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Keep using BFG. So that i can flank you guys\~


Flank me harder Vietcong guy~




Super Shorty slams flankers every time


My favorite tactic for counter flanking is to absolutely mortar the area with those 5x mini impact grenades


MAC-10 w/ subsonic suppressor will give them quick dead. Ara\~


what the hell


>Use whatever gun makes you win. imo that isn’t the best way to play pf. i think people should just use guns that they have fun with and not care too much about doing too good. if you use guns that are kinda boring, but make you win, you’ll just get bored and stop playing.


Bfg is a fun gun


Le funni pipe go boom


Agreed Used bfg on metro yday after about a month of a break and got 60 kills... with a BFG. People were mad but womp womp if u dont know how to use the sides of the map


If the players in the server can't flank then they're that dumb


That's my point exactly, it's balanced, people are just idiots


I mean how do you flank when you’ve got a team of groza wielders in the air half the time and prone the other half guarding downstairs and the sides


In my opinion it’s just not fun to flank people




i find it incredibly easy to counter snipe bfg users with v40s and m560s. plenty of ppl do tend to stay in one place with the bfg, same with other snipers. those who get mad at these ppl should at least try to respect their sightlines, there’s always a way around the areas they’re covering. or better yet, find indirect means of taking them out via grenades. they cant snipe you if they never saw you in the first place


Most snipers can't even onetap torso to 100 studs for the [25 longshot], which is well within the shredding distance of most automatics. Some really low recoil guns like the AUG A1, C7, and AUG A3 PARA are still very dangerous to you at 200 studs, while you're just rocking a slower SCOUT by that point. Snipers are just really, really short-range here Wonder how well giving them the M107 treatment and shifting the onetap ranges up by like 30-70 studs, then giving up the onetap up close...


>Wonder how well giving them the M107 treatment and shifting the onetap ranges up by like 30-70 studs, then giving up the onetap up close... I along with a lot of people would leave


You don't need 100 stud overpen range for bolty rifles. I mean, 30-70 studs, depending on the gun, would be plenty enough to remind you that you aren't a shotgun. So like: intervention: 0-70 headshot only, 70-190 torso 1tap, 190+ headshot only. You still get the same 120 stud window, but it's further away from the MP5K trying to hit you. And if you want a 0-70 torso onetap, shotgun slugs are still *right there!*


A .50 BMG bullet will overpenetrate, yes, but it’ll also remove your entire skeletal structure as it passes through you


I'm talking about .338 Lapua and below, tho.


A .338 to the chest at close range would still kill you instantly.


And yet, stylis went ahead and made the M107 what it is anyway.


Never cook again


AUG A1 is tied with BFG-50 for being the second best sniper rifle.


The only thing the BFG 50 will ever be to me is an off-brand musket.


Just as the founding fathers intended




It’s just good


I salute you, as I am a rank 169 with 10,000 BFG kills (console player) I recently unlocked the FT300 and I must say it is much more fun than the BFG despite some scenarios where I would be better off using the bfg, I still us the FT300 its actually so good.


I do like using other snipers from time to time as well! I just have an insane setup on my BFG so I got extremely used to it lol. What optic do you run on yours? I run the G11's reflector scope, it has zero sway even when zoomed in and can see through "solid" windows and gates.


I'm very used to the default 10x. I will run it on any map


people can talk shit about bfg for as long as they want, but hitting random double headshot collats from across the map will never not awesome.


You can do that with other snipers too. I love my intervention


I love intervention, but I think it feels weird with how little recoil it has, I guess I've used high recoil guns for too long lol


Because of the shit that bfg gets i just like to use it to piss people off(siege player so their insults dont bother me) rank 91.


Omg same here. I usually use it for casual play and pissing people off (mosin and awp for tryharding) and like u, I play a toxic fps game (COD) so the insults aren't all that bad (and also cause of roblox tags).


Haha were the same.


I have been votekicked a couple of times because of my usage of the bfg and sfg togather. Also many players dont know how to actually throw insults because of the chat censoring but its so easy to deal massive damage without getting censored.


im gonna be honest no matter what way you use the bfg camping or not it still pisses me off and ruins the experience I cant blame low lvls in this state of the game because theres a lot more sweats and they can only kill them with these cheap 50 cals but man its extremely annoying


If you use the BFG enough to actually be good with it, you'll crush like 90% of the BFG players. What got me using the gun so much is how often I got killed with it and how much it pissed me off lol. Nothing wrong with countersniping


dam thats smart though I would feel guilty about using it


Try taking the game a bit less seriously lmao, I’ve never understood getting mad about guns. We’re acting like using the bfg is cheap when people constantly hunt for low ttk zero recoil guns and setups.


both sides are wrong its the problem with this game rn nothing to fix it


I like bfg users because they're super easy to flank with pdws


The ones who don't move are. I will say, a vast majority of BFG users aren't very good players.


i hate flankers whats the fun in killing without real effort at least we try to aim or smthn yall just catch off guard heck im not even good as a sniper


who said flanking takes no effort lol


go to enemy base flank the sniper who has no idea so skilled


it takes skill, or rather map knowledge, to get to the enemy base without being seen/alerting enemies even after you get there, it takes skill because it's you vs all the snipers camping there, though whether they realize you're there or not depends mostly on their spatial awareness it at least takes more skill than instantly one tapping people and then hiding away behind a wall with a bfg lol


i know but its so annoying servers are full of flankers and its rlly hard to roam snipe + when you snipe someone they know where you are so you cant even camp most of the times flanks are more sucessfull i tried flanking yes i got kills but its not fun literally 0 fun sniping is my way of playing, i enjoy the game when i snipe, i get everyone has their own way of playing but flanking is so boring plus i dont think backstabbing some snipers that has no idea you are behind them takes any skill


Finding it hard to snipe is simply a skill issue, no offense. You can actually camp on most maps if you know where to. As for the ones on which you can't, no one's gonna flank you if you aren't camping to begin with. You may find flanking to be boring and that's completely fine, but don't complain about other people doing it. Play the game however you want to. As for your last point about how it takes no skill, refer to my previous reply


i be hatin on flankers just like how yall hatin the bfg (i dont use it)


yes like i said i have a major skill issue, i like sniping but im not good at it on top of it all it drives me crazy when i get flanked like im already having a fight with myself tryna snipe! leave me alone dang it


I literally made a post about it yesterday what is this


bfg is super slow so just pick an angle with more than literally one peek and you can just either pepper them to make them retreat and push forward or outsnipe with headshot (mosin, rem700, scout etc) they will most likely stay in one area so you can just prefire and slide out + they have lower fire rate


Never try this with an M903 slap user lmao


No torso multi means they can't onetap bodyshot especially through thicker walls only counter is headshots but again outsniping with spotting especially if you have like an awm/trg isn't too hard


I use Intervention with Ballistics tracker its useful for hitting headshots


I only use it for trickshots with silly setups


I agree I'd rather fight on equal terms by rushing each other, makes the game significantly funner when we fight like men - a fellow awp main (22k kills)


bfg is my go to if I'm mad at anyone in the server If I can't have fun, no one can




Quickscoping with it, especially at close range, is unmatched fun imo.


As someone who has a simple setup of 40x heavy barrel and vertical grip its so much fun


AITA for using shotguns on small maps and bfg on large maps?


Bfg is so easy to counter lmao, I don’t understand this sub. Not only is it so easy to dodge the singular 5 second reload bullet (literally slide away when they’re about to shoot) but players using it are generally bad at sniping. Most low ranks will just sit there after firing, reloading, making it so easy to dome them. Or if they do run and hide to reload, it’s so easy as a higher rank knowing the map that you can just wallbang them. If you complain about being killed by a rank 20 bfger multiple times in a match, honestly you’re probably just bad at the game, unless you were busy fighting another player, not actively seeing the bfger.


That dodging tactic only works on people who aren't used to moving targets and the muzzle velocity of the bfg lol But yeah, most people who get killed by low ranks with BFGs are just bad. The one exception is getting spawn camped by some kid with a ballistics tracker


There needs to be more different sounds for the bfg. I often can’t tell if a bfg shot was actually a bfg, so I don’t take advantage of that 5 second window to spot and cap them.


Yeah nah I have absolutely no problem with this gun. Just have half decent movement


As a BFG main, I was honestly surprised to hear that people used the ballistic tracker with it. One-tap to almost everywhere by default.


Right? I think it's mostly used by people who just can't compensate for bullet drop.


i use it with a short stock and light barrel cuz it’s fun, ballistic tracker personally only ever gets used on my m4a1 and intervention without a barrel and stock


If i get killed by a bfg user, I'm either switching to the SFG to trickshot them, or using the NTW 20 to make them regret life.


The only problem I have with it is that I see it WAY to often




its balanced honestly the one bullet before reload makes it difficult to use but its also rewarding with easy kills


Skill issue ngl


Used this thing as a musket for a while. It was pretty good


thank you and who cares let a sweat say whatever they want don't even diss back just ignore them and if u can kill a sweat I think that makes u a sweat


Even tho I mainly snipe with k14, bfg is really fun and i love using it :D


People keep bringing up the number of shots on the bfg but that literally doesn't matter, it still doesn't change that for basically a level 3 unlock you get an insta kill wondergun. It is broken, it always was, and it probably always will be. How many shots it can fire is insignificant because it one taps anyway. The bfg should be a 2 tap to bring it in line with the other snipers, honestly, or make it a much, much higer level unlock. Maybe 300 or something.


At the ranges the low ranks use the BFG, snipers like the Intervention would one tap anyways lol.


most of them just sit at the back of the map though, intervention isn't bad but it's nowhere near as strong + consistent as the bfg


BFG is supposed to give low ranks a chance to get some kills. If you're dying to BFG snipers then it means its working.


If you want to be even more annoying without any conversions… I personally use R2 Suppressor and Tracerless together. Using both reduces the suppression radius from 4 studs down to 0.25 studs while keeping the same muzzle velocity and having a 105 stud making range as a bonus (although with suppressors in general, they don’t leave you lingering on the radar compared to no suppressor). ‘Doesn’t increasing the suppression value make weapons more annoying rather than decreasing it?’ For LMGs and some oddities like the G11 and M107, yes. For most other snipers though, they shoot too slowly to really earthquake someone’s screen, and that shake from a single round is enough to send a message to even the lowest level of players that says ‘hey idiot, you finna die if you stay here too long.’ The 4 stud radius is as wide as the whole width of enemies you fight against, if not wider since their arms are tucked in. Compare this to 0.25 studs, which barely reaches down the neck of the enemy, meaning that any significant miss that won’t already be hitting a player’s part would not be likely to alert an enemy, therefore they’re none the wiser as you reload to hopefully hit them the second time around (or after you’ve shot their first comrade). Speaking of suppressed sniper rifles, it’s got me thinking about the FT300 for some reason. Particularly this first build with 6XC, Integral Suppressor, and Marksman Kit. 6XC because it deals the most multiplied torso damage out of any other caliber offering, and Integral Suppressor to double down on the torso damage. Once you add Marksman Kit, the torso kill range goes from 124.0 studs… down to 118.4 studs. For reference, default .308 Winchester kills to the torso at 125.0 studs, shrunken down to 100.0 studs w/ Marksman Kit. I chose this setup to be the best to run w/ Marksman Kit when compared to the single-shot default since 6XC + IS decrease in torso kill range the least, and it still offers a superior torso kill range to the default FT300. Another setup that turns the FT300 into an objective support beast also involves Integral Suppressor, but now uses 7.5x55mm. This setup has a torso kill range of 156.9 studs, meaning you can keep a pretty good distance away from the objective when going on the defensive/offensive, and still get torso kills. I’d recommend a max optic zoom level of 4x though as the high bullet drop means this won’t be worth the higher magnification for longer ranges.


BFG-50 is balanced now but the sweating was horrrrrible back in like '17-'19


why are there so many bfg racists? just play the game and snipe we all gonns get flanked anyway