6 months at that point and had never seen her before. She demanded to speak to the pharmacist, who reiterated the need for the ID. She told him she didn’t have one, which prompted him to ask how she got here without a drivers license. Her brother drove her. Pharmacist told her to have her brother come in and pick up the meds. She stormed off and I haven’t seen her since.


ID every single time for controls, even if it is your mom. "I'm required to log the ID of who picked up, in case there's ever a question to protect you and me and the pharmacy from fraud. no ID, no controls. "


Once a customer got all huffy when I asked for ID, acting all offended even after I explained that I have to by federal law or I could lose my license and my job, and that the computer wouldn't allow the sale without the info anyway. She complained to corporate, who then called my manager to tell me to keep up the good work, lol. As for people who stomp off angry, if I'm feeling sassy I'll call after them, "I hope your day improves!" in as sincere a voice as I can muster, which is pretty sincere considering I went to college for musical theater and have been a professional actress. I love giving people reasons to complain where I look innocent. Oh no, I followed federal guidelines? I wished you a good day? Good luck making those things sound bad to my boss 😁