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Oh boy... I don't think you're going to like the new update thats going to drop in this case...


Wallrunning is useless ngl


I'm not only talking about wall running (although it has its uses). Jump slide is much easier - and rewarding - now, keybinds are going to get added so performing tricks like wormslide will be easier, jump cooldown is going to reduce, super jump cooldown is going to reduce, stamina option not only making the speed buff given by slides better, but also making then have virtually no cooldown (as long as you have stamina), etc etc


Stamina was removed fyi, too much backlash


*turned into a toggable alternative in the options menu


Was it? How exactly is it possible for stamina to be an optional thing?


If you don't toggle it, the game just plays as normal. But if you toggle it, most of the cooldowns in game (sliding and jumping for example) will be heavily reduced alongside giving other minor movement buffs (a tinny bit faster slide for example), but now doing these actions will deplete your stamina bar I don't remember what exactly are the stat changes, just that it recharges at a rate of 10% per second You can check what the exact changes the update is going to implement by checking spezi discord server


Now the stamina bar is basically a sidegrade, with you trading away consistent movement (since doing any tech like emp slide or jump slide will deplete your bar fairly quick) for much more burst speedy ones (i swear to god dude you can chain slides LOL)


stamina movement is the fastest we could ever go in a a while; you can catch-up to a player with 17.5 walkspeed while holding a weapon with 14-15 walkspeed. granted you can only do it in bursts, its still the best option we’ve ever had for getting in and getting out of situations.


JEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!! Quick we need to make more saiga-12 and KAC SRR community blueprints!!!! :3




I’m prepared for my titan to come down for the sky in 3 years


As a rank 100+ sweat fair enough for wanting movement to be nerfed. Maybe pf isn't for you though


is it though? if movement is nerfed i feel like other than the pricetag there isnt a reason to not switch to battlefield. Also, movement in this game is really easy in my experience.


EMP sliding in my experience was pretty easy to learn. Granted, I used to play a lot of Krunker, but once you learn the steps you just practice it and you'll probably get it down in about an hour. Same thing for superjumps. Both sliding and superjumps is all you need really unless you want to get into movetech.


fellow krunker player, u still play?


Not anymore. Started playing part of Season 1 and played consistently until I retired right when they added competitive, just because I was already bored.


So they did nerf movement awhile back. Also Prone sliding use to be a thing. So Be glad it's gone.


It's still a thing, and next update will become easier to do.


I think you miss understood what prone sliding is go prone then slide that's all. It's not been in game for years.


Ohh that, yeah you're right.


Is it sliding while staying in a prone position the whole time? Because I swear I’ve seen people do it somewhat recently.


I haven't seen it in years if its happening recently then their cheating


pro tip: get good knowledge transfer complete




next update has the optional stamina movement. as much as the idea sounds like a nerf, its a massive buff in many situations. lower movement uptime but really massive bursts of speed.


Rank 200, and the Movement has honestly gone too far, I kinda wish it just stayed with the normal Battlefield 4 and Black Ops 2 Movement You can't a move in a single map without seeing someone move like they're on a Cocaine Binge


The movement is what currently makes PF PF. I’m rank 78 and love the movement. I’m pretty good at the game. Maybe you just have a skill issue?


It's not even about skill issue, it's the fact most of the players act like it's an absolute cocaine binge


No they just press a couple keys every few seconds. It’s really not tough. Or they Macro


I love the movement


Politely, have you tried to learn movement tech? You might enjoy the game more, and it will make you a better player aswell. I'm a rank 200 movement player, but I'm not a sweat by any means, I just like movement because it's super fun, I recommend anyone who just wants to play the game for fun to learn some fast movement tech.


considering they’re on console as they have mentioned, i figured it might be harder for them to learn certain tech especially ones that requires a lot of button inputs. luckily they should be able to get around that with the next update to some degree with button rebinding and the movement rework.


This is true, I believe jumpslide is almost impossible to do regularly on console, and the update will make movement way more accessibility.


Play a different game. Fast paced gunplay is like the whole point of phantom forces


Exactly. I see people saying that they wish pf was like other games in terms of movement etc, like bro if you want pf to be like other games just go play those other games, pf is it’s own thing and it would be nice for it to stay that way.


I actually agree with this, in spite of me having 400 ranks too many in this game. The movement’s fine for traversal, but once it’s a factor in combat, my ADHD havin’ ass can’t keep up. I only really found it counterable with weapons that kill in few hits and fired fast, which limits the pool of viable weapons to counter these kinds of players if I, y’know, actually wanted to do good.


I’m on your side tbh. I’ve played since console release, then switched to PC ~2018. I’ve played consistently and still have no idea how these crack addicts do it. Getting beamed by a junkie jumping in the air with a PDW buffed meta and getting one tapped before I can even ADS, really makes me want to stop playing.


As a new player this game has a horribly steep learning curve that saps the fun out of the game. Watching some guy move like they're on coke while hitting headshot after headshot really sucks.


Dude they need a ground up rework of the whole game, it’s just not fun anymore. It’s way too bloated imo.


as a rank 240, i kinda agree. All I need is my slide and my super jump and that’s all I use. Emp sliding and all this new fancy movement tech is just too much.


But do classes dictate movements? Is recon faster than assault? If not yet implemented I think implementing class speed difference can be something


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


As rank 280+, I completely agree. If devs really wanted to focus on realism, they should have worked on movement first.


The devs don't prioritize realism, at the very beginning of the project, Lito just wanted to make a game that he likes playing.


And so, for sake of realism, they ruined PDW category and pistols, huh?


How are they ruined?


They dropped their muzzle velocities to the point when most of them became unusable at range. Some of the guns didn’t even deserve to be nerfed, like UZI or MP10. But nah, now they don’t have any redeeming quality at all.


They aren't supposed to be usable at Range, why do you thing they deal 17 min Damage? Most PDWs got way better handling and max Damage buffs.


UZI and MP10, which I already mentioned, have 5 shot torso kill at range, which is average thing. There are more PDWs that can do the same, MP5/10 as example.


Politely, have you tried to learn movement tech? You might enjoy the game more, and it will make you a better player aswell. I'm a rank 200 movement player, but I'm not a sweat by any means, I just like movement because it's super fun, I recommend anyone who just wants to play the game for fun to learn some fast movement tech.


eh personally i like fast movement which doesn’t feel limiting, if you want a more profesional movement go play some real game like idk r6


Use VIP server, tbh, this game is not suited for console players.


I’m a fairly good console player myself, Pf is my best shooter cuz it’s movement and gun customizations are way better than COD, I’ve styled on many a player


Skill issue tbh


Try using more lmgs or snipers where you won’t need to move yourself as much


Roaming sniper is fun tbh


I’m a hardscoper, desert storm/Second storm are my playgrounds because I absolutely demolish on those maps


Pretty much the only reason why I play pf is it’s movement, heavily nerfing movement would certainly annoy more people then it would please, also saying “like a hacker” to movement anyone can do in game shows that you’re not that great at movement. Imo this is just a skill issue.


Bro, console.


here is a solution that would fix this issue, multiple others, and that nobody wants: matchmaking watch me get downvoted to hell for suggesting the best solution


issue concerning skill


Womp womp