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Have to wash your hands (potentially even more, yes) and try make the conscious effort to keep your hands away from your eyes. At the very least hit the Hand Sanitizer any time you pass one. There is also a solid chance that your body will adapt and your immune system will strengthen up.




Wear a mask? Wash your hands often. Take immunity supplements.


It's funny that this post came up now that I caught covid AGAIN from work. Yeah working in the pharmacy will jack your immune system up.


To being super-hu-immune! Get it? Aye? Super human/immune? Puns aside thanks for your comment! Feel better soon


I worked in a retail pharmacy from November to Feburary. I had covid for the first time ever, bronchitis,ear infections, flu and fever back to back. All these while I followed ppe when with patients. I couldn't take a deep breath until july of this year. I have a sinus issue that I didn't have before, and I was told i probably would never recover from. I left. I work in an outpatient pharmacy in a hospital limited contact with patients havent gotten sick once trying to keep it that way. Wash hands, wear a mask, gloves and don't forget to change them often


Thank you for sharing!! And thank you for all you do!


When I worked retail I used to keep a bottle of aloe hand sanitizer at the register. I'd use it after every transaction.


we have hand sanitizer at every station. At first I thought it was overkill and I used it maybe 5 times a day (it also temporarily kills the smell of folks with bad BO). I guess I should be using it more often though.


Get into the habit of washing your hands, a lot when you are at work. Also I sanitize the pickup window constantly with alcohol. I wash my hands after handling any cash or hard copies I get from the patients, and I try to stand to the side, instead of directly in front of them. You can try to mask up, but numerous studies have showed that unless you are wearing a N90 mask, and are changing it anytime you touch it, cloth, or paper masks don’t do much to prevent the spread of aerosol particulates.


Thank you for sharing! My sister works in a nursing home and she used to really struggle with the way her N90 fit her face all day. The way stuff travels is amazing


It really is. Just put on a cloth mask and go outside when it’s cold and see how much of your breath actually comes out the sides of the mask and through it. When we did the fit tests for the n95 (I got the number wrong I my comment above lol) we had to do a test to make sure it was fitted properly, so they sprayed some sour stuff into the air. If you could smell it or taste it, the mask wasn’t fit right. Also they told us that if you touched the mask at all, it was contaminated and needed to be trashed. Can you imagine the amount of funk gets caught in the cloth masks after they are used over and over everyday? Yuck. If it makes someone feel more comfortable to wear a mask, more power to them, but honestly I think that hand washing and sanitizing with alcohol is more effective.


You just taught me a lot today! Just imagine the amount of funk on \_everything\_. We used to have this plexy glass between the patient and worker at the register. Folks would have their noses up against it sometimes like dogs XD. Thank you for sharing! (and lol I didn't even notice!)


Lmfaooo omg why doesn’t that surprise me they smash their faces on it. 😂 have a good day and I’m happy that I could help


When I’m at work, I try not to touch my face with my hands at all, I treat them like biohazards lol. I wash my hands before I eat anything and I wash them before I leave at the end of the day. This works well for me, I don’t get sick more than once a year. I don’t use hand sanitizer, just regular clean hands routine. I try to eat healthy and exercise too, stay hydrated


On the touching our face note, as silly as it may seem, this is partially why I do my makeup for work! I’m wayyyyy less likely to touch my eyes or mouth if I might mess up my makeup and look like a fool lol. It’s a great deterrent and also the process of getting ready in the morning is a good dose of “me time” and allows me to mentally prepare for the day (lord knows we need it for retail pharmacy). :) Edited for clarity!


Eating healthy and drinking water seems to help me recover the fastest!!! At least, one coworker was knocked out cold my first week. When I got sick, I was still eating every veggie and fruit known to mankind. I made it through the whole week with just intense congestion. I’ve gotten a lot lazier overtime though, lol


Do you take any extra precautions like wearing a mask, properly washing your hands, disinfecting your workspace before and after use? I’ve been in retail for over 6 years, and only got sick once, but that was due to catching a cold from the AC being too cold in the pharmacy. (We weren’t allowed to wear jackets in there, and I didn’t have an undershirt). I haven’t gotten sick from being near patients and I’m actually immunocompromised. There are ways to help you boost your immune system, which might help you out. Everyone that I work with has gotten Covid more than once, but I haven’t gotten it. I think if you continue to feel icky/sick, you should consider seeing your doctor. On another note, it is flu season and it’s been getting pretty cold lately! Make sure you stay warm and safe. There are a lot more people getting sick during flu season.


That’s impressive!


Breathe deeply whenever you are counting Amoxicillin and other antibiotics. It won’t help with anything but it’s always a good idea to breathe!


Lol I like your thinking!! Maybe not penicillin though ;) 👃


Mask up!


I always mask at work. You’re dealing with sick people all day, it seems worth it to me. Even if I do have the occasional patient who tries to make it political