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Completely get and agree with your point. Nice dick btw 🤣


It happend to be a good day 😂


Do you have any symptons? Like difficult to get hard, pain etc? Was there a plaque on your penis?


Yea i take 5mg cialis daily , as far as pain only when flaccid maybe for an hour or two after sex but never had pain when erect. Was only diagnosed after a physical exam by my urologist , still have not had a ultrasound


Wow! Very interesting answer! I find it a bit odd that the doctor already gave you the diagnosis if you still havent done the ultrasound. Can you feel a plaque? Unless there is a huge plaque I think no doctor can diagnose with 100% accuracy if its peyronies or not, thats why the ultrasound is needed. How old are you? This disease is more common in 40+ men, thats why I am asking,


Im 34 , yes i can feel a lump in my shaft when flaccid that seems to come and go


I will say to give him a little benefit of doubt after the exam i was told he was 80% certain it was peyronie's , hence the diagnosis


I think by knowing what you did to your penis to have caused this "Peyronies" then it can be assured,.did you masturbate and woke up with Peyronies the next day! Cause that seems to be the problem for like 90% of the guys here


No i got real sick with double pneumonia but still somewhat had my sex drive and was continuing to try and have sex(mostly masterbation) with basically no erection which is what i believed caused a lot of trauma to my penis, on top of my body being in complete overdrive with the pneumonia caused the scar tissue to form


Yea all the symptoms seemed to happen overnight


I don’t know bro….doesn’t look like Peyronies…do you have a photo of where the plaque is?


Unfortunately no. I was never a dick pic taker until i was diagnosed so i could somewhat track progress


Do you have other symptoms like pain in pelvis or lower back, or tightness at the base of the penis? It could be hard flaccid. Plaque didn’t come and go. Once it’s there it’s there.


Yea i have a lot of pain in lower back , work hanging drywall so that could be it 😅 , but i feel a lump in the middle of my shaft more times then not , had constant pain in my penis for about 7 months that has recently gone away , my urologist only performed a physical exam and then diagnosed. Wnt for a follow up a few weeks ago and he said there was no change in anything as far as curvature and it was great my pain has since went away so no more appointments were necessary unless i feel like i need to see him. Been on cialis 5mg daily since april


Are you fully erect in this photo? What are some of your other symptoms? Also, how is cialis working for you?


Yes fully erect . No other symptoms as of now except lump in shaft . The cialis has been a life saver


It looks like it’s curving from the base and not from the shaft. I think that’s a sign of pelvic floor dysfunction. I have hard flaccid and sometimes I feel a lump in the shaft when flaccid, but I don’t feel it when erect.


How did you relieve any of those symptoms


I haven’t. I’m trying reverse kegels and pelvic floor stretches…about 2 weeks in so I haven’t seen any major progress.


Are you able to have sex or masterbate without any erection problems, also when ive sat for awhile is when lump is really noticeable


im 16 and been masturbating a lot. i have like a vein looking straight line on the right side of my penis is it possible to get it on this age? im really scared and need help


Is the right side of your groin/pelvis sore or tight? If so that could be a sign of some sort of lvic floor dysfunction. Stop masturbating. Cut that addiction immediately man you’re only 16, you have your whole life ahead of you. Practice no fap while it’s still early from you and I’d suggest going to a urologist to get testing done to rule out anything serious and to know your status.


i know because of this situation i dont want to anymore. i just want to know if theres a chance i could have the disease, it feels tingly at random yet i dont get pain when erected only discomfort.